Rosław Szaybo

Polish painter
Died on Tuesday May 21st 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Rosław Szaybo:

@danielvincent: RT @judaspriest: Our memories of Roslaw Szaybo are strong and he will always be remembered for his now legendary covers he created for Juda… - 6 years ago

@CPitenis: RT @judaspriest: Our memories of Roslaw Szaybo are strong and he will always be remembered for his now legendary covers he created for Juda… - 6 years ago

@frankzares: Muere Roslaw Szaybo%2C autor del logo y de portadas ic%C3%B3nicas de Judas Priest - 6 years ago

@therollingrook: Two Titans of Metal Graphic Design Pass Away: Larry Carroll (Slayer) and Rosław Szaybo (Judas Priest) | MetalSucks… - 6 years ago


@1PEEI: RT @aronromeroglez: El pasado 22 de mayo murió a los 85 años Roslaw Szaybo, el creador de uno de los logos más icónicos del género, el de J… - 6 years ago

@jcae: RT @aronromeroglez: El pasado 22 de mayo murió a los 85 años Roslaw Szaybo, el creador de uno de los logos más icónicos del género, el de J… - 6 years ago

@aronromeroglez: El pasado 22 de mayo murió a los 85 años Roslaw Szaybo, el creador de uno de los logos más icónicos del género, el… - 6 years ago

@telecasting: RT @judaspriest: Our memories of Roslaw Szaybo are strong and he will always be remembered for his now legendary covers he created for Juda… - 6 years ago

@RmuloCarvalhoP2: RT @judaspriest: Our memories of Roslaw Szaybo are strong and he will always be remembered for his now legendary covers he created for Juda… - 6 years ago

@ifeelradio: Πέθανε ο σχεδιαστής του logo των Judas Priest Rosław Szaybo - 6 years ago

@michaljadczak: RT @layylavictoria: Jakoś mi umknęło to odejście w jego momencie. Rosław Szaybo. Tu w domowej kolekcji. A on już teraz z Milesem, Niemenem,… - 6 years ago

@layylavictoria: Jakoś mi umknęło to odejście w jego momencie. Rosław Szaybo. Tu w domowej kolekcji. A on już teraz z Milesem, Nieme… - 6 years ago

@Chief_MF: RT @judaspriest: Our memories of Roslaw Szaybo are strong and he will always be remembered for his now legendary covers he created for Juda… - 6 years ago

@518Budokan: 「Point of Entry」のアートワークをジョン・バーグに差し替えられてしまったRoslaw Szayboなんだけど、後にジョン・バーグと言えば(って言われるほど長く担当しそれでグラミーも獲った)シカゴ!の欧州盤のデザインを… - 6 years ago

@518Budokan: Roslaw Szaybo(発音がわからん)とロジャー・ディーンのやつをわざわざ巨匠ジョン・バーグが差し替えたのがコチラ。ジェントルのオクトパスは納得もできるけど、ジューダスのはバンドもファンもずっこける出来栄えでした。 - 6 years ago

@discthief: Judas Priest logo and album cover designer Roslaw Szaybo dies aged 85 - 6 years ago

@518Budokan: Roslaw Szaybo作品で訳わからんと言われて評判の良くない「Point of Entry」なんて米盤ではデザイン差し替えられちゃった。 でもそもそも「参加地点」(前作とその前のライブ盤の米国での好セールスを受けて米市場に挑… - 6 years ago

@518Budokan: Roslaw Szaybo氏のJUDAS PRIESTアルバムカバー 背信の門のアートワークについてバンドはあまりよく言ってないんだけど、世界観や音を画で表現できている見事なデザインだと思う。なんてったってもうただただカッコいいも… - 6 years ago

@luqueboris: RT @judaspriest: Our memories of Roslaw Szaybo are strong and he will always be remembered for his now legendary covers he created for Juda… - 6 years ago

@FlREP0WER: RT @judaspriest: Our memories of Roslaw Szaybo are strong and he will always be remembered for his now legendary covers he created for Juda… - 6 years ago

@mdiscosqamigos: Lawrence “Larry” Carroll e Roslaw Szaybo, que criaram capas de disco para o Slayer e o Judas Priest respectivamente… - 6 years ago

@BilgecMerve: RT @pasif_agresif: JUDAS PRIEST ve SLAYER’ın metal tarihine geçen albüm kapaklarından bazılarını yaratan iki çizer, Larry Carroll (SLAYER)… - 6 years ago

@DesenterradorX: Judas Priest #logo and #albumcover designer Roslaw Szaybo died yesterday aged 85 Designed @judaspriest logo and so… - 6 years ago

@Tamami_Kase: RT @judaspriest: Our memories of Roslaw Szaybo are strong and he will always be remembered for his now legendary covers he created for Juda… - 6 years ago

@0TonyMontana: RT @mariskalrock: Fallece el artista Rosław Szaybo. . . - 6 years ago

@jesterhead_66: RT @mariskalrock: Fallece el artista Rosław Szaybo. . . - 6 years ago

@MILLBANKMUSIC: RT @judaspriest: Our memories of Roslaw Szaybo are strong and he will always be remembered for his now legendary covers he created for Juda… - 6 years ago

@mariskalrock: Fallece el artista Rosław Szaybo. . . - 6 years ago

@ScrapedSober: Fallece Rosław Szaybo a los 85 años - 6 years ago

@DesenterradorX: More bad news in the #cover designer front @judaspriest #logo and #album cover designer Roslaw Szaybo dies aged 85 - 6 years ago

@tomaszkuzia: Niewiarygodne. Zmarli tego samego dnia. 21 maja 2019. Lawrence Carroll i Rosław Szaybo. - 6 years ago

@MetalXSTV: RT @hardforce: RIP #LawrenceCarroll & #RoslawSzaybo... disparitions de 2 artistes et créateurs de célèbres pochettes d'albums. A lire sur @… - 6 years ago

@hardforce: RIP #LawrenceCarroll & #RoslawSzaybo... disparitions de 2 artistes et créateurs de célèbres pochettes d'albums. A l… - 6 years ago

@JuliBazooka: RT @judaspriest: Our memories of Roslaw Szaybo are strong and he will always be remembered for his now legendary covers he created for Juda… - 6 years ago

@mariaeu74641591: RT @judaspriest: Roslaw Szaybo, Designer of Judas Priest Logo and Album Covers, Dead at 85 - 6 years ago

@Pablo_PeY: RT @judaspriest: Our memories of Roslaw Szaybo are strong and he will always be remembered for his now legendary covers he created for Juda… - 6 years ago

@dburdsal: RIP Roslaw Szaybo - 6 years ago

@KapitanTripp: RT @judaspriest: Roslaw Szaybo, Designer of Judas Priest Logo and Album Covers, Dead at 85 - 6 years ago

@TakutsiGlez: RT @judaspriest: Roslaw Szaybo, Designer of Judas Priest Logo and Album Covers, Dead at 85 - 6 years ago

@OmarKnight024: RT @judaspriest: Our memories of Roslaw Szaybo are strong and he will always be remembered for his now legendary covers he created for Juda… - 6 years ago

@RayleneH: Roslaw Szaybo, Designer of Judas Priest Logo and Album Covers, Dead at 85 RIP =( - 6 years ago

@ErnmanSellsOut: R.I.P. Roslaw Szaybo. - 6 years ago

@Heli_adn: RT @cuarteldelmetal: Muere Rosław Szaybo, el diseñador del logo y portadas de discos clásicos de Judas Priest Lee la nota completa dando cl… - 6 years ago

@DonnaTeresa5: RT @judaspriest: Roslaw Szaybo, Designer of Judas Priest Logo and Album Covers, Dead at 85 - 6 years ago

@VovkulakaMusic: Two Titans of Metal Graphic Design Pass Away: Larry Carroll (Slayer) and Rosław Szaybo (Judas Priest)... ~Szaybo w… - 6 years ago

@yamilrock: RT @judaspriest: Our memories of Roslaw Szaybo are strong and he will always be remembered for his now legendary covers he created for Juda… - 6 years ago

@god_gourmet: RT @judaspriest: Our memories of Roslaw Szaybo are strong and he will always be remembered for his now legendary covers he created for Juda… - 6 years ago

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