Roy Fisher

British poet and jazz pianist.
Died on Thursday March 23rd 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Roy Fisher:

@proclitic1415: RT @jntod: RIP Roy Fisher, and his part in a civilization - 8 years ago

@fisher_isaac: RT @UNCBarstool: lol. I know you just became a basketball fan last week, but leave the coaching fashion to Roy and the real Carolina https:… - 8 years ago

@GaryGoddmn: @MaggieGallaghe @MattWalshBlog Meth lab guy = Tea Party, Deacon, Calvary Baptist, John Fisher Radio, law lecturer @ U AL, buds w Roy Moore - 8 years ago

@_Roy_Miller: RT @SindarMomoa: Jason Momoa, Ezra Miller & Ray Fisher. MY HEART JUST GREW TENFOLD. WHAT A BEAUTIFUL FAMILY. #JusticeLeague - 8 years ago


@mkimdorman: RT @BloodaxeArchive: Roy Fisher 1930-2017. Here his corrections and revisions to 'Interiors with Various Figures', from the 1996 new and se… - 8 years ago

@gurriersread: RT @BloodaxeArchive: Roy Fisher 1930-2017. Here his corrections and revisions to 'Interiors with Various Figures', from the 1996 new and se… - 8 years ago

@proclitic1415: RT @ben_tripp1987: - 8 years ago

@melpryorpoetry: RT @DrGearyMatt: In memoriam: Roy Fisher - Handsworth born poet, student of University of Birmingham - - 8 years ago

@GBClarkson: RT @DrGearyMatt: In memoriam: Roy Fisher - Handsworth born poet, student of University of Birmingham - - 8 years ago

@JiveBirmingham: RT @DrGearyMatt: In memoriam: Roy Fisher - Handsworth born poet, student of University of Birmingham - - 8 years ago

@DrGearyMatt: In memoriam: Roy Fisher - Handsworth born poet, student of University of Birmingham - - 8 years ago

@rlynnef1: Written by Roy Fisher: Trump is not up to speed on Islam yet in my opinion. We do need to stop Islamic... - 8 years ago

@BBCRadio3: Roy Fisher died on 21 March 2017. Here's Ian McMillan's tribute to "one of England's finest poets". - 8 years ago

@ThinkinPractice: RT @BBCRadio3: Roy Fisher died on 21 March 2017. Here's @IMcMillan's tribute to "one of England's finest poets". - 8 years ago

@NekropoleENG: Roy Fisher Writer, Pianist, Pedagogue, teacher, - 8 years ago

@NekropoleInfoPL: Roy Fisher pisarz, pianista, pedagog, nauczyciel, - 8 years ago

@keith_jebb: RT @microbius: Link to my reading of Roy Fisher's late prose piece ‘Stops and Stations'... - 8 years ago

@MarkPow1: RT @BBCRadio3: Roy Fisher died on 21 March 2017. Here's @IMcMillan's tribute to "one of England's finest poets". - 8 years ago

@swann_jenny: RT @BBCRadio3: Roy Fisher died on 21 March 2017. Here's @IMcMillan's tribute to "one of England's finest poets". - 8 years ago

@IMcMillan: RT @BBCRadio3: Roy Fisher died on 21 March 2017. Here's @IMcMillan's tribute to "one of England's finest poets". - 8 years ago

@koorber_mary: RT @BBCRadio3: Roy Fisher died on 21 March 2017. Here's @IMcMillan's tribute to "one of England's finest poets". - 8 years ago

@DBelbin: RT @BBCRadio3: Roy Fisher died on 21 March 2017. Here's @IMcMillan's tribute to "one of England's finest poets". - 8 years ago

@Firebirdtjw: RT @BBCRadio3: Roy Fisher died on 21 March 2017. Here's @IMcMillan's tribute to "one of England's finest poets". - 8 years ago

@AbsenceClub: RT @BBCRadio3: Roy Fisher died on 21 March 2017. Here's @IMcMillan's tribute to "one of England's finest poets". - 8 years ago

@TiniDo: RT @BBCRadio3: Roy Fisher died on 21 March 2017. Here's @IMcMillan's tribute to "one of England's finest poets". - 8 years ago

@george_szirtes: RT @BBCRadio3: Roy Fisher died on 21 March 2017. Here's @IMcMillan's tribute to "one of England's finest poets". - 8 years ago

@jfkeehan: RT @BBCRadio3: Roy Fisher died on 21 March 2017. Here's @IMcMillan's tribute to "one of England's finest poets". - 8 years ago

@BBCRadio3: Roy Fisher died on 21 March 2017. Here's @IMcMillan's tribute to "one of England's finest poets". - 8 years ago

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