Ruggero Deodato

Italian film director (Cannibal Holocaust
Died on Thursday December 29th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Ruggero Deodato:

@MaidChainsaw: RT @FANGORIA: R.I.P. Ruggero Deodato. - 2 years ago

@ShamelessFilms: RT @monkeypedro72: The lovely @ShamelessFilms steelbook release of Ruggero Deodato's 1993 movie The Washing Machine signed by Ruggero at th… - 2 years ago

@darth_feanor: RT @UnCinefago: Ha fallecido Ruggero Deodato, director de películas como "Holocausto caníbal", descansa en paz. - 2 years ago

@HinokiKinoki: RT @26MFHPOD: House on The Edge of The Park 1980, Ruggero Deodato - 2 years ago


@30screamsorless: Ruggero Deodato, Director Of The Controversial Horror Film Cannibal Holocaust, Dies At 83 - /Film - 2 years ago



@monkeypedro72: Signed UK vhs of Ruggero Deodato's 1986 slasher Body Count. Really love this slasher and just wish someone would re… - 2 years ago

@monkeypedro72: The Raro video of Ruggero Deodato's 1975 movie Waves of Lust. - 2 years ago

@vid_nas: Really gutted to hear about the passing of Ruggero Deodato. Although he was (at times) a controversial film maker,… - 2 years ago

@andreastoolbox: Ruggero Deodato: il nostro ricordo del regista di “Cannibal Holocaust” #Deodato: #Ruggero #il #ricordo #nostro 🗞️🤓👉 - 2 years ago

@monkeypedro72: One of my favourite items is a Ruggero Deodato signed Italian Gore Classics laserdisc which now is proudly framed o… - 2 years ago

@monkeypedro72: The lovely @ShamelessFilms steelbook release of Ruggero Deodato's 1993 movie The Washing Machine signed by Ruggero… - 2 years ago

@monkeypedro72: Poster from the original Grindhouse dvd release of Cannibal Holocaust signed by Ruggero Deodato at the Fab Press bo… - 2 years ago

@NanniCobretti: Ho esordito su TV Sorrisi e Canzoni mettendo la cravatta ma scrivendo la parola "snuff": - 2 years ago

@sSAMml04: RT @26MFHPOD: House on The Edge of The Park 1980, Ruggero Deodato - 2 years ago

@_morbidite: RT @26MFHPOD: House on The Edge of The Park 1980, Ruggero Deodato - 2 years ago

@jan_novantuno: Il pezzo definitivo su Ruggero Deodato. - 2 years ago

@spookybri1: RT @26MFHPOD: House on The Edge of The Park 1980, Ruggero Deodato - 2 years ago

@MartaValls9: RT @Zonamorta_cine: Ho aprofitem per recuperar l'entrevista que li vam fer al 2016. - 2 years ago

@dimitrikozma: Pelé ou Ruggero Deodato? Ambos morreram no mesmo dia. Quem eu escolho para fazer uma homenagem no podcast Sem Freio… - 2 years ago

@eeefff1234: RT @HWAshitani: 「有害ビデオ(video nasties)」代表の『食人族』のルッジェロ・デオタート監督が83歳で逝去。『食人族』に本物の殺人の記録フィルムを使った容疑で起訴され、殺された役の俳優が証人として出廷して、殺人に関しては無罪という、あまり余人のしない… - 2 years ago


@Belategui: Con la muerte de Ruggero Deodato ha vuelto a sonar la maravillosa BSO de Holocausto caníbal, del enorme Riz Ortolan… - 2 years ago

@gonehorrorcrazy: RT @FANGORIA: Sad news today, horror fans. - 2 years ago


@lyonchris69: RT @Revue_elements: Le 29 décembre 2022, un cinéaste sulfureux nous quittait à l’âge de 83 ans : Ruggero Deodato. L’occasion de revoir un f… - 2 years ago

@Aguamie40612924: RT @brofromanother: CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST was in its way a signal film, and it took a lot of savvy, ruthless, opportunistic talent to make it… - 2 years ago

@BiLLYd_licious: RT @thewildwildpod: Another entry in the Wild, Wild Library, as we discuss the sad news of the loss of Ruggero Deodato and look at this exc… - 2 years ago

@Emanuel01123400: RT @BehindtheCB: Cannibal Holocaust (1980). Ruggero Deodato Cinematography: Sergio D'Offizi Photo by: Paolo Cavicchioli - 2 years ago


@ArbroathMackem: RT @thewildwildpod: Another entry in the Wild, Wild Library, as we discuss the sad news of the loss of Ruggero Deodato and look at this exc… - 2 years ago

@ConnectionsCult: RT @thewildwildpod: Another entry in the Wild, Wild Library, as we discuss the sad news of the loss of Ruggero Deodato and look at this exc… - 2 years ago

@retroramblings: RT @thewildwildpod: Another entry in the Wild, Wild Library, as we discuss the sad news of the loss of Ruggero Deodato and look at this exc… - 2 years ago

@thewildwildpod: Another entry in the Wild, Wild Library, as we discuss the sad news of the loss of Ruggero Deodato and look at this… - 2 years ago

@jr1020547: I know it’s a bit late but. RIP to Ruggero Deodato. He was a good director. I know the cannibal holocaust was fucke… - 2 years ago

@summerdaze1111: RT @FANGORIA: R.I.P. Ruggero Deodato. - 2 years ago

@terror_drivein: RT @therealjoebob: Ruggero Deodato was a dabbler in every exploitation genre except farce and did his best work at the nexus between sex an… - 2 years ago

@charlestrotter: RT @charlestrotter: 12/22: Ronan Vibert, 58, actor (SAVING MR. BANKS) 12/23: Maxi Jazz, 65, lead singer of English electronic band Faithles… - 2 years ago

@fadhilstopit: RT @FANGORIA: R.I.P. Ruggero Deodato. - 2 years ago

@123_INFO_FR: Mort du cinéaste italien Ruggero Deodato, réalisateur de "Cannibal Holocaust": Le maître de l'horreur italien, nota… - 2 years ago

@cshockreleasing: @CannonFilmGuide I spy Eva LaRue, so she must be there to promote Ruggero Deodato's THE BARBARIANS. - 2 years ago

@Danbrad77778390: RT @martynconterio: RIP Ruggero Deodato. Cannibal Holocaust will forever reign supreme as one of the most singular pieces of shock cinema e… - 2 years ago

@Jessssica2991: RT @JTsHorrorTweets: R.I.P Ruggero Deodato. Thanks for Cannibal Holocaust and all your other work. #horror #ruggerodeodato #HorrorFamily… - 2 years ago

@PromotionHorror: RT @JTsHorrorTweets: R.I.P Ruggero Deodato. Thanks for Cannibal Holocaust and all your other work. #horror #ruggerodeodato #HorrorFamily… - 2 years ago

@laguillle: RT @Revue_elements: Le 29 décembre 2022, un cinéaste sulfureux nous quittait à l’âge de 83 ans : Ruggero Deodato. L’occasion de revoir un f… - 2 years ago

@starrybeetle: RT @SteveCuff: Ruggero Deodato on actor Michael Berryman: - 2 years ago

@SunshineMoonRX: RT @SteveCuff: Ruggero Deodato on actor Michael Berryman: - 2 years ago

@StephenRayGarza: RT @SteveCuff: Ruggero Deodato on actor Michael Berryman: - 2 years ago

@Razorgirl1984: RT @SteveCuff: Ruggero Deodato on actor Michael Berryman: - 2 years ago

@brian_mathew75: Another piece of me is knowing other horror flicks exist. His were a gore fest and never e… - 2 years ago

@Films_maniac: RT @amitvarma: I just learnt that the great filmmaker Ruggero Deodato, aka Monsieur Cannibal, died last week. He made the first great film… - 2 years ago

@blackbess_: RT @FANGORIA: Sad news today, horror fans. - 2 years ago

@metrxpolis: RT @FANGORIA: Sad news today, horror fans. - 2 years ago

@pickmans: RT @FANGORIA: Sad news today, horror fans. - 2 years ago

@mrmofongojones: RT @FANGORIA: Sad news today, horror fans. - 2 years ago

@BadMandark: RT @DaremstrSpoodle: RIP Ruggero Deodato. Horror fans on this platform and elsewhere will sing the praises of “Cannibal Holocaust”, which i… - 2 years ago

@seamusduff2: Will The Conjuring 4 be the last film of the franchise? Creator James Wan just hinted so - 2 years ago

@_bvbyghost: RT @ScreamboxTV: Italian filmmaker Ruggero Deodato has passed away at the age of 83. His controversial and influential exploitation classi… - 2 years ago

@SuspiroArrepio: Uma breve história - 2 years ago

@chachomanopapa: @xijingping @PutinRF @derspiegel @lemondefr @CNN @macfound @BillGates @UN @PutinRF_Eng @khamenei_ir @netanyahu… - 2 years ago

@singerbreeze: RT @sitgesfestival: 😔 Nos ha dejado Ruggero Deodato, director de referencia y amigo del Festival, donde nos ha visitado en más de una ocasi… - 2 years ago

@etrommater: RT @GFRobot: Ruggero Deodato, director of Cannibal Holocaust, has died at the age of 83. - 2 years ago

@rottengerm77: RT @rottengerm77: In honor of the maestro, Ruggero Deodato, I'm checking out the last film he was a part of. Currently watching: DEATHCE… - 2 years ago

@rottengerm77: RT @rottengerm77: Rest in peace to the maestro, Ruggero Deodato. - 2 years ago

@tlrd: RT @tlrd: Director of ‘most controversial film ever’ Ruggero Deodato dead aged 83 - 2 years ago

@screamfaceguy: RT @therealjoebob: Ruggero Deodato was a dabbler in every exploitation genre except farce and did his best work at the nexus between sex an… - 2 years ago

@TheLostDriveIn: RT @therealjoebob: Ruggero Deodato was a dabbler in every exploitation genre except farce and did his best work at the nexus between sex an… - 2 years ago

@BadStairlift: First film of the year "Atlantis Interceptors" in honour of the late Ruggero Deodato. Bonkers plot about Mad Max st… - 2 years ago

@gaymlm: Director of ‘most controversial film ever’ Ruggero Deodato dead aged 83 #LGBT - 2 years ago

@lomiji70: RT @Kikosis_: El primer @pijamanight1 del año en Youtube Una Review de Holocausto Caníbal de Ruggero Deodato Con @axelcasas y @Cariscomedy… - 2 years ago

@pijamanight1: RT @Kikosis_: El primer @pijamanight1 del año en Youtube Una Review de Holocausto Caníbal de Ruggero Deodato Con @axelcasas y @Cariscomedy… - 2 years ago

@AnaEstupian17: RT @Kikosis_: El primer @pijamanight1 del año en Youtube Una Review de Holocausto Caníbal de Ruggero Deodato Con @axelcasas y @Cariscomedy… - 2 years ago

@Kikosis_: El primer @pijamanight1 del año en Youtube Una Review de Holocausto Caníbal de Ruggero Deodato Con @axelcasas y… - 2 years ago

@AndSaoirse: #26: Live Like A Cop, Die Like A Man Directed by Ruggero Deodato, 1976 Italy production. - 2 years ago

@recordsbywoof: RT @FANGORIA: R.I.P. Ruggero Deodato. - 2 years ago


@marcelomiranda1: @helioflores Nem ao Ruggero Deodato. 😤 - 2 years ago

@chachomanopapa: @__Inty__ In #twitterfiction an academic heads into the Amazon forest in search of an American documentary crew fea… - 2 years ago

@chachomanopapa: @xijingping @PutinRF @derspiegel @lemondefr @CNN @macfound @BillGates @UN @PutinRF_Eng @khamenei_ir @netanyahu… - 2 years ago

@chachomanopapa: In #twitterfiction an academic heads into the Amazon forest in search of an American documentary crew feared eaten… - 2 years ago

@chachomanopapa: In #twitterfiction an academic heads into the Amazon forest in search of an American documentary crew feared eaten… - 2 years ago

@chachomanopapa: In #twitterfiction an academic heads into the Amazon forest in search of an American documentary crew feared eaten… - 2 years ago

@chachomanopapa: In #twitterfiction an academic heads into the Amazon forest in search of an American documentary crew feared eaten… - 2 years ago

@chachomanopapa: In #twitterfiction an academic heads into the Amazon forest in search of a missing American documentary crew feared… - 2 years ago

@MisigaroDo2: RT @Delcroixx: DISPARITION - Le cinéaste #RuggeroDeodato, réalisateur de Cannibal Holocaust, est mort - 2 years ago

@Delcroixx: DISPARITION - Le cinéaste #RuggeroDeodato, réalisateur de Cannibal Holocaust, est mort - 2 years ago

@unknownfilms_: Dial: Help | 1988 | Ruggero Deodato A psychic finds herself tapping into the "energy" of a deceased phone operator… - 2 years ago

@bellissima0181: RT @HWAshitani: 「有害ビデオ(video nasties)」代表の『食人族』のルッジェロ・デオタート監督が83歳で逝去。『食人族』に本物の殺人の記録フィルムを使った容疑で起訴され、殺された役の俳優が証人として出廷して、殺人に関しては無罪という、あまり余人のしない… - 2 years ago

@ELCOLE_TE_SIGUE: RT @LoDeCultura: Muere Ruggero Deodato, director de la película de culto de terror "Holocausto canibal" - 2 years ago

@Tokyo_panicroom: RT @cinefilDVD: 『食人族』のルッジェロ・デオダート監督、83歳で死去。この人コルブッチの助監督だったんですね。 - 2 years ago

@Lymuise: RT @rollingstoneBR: Holocausto Canibal, de 1979, é considerado o primeiro filme do gênero gore da história. Com cenas chocantes e extremame… - 2 years ago

@TomatazosCom: #RuggeroDeodato, director de #HolocaustoCaníbal, fallece a los 83 años: - 2 years ago

@EXYLIUM99: RT @AzzTheMad: Tristesse en ce début de journée.. J'apprends le décès de Ruggero Deodato, le papa de Cannibal Holocaust, et de dizaines d'a… - 2 years ago

@NowMyNews: Ruggero Deodato, the Italian director best known for Cannibal Holocaust, has died at the age of 83… - 2 years ago

@karabulutkartal: RT @karabulutkartal: Tartışma yaratan yönetmen Ruggero Deodato yaşamını yitirdi - 2 years ago

@ronaldperrone: Primeira atitude de 2023: baixando a filmografia inteira do Ruggero Deodato. - 2 years ago

@karabulutkartal: Tartışma yaratan yönetmen Ruggero Deodato yaşamını yitirdi - 2 years ago

@dreapitter: RT @tenilleclarke1: This week alone, we have lost notable public figures such as Barbara Walters, Dame Vivienne Westwood, Pele, Ian Tyson,… - 2 years ago

@Shygaru1: Celebrando la reciente muerte de Ruggero Deodato, traigo en Stardeos a una de las películas mas conocidas del géner… - 2 years ago

@GialloFever2: Goodbye RUGGERO DEODATO ❤️ #ruggerodeodato #cannibalholocaust #giallofever #italianhorror #italiangiallo… - 2 years ago

@Razorgirl1984: RT @Ruby_Stevens: Rest in Peace Ruggero Deodato, Cut and Run (1985), - 2 years ago

@rollingstoneBR: RT @rollingstoneBR: Holocausto Canibal, de 1979, é considerado o primeiro filme do gênero gore da história. Com cenas chocantes e extremame… - 2 years ago

@IlMortoDelMese: Ruggero Deodato (1939-2022) - 2 years ago

@tlrd: Director of ‘most controversial film ever’ Ruggero Deodato dead aged 83 - 2 years ago

@BRMBug: RT @yourstaticradio: Friday's #IHungAroundInYourSoundtrack w/ tributes to John Neff, Eduard Artemyev, & Ruggero Deodato. Also @DAVID_LYNCH… - 2 years ago

@yourstaticradio: Friday's #IHungAroundInYourSoundtrack w/ tributes to John Neff, Eduard Artemyev, & Ruggero Deodato. Also… - 2 years ago

@rottengerm77: In honor of the maestro, Ruggero Deodato, I'm checking out the last film he was a part of. Currently watching: D… - 2 years ago

@jonathanvaz: RT @rollingstoneBR: Holocausto Canibal, de 1979, é considerado o primeiro filme do gênero gore da história. Com cenas chocantes e extremame… - 2 years ago

@CrystalClear989: @Sultan0fSleaze Raiders Of Atlantis, in honor of Ruggero Deodato passing. - 2 years ago

@MattStaffordQB1: RT @Variety: Ruggero Deodato has died at age 83. His 1980 cult classic “Cannibal Holocaust” is considered one of the goriest movies of all… - 2 years ago

@juliolxxix: RT @puertatanhause: The Barbarians (Los bárbaros) (1987) de Ruggero Deodato. D.E.P. - 2 years ago

@pequenogeorge: Passando a virada com minha blusinha do Canibal Holocaust, em homenagem ao querido Ruggero Deodato R.I.P - 2 years ago

@LordNecrosis666: Italian film-maker acquired infamy when rumours about his 1980 ‘found footage’ horror led to him being charged with… - 2 years ago

@Razorgirl1984: RT @LazlosGhost: R.I.P. Ruggero Deodato, who pushed cinema to truly horrific extremes, to put it mildly. Cannibal Holocaust is essential as… - 2 years ago

@gilbertovaladez: Una veladora por quienes se adelantaron en 2022. Pelé, Godard, Héctor Bonilla, Vin Scully, George Pérez, Ruggero De… - 2 years ago

@duowolfs: RT @Shudder: We'd like to take a moment to remember Ruggero Deodato, director of Cannibal Holocaust. He will forever be missed. - 2 years ago

@njgypsyg: RT @tenilleclarke1: This week alone, we have lost notable public figures such as Barbara Walters, Dame Vivienne Westwood, Pele, Ian Tyson,… - 2 years ago

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