Ruth Weiss

American poet
Died on Monday August 3rd 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Ruth Weiss:

@Janina_Ruth: Das Nachbarskind hat sich heute Abend selbst eingeladen. Liebe Corona-Eltern, ich weiß jetzt, wie es ist im HomeOff… - 5 years ago

@liammcurley: RT @Hoodline: Remembering Ruth Weiss, North Beach poet and provocateur - 5 years ago

@philosophylinks: RT @stevesilberman: RIP Ruth Weiss, who combined #poetry and #jazz, and blazed her own trail as a woman among the Beats. - 5 years ago

@ByRobinEpley: @LauraTweetsAll Often it’s done in protest. In this case, the woman in question was beat poet ruth weiss, who recen… - 5 years ago


@Ginger_Phoenix: New trailer for documentary ‘Ruth Weiss: The Beat Goddess’ - 5 years ago

@NerdlyUK: New trailer for documentary ‘Ruth Weiss: The Beat Goddess’ - 5 years ago

@ChrisGeraldine2: RT @ActuaLitte: Disparition de Ruth Weiss, “déesse de la Beat Generation” #rip #disparition #beatgeneration #poesi… - 5 years ago

@moritz_ruth: Hab heute meinen ersten eigenen Email-Server mit Ging wirklich sehr einfach und… - 5 years ago

@MerylPinque: Disparition de Ruth Weiss, “déesse de la Beat Generation” - 5 years ago

@cnsdrthcoconut: RT @songtoachilles: además, por supuesto, de que la "generación beat" no solo es ginsberg burroughs kerouac, pues muchísimas mujeres se ads… - 5 years ago

@songtoachilles: además, por supuesto, de que la "generación beat" no solo es ginsberg burroughs kerouac, pues muchísimas mujeres se… - 5 years ago

@babrsf: - 5 years ago

@MFFables: - 5 years ago

@Fuerza_Mundial: Remembering Ruth Weiss, North Beach poet and provocateur - 5 years ago

@WritingLife_b: Remembering Ruth Weiss, North Beach poet and provocateur #writing - 5 years ago

@YayYaysKitchen: RT @Hoodline: Remembering Ruth Weiss, North Beach poet and provocateur - 5 years ago

@ricklarios: RT @editcatsf: Thank you to @CityLightsBooks and Peter Maravelis for the thoughtful interview about Ruth Weiss. What an influence she had… - 5 years ago

@CityLightsBooks: RT @editcatsf: Thank you to @CityLightsBooks and Peter Maravelis for the thoughtful interview about Ruth Weiss. What an influence she had… - 5 years ago

@editcatsf: Thank you to @CityLightsBooks and Peter Maravelis for the thoughtful interview about Ruth Weiss. What an influence… - 5 years ago

@noelthasco: RT @Hoodline: Remembering Ruth Weiss, North Beach poet and provocateur - 5 years ago

@Hoodline: Remembering Ruth Weiss, North Beach poet and provocateur - 5 years ago

@Ruth_Shell_: @Koksknoedel @pepper46477330 10km bei mir. Ich weiß zwar nicht wie man das wertet, aber ich glaube das ich gewonnen habe. 🤷🏼‍♀️ - 5 years ago

@Cineramafilm: RT @Cineramafilm: Ruth Weiss: The Beat Goddess to premiere at Romford Film Festival @romfordfilm #RuthWeiss - 5 years ago

@Janina_Ruth: RT @KonstanzeMarx: Sodele, ich hab mal ein bisschen gerechnet. Wer mich kennt, der weiß, dass ich um große Zahlen gern einen Bogen mache, a… - 5 years ago

@ingridhamilton: RT @VIMOOZ: Watch Trailer for RUTH WEISS : THE BEAT GODDESS, Fascinating Documentary on the Late Beat Poet and Writer - 5 years ago

@movieaddictUK: RT @Cineramafilm: Ruth Weiss: The Beat Goddess to premiere at Romford Film Festival @romfordfilm #RuthWeiss - 5 years ago

@Cineramafilm: Ruth Weiss: The Beat Goddess to premiere at Romford Film Festival @romfordfilm #RuthWeiss - 5 years ago

@gala: Ruth Moschner musste sich auf Instagram bereits einige sexistische Kommentare gefallen lassen. Die Moderatorin weiß… - 5 years ago

@WldRvrFshr: Ruth Weiss, poet known as the mother of the Beats, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@namhenderson: RT @SFC_Datebook: In the 1950s, Weiss helped introduce the fusion of poetry and jazz music as the vanguard of the San Francisco Renaissance… - 5 years ago

@minorcharactr: RT @SFC_Datebook: In the 1950s, Weiss helped introduce the fusion of poetry and jazz music as the vanguard of the San Francisco Renaissance… - 5 years ago

@coolgrey: RT @SFC_Datebook: In the 1950s, Weiss helped introduce the fusion of poetry and jazz music as the vanguard of the San Francisco Renaissance… - 5 years ago

@EmperorNortonSF: Emperor Norton’s Fantastic History Vlog: #114 Saturday Special with the Countess Lola Montez of Landsfeld: Ruth Wei… - 5 years ago

@SFC_Datebook: In the 1950s, Weiss helped introduce the fusion of poetry and jazz music as the vanguard of the San Francisco Renai… - 5 years ago

@iwona46: Disparition de Ruth Weiss, “déesse de la Beat Generation” - 5 years ago

@Alcyone_viola: RT @Ginsbergpoem: Allen Ginsberg's Fall of America Journals,John Giorno Great Demon Kings, ruth weiss RIP -Social Animals - Friday's Weekly… - 5 years ago

@Le_C_L: Disparition de Ruth Weiss, “déesse de la Beat Generation” - 5 years ago

@Opuscules1: RT @ActuaLitte: Disparition de Ruth Weiss, “déesse de la Beat Generation” #rip #disparition #beatgeneration #poesi… - 5 years ago

@romfordfilm: RT @FromPage2Screen: Ruth Weiss The Beat Goddess will have its UK premiere at the Romford Film Festival, August 18. ( @romfordfilm ) #filmt… - 5 years ago

@OctoberGang: RT @meawwofficial: It took her no time to became a Jazz troubadour portraying the zeitgeist of Chicago, New Orleans, and San Francisco. #R… - 5 years ago

@meawwofficial: It took her no time to became a Jazz troubadour portraying the zeitgeist of Chicago, New Orleans, and San Francisco… - 5 years ago

@philosophylinks: RT @stevesilberman: RIP Ruth Weiss, who combined #poetry and #jazz, and blazed her own trail as a woman among the Beats. - 5 years ago

@SuckItAhab: Ruth Weiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@KerouacDotCom: We've been getting a lot of inquiries regarding which ruth weiss books we have available for purchase. All we have… - 5 years ago

@christi99830943: Ruth Weiss Obituary died 🙏🙏 @christi99830943 - 5 years ago

@Thelmadonna: RIP to this jazz poet and trailblazer. - 5 years ago

@BuzzInsoliteFr: Disparition de Ruth Weiss, “déesse de la Beat Generation” - 5 years ago

@Michael_Begnal: RT @TremblingPillow: RIP ruth weiss #beatpoet #womenbeat #poetry #authors #poet #angels - 5 years ago

@MurphyWriting: "Weiss may not have invented what came to be known as 'jazz poetry,' but she is credited with introducing it to San… - 5 years ago

@jimjakobs: RT @GVWire: “Automatic mailing appears to be an unnecessary overreaction to the situation.” — Ruth Weiss, Election Integrity Project | http… - 5 years ago

@DiogenedArc: RT @lautreamont13: R I P Ruth Weiss Check out this article: Ruth Weiss (1928 - 2020), pioneering female beat poet - 5 years ago

@lautreamont13: R I P Ruth Weiss Check out this article: Ruth Weiss (1928 - 2020), pioneering female beat poet - 5 years ago

@GVWire: “Automatic mailing appears to be an unnecessary overreaction to the situation.” — Ruth Weiss, Election Integrity Pr… - 5 years ago

@DiogenedArc: Disparition de Ruth Weiss, “déesse de la Beat Generation” - 5 years ago

@Ginsbergpoem: @poetry__project - Allen Ginsberg's Fall of America Journals,John Giorno Great Demon Kings, ruth weiss RIP -Social… - 5 years ago

@NorwalkLibCT: Ruth Weiss, a unique #poet, termed the #beat goddess, died July 31, 2020. There is a film in Kanopy, available wit… - 5 years ago

@IziBook: Disparition de Ruth Weiss, “déesse de la Beat Generation” - 5 years ago

@JakeTheTeifling: RT @Ginsbergpoem: Upcoming Fall of America Journals - John Giorno's 'candid" criticism of Allen, ruth weiss RIP - Social Animals' Falling A… - 5 years ago

@MichaelTomasel2: RT @Ginsbergpoem: Upcoming Fall of America Journals - John Giorno's 'candid" criticism of Allen, ruth weiss RIP - Social Animals' Falling A… - 5 years ago

@Ginsbergpoem: Upcoming Fall of America Journals - John Giorno's 'candid" criticism of Allen, ruth weiss RIP - Social Animals' Fal… - 5 years ago

@Ginsbergpoem: @ronslate - Allen Ginsberg's Fall of America Journals,John Giorno Great Demon Kings, ruth weiss RIP -Social Animals… - 5 years ago

@Ginsbergpoem: @KerouacDotCom - Allen Ginsberg's Fall of America Journals,John Giorno Great Demon Kings, ruth weiss RIP -Social An… - 5 years ago

@beatdom: RT @Ginsbergpoem: Allen Ginsberg's Fall of America Journals,John Giorno Great Demon Kings, ruth weiss RIP -Social Animals - Friday's Weekly… - 5 years ago

@BmillsBilly: RT @Ginsbergpoem: @BmillsBilly - Allen Ginsberg's Fall of America Journals,John Giorno Great Demon Kings, ruth weiss RIP -Social Animals -… - 5 years ago

@Ginsbergpoem: @EmptyMirror - Allen Ginsberg's Fall of America Journals,John Giorno Great Demon Kings, ruth weiss RIP -Social Anim… - 5 years ago

@Ginsbergpoem: @IMcMillan - Allen Ginsberg's Fall of America Journals,John Giorno Great Demon Kings, ruth weiss RIP -Social Animal… - 5 years ago

@Ginsbergpoem: @BmillsBilly - Allen Ginsberg's Fall of America Journals,John Giorno Great Demon Kings, ruth weiss RIP -Social Anim… - 5 years ago

@Ginsbergpoem: Allen Ginsberg's Fall of America Journals,John Giorno Great Demon Kings, ruth weiss RIP -Social Animals - Friday's… - 5 years ago

@themoviewaffler: Here's the trailer for RUTH WEISS : THE BEAT GODDESS, which tells the story of beat poet Ruth Weiss, who sdaly pass… - 5 years ago

@meawwofficial: All you need to know about docu on legendary poet, Ruth Weiss. #RuthWeiss - 5 years ago

@BroadwayWorldTV: VIDEO: See the Trailer for RUTH WEISS : THE BEAT GODDESS - 5 years ago

@NitaSweeney: RT @LowerHaightbk: "Trust the bend in the road." ruth weiss - 5 years ago

@LowerHaightbk: "Trust the bend in the road." ruth weiss - 5 years ago

@Movie_Elite: NEW TRAILER FOR RUTH WEISS: THE BEAT GODDESS - The Movie Elite - 5 years ago

@ABNewswire: New film immortalizes late beat goddess Ruth Weiss - 5 years ago

@PressRelease_cc: New film immortalizes late beat goddess Ruth Weiss - 5 years ago

@Janina_Ruth: @JankoTietz @ChrisStoecker @DLF Vor vier, fünf Jahren habe ich mich noch viel mit Migrationen beschäftigt und Ähnli… - 5 years ago

@VIMOOZ: Watch Trailer for RUTH WEISS : THE BEAT GODDESS, Fascinating Documentary on the Late Beat Poet and Writer - 5 years ago

@CineDump: Ruth Weiss The Beat Goddess - Documentary on late beat poet and writer premieres August 18 - 5 years ago

@Doallas: - 5 years ago

@newguyreview101: Trailer Alert – Ruth Weiss, The Beat Goddess - 5 years ago

@newguyreview101: Trailer Alert – Ruth Weiss, The Beat Goddess - 5 years ago

@kkuvo69: Ruth Weiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@irvingact3: RT @FromPage2Screen: Ruth Weiss The Beat Goddess will have its UK premiere at the Romford Film Festival, August 18. ( @romfordfilm ) #filmt… - 5 years ago

@FromPage2Screen: Ruth Weiss The Beat Goddess will have its UK premiere at the Romford Film Festival, August 18. ( @romfordfilm )… - 5 years ago

@FromPage2Screen: Ruth Weiss The Beat Goddess will have its UK premiere at the Romford Film Festival, August 18. ( @romfordfilm ) … - 5 years ago

@Congo_Red_Jr: RT @45THD1V1S1ON___: 16/ Ruth Weiss, a JEW, was the last of the those still living that experienced both the Communist Chinese Revolution… - 5 years ago

@thislifegood: RT @artistclancy: Another #poet to cherish - 5 years ago

@AChicagoLily: 2019 BEST DOCUMENTARY: ruth weiss, the beat goddess - 5 years ago

@artistclancy: Another #poet to cherish - 5 years ago

@JamieZoeGivens: RT @Poetry_Daily: Obituary: "Until the arrival of Diane di Prima in the late 1960s, Weiss was often the only woman on the North Beach circu… - 5 years ago

@nephthys33: RT @Poetry_Daily: Obituary: "Until the arrival of Diane di Prima in the late 1960s, Weiss was often the only woman on the North Beach circu… - 5 years ago

@Poetry_Daily: Obituary: "Until the arrival of Diane di Prima in the late 1960s, Weiss was often the only woman on the North Beach… - 5 years ago

@KalynaPress: Ruth Weiss, 'Mother of the Beats,' Dies at 92 | by Harriet Staff - 5 years ago

@Angelanoaker31: RT @45THD1V1S1ON___: 16/ Ruth Weiss, a JEW, was the last of the those still living that experienced both the Communist Chinese Revolution… - 5 years ago

@GemBlackthorn: RT @Poetry_Daily: Obituary: "Until the arrival of Diane di Prima in the late 1960s, Weiss was often the only woman on the North Beach circu… - 5 years ago

@Janina_Ruth: Es ist für mich scheinbar absolut unmöglich, Kissenbezüge ohne Flecken zu finden. Habe mich jetzt für die weiß-blau… - 5 years ago

@Lit_Doctor: ruth weiss in remembrance - 5 years ago

@rubink: "This time is yours Full in the sun..." ~ Ruth Weiss (1928–2020) - 5 years ago

@SeraTemple: RT @ReginaMarler: Ruth Weiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@opheliasings: RT @ReginaMarler: Ruth Weiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@SFC_Datebook: In the 1950s, Weiss helped introduce the fusion of poetry and jazz music as the vanguard of the San Francisco Renai… - 5 years ago

@StuttElaine: RT @jenbenka: ‘Who is this woman with the teal hair and this tiara crown and dragon necklace, talking in this husky voice?’ RIP Ruth Weiss - 5 years ago

@JustinLizSayre: Books for the month: Corregidora by Gayl Jones Can’t Stop the Beat by Ruth Weiss The Prettiest Star by Carter Sicke… - 5 years ago

@StylePoems: So sad to hear we've lost SF poet Ruth Weiss, age 92. I was privileged to meet her a couple of times, I remember ho… - 5 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Poet ruth weiss; sculptors Miodrag Zivkovic, Pino Grioni; developer B. Allen Casey Jr.; actre… - 5 years ago

@_agorerita_: incluso el mal más dulce existe un punto donde el rescate último del amor es posible existe ese punto duradero que… - 5 years ago

@LaGataMacha: Ruth Weiss, Beat poet who brought the performance of poetry with jazz music to the SF scene in 1952, sported teal h… - 5 years ago

@Blumacjazz: ⁦@Beathhigh⁩ ,⁦@adrianmckinty⁩ ⁦@LiamMcIlvanney⁩ ⁦@HighlandWriter⁩ ,⁦@stuartneville⁩ ⁦@StuartMacBride⁩ Living in th… - 5 years ago

@Splabman: - 5 years ago

@TallinnArts: ruth weiss - 5 years ago

@amjuster: RT @amjuster: #RuthWeiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92: - 5 years ago

@ttexed: RT @ebsninfo: ruth weiss - 5 years ago

@LowerHaightbk: A young and fabulous ruth weiss - 5 years ago

@LitManhattan: RT @jenbenka: ‘Who is this woman with the teal hair and this tiara crown and dragon necklace, talking in this husky voice?’ RIP Ruth Weiss - 5 years ago

@JustinLizSayre: So saddened to hear of the loss of Ruth Weiss. A tremendous poet, artist and performer. - 5 years ago

@KiniaKiniaKini1: RT @stevesilberman: RIP Ruth Weiss, who combined #poetry and #jazz, and blazed her own trail as a woman among the Beats. - 5 years ago

@LitManhattan: RT @threeroomspress: RIP Ruth Weiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@atlajala: spending the afternoon with ruth weiss's beautiful 1976 book Light and other poems, a favorite of mine that earlier… - 5 years ago

@SkotArmstrong: RT @stevesilberman: RIP Ruth Weiss, who combined #poetry and #jazz, and blazed her own trail as a woman among the Beats. - 5 years ago

@philosophylinks: RT @stevesilberman: RIP Ruth Weiss, who combined #poetry and #jazz, and blazed her own trail as a woman among the Beats. - 5 years ago

@DrCarolQuinn: RT @amjuster: #RuthWeiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92: - 5 years ago

@GlurtInstitute: RT @stevesilberman: RIP Ruth Weiss, who combined #poetry and #jazz, and blazed her own trail as a woman among the Beats. - 5 years ago

@rhanyAchmad: RT @stevesilberman: RIP Ruth Weiss, who combined #poetry and #jazz, and blazed her own trail as a woman among the Beats. - 5 years ago

@ConsueloPoet: Ruth Weiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@VegasLife9: RT @stevesilberman: RIP Ruth Weiss, who combined #poetry and #jazz, and blazed her own trail as a woman among the Beats. - 5 years ago

@TinaKendrick01: RT @stevesilberman: RIP Ruth Weiss, who combined #poetry and #jazz, and blazed her own trail as a woman among the Beats. - 5 years ago

@SureDontKnow: RT @stevesilberman: RIP Ruth Weiss, who combined #poetry and #jazz, and blazed her own trail as a woman among the Beats. - 5 years ago

@MosesHawk: RT @stevesilberman: RIP Ruth Weiss, who combined #poetry and #jazz, and blazed her own trail as a woman among the Beats. - 5 years ago

@AKF1975: RT @stevesilberman: RIP Ruth Weiss, who combined #poetry and #jazz, and blazed her own trail as a woman among the Beats. - 5 years ago

@enjolifromspace: RT @stevesilberman: RIP Ruth Weiss, who combined #poetry and #jazz, and blazed her own trail as a woman among the Beats. - 5 years ago

@ZNursinga: RT @stevesilberman: RIP Ruth Weiss, who combined #poetry and #jazz, and blazed her own trail as a woman among the Beats. - 5 years ago

@jerryn13: RT @stevesilberman: RIP Ruth Weiss, who combined #poetry and #jazz, and blazed her own trail as a woman among the Beats. - 5 years ago

@SunshineHappyP1: RT @stevesilberman: RIP Ruth Weiss, who combined #poetry and #jazz, and blazed her own trail as a woman among the Beats. - 5 years ago

@docfreeride: RT @stevesilberman: RIP Ruth Weiss, who combined #poetry and #jazz, and blazed her own trail as a woman among the Beats. - 5 years ago

@leemwilliams: RT @stevesilberman: RIP Ruth Weiss, who combined #poetry and #jazz, and blazed her own trail as a woman among the Beats. - 5 years ago

@smithbrainz: RT @stevesilberman: RIP Ruth Weiss, who combined #poetry and #jazz, and blazed her own trail as a woman among the Beats. - 5 years ago

@tigerbeat: RT @stevesilberman: RIP Ruth Weiss, who combined #poetry and #jazz, and blazed her own trail as a woman among the Beats. - 5 years ago

@12pt9: RT @stevesilberman: RIP Ruth Weiss, who combined #poetry and #jazz, and blazed her own trail as a woman among the Beats. - 5 years ago

@stevesilberman: RIP Ruth Weiss, who combined #poetry and #jazz, and blazed her own trail as a woman among the Beats. - 5 years ago

@SeaNettleInk: RT @amjuster: #RuthWeiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92: - 5 years ago

@4blessedbees: - 5 years ago

@eyebeat: RT @jenbenka: ‘Who is this woman with the teal hair and this tiara crown and dragon necklace, talking in this husky voice?’ RIP Ruth Weiss - 5 years ago

@threeroomspress: RIP Ruth Weiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@ptoppani: RT @jenbenka: ‘Who is this woman with the teal hair and this tiara crown and dragon necklace, talking in this husky voice?’ RIP Ruth Weiss - 5 years ago

@thisbrokenhill: RT @amjuster: #RuthWeiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92: - 5 years ago

@KariFlickinger: RT @amjuster: #RuthWeiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92: - 5 years ago

@PeachDelphine: RT @amjuster: #RuthWeiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92: - 5 years ago

@MJSEyesOpened: RT @amjuster: #RuthWeiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92: - 5 years ago

@JulieKanePoet: Ruth lived in the New Orleans French Quarter in the early 1950s and was already performing poetry with jazz musicia… - 5 years ago

@Missmrecommends: RT @amjuster: #RuthWeiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92: - 5 years ago

@ganymeder: RT @jesuscrisis: San Francisco Chronicle: Ruth Weiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92. - 5 years ago

@LadyFear1: RT @amjuster: #RuthWeiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92: - 5 years ago

@jeremylybarger: "Until the arrival of Diane di Prima in the late 1960s, Weiss was often the only woman on the North Beach circuit,… - 5 years ago

@nikrrabbit: RT @amjuster: #RuthWeiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92: - 5 years ago

@AltaJournal: RT @Litquake: “She wrote in jazz rhythms & her work was fundamentally experimental.” Our hearts go out to the friends & fans of Beat Gene… - 5 years ago

@SFC_Datebook: RT @Litquake: “She wrote in jazz rhythms & her work was fundamentally experimental.” Our hearts go out to the friends & fans of Beat Gene… - 5 years ago

@theclawsoftime: RT @amjuster: #RuthWeiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92: - 5 years ago

@PoetCalloway: RT @amjuster: #RuthWeiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92: - 5 years ago

@Litquake: “She wrote in jazz rhythms & her work was fundamentally experimental.” Our hearts go out to the friends & fans of… - 5 years ago

@mrkaplanenglish: RT @jenbenka: ‘Who is this woman with the teal hair and this tiara crown and dragon necklace, talking in this husky voice?’ RIP Ruth Weiss - 5 years ago

@femizoet: RT @amjuster: #RuthWeiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92: - 5 years ago

@rgibson103: RT @amjuster: #RuthWeiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92: - 5 years ago

@Poetry_Daily: RT @amjuster: #RuthWeiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92: - 5 years ago

@amjuster: #RuthWeiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92: - 5 years ago

@jesuscrisis: San Francisco Chronicle: Ruth Weiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92. via @GoogleNews - 5 years ago

@emmajolly: RT @AaronPeskin: I knew Ruth Weiss, the “mother of the Beats”, for over 25 years. Who knows how a true poet survives on their art for a lif… - 5 years ago

@secondshelfbks: RT @mrnicholasmark: @secondshelfbks @ReginaMarler Did you manage to read her obit? If not, I've downloaded a copy and uploaded it to my ser… - 5 years ago

@bellwetherSF: RT @AaronPeskin: I knew Ruth Weiss, the “mother of the Beats”, for over 25 years. Who knows how a true poet survives on their art for a lif… - 5 years ago

@MaximoFernandez: RT @peleadalacontra: - 5 years ago

@FriendsSFPL: RT @richeditor: 1993 ruth weiss at old San Francisco Main Library. Click link to watch - - 5 years ago

@richeditor: 2017 ruth weiss at the new San Francisco Main Library. Click link to watch - - 5 years ago

@peleadalacontra: Oralidad, jazz y poesía: ruth weiss - - 5 years ago

@richeditor: 1993 ruth weiss at old San Francisco Main Library. Click link to watch - - 5 years ago

@chagai_weiss: Had such a great time this morning in IGR1, with amazing papers by @salma_mousa_ @DeFilippisEvan Joshua Greene… - 5 years ago

@peleadalacontra: - 5 years ago

@NOLABOOKFAIR: RT @jenbenka: ‘Who is this woman with the teal hair and this tiara crown and dragon necklace, talking in this husky voice?’ RIP Ruth Weiss - 5 years ago

@sethr: RT @AaronPeskin: I knew Ruth Weiss, the “mother of the Beats”, for over 25 years. Who knows how a true poet survives on their art for a lif… - 5 years ago

@acodrescu: RT @jenbenka: ‘Who is this woman with the teal hair and this tiara crown and dragon necklace, talking in this husky voice?’ RIP Ruth Weiss - 5 years ago

@RadioFreeAlbion: Saddened by the news this weekend of ruth weiss's passing. I'm grateful for her visit to my Columbia College Chicag… - 5 years ago

@souris: “Her poems are her children and her life’s legacy, and that will continue her line,” said Miller. “It is up to her… - 5 years ago

@coolgrey: RT @AaronPeskin: I knew Ruth Weiss, the “mother of the Beats”, for over 25 years. Who knows how a true poet survives on their art for a lif… - 5 years ago

@crisbouger: RT @Blisick: One of my fave readings I ever did was with Ruth at the old Coco Club in SF. Experimental and so alive! - 5 years ago

@JoelVanderWerf: RT @AaronPeskin: I knew Ruth Weiss, the “mother of the Beats”, for over 25 years. Who knows how a true poet survives on their art for a lif… - 5 years ago

@mrnicholasmark: @secondshelfbks @ReginaMarler Did you manage to read her obit? If not, I've downloaded a copy and uploaded it to my… - 5 years ago

@HankDonat: RT @AaronPeskin: I knew Ruth Weiss, the “mother of the Beats”, for over 25 years. Who knows how a true poet survives on their art for a lif… - 5 years ago

@AaronPeskin: I knew Ruth Weiss, the “mother of the Beats”, for over 25 years. Who knows how a true poet survives on their art fo… - 5 years ago

@kittenonthekeys: Ruth Weiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@MaxwellBauman: RT @DoorIsAJarMag: Ruth Weiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@osccvh: RT @SFC_Datebook: In the 1950s, Weiss helped introduce the fusion of poetry and jazz music as the vanguard of the San Francisco Renaissance… - 5 years ago

@MaximilianVict4: RT @jenbenka: ‘Who is this woman with the teal hair and this tiara crown and dragon necklace, talking in this husky voice?’ RIP Ruth Weiss - 5 years ago

@jabastidas: RT @SFC_Datebook: Later crowned “Beat Generation Goddess Ruth Weiss,” by Chronicle columnist Herb Caen, Weiss was a working poet for more t… - 5 years ago

@SFC_Datebook: Later crowned “Beat Generation Goddess Ruth Weiss,” by Chronicle columnist Herb Caen, Weiss was a working poet for… - 5 years ago

@MarkPritchard: Rest in power, queen - 5 years ago

@orbigail: RT @DoorIsAJarMag: Ruth Weiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@PoetryLA: Ruth Weiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ S.F. Beat scene, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@rosicrucian1970: RT @Blisick: One of my fave readings I ever did was with Ruth at the old Coco Club in SF. Experimental and so alive! - 5 years ago

@SFC_Datebook: RT @Blisick: One of my fave readings I ever did was with Ruth at the old Coco Club in SF. Experimental and so alive! - 5 years ago

@EliVandell: RT @DoorIsAJarMag: Ruth Weiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@larryodean: - 5 years ago

@robertadonnay: Beat poet Ruth Weiss, RIP at 92, fantastic story of the start of beat poetry performed with bass! #jazz #poetry… - 5 years ago

@EveLittlepage: RT @secondshelfbks: We've posted a little bit about ruth weiss's work and life on our instagram page @ secondshelfbooks. May all women writ… - 5 years ago

@EveLittlepage: RT @secondshelfbks: We would very much like to read her obit, but GDPR is preventing us (thanks @ReginaMarler for posting) - 5 years ago

@insurancegoth: great poet should be more widely known. rest in peace ruth weiss - 5 years ago

@aboutplacejourn: RT @jenbenka: ‘Who is this woman with the teal hair and this tiara crown and dragon necklace, talking in this husky voice?’ RIP Ruth Weiss - 5 years ago

@Jacob_A_Ramirez: RT @DoorIsAJarMag: Ruth Weiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@secondshelfbks: We've posted a little bit about ruth weiss's work and life on our instagram page @ secondshelfbooks. May all women… - 5 years ago

@beatdom: RT @ebsninfo: ruth weiss - 5 years ago

@secondshelfbks: We would very much like to read her obit, but GDPR is preventing us (thanks @ReginaMarler for posting) - 5 years ago

@DoorIsAJarMag: Ruth Weiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@marcch: Ruth Weiss died yesterday at 92 in Mendocino, CA. She was a Beat poet, reciting her own verses to the sound of jazz… - 5 years ago

@kelseyschimm: RT @Blisick: One of my fave readings I ever did was with Ruth at the old Coco Club in SF. Experimental and so alive! - 5 years ago

@girlyfriday: RT @Blisick: One of my fave readings I ever did was with Ruth at the old Coco Club in SF. Experimental and so alive! - 5 years ago

@caitlindonohue: This photo told me the future. Rest in power, California queen. #RuthWeiss - 5 years ago

@RobertA86229581: Ruth Weiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@CityLightsBooks: RT @Blisick: One of my fave readings I ever did was with Ruth at the old Coco Club in SF. Experimental and so alive! - 5 years ago

@queerlycontent: RT @jenbenka: ‘Who is this woman with the teal hair and this tiara crown and dragon necklace, talking in this husky voice?’ RIP Ruth Weiss - 5 years ago

@thewhitespike: RT @ReginaMarler: Ruth Weiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@queerlycontent: RT @Blisick: One of my fave readings I ever did was with Ruth at the old Coco Club in SF. Experimental and so alive! - 5 years ago

@marykilmer: RT @jenbenka: ‘Who is this woman with the teal hair and this tiara crown and dragon necklace, talking in this husky voice?’ RIP Ruth Weiss - 5 years ago

@Blisick: One of my fave readings I ever did was with Ruth at the old Coco Club in SF. Experimental and so alive! - 5 years ago

@addiebrook: RT @jenbenka: ‘Who is this woman with the teal hair and this tiara crown and dragon necklace, talking in this husky voice?’ RIP Ruth Weiss - 5 years ago

@ReginaMarler: Ruth Weiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@cookuntiltender: RT @jenbenka: ‘Who is this woman with the teal hair and this tiara crown and dragon necklace, talking in this husky voice?’ RIP Ruth Weiss - 5 years ago

@jenbenka: ‘Who is this woman with the teal hair and this tiara crown and dragon necklace, talking in this husky voice?’ RIP R… - 5 years ago

@indranmx: Ruth Weiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@CarolineLosneck: Ruth Weiss, trailblazing poet in the 'boys' club' Beat scene, dies at 92 | Datebook - 5 years ago

@ebsninfo: ruth weiss - 5 years ago

@passed_present: "Weiss was often the only woman on the North Beach circuit, and she was the first Beat poet, man or woman, to read… - 5 years ago

@Sadiesniece: - 5 years ago

@JMHardinBoston: RT @gutenberg_org: Ruth Weiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92 via ⁦@sfchronicle⁩ - 5 years ago

@Schakofterick: RT @gutenberg_org: Ruth Weiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92 via ⁦@sfchronicle⁩ - 5 years ago

@gutenberg_org: Ruth Weiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92 via ⁦@sfchronicle⁩ - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Ruth Weiss - #RuthWeiss #Ruth #Weiss #rip - 5 years ago

@mamewhit: Ruth Weiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@wolfchen84: @BoesesK Ich weiß nicht ob es an masked singer liegt aber finde die ruth mittlerweile nur noch nervig. - 5 years ago

@RLDarden: RT @raingraves: ruth weiss obituary in @sfchronicle - 5 years ago

@Daphne79090161: Ruth Weiss, trailblazing poet in the ‘boys’ club’ Beat scene, dies at 92 A friend and nei… - 5 years ago

@fifitrixie038: RT @ruthweissfilm: The goddess will always are with us. Not gone, only here in a new way, closer to all of us now. She is at peace watchi… - 5 years ago

@fifitrixie038: RT @ruthweissfilm: Visual Description: In a foggy club, golden light silhouettes two jazz musicians playing tunes to ruth weiss's poem. Pag… - 5 years ago

@josh_bot_9000: RT @4DeniseSullivan: I thought I was too old for blue nail polish and then I went to hear #RuthWeiss read when she was 83 and she was weari… - 5 years ago

@4DeniseSullivan: I thought I was too old for blue nail polish and then I went to hear #RuthWeiss read when she was 83 and she was we… - 5 years ago

@itsWanda: RT @raingraves: ruth weiss obituary in @sfchronicle - 5 years ago

@slksfca: RT @raingraves: ruth weiss obituary in @sfchronicle - 5 years ago

@coolgrey: RT @raingraves: ruth weiss obituary in @sfchronicle - 5 years ago

@Carla_Baron: Ruth Weiss, poet known as the mother of the Beats, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@bloodycowards: RT @raingraves: ruth weiss obituary in @sfchronicle - 5 years ago

@larrybobsf: RT @raingraves: ruth weiss obituary in @sfchronicle - 5 years ago

@ConderKasey: RT @raingraves: ruth weiss obituary in @sfchronicle - 5 years ago

@raingraves: ruth weiss obituary in @sfchronicle - 5 years ago

@ttexed: Ruth Weiss, poet known as the mother of the Beats, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@kevjones30: RT @SFC_Datebook: In the 1950s, Weiss helped introduce the fusion of poetry and jazz music as the vanguard of the San Francisco Renaissance… - 5 years ago

@BRfilmsAllen: RT @SFC_Datebook: In the 1950s, Weiss helped introduce the fusion of poetry and jazz music as the vanguard of the San Francisco Renaissance… - 5 years ago

@itmatters2016: Ruth Weiss, poet known as the mother of the Beats, dies at 92 | - 5 years ago

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