Ruth Bancroft

American landscape architect (Ruth Bancroft Garden).
Died on Tuesday November 28th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Ruth Bancroft:

@latabla_blog: RT @Chileangarden: Algunas plantas suculentas del Jardín de Ruth Bancroft - 7 years ago

@GeeTeeBulbCo: RT @andreajonesphot: Ruth Bancroft with her little dog circa 2002 about to embark on her new Iris garden ! So glad to have met her. Sure sh… - 7 years ago

@DanaGreenTeam: This amazing woman will be greatly missed! - 7 years ago

@bryceschumacher: Renowned drought-tolerant plant expert and founder of Ruth Bancroft Garden dies at the ripe age of 109:… - 7 years ago


@homesteadgrdns: RT @timberpress: It is with a heavy heart that we say goodbye to Ruth Bancroft, gardener extraordinaire, who passed away on Sunday. You can… - 7 years ago

@RBancroftGarden: RT @briancgin: #manzanita, two ways. Arctostaphylos "Ruth Bancroft" from @RBancroftGarden - 7 years ago

@gardencentermag: RT @GreenhouseMag: Ruth Bancroft, founder of The Ruth Bancroft Garden, renowned horticulturist and dry garden pioneer, has died at age 109.… - 7 years ago

@jolenehansen: RT @GreenhouseMag: Ruth Bancroft, founder of The Ruth Bancroft Garden, renowned horticulturist and dry garden pioneer, has died at age 109.… - 7 years ago

@MikeWaldow: @H4stoptimejazz Rest in Peace Ms Ruth Bancroft 🙏🏼 - 7 years ago

@WallyAction: @H4stoptimejazz Rest in Peace Ms Ruth Bancroft 🙏🏼 - 7 years ago

@j3nnac: RT @AHS_Gardening: We grieve the loss of Ruth Bancroft at age 109, and are grateful for her vision and gifts to the gardening world. Visit… - 7 years ago

@AHS_Gardening: We grieve the loss of Ruth Bancroft at age 109, and are grateful for her vision and gifts to the gardening world. V… - 7 years ago

@infomorsels: RT @saxonphoto: When I first met Ruth Bancroft in 1992, she was already 86Ruth Bancroft's Legacy - - 7 years ago

@DeliaCabe: RT @GreenhouseMag: Ruth Bancroft, founder of The Ruth Bancroft Garden, renowned horticulturist and dry garden pioneer, has died at age 109.… - 7 years ago

@GreenhouseMag: Ruth Bancroft, founder of The Ruth Bancroft Garden, renowned horticulturist and dry garden pioneer, has died at age… - 7 years ago

@DriadeGeo: RT @latabla_blog: Algunas plantas suculentas del Jardín de Ruth Bancroft - 7 years ago

@GivingGardenIO: Ruth Bancroft, renowned horticulturist, dies at 109 - 7 years ago

@saxonphoto: When I first met Ruth Bancroft in 1992, she was already 86Ruth Bancroft's Legacy - - 7 years ago

@AlexxRealtor: Renowned drought-tolerant plant expert and founder of Ruth Bancroft Garden dies at the ripe age of 109:… - 7 years ago

@krismomparrot1: RT @GardenDesignMag: "A gardening legend passed away earlier this week. Ruth Bancroft of @RBancroftGarden died at the age of 109. I guess… - 7 years ago

@dailycal: Bancroft’s friends stressed her intellectual curiosity and fearlessness when experimenting in the garden - 7 years ago

@gallimaufrey777: RT @GardenDesignMag: "A gardening legend passed away earlier this week. Ruth Bancroft of @RBancroftGarden died at the age of 109. I guess… - 7 years ago

@rick_b: The Ruth Bancroft Garden – Memorium to Ruth // 109 seems like a good age to take a rest - 7 years ago

@riosupt: RT @dailycal: “She didn’t want to stop working, she didn’t want to chat. … She was engrossed in her garden” - 7 years ago

@MrsGuzik: RT @dailycal: “She didn’t want to stop working, she didn’t want to chat. … She was engrossed in her garden” - 7 years ago

@MrsGuzik: RT @PacUnion: Renowned drought-tolerant plant expert and founder of Ruth Bancroft Garden dies at 109: - 7 years ago

@MrsGuzik: RT @RBancroftGarden: Geometric patterns on the peeling bark of the beloved #Arctostaphylos (#manzanita) 'Ruth Bancroft'. #drygarden #Walnut… - 7 years ago

@GardenBotanical: RT @WalnutCreekGov: The City is saddened to share Ruth Bancroft, founder of the world-renowned Ruth Bancroft Garden, passed away Sun. 11/2… - 7 years ago

@amcomer: RT @GardenDesignMag: "A gardening legend passed away earlier this week. Ruth Bancroft of @RBancroftGarden died at the age of 109. I guess… - 7 years ago

@RosemaryGardin: RT @GardenDesignMag: "A gardening legend passed away earlier this week. Ruth Bancroft of @RBancroftGarden died at the age of 109. I guess… - 7 years ago

@mw2redm: RT @Gardeners_Path_: UC Berkeley alumna Ruth Bancroft, pioneer of gardening, dies at 109 - 7 years ago

@Gardeners_Path_: UC Berkeley alumna Ruth Bancroft, pioneer of gardening, dies at 109 - 7 years ago

@briancgin: #manzanita, two ways. Arctostaphylos "Ruth Bancroft" from @RBancroftGarden - 7 years ago

@BlitheGardener: RT @GardenDesignMag: "A gardening legend passed away earlier this week. Ruth Bancroft of @RBancroftGarden died at the age of 109. I guess… - 7 years ago

@CADroughtMonito: RT @JanetRWeil: @CADroughtMonito Check out the Bancroft Garden, a gem in the #SF #BayArea! TY & RIP, Ruth Bancroft. - 7 years ago

@NaomiMo16023848: RT @GardenDesignMag: "A gardening legend passed away earlier this week. Ruth Bancroft of @RBancroftGarden died at the age of 109. I guess… - 7 years ago

@yurikojewett: Ruth Bancroft, California garden pioneer, dies at 109 - 7 years ago

@RichardBloom_: RT @GardenDesignMag: "A gardening legend passed away earlier this week. Ruth Bancroft of @RBancroftGarden died at the age of 109. I guess… - 7 years ago

@bharddawg: RT @WalnutCreekGov: The City is saddened to share Ruth Bancroft, founder of the world-renowned Ruth Bancroft Garden, passed away Sun. 11/2… - 7 years ago

@joano28: RT @GardenDesignMag: "A gardening legend passed away earlier this week. Ruth Bancroft of @RBancroftGarden died at the age of 109. I guess… - 7 years ago

@christinedemar: RT @GardenDesignMag: "A gardening legend passed away earlier this week. Ruth Bancroft of @RBancroftGarden died at the age of 109. I guess… - 7 years ago

@PacUnion: Renowned drought-tolerant plant expert and founder of Ruth Bancroft Garden dies at 109: - 7 years ago

@Hannah_PietteDC: RT @dailycal: “She didn’t want to stop working, she didn’t want to chat. … She was engrossed in her garden” - 7 years ago

@AllenScottNudel: RT @dailycal: “She didn’t want to stop working, she didn’t want to chat. … She was engrossed in her garden” - 7 years ago

@dailycal: “She didn’t want to stop working, she didn’t want to chat. … She was engrossed in her garden” - 7 years ago

@CulturallyDeMag: RT @SFBGS: RIP Ruth... Your legacy will endure... Thank You... Lots of love to the @RBancroftGarden family... - 7 years ago

@yourhate: RT @GardenDesignMag: "A gardening legend passed away earlier this week. Ruth Bancroft of @RBancroftGarden died at the age of 109. I guess… - 7 years ago

@latabla_blog: RT @Chileangarden: Algunas plantas suculentas del Jardín de Ruth Bancroft - 7 years ago

@GriffinGlasshse: RT @GardenDesignMag: "A gardening legend passed away earlier this week. Ruth Bancroft of @RBancroftGarden died at… - 7 years ago

@pwdarden: Ruth Bancroft, California garden pioneer, dies at 109 - 7 years ago

@PP_Landscapes: RT @GardenDesignMag: "A gardening legend passed away earlier this week. Ruth Bancroft of @RBancroftGarden died at the age of 109. I guess… - 7 years ago

@UrsulaWilliams9: RT @GardenDesignMag: "A gardening legend passed away earlier this week. Ruth Bancroft of @RBancroftGarden died at the age of 109. I guess… - 7 years ago

@cfroning: RT @GardenDesignMag: "A gardening legend passed away earlier this week. Ruth Bancroft of @RBancroftGarden died at the age of 109. I guess… - 7 years ago

@BrighterBlooms: RT @GardenDesignMag: "A gardening legend passed away earlier this week. Ruth Bancroft of @RBancroftGarden died at the age of 109. I guess… - 7 years ago

@max_harriman: RT @GardenDesignMag: "A gardening legend passed away earlier this week. Ruth Bancroft of @RBancroftGarden died at the age of 109. I guess… - 7 years ago

@Greenscape_Gh: RT @GardenDesignMag: "A gardening legend passed away earlier this week. Ruth Bancroft of @RBancroftGarden died at the age of 109. I guess… - 7 years ago

@JoyKuebler: RT @GardenDesignMag: "A gardening legend passed away earlier this week. Ruth Bancroft of @RBancroftGarden died at the age of 109. I guess… - 7 years ago

@Alitex: RT @GardenDesignMag: "A gardening legend passed away earlier this week. Ruth Bancroft of @RBancroftGarden died at the age of 109. I guess… - 7 years ago

@Dirtyhorizon: RT @GardenDesignMag: "A gardening legend passed away earlier this week. Ruth Bancroft of @RBancroftGarden died at the age of 109. I guess… - 7 years ago

@GardenDesignMag: RT @GardenDesignMag: "A gardening legend passed away earlier this week. Ruth Bancroft of @RBancroftGarden died at the age of 109. I guess… - 7 years ago

@puddinpantz: RT @officialNWHP: Ruth Bancroft, California garden pioneer, dies at 109 - 7 years ago

@officialNWHP: Ruth Bancroft, California garden pioneer, dies at 109 - 7 years ago

@coolgrey: RT @back40feet: Ruth Bancroft, California garden pioneer, dies at 109 - 7 years ago

@back40feet: Ruth Bancroft, California garden pioneer, dies at 109 - 7 years ago

@mauricesmall: RT @SmallFarmz: A sad day on the west coast. Ruth Bancroft, California garden pioneer, dies at 109 - 7 years ago

@pitsenberger: RT @SFBGS: RIP Ruth... Your legacy will endure... Thank You... Lots of love to the @RBancroftGarden family... - 7 years ago

@EnvHort: RT @SFBGS: RIP Ruth... Your legacy will endure... Thank You... Lots of love to the @RBancroftGarden family... - 7 years ago

@lizzie_roeble: RT @SFBGS: RIP Ruth... Your legacy will endure... Thank You... Lots of love to the @RBancroftGarden family... - 7 years ago

@reggieee: She’s such an inspiration. 109 years young...RIP Tribute to Ruth Bancroft - 7 years ago

@calochortsvanda: RT @laughlinds: The Ruth Bancroft Garden – Memorium to Ruth - 7 years ago

@calochortsvanda: More beauty from the amazing late Ruth Bancroft’s garden. @cnps #native plants #nature survives ( sometimes!!!! - 7 years ago

@calochortsvanda: Ruth Bancroft gardened til she was 97, passed away at age 109. Inspirational as an #elder & a #gardener #native pla… - 7 years ago

@jameskew: Founder of Ruth Bancroft Garden in Walnut Creek dies at 109 - 7 years ago

@Weezette: RT @kimhidalgo: Yesterday, at 109, our grandmother Ruth Bancroft passed away. She lived a long, full life and her world-renowned garden liv… - 7 years ago

@laughlinds: The Ruth Bancroft Garden - Memorium to Ruth - 7 years ago

@laughlinds: The Ruth Bancroft Garden – Memorium to Ruth - 7 years ago

@RBancroftGarden: It seems so timely that the beloved #Arctostaphylos 'Ruth Bancroft' (#manzanita) is starting to bloom… - 7 years ago

@RBancroftGarden: RT @PacHort: The day I snuck into the @RBancroftGarden: not sorry - 7 years ago

@TheNewUpsetters: RT @SFBGS: RIP Ruth... Your legacy will endure... Thank You... Lots of love to the @RBancroftGarden family... - 7 years ago

@mcnargs: RT @timberpress: It is with a heavy heart that we say goodbye to Ruth Bancroft, gardener extraordinaire, who passed away on Sunday. You can… - 7 years ago

@mwalkercom: RT @hilraiser: “She planted with an architect’s eye and gave Californians new ways to see their own landscape” ... - 7 years ago

@Flowerart77: RT @AHS_Gardening: We grieve the loss of Ruth Bancroft at age 109, and are grateful for her vision and gifts to the gardening world. Visit… - 7 years ago

@cooper888: RT @SFBGS: RIP Ruth... Your legacy will endure... Thank You... Lots of love to the @RBancroftGarden family... - 7 years ago

@sirbeetee: RT @SFBGS: RIP Ruth... Your legacy will endure... Thank You... Lots of love to the @RBancroftGarden family... - 7 years ago

@slksfca: RT @SFBGS: RIP Ruth... Your legacy will endure... Thank You... Lots of love to the @RBancroftGarden family... - 7 years ago

@ecogreenlawn: The early life of Ruth Bancroft: The woman who inspired the Garden Conservancy #landscaping - 7 years ago

@MaryHenryGEO: RT @SFBGS: RIP Ruth... Your legacy will endure... Thank You... Lots of love to the @RBancroftGarden family... - 7 years ago

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