Ross Perot

American businessman and politician
Died on Tuesday July 9th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Ross Perot:

@biancakimsmom: RT @NRO: In his final public interview, Perot was asked to sum up his legacy. He replied “Texas born. Texas bred. When I die, I’ll be Texas… - 6 years ago

@BLT_Recruiting: “Leaders don’t flock. You have to find them one at a time.” – Ross Perot Wisdom from one of a kind Ross. Building… - 6 years ago

@biancakimsmom: RT @AustinKellerman: Absolutely beautiful. A must read. 🇺🇸 Rick Perry: Now that Ross Perot is gone, I can tell this story - 6 years ago

@biancakimsmom: RT @crtrud: Ross Perot's famous quote on what ailed General Motors in a 1988 interview with Fortune: - 6 years ago


@biancakimsmom: RT @RipTornOutlives: Rip Torn has outlived billionaire presidential candidate H. Ross Perot. - 6 years ago

@biancakimsmom: RT @CatcherofShows: Look if you’re gonna get Dana Carvey trending cuz of Ross Perot’s death and his SNL impression, then you might as well… - 6 years ago

@biancakimsmom: RT @harrymccracken: I had somehow forgotten that Ross Perot was a friend of Steve Jobs and an investor in NeXT. In a roundabout way, he hel… - 6 years ago

@biancakimsmom: RT @MrBrijez: I always found Katrina Johnson's impression of Ross Perot on #AllThat hilarious. - 6 years ago

@biancakimsmom: RT @SenSanders: Ross Perot was a champion for veterans' rights and ahead of his time on disastrous trade policies. During his campaign, he… - 6 years ago

@biancakimsmom: RT @TheRacineTimes: American Actress Alyssa Milano Launches Campaign to Defeat Ross Perot. - 6 years ago

@biancakimsmom: RT @dallascowboys: #DallasCowboys owner Jerry Jones issues a statement after the passing of Ross Perot. → - 6 years ago

@biancakimsmom: RT @kathbarbadoro: RIP Ross Perot - 6 years ago

@biancakimsmom: RT @airandspace: Remembering the life of patriot H. Ross Perot Sr - Many of the Soviet artifacts in our Space Race gallery are on loan from… - 6 years ago

@biancakimsmom: RT @Bush41Library: #OTD WHCA staff member makes a call on a portable phone for President Bush to Ross Perot from Boulder, Wyoming. -- July… - 6 years ago

@biancakimsmom: R.I.P. Ross Perot. - 6 years ago

@renodiaz1: They forgot one thing in this article about how he was remembered and that is he was and is a racist even in death… - 6 years ago

@biancakimsmom: RT @BreitbartNews: JUST IN: Billionaire Ross Perot Dead at 89 - 6 years ago

@biancakimsmom: RT @mtracey: Ross Perot was the only major presidential candidate in 1992 who questioned the Gulf War (Bush and Clinton were essentially un… - 6 years ago

@DazyCraisy: - 6 years ago

@biancakimsmom: RT @PerotMuseum: We at the Perot Museum mourn the passing of Ross Perot, a Texas giant, just as we celebrate his life among us. His legacy… - 6 years ago

@ArtMettle: LOLOL Ross Perot left $100 million to the Trump 2020 Campaign Gotta Love him. RIP Ross - 6 years ago

@Winston_Truth: Rick Perry: Now that Ross Perot is gone, I can tell this story | Commentary | Dallas News - 6 years ago

@Sev_Ren: .@SecretaryPerry: Now that #RossPerot is gone, I can tell this story - 6 years ago

@dquote_bot: "If you see a snake, just kill it. Don’t appoint a committee on snakes." -H. Ross Perot #quotes - 6 years ago

@Arborholic: RT @Texas_Trees: In memory of Ross Perot, who passed away last week, we want to honor his legacy by sharing how he helped save Austin's "Tr… - 6 years ago

@AAHHSS: RT @TheEconomist: Ross Perot was America’s first billionaire populist candidate for president - 6 years ago

@bowman_mandy101: RT @RepMattKrause: If you wondered why there was such a respect and outpouring when Ross Perot passed last week, read the story below. It's… - 6 years ago

@hisbutterfly5: Ross Perot Left $100 Million to the Trump 2020 Campaign - 6 years ago

@IPG_T: RT @Sports_HQ: Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success. They quit on the one yard line. -Ross Perot - 6 years ago

@rajay333: RT @marklevinshow: Remarkable man, Ross Perot - 6 years ago

@DianeDarling: Check out my latest article: Ross Perot and the Iran Hostage Crisis - 6 years ago

@PicsrushE: " If you see a snake, just kill it. Don’t appoint a committee on snakes." H. Ross Perot - 6 years ago

@DMNBiz: Remembering Ross Perot: The pranks, thanks and moments shared by his friends, colleagues and family - 6 years ago

@1tiffyt: RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Rick Perry: Now that Ross Perot is gone, I can tell this story | Commentary | Dallas News - 6 years ago

@realJoeDick: @Matt03441 @michaelmalice He's a spoiler like Ross Perot! 🤣🤣🤣 - 6 years ago

@SuperEliteND: RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Rick Perry: Now that Ross Perot is gone, I can tell this story | Commentary | Dallas News - 6 years ago

@Marco79880648: RT @TheEconomist: Ross Perot was America’s first billionaire populist candidate for president - 6 years ago

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