Rutger Hauer

Dutch actor (Blade Runner
Died on Wednesday July 24th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Rutger Hauer:

@MattWib: Made a Rutger Hauer "tribute" track and holy cow it's one of my best works to date - 6 years ago

@atlas_rebelion: RT @Faroyestrella: La luz de Rutger Hauer se ha apagado 😥 "La luz que brilla con el doble de intensidad dura la mitad de tiempo, y tu has… - 6 years ago

@jcmfanclub: RT @ErikBlevins: @JaredOfLondon Ice-T, Rutger Hauer, Gary Busey, John C. McGinley, Charles S. Dutton, F. Murray Abraham - its cast is very… - 6 years ago

@slaings: In a bar in #Bangkok and there’s a film on the screen, starring Rutger Hauer, Matthew Broderick, Michelle Pfeiffer… - 6 years ago


@rhumanick: RT @BilgeEbiri: An appreciation of Rutger Hauer's performance in BLADE RUNNER, which after all these years is still eye-opening: - 6 years ago

@Stocky_77: @MDragon_12 @TheHuntMovie @blumhouse Exactly! Rutger Hauer and Ice-T. I like Ike Barinholtz. I’ll watch it on cable in 2 months lol. - 6 years ago

@Miguel__02: RT @CuartaParedCine: TRISTE NOTICIA: fallece Rutger Hauer, conocido por interpretar a Roy Batty en Blade Runner (1982). Curiosamente los he… - 6 years ago

@deathcarpbot: Aw man rutger hauer. WHY IS WHEAT CHEX SO FUCKING EXPENSIVE. - 6 years ago

@redditoldcool: Rutger Hauer on the set of Blade Runner, circa 1982 - 6 years ago

@BInapples: RT @Battersby1888: Rutger Hauer in Bladerunner - 6 years ago

@Battersby1888: Rutger Hauer in Bladerunner - 6 years ago

@gemma33sanders: RT @Inekeej: En fietsen! Mogen alle verliefde stelletjes altijd zo fietsen als Rutger Hauer en Monique van de Ven. ❤ - 6 years ago

@jlelf_11: RT @CyberpunkGame: A legendary actor and icon of cyberpunk — rest in peace, Rutger Hauer. - 6 years ago

@karipunk: RT @AltPress: Replicants are like any other machine, are either a benefit or a hazard. However, these @bladerunner inspired tracks are only… - 6 years ago

@BIGPOPPAPIK: RT @RobertBEnglund: RIP: Rutger Hauer. Celebrate his special talent by watching him in the flower of his youth in SOLDIER OF ORANGE, in his… - 6 years ago

@JayAlle78034329: RT @ChillingPolls: Favorite Rutger Hauer #movie or show? #poll #polls - 6 years ago

@3meninapodcast: RT @Dr_Giallo: RUTGER HAUER in HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN (2011) by Jason Eisener #comedy #horror - 6 years ago

@Aglaia_Berlutti: #RoyBatty murió llevándose consigo visiones inimaginables: En @RevistaMoonM le decimos adiós a un actor fundamental… - 6 years ago

@mirosiashandro: RT @JMPerezAfonso: Es una pena ver como mueren iconos como Rutger Hauer y como el Psoe hace mucho q dejó d trabajar para la gente y empezar… - 6 years ago

@Yeller_Feller: RT @RemusBuznea: RIP Rutger Hauer - 6 years ago

@dravencage: Damn. Rutger Hauer and Harley Race in the same week. RIP you tough bastard. - 6 years ago

@holin1: I'm taking a dip in the crazy big ocean of podcasting! My first film review podcast is now online. James Barber and… - 6 years ago

@emeneame: Rutger Hauer, muerte de un héroe romántico - 6 years ago

@cevangelista413: This week on Now Scream This, @DoNatoBomb and I go our own ways with standalone lists. Mine (mostly) honor the late… - 6 years ago

@YiQuer: RT @CyberpunkGame: A legendary actor and icon of cyberpunk — rest in peace, Rutger Hauer. - 6 years ago

@corinnehalbert: RT @Dr_Giallo: RUTGER HAUER in HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN (2011) by Jason Eisener #comedy #horror - 6 years ago

@geeksofdoom: A Look Back At The Underrated 1981 Thriller #Nighthawks Starring Rutger Hauer, Sylvester Stallone & Billy Dee Willi… - 6 years ago

@dianavmolinac: RT @eldiariodedross: Good night, sweet prince Rutger Hauer ~ 1944 - 2019 El replicante, John Ryder, Nick Parker, y muchos otros personajes… - 6 years ago

@meneame_net: Rutger Hauer, muerte de un héroe romántico - 6 years ago

@glought: @GorTheMovieGod Its good Rutger Hauer did a great job voicing the main character. - 6 years ago

@TGStoneButch: Here is my birthday cake! Excited to have some with lunch. And the film version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. (Rutge… - 6 years ago

@GreatMganga: RT @sharonstone: I would like to offer my most profound condolences to the dearest friends and family of Rutger. God’s Speed on Angel’s Win… - 6 years ago

@25YLSite: RT @LauraBeerman72: Check out @BlackLodgeLaura's latest. Pure Genius: A Sad Farewell to Rutger Hauer | 25YL - 6 years ago

@Antofisherb: Ce soir, et en l'honneur de Rutger Hauer, je retente pour la 3e fois Blade Runner. On va voir si cette fois je dépa… - 6 years ago

@COM1CBOOKS: RT @warpsheen: If you don't know Rutger Hauer (or you do) take a minute to watch my new video looking back on SOME of his most iconic and u… - 6 years ago

@rochelbaird8: RT @AustinPlanet: RIP Rutger Hauer. #BladeRunner - 6 years ago

@paolocarpani: C'è il contributo di Rutger Hauer nel famoso monologo finale di "Blade Runner", che guarda all’Oltre e a Dio. Meno… - 6 years ago

@ArthurBaelyn: RT @CyberpunkGame: A legendary actor and icon of cyberpunk — rest in peace, Rutger Hauer. - 6 years ago

@adimatic: RT @RidleyScottCG: #throwback to 'Pure Genius' from Ridley Scott and Rutger Hauer for Guinness - 6 years ago

@Zepanski: THE HITCHER, på en streamplattform nära dig. RIP Rutger Hauer - 6 years ago

@eandtbooks: RT @Itwitius: Last tweet out for Podcast 38 - the Boris Johnson/Rutger Hauer edition - - 6 years ago

@Muggzy72: RT @ColossusNick: Jesus....just ok Wikipedia and realised Blade Runner was set in 2019. Which means Rutger Hauer and Roy Batty died in the… - 6 years ago

@93DarkLord: RIP Rutger Hauer - 6 years ago

@udactiran: RT @Kaos_Kun: "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in t… - 6 years ago

@gordonspooner: RT @nicolasnibat: RUTGER HAUER (1944-2019) #RIP - 6 years ago

@Cherylw358B: Just found out one of my favourite actors died Rutger Hauer, I loved him so much in Blade Runner and all the other… - 6 years ago

@bernade32624531: RT @AustinPlanet: RIP Rutger Hauer. #BladeRunner - 6 years ago

@Sheriffbrody: RT @RidleyScottCG: #throwback to 'Pure Genius' from Ridley Scott and Rutger Hauer for Guinness - 6 years ago

@RidleyScottCG: #throwback to 'Pure Genius' from Ridley Scott and Rutger Hauer for Guinness - 6 years ago

@_LOHI_: RT @IMDb: We celebrate the life and legacy of Rutger Hauer, the award-winning actor best known for #BladeRunner and #TheHitcher. - 6 years ago

@MagzTerry: RT @RobertBEnglund: RIP: Rutger Hauer. Celebrate his special talent by watching him in the flower of his youth in SOLDIER OF ORANGE, in his… - 6 years ago

@MagzTerry: @RobertBEnglund Omg. RIP Rutger Hauer - 6 years ago

@stevereid100: RT @giles_fraser: Rutger Hauer died in 2019. His most famous character, the replicant Roy Batty, died in a celebrated scene from Blade Runn… - 6 years ago

@Films_maniac: RT @RobertBEnglund: RIP: Rutger Hauer. Celebrate his special talent by watching him in the flower of his youth in SOLDIER OF ORANGE, in his… - 6 years ago

@silviam96992550: RT @AustinPlanet: RIP Rutger Hauer. #BladeRunner - 6 years ago

@DavideSperanza_: RT @LucaBizzarri: Ma minchia ma che periodo. - 6 years ago

@TheJastrom: Listen to the latest edition of Entertainment Landfill! - 6 years ago

@abs0lut1on: RT @RobertBEnglund: RIP: Rutger Hauer. Celebrate his special talent by watching him in the flower of his youth in SOLDIER OF ORANGE, in his… - 6 years ago

@JexGamerAN: Los creadores de Observer recuerdan su experiencia con el recientemente fallecido Rutger Hauer - 6 years ago

@loweliferae: RT @markhughesfilms: My brother just pointed out Rutger Hauer died the same year Roy Batty died in BLADE RUNNER, something that hadn't even… - 6 years ago

@BostonWookiee: Life drawing has never been my strong suit. I always chase real faces and end up messing them up. Since Rutger Haue… - 6 years ago

@Soulman_Inc: @TF_PFoz @Skullgrin140 I think we can just all agree that Rutger Hauer was absolutely fking awesome 👍😊 - 6 years ago

@Little_Alt_Girl: RT @RobertBEnglund: RIP: Rutger Hauer. Celebrate his special talent by watching him in the flower of his youth in SOLDIER OF ORANGE, in his… - 6 years ago

@MatiasStevens: RT @MisterioDescono: Curiosidades de la vida 🤔 El actor Rutger Hauer que falleció unos días atrás y muy conocido por su papel en Blade Run… - 6 years ago

@SamuraiLisa: I miss Rutger Hauer already. 😢 #riprutgerhauer - 6 years ago

@niklander2: Man Rutger Hauer was fucking awesome in this #TheHitcher - 6 years ago

@gbuel: Acabo de volver a ver Blade Runner, y no termino de entender el porqué se volvió una película de época, el drama su… - 6 years ago

@mccrackenview: Listening to Ready Player One on audible right now. Blade Runner is mentioned multiple times; Max Headroom is the p… - 6 years ago

@firstpressNg: Dutch Blade Runner star Rutger Hauer dies at 75: ANP - 6 years ago

@dacregold: Dacre has unfortunately been dethroned from the top spot of IMDB’s Starmeter list but for an understandable reason… - 6 years ago

@PatriRosRom: RT @BibliotecaSoria: En homenaje a Rutger Hauer (Roy Batty replicante de "Blade Runner") que falleció el pasado viernes a los 75 años. Est… - 6 years ago

@Deckard_Cortez: RT @RobertBEnglund: RIP: Rutger Hauer. Celebrate his special talent by watching him in the flower of his youth in SOLDIER OF ORANGE, in his… - 6 years ago

@Chershirine: RT @RobertBEnglund: RIP: Rutger Hauer. Celebrate his special talent by watching him in the flower of his youth in SOLDIER OF ORANGE, in his… - 6 years ago

@WillamKelley: RT @markhughesfilms: My brother just pointed out Rutger Hauer died the same year Roy Batty died in BLADE RUNNER, something that hadn't even… - 6 years ago

@lisamcd152: I just learned that Rutger Hauer died. I watched his death scene in Blade Runner and was moved by it, as I was in… - 6 years ago

@Whathap65641189: RT @predator64tina: Comment Rutger Hauer a improvisé le légendaire monologue final de Blade Runner - 6 years ago

@FastEddy90: Rip rutger hauer - 6 years ago

@radiobubbla: I dagens avsnitt bland annat: Asap Rocky, busschaufför i Malmö kastar av kvinna som han tycker visar för mycket hud… - 6 years ago

@SpinellJoe: RT @urbanbarbarian: Check out our @Drink_and_Draw Livestream from earlier today! - 6 years ago

@NOlshan: RT @markhughesfilms: My brother just pointed out Rutger Hauer died the same year Roy Batty died in BLADE RUNNER, something that hadn't even… - 6 years ago

@predator64tina: - 6 years ago

@martinbustamant: RIP Rutger Hauer - A Tribute - 6 years ago

@markhughesfilms: My brother just pointed out Rutger Hauer died the same year Roy Batty died in BLADE RUNNER, something that hadn't even occurred to me. - 6 years ago

@Juanmatross: Kurosawa, Bergman, Malick y... un par de clásicos del gran Rutger Hauer (todavía duele). - 6 years ago

@WamtecTV: Rutger Hauer RIP - classic 1973 wetlook couple scene posted to FREEWAM @ - 6 years ago

@CretinHead5876: RT @RobertBEnglund: RIP: Rutger Hauer. Celebrate his special talent by watching him in the flower of his youth in SOLDIER OF ORANGE, in his… - 6 years ago

@pedleyjulie: - 6 years ago

@predator64tina: Comment Rutger Hauer a improvisé le légendaire monologue final de Blade Runner - 6 years ago

@IONIFF: RT @CriterionDaily: Remembering the unnervingly beautiful and versatile Rutger Hauer: - 6 years ago

@StaticMech: RT @RobertBEnglund: RIP: Rutger Hauer. Celebrate his special talent by watching him in the flower of his youth in SOLDIER OF ORANGE, in his… - 6 years ago

@StephaneZinberg: RT @RealEOC: RIP Rutger Hauer (1944-2019) - 6 years ago

@BeL1eVe28: #nw Borzasztóan örülök, hogy sikerült beszereznem és pótolnom ezt a kultikus darabot. Nem is csoda. Valóban piszok… - 6 years ago

@BrianaOcto: RT @Under_Radar_Mag: R.I.P. Rutger Hauer, who was phenomenal in "Blade Runner" as the sympathetic antagonist Roy Batty. To quote his last l… - 6 years ago

@inactivista: RT @Hendelie: He visto a un patán criticar en el mismo hilo a Philip K. Dick, a Rutger Hauer y a Ridley Scott. En plan "libro de mierda",… - 6 years ago

@gmanZeN: RIP Rutger Hauer - A Tribute - 6 years ago

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