Russ Prior

Canadian weightlifter
Died on Sunday March 5th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Russ Prior:

@Jen_N_Russ: RT @DineshDSouza: IT'S A GAME TO THEM: Prior to my sentencing, Bharara's team had a betting pool that anticipated I'd get two years in fede… - 8 years ago

@russ_ayers: RT @DineshDSouza: IT'S A GAME TO THEM: Prior to my sentencing, Bharara's team had a betting pool that anticipated I'd get two years in fede… - 8 years ago

@rbbelaire: @seanhannity Plz clear facts on Sessions again. Play Franken dossier clip. Explain His prior meetings w Russ were k… - 8 years ago

@Jen_N_Russ: RT @Breaking911: BREAKING: Attorney General Jeff Sessions seeks resignation of 46 United States attorneys remaining from prior administrati… - 8 years ago


@russ_walker: RT @GeneAPseattle: WASHINGTON (AP) — Attorney General Jeff Sessions seeks resignation of 46 United States attorneys remaining from prior ad… - 8 years ago

@fredgio777: @nytpolitics Speaking Russ 1 pt stood out 2day/how did Roger stone know app 10 days prior that wiki-leaks was about to pounce on podesta?How - 8 years ago

@_Raeeeeeee: RT @__caatherinee: All public prom-proposals must receive prior approval from Mr. Russ or Showell. Also attendance will be monitored ! - 8 years ago

@__caatherinee: All public prom-proposals must receive prior approval from Mr. Russ or Showell. Also attendance will be monitored ! - 8 years ago

@russ_camara: @JKush28 you. An look at prior years too. Still 8/14 isn't a strong correlation. At all. - 8 years ago

@Jen_N_Russ: RT @EntheosShines: @RedState See Khmer Rouge's "Year Zero" plan. Eliminate country's entire history prior to taking over - familiar? https… - 8 years ago

@Jen_N_Russ: RT @AMike4761: Somali Migrant Arrested On Six Counts of Sexual Battery from Texas to Dearborn Prior To Deportation – Brietbart - 8 years ago

@katiebowers101: @russty_russ notice this was prior to mr blobby beating them to the number 1 spot! I remember look in! - 8 years ago

@hotcarl3129: @DevolutionMan @NFL @WatchJRoss @gmfb haven't had many in Russ era but TLock turned into solid #2 prior to injury and PRich after him - 8 years ago

@hotcarl3129: @tremor38 lol smh believe he did that prior to seasons end, Russ ain't going anywhere - 8 years ago

@Russ_Lam: @DineshDSouza @realDonaldTrump amen, not our prior Republican cowering b4 partisan media and haters - 8 years ago

@Jen_N_Russ: RT @RuntotheRight: The dems 8 yr reign has made a mockery of the United States! Thank God for @realDonaldTrump - 8 years ago

@ElderAntler: and none of dat was the case prior to the season when every non Russ stan told y'all that roster fucking sucked. - 8 years ago

@Jen_N_Russ: RT @WhoWolfe: Lying Hillary Was Tipped Off On Trump Wiretap - Tweeted About it One Week Prior to Election - 8 years ago

@Jen_N_Russ: RT @marklevinshow: For the media. The prior media reports based on earlier leaks. - 8 years ago

@Jen_N_Russ: RT @doug69: So… Hillary Knew About The Trump Wiretap – Tweeted About it One Week Prior to Election - 8 years ago

@Jen_N_Russ: RT @BluehandDutch: Hillary Tweets: She Was TIPPED OFF Before Election About Trump Wiretap: Crooked Hillary… - 8 years ago

@Jen_N_Russ: RT @trump2016fan: 🚨Breaking: Likely Hillary knew about the wiretap👉🏻She tweeted about it one week prior to the Election - 8 years ago

@HoosierStofMind: My thinking is he's not quite ready to give up on NBA. Especially with Russ signing extension prior to this season. - 8 years ago

@Russ_Lam: RT @marklevinshow: For the media. The prior media reports based on earlier leaks. - 8 years ago

@StuffThatIsDead: Russ Prior has ceased to be: - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: R.I.P Russ Prior - #RussPrior #Russ #Prior #rip - 8 years ago

@Jen_N_Russ: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: Here's the list of foreign countries that gave Hillary Clinton money prior to election day. Where's the outcry for an… - 8 years ago

@jcrsaltman: @LouiseMensch @VP The connections & agreements underlying the collusion with Russ seem to have been put in place prior to Pence's selection - 8 years ago

@RayRichardsonJr: @Russ300H ok Russ / whatever let's you sleep - long eight years for you - I just endured prior 8 years / know how you feel - 8 years ago

@makynzie_prior: RT @thesoundpIug: Russ - What They Want - 8 years ago

@ME20904: Russ is really running away with the MVP award. Putting up 48-17-9 last night, loss last two but won 5 straight prior @ShannonSharpe - 8 years ago

@Jen_N_Russ: RT @realDonaldTrump: I'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, j… - 8 years ago

@russ_belden: RT @realDonaldTrump: Is it legal for a sitting President to be "wire tapping" a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by cou… - 8 years ago

@russ_ayers: RT @realDonaldTrump: I'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, j… - 8 years ago

@Hansondawny: @democracynow @emptywheel concerning when a campaign talks to Russia prior to inauguration and after knowledge of Russ hacking...suspicious - 8 years ago

@CraigMoyle1: @USATODAY @USATOpinion Who cares? He spoke to Russian diplomats prior to taking office. Who cares? WikiLeaks links Clinton/Podesta Russ. Ura - 8 years ago

@NBAcouchside: @dr_ilardi I have a feeling Russ's box-score prior is a big part of his RPM, right? My guess is his RAPM part of things is lower. - 8 years ago

@HawksEyeRacing: @DangeRussBets Haha it's been a bad run since December Russ. Purple patch was prior - 8 years ago

@SuaveFrancisco_: RT @RandyRuark: @SuaveFrancisco_ Russ pretty much said prior squads couldn't get right shots or strategy to close out late in games like t… - 8 years ago

@RandyRuark: @SuaveFrancisco_ Russ pretty much said prior squads couldn't get right shots or strategy to close out late in games like tonight. ⛹🏻#35🤣 - 8 years ago

@COLDSPAMLARRY90: @Scott_CEOofSUH maybe they'll prosper to greatness now lol. I didn't think OKC was a playoff team prior to the season so Russ gets my vote. - 8 years ago

@_KarateChris: All last year and years prior folks blamed Russ for the thunder 4th quarter struggles but he has executed great this year for the thunder - 8 years ago

@WeAllWitnesses: @bfran12 @msummer88 they had it. Needed Hayward to hit that 3 prior to the Russ and one. - 8 years ago

@Nekrologium: Russ Prior, kanadischer Gewichtheber, am 17.02.2017 im Alter von 67 Jahren - - 8 years ago

@Jen_N_Russ: RT @EntheosShines: @teasleyj Here's A Must Watch Documentary On Obama's Secret Life Prior To 2007 - disagree though about FMD being dad htt… - 8 years ago

@russty_russ: @carbra2903 @retrorerun @carlton_media @carltontv_uk well Carlton already had 20% dibs on Central prior to the full takeover. - 8 years ago

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