Royal Galipeau

Canadian politician
Died on Sunday January 28th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Royal Galipeau:

@fschmitt22: RT @stephenharper: Laureen and I are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of our friend and former colleague, Royal Galipeau. He leaves b… - 7 years ago

@ArbresCanada: RT @LeDroitca: Royal Galipeau, fondateur de la Journée nationale de l’arbre - 7 years ago

@cdnpoli_news: Famous Five Ottawa to celebrate Isobel Metcalfe Monday night in O-town - 7 years ago

@Kylelow46234310: RT @stephenharper: Laureen et moi sommes profondément attristés d’apprendre le décès de notre ami et ancien collègue Royal Galipeau. Il lai… - 7 years ago


@GHyland12: RT @TreeCanada: Royal Galipeau, founder of #NationalTreeDay, left us on Jan 27, 2018. To commemorate his memory, Michael Rosen, President o… - 7 years ago

@Kamehamedoukenn: RT @votemikelalonde: Saddened today by the passing of Royal Galipeau. Royal was the first MP I met & remains an inspiration to me to this… - 7 years ago

@egan_tj: RT @stephenharper: Laureen and I are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of our friend and former colleague, Royal Galipeau. He leaves b… - 7 years ago

@HunanofChina: RT @stephenharper: Laureen and I are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of our friend and former colleague, Royal Galipeau. He leaves b… - 7 years ago

@LeDroitca: Royal Galipeau, fondateur de la Journée nationale de l’arbre - 7 years ago

@ArbresCanada: RT @ArbresCanada: Royal Galipeau, fondateur de la #Journéenationaledelarbre, ns a quitté le 27 janv 2018. Michael Rosen, Président d’ @Arbr… - 7 years ago

@TreeCanada: RT @TreeCanada: Royal Galipeau, founder of #NationalTreeDay, left us on Jan 27, 2018. To commemorate his memory, Michael Rosen, President o… - 7 years ago

@purplewoman: RT @ArbresCanada: Royal Galipeau, fondateur de la #Journéenationaledelarbre, ns a quitté le 27 janv 2018. Michael Rosen, Président d’ @Arbr… - 7 years ago

@DebraAnnBeattie: Beautifully written Mr. Rosen @bouleaujaune! Our neighbourhoods, our forests and @TreeCanada are lucky to have had… - 7 years ago

@LucieAuger: RT @ArbresCanada: Royal Galipeau, fondateur de la #Journéenationaledelarbre, ns a quitté le 27 janv 2018. Michael Rosen, Président d’ @Arbr… - 7 years ago

@championdumonde: My dad, Royal Galipeau, passed away last week. Here he is in 1965 working at Prince Albert National Park. 45 years… - 7 years ago

@VivreMontreal: RT @ArbresCanada: Royal Galipeau, fondateur de la #Journéenationaledelarbre, ns a quitté le 27 janv 2018. Michael Rosen, Président d’ @Arbr… - 7 years ago

@championdumonde: RT @ArbresCanada: Royal Galipeau, fondateur de la #Journéenationaledelarbre, ns a quitté le 27 janv 2018. Michael Rosen, Président d’ @Arbr… - 7 years ago

@CecilUforia: RT @TreeCanada: Royal Galipeau, founder of #NationalTreeDay, left us on Jan 27, 2018. To commemorate his memory, Michael Rosen, President o… - 7 years ago

@ArbresCanada: Royal Galipeau, fondateur de la #Journéenationaledelarbre, ns a quitté le 27 janv 2018. Michael Rosen, Président d’… - 7 years ago

@championdumonde: RT @TreeCanada: Royal Galipeau, founder of #NationalTreeDay, left us on Jan 27, 2018. To commemorate his memory, Michael Rosen, President o… - 7 years ago

@TreeCanada: Royal Galipeau, founder of #NationalTreeDay, left us on Jan 27, 2018. To commemorate his memory, Michael Rosen, Pre… - 7 years ago

@HunanofChina: RT @stephenharper: Laureen et moi sommes profondément attristés d’apprendre le décès de notre ami et ancien collègue Royal Galipeau. Il lai… - 7 years ago

@uytzql8z2m_611: Former Ottawa-area MP Royal Galipeau dies of cancer at age 71 - 7 years ago

@SysoonMemorial: Royal Galipeau: Page about Royal Galipeau - 7 years ago

@pakaikokushira: Former Ottawa-area MP Royal Galipeau dies of cancer at age 71 - 7 years ago

@Zippittt: RT @seanmurphy_ott: Royal Galipeau did not make excuses. Even while facing countless serious health issues, Royal rarely missed a vote in t… - 7 years ago

@6tw6u60avz_765: Former Ottawa-area MP Royal Galipeau dies of cancer at age 71 - 7 years ago

@joansgriffien: Former Ottawa-area MP Royal Galipeau dies of cancer at age 71 - 7 years ago

@s_d_christopher: RT @CFRAKristy: I'm at council this morning, where @JimWatsonOttawa begins the meeting with a moment of silence for former MP Royal Galipea… - 7 years ago

@1loriking: RT @CFRAKristy: I'm at council this morning, where @JimWatsonOttawa begins the meeting with a moment of silence for former MP Royal Galipea… - 7 years ago

@JimWatsonOttawa: RT @CFRAKristy: I'm at council this morning, where @JimWatsonOttawa begins the meeting with a moment of silence for former MP Royal Galipea… - 7 years ago

@Skywatcherb: RT @stephenharper: Laureen and I are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of our friend and former colleague, Royal Galipeau. He leaves b… - 7 years ago

@gitsukiritsurin: Former Ottawa-area MP Royal Galipeau dies of cancer at age 71 - 7 years ago

@Mark24636985: RT @CFRAKristy: I'm at council this morning, where @JimWatsonOttawa begins the meeting with a moment of silence for former MP Royal Galipea… - 7 years ago

@sdbx1gebk8_956: Former Ottawa-area MP Royal Galipeau dies of cancer at age 71 - 7 years ago

@NickWolf47: RT @stephenharper: Laureen and I are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of our friend and former colleague, Royal Galipeau. He leaves b… - 7 years ago

@KerryLynneFindl: RT @AndrewScheer: Today I had the privilege of honouring my friend and former colleague Royal Galipeau for his dedication and service to Ca… - 7 years ago

@tremmi14: RT @ONfr_TFO: Les drapeaux du Centre du service à la clientèle d’#Orléans seront mis en berne mardi en hommage à l'ancien conseiller munici… - 7 years ago

@omachigaikoi: Former Ottawa-area MP Royal Galipeau dies of cancer at age 71 - 7 years ago

@AMJ_Ottawa: RT @CFRAKristy: I'm at council this morning, where @JimWatsonOttawa begins the meeting with a moment of silence for former MP Royal Galipea… - 7 years ago

@BellsCornersBIA: RT @CFRAKristy: I'm at council this morning, where @JimWatsonOttawa begins the meeting with a moment of silence for former MP Royal Galipea… - 7 years ago

@panmizugaoyu: Former Ottawa-area MP Royal Galipeau dies of cancer at age 71 - 7 years ago

@jesss_5: RT @CFRAKristy: I'm at council this morning, where @JimWatsonOttawa begins the meeting with a moment of silence for former MP Royal Galipea… - 7 years ago

@GiacomoPanico: RT @championdumonde: My dad, Royal Galipeau, raised me on CBC so, thanks @cbcallinaday & @steveouthouse for this touching tribute. That 201… - 7 years ago

@MyelomaTeacher: RT @MikeVlasveld: .@JimWatsonOttawa calls for a moment of silence to honour former Orleans MP Royal Galipeau, who passed away due to multip… - 7 years ago

@Charlie_Senack: RT @CFRAKristy: I'm at council this morning, where @JimWatsonOttawa begins the meeting with a moment of silence for former MP Royal Galipea… - 7 years ago

@InnesWard: RT @CFRAKristy: I'm at council this morning, where @JimWatsonOttawa begins the meeting with a moment of silence for former MP Royal Galipea… - 7 years ago

@Politicscanadia: stephenharper: Laureen et moi sommes profondément attristés d’apprendre le décès de notre ami et ancien collègue Ro… - 7 years ago

@BrettSens: RT @CFRAKristy: I'm at council this morning, where @JimWatsonOttawa begins the meeting with a moment of silence for former MP Royal Galipea… - 7 years ago

@MikeVlasveld: .@JimWatsonOttawa calls for a moment of silence to honour former Orleans MP Royal Galipeau, who passed away due to… - 7 years ago

@CFRAKristy: I'm at council this morning, where @JimWatsonOttawa begins the meeting with a moment of silence for former MP Royal Galipeau. #OttNews - 7 years ago

@JonathanWilling: Moment of silence at council for Royal Galipeau, who recently died. - 7 years ago

@jchianello: Mayor @jimwatsonottawa begins the first council meeting of 2018 with a tribute to former MP Royal Galipeau, who died last weekend. #ottnews - 7 years ago

@pechiguchirakus: Former Ottawa-area MP Royal Galipeau dies of cancer at age 71 - 7 years ago

@CementerioTW: Royal Galipeau (1947-2018) Empresario y político canadiense. - 7 years ago

@lisacagency: RT @ottawacity: Flags are at half-mast today at the Orléans Client Service Centre from sunrise to sunset in memory of former City of Glouce… - 7 years ago

@HunanofChina: RT @stephenharper: Laureen and I are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of our friend and former colleague, Royal Galipeau. He leaves b… - 7 years ago

@HunanofChina: RT @stephenharper: Laureen et moi sommes profondément attristés d’apprendre le décès de notre ami et ancien collègue Royal Galipeau. Il lai… - 7 years ago

@bxpn8s5m23_234: Former Ottawa-area MP Royal Galipeau dies of cancer at age 71 - 7 years ago

@championdumonde: My dad, Royal Galipeau, raised me on CBC so, thanks @cbcallinaday & @steveouthouse for this touching tribute. That… - 7 years ago

@gonshishiridan: Former Ottawa-area MP Royal Galipeau dies of cancer at age 71 - 7 years ago

@cmxtuyw55i_286: Former Ottawa-area MP Royal Galipeau dies of cancer at age 71 - 7 years ago

@ITWorkz_Schoey: RT @AndrewScheer: Today I had the privilege of honouring my friend and former colleague Royal Galipeau for his dedication and service to Ca… - 7 years ago

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