Roy Radner

American economist.
Died on Monday October 17th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Roy Radner:

@TaoWittman: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@leandro_aragao: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@JoshuaSStinson: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@joanribastur: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago


@TimothyTTaylor: For an overview of Roy Radner's work up to 1992 on the occasion of his being named a Distinguished Fellow of the AE… - 2 years ago

@TimothyTTaylor: Roy Radner has died. - 2 years ago

@SimonBowmaker: RT @mattkahn1966: - 2 years ago

@mattkahn1966: - 2 years ago

@Margare71846788: RT @SumanGhosh1530: One of the greatest economic theorist, Roy Radner passed away recently. Here is a wonderful memorial piece on his work… - 2 years ago

@seanjtaylor: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@tbarrios2: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@IvanWerning: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@DBaqaee: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@socampdi: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@SumanGhosh1530: One of the greatest economic theorist, Roy Radner passed away recently. Here is a wonderful memorial piece on his w… - 2 years ago

@Societies_HET: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@SamuelDouradod2: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@peregrinrm: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@irwincollier: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@tkshhysh_en: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@ToshiMukoyama: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@charmelades: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@Undercoverhist: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@tkshhysh: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@nescio13: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@mrjahan49: Many of us understand the concept of equilibrium within Roy Radner’s framework. Rest In Peace! - 2 years ago

@NYUSternCFM: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@Sondre_Eng: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@and_joy_: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@eitavcaqui: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@vncarrasco: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@Pranav211sk: RT @wparag: A very interesting thread on Roy Radner's contribution to Climate Change. His book remains the most accessible and sensible boo… - 2 years ago

@hicksian_2012: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@ben_golub: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@wparag: A very interesting thread on Roy Radner's contribution to Climate Change. His book remains the most accessible and… - 2 years ago

@MoniBishnu: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@philjeanpierre: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@arthurbraganca7: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@rphlbruce: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@k_mcelheran: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@ho_ben: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@robseamans: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@AiRodeo: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@mikybartoli: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@RivasWalker: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@SimonBowmaker: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@sususus40958198: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@georgionomix: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@edenhofer_jacob: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@NeoZinhoFz: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@ant1germain: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@IgorLetina: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@luismbcabral: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@ngiocoli: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@upanizza: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@ArashMV: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@makro_philip: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@EugenieDugoua: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@AlexTheloudis: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@obergland: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@rohlamba: RT @BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@BardHarstad: A short tribute to Roy Radner (1927-2022) @NYUStern who developed the way every economist should (1/8): - 2 years ago

@berkeleyside: Remembering Roy Radner, UC Berkeley economist - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Roy Radner, you will be missed - #RoyRadner #Roy #Radner #rip - 2 years ago

@91e3dccf934042c: @AngelaBelcamino Chris Farley ,Gilda radner, Robin Williams, John candy , janis joplin, Roy orbison, George Carli… - 2 years ago

@subyroy: RT @subyroy: @anavasiliu @BruceBartlett Roy Radner did, Econometrica 1968, so did Frank Hahn - 2 years ago

@subyroy: Roy Radner's important work that Hahn introduced me to in 1976 was I taught its basics at… - 2 years ago

@subyroy: RT @subyroy: then I got an offer to move to Delhi School so I did (Chetty wasn't happy)... there @PrannoyRoyNDTV hung out w the same pretty… - 2 years ago

@subyroy: RT @subyroy: And yes I was teaching Roy Radner's theory to the MA class when, I was told, a student leader named @arunjaitley was leading @… - 2 years ago

@subyroy: RT @subyroy: definitely Mukul Majumdar (a student of Roy Radner I think he told me when we talked during my @Cornell sojourn in 1983) is th… - 2 years ago

@subyroy: RT @subyroy: It is excellent @NYUStern 's Roy Radner (of whom Frank Hahn thought the world as an economic theorist when we first met in 197… - 2 years ago

@subyroy: RT @subyroy: I taught a section of Advanced Economic Theory (basically Roy Radner on information structures) to a section of the 1977/78 MA… - 2 years ago

@subyroy: RT @subyroy: Abhijit Banerjee, then a graduating senior, was introduced to me after I gave a talk c 1979/80 Presidency College on Roy Radne… - 2 years ago

@k_mcelheran: RT @asv141: Just heard that Roy Radner passed away a few days ago 😔 - 2 years ago

@ToshiMukoyama: RT @asv141: Just heard that Roy Radner passed away a few days ago 😔 - 2 years ago

@asusarla: Saddened to hear of the death of Roy Radner! I loved his work on firms and information processing, a topic that's e… - 2 years ago

@johnjhorton: A very nice tribute to Roy Radner - 2 years ago

@seanjtaylor: I wish I had been a better student of Roy's work. I've read some but his CV is loong. One paper that was influentia… - 2 years ago

@AndreasShrugged: RIP Roy Radner. My wildcard guess for a Nobel. - 2 years ago

@realAkhmed: There appears to be news about our legendary NYU Stern professor Roy Radner passing away! Any word from NYU? cc:… - 2 years ago

@realAkhmed: RT @asv141: Just heard that Roy Radner passed away a few days ago 😔 - 2 years ago

@gp_mihalache: RT @asv141: Just heard that Roy Radner passed away a few days ago 😔 - 2 years ago

@ddiamantaras: RT @asv141: Just heard that Roy Radner passed away a few days ago 😔 - 2 years ago

@ben_golub: RT @asv141: Just heard that Roy Radner passed away a few days ago 😔 - 2 years ago

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