Roy Edwards

American state representative
Died on Tuesday November 3rd 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Filip Krüeger

Tweets related to Roy Edwards:

@BlackHillsFOX: The Wyoming state representative who opposed COVID-19 public restrictions was positive for the coronavirus when he… - 4 years ago

@haiccu: Because of gun violence Jordan Edwards was shot in the head and killed by Balch Springs, Texas cop Roy Oliver - 4 years ago

@lady_thats: RT @Cleavon_MD: The son of Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards who said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the elect… - 4 years ago

@B_On_Fly_Ish: Mark my words Anthony Edwards will be ROY - 4 years ago


@BeverlyShipley3: RT @Cleavon_MD: The son of Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards who said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the elect… - 4 years ago

@PmunitedN: The 5th Court of Appeals in Dallas, Texas upheld the conviction and 15-year sentence for Roy Oliver, a former Balch… - 4 years ago

@RPeeters6: RT @Cleavon_MD: The son of Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards who said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the elect… - 4 years ago

@Larry_du_Nord: RT @Cleavon_MD: The son of Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards who said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the elect… - 4 years ago

@Larry_du_Nord: RT @Cleavon_MD: Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the election. On Oct 18,… - 4 years ago

@AnneMiller0018: @FUMCTrussville My father, Roy Edwards - 4 years ago

@1_version_2_go: RT @Cleavon_MD: The son of Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards who said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the elect… - 4 years ago

@hstep5: RT @Cleavon_MD: The son of Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards who said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the elect… - 4 years ago

@SJB6162: RT @Cleavon_MD: The son of Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards who said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the elect… - 4 years ago

@absharpe1: RT @Cleavon_MD: The son of Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards who said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the elect… - 4 years ago

@donaldmcknight: RT @Cleavon_MD: The son of Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards who said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the elect… - 4 years ago

@eckert_mark: RT @Cleavon_MD: The son of Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards who said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the elect… - 4 years ago

@LynnJoh71918052: RT @Cleavon_MD: The son of Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards who said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the elect… - 4 years ago

@sunni1515: RT @Cleavon_MD: The son of Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards who said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the elect… - 4 years ago

@AmberDirks: RT @Cleavon_MD: The son of Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards who said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the elect… - 4 years ago

@midwest_sarah: RT @Cleavon_MD: The son of Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards who said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the elect… - 4 years ago

@brandyleah1: RT @Cleavon_MD: The son of Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards who said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the elect… - 4 years ago

@futurowoman: RT @Cleavon_MD: The son of Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards who said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the elect… - 4 years ago

@Mr_BUFF_it: RT @Cleavon_MD: The son of Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards who said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the elect… - 4 years ago

@andidontdream: RT @Cleavon_MD: The son of Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards who said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the elect… - 4 years ago

@CarolynHoechst: RT @Cleavon_MD: The son of Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards who said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the elect… - 4 years ago

@SemiProFooty: RT @_IWFC: On this day in 1995 we travelled to Norwich United and came away 3-0 winners climbing to 7th in the table in front of a crowd of… - 4 years ago

@DesignDreamer1: RT @Cleavon_MD: The son of Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards who said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the elect… - 4 years ago

@SnohoMo: RT @Cleavon_MD: The son of Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards who said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the elect… - 4 years ago

@BethanyAndres: RT @Cleavon_MD: The son of Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards who said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the elect… - 4 years ago

@ana_wiki: RT @Cleavon_MD: The son of Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards who said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the elect… - 4 years ago

@Paul_Hirst_: RT @Cleavon_MD: Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the election. On Oct 18,… - 4 years ago

@cnwineinger: RT @cmMcConnaughy: Yes! This organizational infrastructure built by women and *then* made relevant to electoral politics is a well-document… - 4 years ago

@bot_violence: Because of gun violence Jordan Edwards was shot in the head and killed by Balch Springs, Texas cop Roy Oliver - 4 years ago

@Fevereirode1927: @mundodeumleao ROY - Wiseman / Edwards MVP - Doncic / Giannis Campeões - LAL FMVP - Lebron / AD Equipa decep… - 4 years ago

@KenShepherd: @wresbyterian Yeah, I was wrong. But I was going off your state's bad judgment past and present, namely John Edward… - 4 years ago

@DrJonUpdike: RT @AndrewGraham88: At a Saturday service for Rep. Roy Edwards, his son confirmed the lawmaker was hospitalized by COVID-19. Edwards died a… - 4 years ago

@deirdrel63: RT @AndrewGraham88: At a Saturday service for Rep. Roy Edwards, his son confirmed the lawmaker was hospitalized by COVID-19. Edwards died a… - 4 years ago

@natehegyi: RT @AndrewGraham88: At a Saturday service for Rep. Roy Edwards, his son confirmed the lawmaker was hospitalized by COVID-19. Edwards died a… - 4 years ago

@joshwolfson: RT @AndrewGraham88: At a Saturday service for Rep. Roy Edwards, his son confirmed the lawmaker was hospitalized by COVID-19. Edwards died a… - 4 years ago

@BFoster91: RT @AndrewGraham88: At a Saturday service for Rep. Roy Edwards, his son confirmed the lawmaker was hospitalized by COVID-19. Edwards died a… - 4 years ago

@Dr_Nut_: RT @AndrewGraham88: At a Saturday service for Rep. Roy Edwards, his son confirmed the lawmaker was hospitalized by COVID-19. Edwards died a… - 4 years ago

@CQBEXPT: RT @AndrewGraham88: At a Saturday service for Rep. Roy Edwards, his son confirmed the lawmaker was hospitalized by COVID-19. Edwards died a… - 4 years ago

@AndrewGraham88: At a Saturday service for Rep. Roy Edwards, his son confirmed the lawmaker was hospitalized by COVID-19. Edwards di… - 4 years ago

@HollyElliott32: RT @bears_report: The injury to Roy Robertson Harris sucks. We all expected a bigger year from him, but still a big loss to the DL. Luckily… - 4 years ago

@bears_report: The injury to Roy Robertson Harris sucks. We all expected a bigger year from him, but still a big loss to the DL. L… - 4 years ago

@_StaySolid4: I can agree with Lonzo. But this is a tough draft class, I lowkey got Anthony Edwards winning ROY - 4 years ago

@P_D_Miller: @RuralChrisLee Up North near the Canadian border, there seems to be a bit more give, whether it's the Midwest or Ne… - 4 years ago

@The_News_Record: During a memorial service this weekend, former state Rep. Roy Edwards’ son Mitch confirmed that his late father was… - 4 years ago

@AngusThuermer: RT @WyoFile: Videos and social media posts indicate COVID-19 infections reached the congregation of a church headed by one state lawmaker a… - 4 years ago

@B_Sputnik: RT @cmMcConnaughy: Yes! This organizational infrastructure built by women and *then* made relevant to electoral politics is a well-document… - 4 years ago

@sound_of_sirens: RT @cmMcConnaughy: Yes! This organizational infrastructure built by women and *then* made relevant to electoral politics is a well-document… - 4 years ago

@henryfarrell: RT @cmMcConnaughy: Yes! This organizational infrastructure built by women and *then* made relevant to electoral politics is a well-document… - 4 years ago

@SamDMiller31: RT @AndrewGraham88: At a Saturday service for Rep. Roy Edwards, his son confirmed the lawmaker was hospitalized by COVID-19. Edwards died a… - 4 years ago

@UndineSpragg1: RT @cmMcConnaughy: Yes! This organizational infrastructure built by women and *then* made relevant to electoral politics is a well-document… - 4 years ago

@Romano_PoliSci: RT @cmMcConnaughy: Yes! This organizational infrastructure built by women and *then* made relevant to electoral politics is a well-document… - 4 years ago

@Resist_Agitate: RT @cmMcConnaughy: Yes! This organizational infrastructure built by women and *then* made relevant to electoral politics is a well-document… - 4 years ago

@cmMcConnaughy: Yes! This organizational infrastructure built by women and *then* made relevant to electoral politics is a well-doc… - 4 years ago

@HockeyMankato: RT @PBFeldy: Mavs get all 10 first-place votes in WCHA preseason poll. Junior G Dryden McKay is the league’s preseason POY (Nathan Smith al… - 4 years ago

@WyoFile: Videos and social media posts indicate COVID-19 infections reached the congregation of a church headed by one state… - 4 years ago

@PBFeldy: Mavs get all 10 first-place votes in WCHA preseason poll. Junior G Dryden McKay is the league’s preseason POY (Nath… - 4 years ago

@GeoffyPJohnston: RT @woolf_atthedoor: Today's episode of Dark Glasses on @CFRC at 2 pm 101.9: all -female band International Sweethearts of Rhythm; Joel Ros… - 4 years ago

@CFRC: RT @woolf_atthedoor: Today's episode of Dark Glasses on @CFRC at 2 pm 101.9: all -female band International Sweethearts of Rhythm; Joel Ros… - 4 years ago

@woolf_atthedoor: Today's episode of Dark Glasses on @CFRC at 2 pm 101.9: all -female band International Sweethearts of Rhythm; Joel… - 4 years ago

@EqualityState: RT @IAmNickReynolds: Joint Corporations meeting this morning. Proceedings began with a prayer for Rep. Roy Edwards, who died early last we… - 4 years ago

@IAmNickReynolds: Joint Corporations meeting this morning. Proceedings began with a prayer for Rep. Roy Edwards, who died early last… - 4 years ago

@sturgidson: Last week, a notable state legislator died of COVID, Rep Roy Edwards. Of course, his church had an active spread an… - 4 years ago

@updike_terri: RT @Cleavon_MD: Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the election. On Oct 18,… - 4 years ago

@eauxKAY: I miss Roy Edwards even though he caused hell on Earth ! Them Saints cuttin up tonight “PawPaw” - 4 years ago

@WelpDontizzle: RT @Johnathan_Wood1: Prominent free agents include Allen Robinson Roy Robertson-Harris Mitchell Trubisky Mario Edwards Tashaun Gipson Germ… - 4 years ago

@CoachN_J_: RT @Johnathan_Wood1: Prominent free agents include Allen Robinson Roy Robertson-Harris Mitchell Trubisky Mario Edwards Tashaun Gipson Germ… - 4 years ago

@Johnathan_Wood1: Prominent free agents include Allen Robinson Roy Robertson-Harris Mitchell Trubisky Mario Edwards Tashaun Gipson G… - 4 years ago

@iceup: RT @Cleavon_MD: Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the election. On Oct 18,… - 4 years ago

@bri_ece: RT @Cleavon_MD: Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the election. On Oct 18,… - 4 years ago

@chucksplatt: RT @Cleavon_MD: Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the election. On Oct 18,… - 4 years ago

@RamblingMyMind: RT @Cleavon_MD: Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the election. On Oct 18,… - 4 years ago

@aurorashmora: RT @Cleavon_MD: Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the election. On Oct 18,… - 4 years ago

@CarleneGarriso6: RT @Cleavon_MD: Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the election. On Oct 18,… - 4 years ago

@ErinLudwig_CLC: RT @Cleavon_MD: Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the election. On Oct 18,… - 4 years ago

@In2019Porge: RT @Cleavon_MD: Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the election. On Oct 18,… - 4 years ago

@Prinia: RT @Cleavon_MD: Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the election. On Oct 18,… - 4 years ago

@ddvaughn2: RT @Cleavon_MD: Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the election. On Oct 18,… - 4 years ago

@Renee77641834: RT @Cleavon_MD: Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the election. On Oct 18,… - 4 years ago

@jacobLpeck: RT @Cleavon_MD: Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the election. On Oct 18,… - 4 years ago

@HoffmanHopes: RT @AndrewGraham88: Online sermons detail how COVID-19 reached the church led by Rep. Scott Clem and attended by Rep. Roy Edwards. Both men… - 4 years ago

@HoffmanHopes: RT @Cleavon_MD: Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the election. On Oct 18,… - 4 years ago

@OuraniaSeven: RT @Cleavon_MD: Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the election. On Oct 18,… - 4 years ago

@percyhoward_: RT @Cleavon_MD: Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards said COVID was overblown for political reasons & would vanish after the election. On Oct 18,… - 4 years ago

@Msleahmvader: RT @AndrewGraham88: Online sermons detail how COVID-19 reached the church led by Rep. Scott Clem and attended by Rep. Roy Edwards. Both men… - 4 years ago

@MattJStannard: Wyoming State Representative Roy Edwards of Gillette was a vociferous covid denialist who died of covid on Monday so there it is. - 4 years ago

@joshwolfson: RT @AndrewGraham88: Online sermons detail how COVID-19 reached the church led by Rep. Scott Clem and attended by Rep. Roy Edwards. Both men… - 4 years ago

@SamDMiller31: RT @AndrewGraham88: Online sermons detail how COVID-19 reached the church led by Rep. Scott Clem and attended by Rep. Roy Edwards. Both men… - 4 years ago

@AndrewGraham88: Online sermons detail how COVID-19 reached the church led by Rep. Scott Clem and attended by Rep. Roy Edwards. Both… - 4 years ago

@HalfStaffAlerts: UPDATE - Wyoming - Half-Staff Alert - In honor of Representative Roy Edwards - 4 years ago

@issa_huuuuman: Early award predictions: MVP: Luka DPOY: Anthony Davis ROY: Anthony Edwards MIP: Deandre Ayton COTY: Kerr/Carlisle/Spoelstra - 4 years ago

@fenellasaunders: RT @_klburke: This is the end of the tweets for this session. If you're interested in this topic, @AmSciMag continuing reading here: Q&A w/… - 4 years ago

@_klburke: This is the end of the tweets for this session. If you're interested in this topic, @AmSciMag continuing reading he… - 4 years ago

@Bob_Is_TheBest: My 2020-2021 nba award predictions Mvp: luka Roy: Anthony Edwards Dpoy: Davis Mip: Wiggins Coy: brad Stevens… - 4 years ago

@haiccu: Because of gun violence Jordan Edwards was shot in the head and killed by Balch Springs, Texas cop Roy Oliver - 4 years ago

@CSGWEST: We send our condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Wyoming Rep. Roy Edwards - - 4 years ago

@WyoNuggetFan: @StellaStar711 @LupusMom18 @DonWickenhagen Happened in WY too. Died the day before the election after a “six day il… - 4 years ago

@amw_stanford: steve bullock is still MT-GOV and steve daines is mortal. janet mills, susan collins. tom wolf, pat toomey. laura k… - 4 years ago

@soomuchguwop: So Clyde edwards hillare not a ROY candidate????? - 4 years ago

@ShaunPiazza711: @Ihartitz You like Dobbins or Edwards ROY ? - 4 years ago

@lloydjustablac1: @Sam_smp Hey hey hey texas might be red and a lot other things but texas do be charging cops for killing un arm bla… - 4 years ago

@haiccu: Because of gun violence Jordan Edwards was shot in the head and killed by Balch Springs, Texas cop Roy Oliver - 4 years ago

@AndrewGraham88: I counted Mark Baker, who was in the Leg from 2013-2017, as a new face, though he's not a new lawmaker. I also coun… - 4 years ago

@ZackAanderson: RT @acebaby257: 2 months later and Roy Edwards is dead of Covid. - 4 years ago

@BlueGirlRedSta4: Wife tells press this covid denier suddenly died of an "undisclosed illness" Gillette State Rep. Roy Edwards Dies D… - 4 years ago

@haiccu: Because of gun violence Jordan Edwards was shot in the head and killed by Balch Springs, Texas cop Roy Oliver - 4 years ago

@AnneBai66: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@Futaleufufufu: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@itssuzann: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@Diamond6771: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@b140tweet: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@LFusello: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@MixNBABR1: Minha previsão pra NBA Campeão: Clippers MVP: Doncic DPOY: AD 6MOY: Schoroder MIP: Shai Gilgeous Alexander ROY:… - 4 years ago

@EmbidaoDaMassa: Minha previsão pra NBA Campeão: Warriors MVP: Jayson Tatum DPOY: Kawhi Leonard 6MOY: Donte DiVicenzo MIP: Mattis… - 4 years ago

@Mreddigor: Minha previsão pra NBA Campeão: Los Angeles Clippers MVP: Luka Doncic DPOY: Anthony Davis 6MOY: Rajon Rondo MIP:… - 4 years ago

@doispontoss: Minha previsão pra NBA Campeão: Clippers MVP: James Harden DPOY: Anthony Davis 6MOY: Lou MIP: Tyler Herro ROY:… - 4 years ago

@wnctimes: Wyoming State Rep Roy Edwards Dies of Undisclosed illness - 4 years ago

@bassher: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@MayIrmamay14: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@DebbieMayf: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@colbynews: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@RickGarber1: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@littleblucleric: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@CarolYMorrisse1: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@revj911: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@garyrobertscott: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@SFTravels: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@BrodyBroshears: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@fight4freedom72: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@AmysandersonAmy: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@bot_violence: Because of gun violence Jordan Edwards was shot in the head and killed by Balch Springs, Texas cop Roy Oliver - 4 years ago

@l_menz: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@Kathatestrump: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@GBasquete: Minha previsão pra NBA Campeão: Celtics MVP: Wanamagic DPOY: Tacko Fall 6MOY: Carsen Edwards MIP: Semi Ojeleye RO… - 4 years ago

@anne_tappe: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@JP7916: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@carrybeyond: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@SabrinaMahony: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@atmospeer: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@caetams: Minha previsão pra NBA Campeão: Clippers MVP: Kyrie Irving DPOY: Anthony Davis 6MOY: Schroeder MIP: Fultz ROY: An… - 4 years ago

@Technocrat21mb: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@z_tarot: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@LLLwry: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@aziegler: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@Beantownump: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@100FrogLegs: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@Shawn00Guerra: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@leesgirl9: RT @DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fellow lawmaker… - 4 years ago

@DemopJ: "Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fel… - 4 years ago

@HypeJordan_: RT @murigol_H: Minha previsão pra NBA Campeão: Warriors MVP: Klay DPOY: Green 6MOY: Ky Bowman MIP: Jordan Poole ROY: Anthony Edwards ou L… - 4 years ago

@murigol_H: Minha previsão pra NBA Campeão: Warriors MVP: Klay DPOY: Green 6MOY: Ky Bowman MIP: Jordan Poole ROY: Anthony Edw… - 4 years ago

@suziferg0806: @IAmNickReynolds Roy Edwards was a member of my church. I have known him for many years and he was a wonderful man.… - 4 years ago

@suziferg0806: @CSTribune Roy Edwards died of Covid. He was one of the finest men that I ever knew and I don't understand why this is being kept secret. - 4 years ago

@KarlPeterson1: @realDonaldTrump Another one dies of the hoax. After a week in the hospital, republican Roy Edwards of Wisconsin died of Covid today. - 4 years ago

@PGruim: Minha previsão pra NBA Campeão: Lakers (de novo, infelizmente) MVP: Doncic DPOY: AD 6MOY: Schroder MIP: LeVert RO… - 4 years ago

@Drogavichdepre: Minha previsão pra NBA Campeão: Mavericks MVP: Luka Doncic DPOY: Kristaps Porzingis 6MOY: Maxi Kleber MIP: Marke… - 4 years ago

@localnews8: Wyoming state Rep. Roy Edwards of Gillette died of an undisclosed illness a day before the general election, a fell… - 4 years ago

@WesterbergHS89: RT @WYPublicRadio: According to the Gillette News Record, Edwards was transported to the Wyoming Medical Center last week. His wife, Glenda… - 4 years ago

@WYPublicRadio: According to the Gillette News Record, Edwards was transported to the Wyoming Medical Center last week. His wife, G… - 4 years ago

@Sysoon: Roy Edwards (1954 - 2020), died at age 66 years - 4 years ago

@NewcastleNLJ: RT @CSTribune: Rep. Roy Edwards died Monday morning after a more than week-long struggle with an unspecified illness. - 4 years ago

@smiller12017: RT @RepLizCheney: Phil and I were deeply saddened by the news of State Representative Roy Edwards’ passing. Roy was a friend to all that kn… - 4 years ago

@kgwntv: State Representative Roy Edwards dies - 4 years ago

@KarlPeterson1: @realDonaldTrump Another one dies of the hoax. After a week in the hospital, republican Roy Edwards of Wisconsin died of Covid today. - 4 years ago

@Teri_A_Adams: RT @suziferg0806: My friend, Roy Edwards died of covid a few minutes ago. He was a republican, a missionary to Russia, a deacon in our chur… - 4 years ago

@jim_sidewalk: RT @suziferg0806: My friend, Roy Edwards died of covid a few minutes ago. He was a republican, a missionary to Russia, a deacon in our chur… - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Roy Edwards - #RoyEdwards #Roy #Edwards #rip - 4 years ago

@NewsCenter1: Gillette native and Wyoming District 53 Representative Roy Edwards has died at the age of 66. - 4 years ago

@acebaby257: 2 months later and Roy Edwards is dead of Covid. - 4 years ago

@acebaby257: This guy Roy Edwards just died of Covid and Wyoming newspapers are calling it an “unspecified illness”. - 4 years ago

@acebaby257: RT @suziferg0806: My friend, Roy Edwards died of covid a few minutes ago. He was a republican, a missionary to Russia, a deacon in our chur… - 4 years ago

@givesyouhell4: 11.callie torres 13. meredith grey 14.ben warren 15.alex karev 16.stephanie edwards… - 4 years ago

@Susiexgop: @county17news Roy Edwards died of covid. I'm not sure why you left that out. We lost one of the best today. - 4 years ago

@All435Reps: RT @RepLizCheney: Phil and I were deeply saddened by the news of State Representative Roy Edwards’ passing. Roy was a friend to all that kn… - 4 years ago

@RepLizCheney: Phil and I were deeply saddened by the news of State Representative Roy Edwards’ passing. Roy was a friend to all t… - 4 years ago

@The_News_Record: BREAKING: Longtime state House Rep. Roy Edwards has died. He was running unopposed for his fourth term in the Legis… - 4 years ago

@wanba: RT @suziferg0806: My friend, Roy Edwards died of covid a few minutes ago. He was a republican, a missionary to Russia, a deacon in our chur… - 4 years ago

@WolvesGotNext: RT @xystenz: my way too early 2021 award predictions: mvp: kd (runner up: luka + giannis) dpoy: ben (runner up: giannis + smart) mip: mali… - 4 years ago

@Msleahmvader: RT @CSTribune: Rep. Roy Edwards died Monday morning after a more than week-long struggle with an unspecified illness. - 4 years ago

@IAmNickReynolds: @suziferg0806 Hi Suzi, I'm so sorry for your loss. That's terrible news. Is this Wyoming Roy Edwards you're referring to? - 4 years ago

@CSTribune: Rep. Roy Edwards died Monday morning after a more than week-long struggle with an unspecified illness. - 4 years ago

@miguelitoshouse: RT @buffalocialism: RIP Representative Roy Edwards, who appears to have mostly introduced legislation about buying gold and trying to crimi… - 4 years ago

@xystenz: my way too early 2021 award predictions: mvp: kd (runner up: luka + giannis) dpoy: ben (runner up: giannis + smart… - 4 years ago

@cmodowd: RT @suziferg0806: My friend, Roy Edwards died of covid a few minutes ago. He was a republican, a missionary to Russia, a deacon in our chur… - 4 years ago

@butleriano: RT @buffalocialism: RIP Representative Roy Edwards, who appears to have mostly introduced legislation about buying gold and trying to crimi… - 4 years ago

@buffalocialism: RIP Representative Roy Edwards, who appears to have mostly introduced legislation about buying gold and trying to c… - 4 years ago

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