Rosalind Elias

American operatic mezzo-soprano.
Died on Monday May 4th 2020

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Rosalind Elias:

@cesummary: Death-Dead: Obituary, Cause of Death :“I feel we are all put on earth for a purpose and mine was singing,” the mezz… - 5 years ago

@lostvinyl_ia: - 5 years ago

@mauryisl: Met Opera flags at half mast. RIP Rosalind Elias. Such a voice. Such a career. - 5 years ago

@LindaChown2020: RT @NYTObits: “I feel we are all put on earth for a purpose and mine was singing,” the mezzo-soprano Rosalind Elias once said. “If I don’t… - 5 years ago


@NYTObits: “I feel we are all put on earth for a purpose and mine was singing,” the mezzo-soprano Rosalind Elias once said. “I… - 5 years ago

@GrahamMoss9: RT @KurtWeillFndn: In memory of Rosalind Elias (1930-2020), who performed and directed Marc Blitzstein's Regina during her long career. Yo… - 5 years ago

@DrkLx: RT @KurtWeillFndn: In memory of Rosalind Elias (1930-2020), who performed and directed Marc Blitzstein's Regina during her long career. Yo… - 5 years ago

@KurtWeillFndn: In memory of Rosalind Elias (1930-2020), who performed and directed Marc Blitzstein's Regina during her long career… - 5 years ago

@lou521: Metropolitan Opera | Rosalind Elias, 1930–2020 - 5 years ago

@churchalto: RT @operamagazine: Must the winter come so soon? The great American mezzo Rosalind Elias - creator of the role of Erika in Barber’s Vanessa… - 5 years ago

@vinniemackenzie: RT @LowellSunNews: Elias, 90, died on Sunday from congestive heart failure, not the coronavirus, at Mt. Sinai West Hospital in New York. Ro… - 5 years ago

@LogePremiere: ROSALIND ELIAS, (AM)ERIKA THE BEAUTIFUL Rosalind Elias nous a quitté il y a quelques jours à peine. Découvrez l'ho… - 5 years ago

@blogforthegrog: RT @LowellSunNews: Elias, 90, died on Sunday from congestive heart failure, not the coronavirus, at Mt. Sinai West Hospital in New York. Ro… - 5 years ago

@LowellSunNews: Elias, 90, died on Sunday from congestive heart failure, not the coronavirus, at Mt. Sinai West Hospital in New Yor… - 5 years ago

@DIOGENISCHARALA: Έφυγε από τη ζωή η διάσημη mezzo-soprano Rosalind Elias - 5 years ago

@Fijicatalog: RT @NYTObits: “I feel we are all put on earth for a purpose and mine was singing,” the mezzo-soprano Rosalind Elias once said. “If I don’t… - 5 years ago

@DonLaguardione: @AlfredoLopPce La de rojo es Rosalind Elias. - 5 years ago

@ShON25486781: RT @NYTObits: “I feel we are all put on earth for a purpose and mine was singing,” the mezzo-soprano Rosalind Elias once said. “If I don’t… - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: “I feel we are all put on earth for a purpose and mine was singing,” the mezzo-soprano Rosalind Elias once said. “I… - 5 years ago

@kunaben2000: RT @kimonomama: 今日のMETの配信はドキュメンタリーですが貴重な資料映像が満載です。 先日亡くなったRosalind Elias 旧METでコレッリがドン・… - 5 years ago

@kimonomama: 今日のMETの配信はドキュメンタリーですが貴重な資料映像が満載です。 先日亡くなったRosalind Elias 旧METで… - 5 years ago

@snnader: Rosalind Elias, a Popular American Mezzo-Soprano, Dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@annemariecara: RT @happening_room: so sad to hear about Rosalind Elias. I saw her in Follies (Broadway debut at 81!!!) with my ma and grandma. unbelievabl… - 5 years ago

@Bellairnet: MUSICIAN milestones: Rosalind Elias Dies: Opera Singer Who Made Broadwa... - 5 years ago

@HoriaGanescu: Hommage à Rosalind Elias (1930-2020) - 5 years ago

@GoneDeadRIP: RT @NYTObits: “I feel we are all put on earth for a purpose and mine was singing,” the mezzo-soprano Rosalind Elias once said. “If I don’t… - 5 years ago

@VetterLibby: RT @LAMusicFestival: - 5 years ago

@artdaily: Rosalind Elias, a popular American mezzo-soprano, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@ArTallks: RT @LAMusicFestival: - 5 years ago

@ArtArtistArte: RT @LAMusicFestival: - 5 years ago

@TraceMess_469: RT @LAMusicFestival: - 5 years ago

@LAMusicFestival: - 5 years ago

@operatoday: Rosalind Elias: From the streets of Lowell to one of the most famous, Broadway - 5 years ago

@LPTWomen: #Theatrewoman #RosalindElias, who sang 687 performances with @MetOpera & debuted on #Broadway at age 81 in #Follies… - 5 years ago

@maryann4211: #celebrate Women Rosalind Elias, a Popular American Mezzo-Soprano, Dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@genznyt: RT @NYTObits: “I feel we are all put on earth for a purpose and mine was singing,” the mezzo-soprano Rosalind Elias once said. “If I don’t… - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: “I feel we are all put on earth for a purpose and mine was singing,” the mezzo-soprano Rosalind Elias once said. “I… - 5 years ago

@ValerySobolev: RT @LAMusicFestival: - 5 years ago

@toribia18: RT @JulioCe38993663: Mezzosoprano Rosalind Elias muere a los 90 años.Rosalind Elias, una mezzosoprano estadounidense que creó papeles en un… - 5 years ago

@JulioCe38993663: Mezzosoprano Rosalind Elias muere a los 90 años.Rosalind Elias, una mezzosoprano estadounidense que creó papeles en… - 5 years ago

@RaikoHayrinen: RIP mezzosopraano Rosalind Elias (1930-2020). Lauloi 680 näytäntöä Metissä; mm. Kim Borgin, Martti Talvelan ja Tom… - 5 years ago

@chantal_millier: - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: The opera singer Rosalind Elias has died at 90. Early on in her Met career Ms. Elias became a go-to choice for mezz… - 5 years ago

@DSMWcom: Rosalind Elias, a Popular American Mezzo-Soprano, Dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@EnterSa64248346: "Rosalind Elias, a Popular American Mezzo-Soprano, Dies at 90" - 5 years ago

@KazimirRampant: RT @TrueQanuck11: 1831) Opera singer Rosalind Elias, who made Broadway debut at 81, dead at 90. - 5 years ago

@TrueQanuck11: 1831) Opera singer Rosalind Elias, who made Broadway debut at 81, dead at 90. - 5 years ago

@jaynordlinger: Rosalind Elias had a superb natural instrument and loads of musical smarts. This American daughter of Lebanese immi… - 5 years ago

@sephisunset: RT @NYTObits: Rosalind Elias, a Popular American Mezzo-Soprano, Dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Rosalind Elias, a Popular American Mezzo-Soprano, Dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@nephropathy1: A Great Talent, a sad loss to music. Rosalind Elias, Mezzo-Soprano Who Made Broadway Debut at 81, Has Died… - 5 years ago

@MaryLemanski: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@happening_room: so sad to hear about Rosalind Elias. I saw her in Follies (Broadway debut at 81!!!) with my ma and grandma. unbelie… - 5 years ago

@scottgr60613: RT @zwoolfe: “I feel we are all put on earth for a purpose, and mine was singing” - 5 years ago

@votegirlvote: Rosalind Elias, a Popular American Mezzo-Soprano, Dies at 90 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@CamilleBataille: RT @operamagazine: Must the winter come so soon? The great American mezzo Rosalind Elias - creator of the role of Erika in Barber’s Vanessa… - 5 years ago

@Diapasonmag: Hommage à Rosalind Elias (1930-2020) - 5 years ago

@crow_gore: - 5 years ago

@francismaloney5: - 5 years ago

@RenaudMachart: RT @TommasiniNYT: Rosalind Elias, a Popular American Mezzo-Soprano, Dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@MaestroDSCH: Rosalind Elias, a Popular American Mezzo-Soprano, Dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@The_HSL: Rosalind Elias dies at 90; made Broadway debut at 81 - 5 years ago

@OPEROMANO: Show News: Rosalind Elias, reconocida mezzosoprano pierde la vida con total entrega al canto.… - 5 years ago

@varbren64: Rosalind Elias, a Popular American Mezzo-Soprano, Dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@takayamamartha: %RosalindElias, Lowell#-born #You mezzo-soprano, at 90 - 5 years ago

@machado131213: RT @Forumopera: Décès de Rosalind Elias ➡️ - 5 years ago

@chessforumnyc: - 5 years ago

@iamths1973: Not a twitter peep from @MetOpera re Rosalind Elias‘ passing. Of course not. Only over 680 bows. #EpicFail - 5 years ago

@pianovoiceopera: Rosalind Elias, a Popular American Mezzo-Soprano, Dies at 90 - PianoVoiceOpera - 5 years ago

@zephyrzap: "Rosalind Elias, a Popular American Mezzo-Soprano, Dies at 90" by BY ANTHONY TOMMASINI via NYT New York Times - 5 years ago

@JTDH: RT @BostonGlobe: Rosalind Elias, Lowell-born mezzo-soprano, at 90 - 5 years ago

@BostonGlobe: Rosalind Elias, Lowell-born mezzo-soprano, at 90 - 5 years ago

@AisaacW: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@diariolirico: RT @diariolirico: Fallece en Nueva York la mezzosoprano estadounidense Rosalind Elias a los 90 años - 5 years ago

@jhestradam: RT @zwoolfe: “I feel we are all put on earth for a purpose, and mine was singing” - 5 years ago

@celebritykimdot: RT @celebritykimdot: 🔥 #Go #MusicTv Rosalind Elias, Mezzo-Soprano Who Made Broadway Debut at 81, Has Died - 5 years ago

@BESTdamnBEATS: Rosalind Elias, Mezzo-Soprano Who Made Broadway Debut at 81, Has Died Presented by @MusicLinkUp - 5 years ago

@vithekitty: RT @SFOpera: Her time on our stage was brief, but her memory endures. Rosalind Elias performed twice as Dorabella in our 1970 "Così fan tu… - 5 years ago

@GlobeMetro: Rosalind Elias, Lowell-born mezzo-soprano, at 90 - 5 years ago

@dahlhaus: 메조소프라노 로절린드 일라이어스 타계, 향년 90세. 유진 오먼디 지휘 '푸른 수염 영주의 성'에서 유디트 역을 맡았고, 옛날 거장들의 음반에서 단역을 주로 맡았던 분. - 5 years ago

@SFOpera: Her time on our stage was brief, but her memory endures. Rosalind Elias performed twice as Dorabella in our 1970 "… - 5 years ago

@scottlevinemgmt: Rosalind Elias, a Popular American Mezzo-Soprano, Dies at 90 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@scottrlevine: Rosalind Elias, a Popular American Mezzo-Soprano, Dies at 90 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@Yauster17: Top story: Rosalind Elias, a Popular American Mezzo-Soprano, Dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@BroadwayMagazin: - 5 years ago

@Diario_ElTiempo: #Deceso Mezzosoprano Rosalind Elias muere a los 90 años - 5 years ago

@CBCarey: RT @nytimesarts: “I feel we are all put on earth for a purpose and mine was singing,” the mezzo-soprano Rosalind Elias once said. “If I don… - 5 years ago

@AydaLuzReyes1: Rosalind Elias, a Popular American Mezzo-Soprano, Dies at 90 Ha fallecido Rosalind Elias,… - 5 years ago

@alexrossmusic: RT @zwoolfe: “I feel we are all put on earth for a purpose, and mine was singing” - 5 years ago

@decotodd: RT @zwoolfe: “I feel we are all put on earth for a purpose, and mine was singing” - 5 years ago

@decotodd: RT @nytimesarts: “I feel we are all put on earth for a purpose and mine was singing,” the mezzo-soprano Rosalind Elias once said. “If I don… - 5 years ago

@GlobalOpera: RT @TommasiniNYT: Rosalind Elias, a Popular American Mezzo-Soprano, Dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@josealfredoe: Mezzosoprano Rosalind Elias muere a los 90 años - 5 years ago

@ZellTietj: RIP Rosalind Elias, a highly-respected mezzo soprano who sang at the Metropolitan Opera for years. Elias was known… - 5 years ago

@KJTorrance: RIP, Rosalind Elias. - 5 years ago

@ShowNews20: Una gran voz se apaga, #RosalindElias, entregó su vida a la música 😔😔 - 5 years ago

@ranyamir: QEPD 🙏 - 5 years ago

@guy_renaissance: RIP Rosalind Elias, Mezzo-Soprano Who Made Broadway Debut at 81, Dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@TanglewoodMA: Today we're remembering the great American mezzo-soprano Rosalind Elias, who passed away on May 3. After first appe… - 5 years ago

@jose_espinoza73: RT @AP_Espectaculos: Muere a los 90 años Rosalind Elias, mezzosoprano que creó papeles en estrenos mundiales de Samuel Barber y debutó en B… - 5 years ago

@la_gargola2: RT @cementerio: Rosalind Elias, mezzosoprano estadounidense, estrella del Metropolitan Opera, debutante en Broadway a los 81 años (1930 - 2… - 5 years ago

@lado_mx: Rosalind Elias, reconocida mezzosoprano pierde la vida con total entrega al canto : - 5 years ago

@anas_erindra: RT @billboard: R.I.P. Rosalind Elias - 5 years ago

@jramiroMX: Rosalind Elias, mezzosoprano estadounidense de 90 años, muere por insuficiencia cardiaca - 5 years ago

@datadivajf: I'm pretty sure I saw Rosalind Elias ONCE, not in an actual opera, but I don't remember the auspices. Possibly at o… - 5 years ago

@beyondthedash: Rosalind Elias dies at 90; made Broadway debut at 81. #RosalindElias #Obituary - 5 years ago

@FerCiclon86: RT @cementerio: Rosalind Elias, mezzosoprano estadounidense, estrella del Metropolitan Opera, debutante en Broadway a los 81 años (1930 - 2… - 5 years ago

@Diario_ElTiempo: #Deceso Mezzosoprano Rosalind Elias muere a los 90 años - 5 years ago

@jesik2010ok: RT @cementerio: Rosalind Elias, mezzosoprano estadounidense, estrella del Metropolitan Opera, debutante en Broadway a los 81 años (1930 - 2… - 5 years ago

@bobbybobblin777: RT @BESTdamnBEATS: Rosalind Elias, Mezzo-Soprano Who Made Broadway Debut at 81, Has Died Presented by @MusicLinkUp - 5 years ago

@ks7000: RT @cementerio: Rosalind Elias, mezzosoprano estadounidense, estrella del Metropolitan Opera, debutante en Broadway a los 81 años (1930 - 2… - 5 years ago

@Shcove1: RT @cementerio: Rosalind Elias, mezzosoprano estadounidense, estrella del Metropolitan Opera, debutante en Broadway a los 81 años (1930 - 2… - 5 years ago

@sumariumcom: Rosalind Elias, una mezzosoprano estadounidense que creó papeles en un par de estrenos mundiales de Samuel Barber y… - 5 years ago

@norys_cano: RT @DLasAmericas: Según su gerente, Robert Lombardo, Elias estuvo afectada por una insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva durante los últimos se… - 5 years ago

@NordeloDulce: RT @DLasAmericas: Según su gerente, Robert Lombardo, Elias estuvo afectada por una insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva durante los últimos se… - 5 years ago

@DLasAmericas: Según su gerente, Robert Lombardo, Elias estuvo afectada por una insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva durante los últi… - 5 years ago

@ICSOM: Sad News: Opera singer Rosalind Elias has died. - 5 years ago

@uniontribunees: Mezzosoprano Rosalind Elias muere a los 90 años - 5 years ago

@brscottmy: Opera singer Rosalind Elias, who made Broadway debut at 81, dead at 90 - 5 years ago

@JoinPatriotify: Opera singer Rosalind Elias, who made Broadway debut at 81, dead at 90 | Fox News - 5 years ago

@ari7com: Opera singer Rosalind Elias, who made Broadway debut at 81, dead at 90 close Video Fox… - 5 years ago

@griffinkaiser: RIP Rosalind Elias- Her haunting rendition of the 'The Field of the Dead' (In English) from 'Alexander Nevsky'. My… - 5 years ago

@ArabAmericanMus: AANM is saddened by the passing of Lebanese American opera singer Rosalind Elias, at the age of 90. Featured in our… - 5 years ago

@VictorRTafoya: RT @AP_Espectaculos: Muere a los 90 años Rosalind Elias, mezzosoprano que creó papeles en estrenos mundiales de Samuel Barber y debutó en B… - 5 years ago

@DiarioCoahuila: #CloseUp Mezzosoprano Rosalind Elias muere a los 90 años - 5 years ago

@FCardenasY: RT @AP_Espectaculos: Muere a los 90 años Rosalind Elias, mezzosoprano que creó papeles en estrenos mundiales de Samuel Barber y debutó en B… - 5 years ago

@Aroguden: Muere a los 90 años Rosalind Elias, mezzosoprano que creó papeles en estrenos mundiales de Samuel Barber y debutó e… - 5 years ago

@En_Pelotas: Mezzosoprano Rosalind Elias muere a los 90 años - 5 years ago

@sigalratner: RT @AP_Espectaculos: Muere a los 90 años Rosalind Elias, mezzosoprano que creó papeles en estrenos mundiales de Samuel Barber y debutó en B… - 5 years ago

@AP_Noticias: RT @AP_Espectaculos: Muere a los 90 años Rosalind Elias, mezzosoprano que creó papeles en estrenos mundiales de Samuel Barber y debutó en B… - 5 years ago

@AP_Espectaculos: Muere a los 90 años Rosalind Elias, mezzosoprano que creó papeles en estrenos mundiales de Samuel Barber y debutó e… - 5 years ago

@zahirkeops: Mezzosoprano Rosalind Elias muere a los 90 años - 5 years ago

@JFrayWTOP: #RosalindElias dies at 90 after making Broadway debut at 81: - 5 years ago

@Star_Foreign: Rosalind Elias dies at 90; made Broadway debut at 81 - 5 years ago

@BlogBookMark: Rosalind Elias dies at 90; made Broadway debut at 81 - 5 years ago

@saddleman44: RT @elaine_paige: So sad to hear of the death of Rosalind Elias, who was in @FolliesBroadway with me. A wonderful woman who, at the age of… - 5 years ago

@poeboston: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@NatSymphonyDC: RT @LennyBernstein: We are saddened to hear of the passing of legendary American mezzo-soprano Rosalind Elias. In 1977, Elias was one of th… - 5 years ago

@kencen: RT @LennyBernstein: We are saddened to hear of the passing of legendary American mezzo-soprano Rosalind Elias. In 1977, Elias was one of th… - 5 years ago

@LennyBernstein: We are saddened to hear of the passing of legendary American mezzo-soprano Rosalind Elias. In 1977, Elias was one o… - 5 years ago

@Johnblairauthor: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@ErrolRappaport: RT @elaine_paige: So sad to hear of the death of Rosalind Elias, who was in @FolliesBroadway with me. A wonderful woman who, at the age of… - 5 years ago

@deniz_ekin: RT @elaine_paige: So sad to hear of the death of Rosalind Elias, who was in @FolliesBroadway with me. A wonderful woman who, at the age of… - 5 years ago

@MusicalAmerica: Mezzo-soprano Rosalind Elias, who sang 687 performances at The Metropolitan Opera over more than 40 years, died on… - 5 years ago

@csoarchives: Remembering Rosalind Elias - 5 years ago

@markf_wallace: Mezzo Rosalind Elias Dead At 90 - 5 years ago

@opeyemi041: Rosalind Elias Death – Rosalind Elias Obituary: Cause of Death - 5 years ago

@ArtsJournalNews: Mezzo Rosalind Elias Dead At 90: She made her Metropolitan Opera debut at age 23 and sang 54 roles there over 42… - 5 years ago

@Wispa25: RT @Colmci17: RIP the glorious Rosalind Elias who starred in many things but lastly @FolliesBroadway a true class act. Heaven’s a better pl… - 5 years ago

@qliq: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@simplybotansoap: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@LadyLizaElliott: RT @elaine_paige: So sad to hear of the death of Rosalind Elias, who was in @FolliesBroadway with me. A wonderful woman who, at the age of… - 5 years ago

@inourthoughts_: Rosalind Elias death – dead, obituary: Rosalind Elias died – what happened? - 5 years ago

@MartinTrautmann: RT @elaine_paige: So sad to hear of the death of Rosalind Elias, who was in @FolliesBroadway with me. A wonderful woman who, at the age of… - 5 years ago

@JjTerosiet: RT @francemusique: Elle s'est produite près de 700 fois au @metopera... la #mezzo-soprano #RosalindElias nous a quittés à l’âge de 90 ans.… - 5 years ago

@monkey_viral: #Opera singer Rosalind Elias, who made Broadway debut at 81, dead at 90 now trending on Monkey Viral - - 5 years ago

@CameronHillmer: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@4gusNathan: RT @elaine_paige: So sad to hear of the death of Rosalind Elias, who was in @FolliesBroadway with me. A wonderful woman who, at the age of… - 5 years ago

@LVPVS3: Obituary: Legendary Mezzo-Soprano Rosalind Elias Passes At 90 - 5 years ago

@DruidNectan: RT @elaine_paige: So sad to hear of the death of Rosalind Elias, who was in @FolliesBroadway with me. A wonderful woman who, at the age of… - 5 years ago

@SondheimSociety: RT @elaine_paige: So sad to hear of the death of Rosalind Elias, who was in @FolliesBroadway with me. A wonderful woman who, at the age of… - 5 years ago

@ArtLoveHarmony: RT @elaine_paige: So sad to hear of the death of Rosalind Elias, who was in @FolliesBroadway with me. A wonderful woman who, at the age of… - 5 years ago

@arenapal: Sorry to hear of American mezzo-soprano Rosalind Elias passing two days ago aged 90. Portrayed as Baba the Turk in… - 5 years ago

@mvoinchet: [ACTU-DÉCÈS] La mezzo-soprano américaine Rosalind Elias est morte dimanche 3 mai à l'âge de 90 ans. Véritable star… - 5 years ago

@mijomojo1: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@Colmci17: RIP the glorious Rosalind Elias who starred in many things but lastly @FolliesBroadway a true class act. Heaven’s a… - 5 years ago

@annaval1984: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@_AngelaLansbury: RT @elaine_paige: So sad to hear of the death of Rosalind Elias, who was in @FolliesBroadway with me. A wonderful woman who, at the age of… - 5 years ago

@francemusique: Elle s'est produite près de 700 fois au @metopera... la #mezzo-soprano #RosalindElias nous a quittés à l’âge de 90… - 5 years ago

@jazzyjean123: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@LVissidarte: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@JoseAMuniz2: RT @jrtebar: DEP Rosalind Elias Una de las primeras cantantes con las que hice música cuando llegué a America hace 15 años! Qué memorias d… - 5 years ago

@TheatrePro_: RT @elaine_paige: So sad to hear of the death of Rosalind Elias, who was in @FolliesBroadway with me. A wonderful woman who, at the age of… - 5 years ago

@NancyThornton01: RT @elaine_paige: So sad to hear of the death of Rosalind Elias, who was in @FolliesBroadway with me. A wonderful woman who, at the age of… - 5 years ago

@elaine_paige: So sad to hear of the death of Rosalind Elias, who was in @FolliesBroadway with me. A wonderful woman who, at the a… - 5 years ago

@rashidaldosari: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@SondheimSociety: RT @broadwaycom: Opera singer Rosalind Elias, who appeared on Broadway in FOLLIES, has died at age 90 - 5 years ago

@klassikcom: Mezzosopranistin Rosalind Elias verstorben #Gesang #Oper #Sopran US-amerikanische Sängerin wurde 90 Jahre alt - 5 years ago

@ActorHub: Rosalind Elias, Opera Star Who Appeared in Follies on Broadway, Dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@GDAVIN5: RT broadwaycom: Opera singer Rosalind Elias, who appeared on Broadway in FOLLIES, has died at age 90 - 5 years ago

@rinoalessi: Per ricordare Rosalind Elias, da poco scomparsa: Meg nell'incisione di Sir Georg Solti di Falstaff, qui con le altr… - 5 years ago

@jazmasigan_2: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@st_h_n_: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@NancyZh66987369: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@PinkPixySprite: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@garzonmalnato: RT @operamagazine: Must the winter come so soon? The great American mezzo Rosalind Elias - creator of the role of Erika in Barber’s Vanessa… - 5 years ago

@thor4_thor: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@galeanTV: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@Eaglehuang1: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@lindofitness: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@JRsagittarius: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@itsdebe: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@CappettaRiley: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@BimboDana: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@sfulghum: Opera Singer Rosalind Elias Dies - 5 years ago

@LBdeGiorgio: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@one_freyja: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@hermistonsports: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@ArmyofWomack: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@realjoepower: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@PeLeif: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@JamesWith: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@scottgr60613: Rosalind Elias 1930-2020 - 5 years ago

@AnalyticaGlobal: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@quietsnow: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@Getnet01891519: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@InhakiFrizzi: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@chunn_athena: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@moduscheetotus: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@Whoisjaiden: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@ReblFlowr: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@hustonjackson2: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@DamanSondhi25: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@Anna77086200: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@ashwaniattrish: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@mitcalvinmadiba: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@MusicCurationX: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@arth_ddu: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@DJPersonaSL: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@LightMyFire01: RT @washingtonpost: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@90s_Raf: @broadwaycom This revival of Follies was my first trip to Broadway. This hauntingly beautiful production...I'll nev… - 5 years ago

@SeuAcervo_Music: RT @broadwaycom: Opera singer Rosalind Elias, who appeared on Broadway in FOLLIES, has died at age 90 - 5 years ago

@twitbituaries: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - - 5 years ago

@harrisondsmith: Farewell to opera singer Rosalind Elias. She was a star mezzo-soprano at the Met, where she sang in nearly 700 perf… - 5 years ago

@snnader: Rosalind Elias, operatic mezzo-soprano who starred at the Met, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@TexanSongBird: RT @operamagazine: Must the winter come so soon? The great American mezzo Rosalind Elias - creator of the role of Erika in Barber’s Vanessa… - 5 years ago

@The_News_DIVA: Rosalind Elias Dies: Opera Singer Who Made Broadway Debut At 81 Was 90 - 5 years ago

@tawarayasotatsu: 亡くなられたおにーたまの「年上」の女性のお友だち…はこの方でした。Rosalind Elias Dies: Opera Singer Who Made Broadway Debut At 81 Was 90… - 5 years ago

@itskristind: RIP to Rosalind Elias. A true honor to see her in Follies and hear her gorgeous One More Kiss each time. - 5 years ago

@MM47821446: RT @DEADLINE: Rosalind Elias Dies: Opera Singer Who Made Broadway Debut At 81 Was 90 - 5 years ago

@DavidDJones17: RT @operamagazine: Must the winter come so soon? The great American mezzo Rosalind Elias - creator of the role of Erika in Barber’s Vanessa… - 5 years ago

@RealzTenisFanz: RT @operamagazine: Must the winter come so soon? The great American mezzo Rosalind Elias - creator of the role of Erika in Barber’s Vanessa… - 5 years ago

@IMFletcher99: Opera singer Rosalind Elias, who made Broadway debut at 81, dead at 90 - 5 years ago

@TheVoiceFest: We were very saddened to hear of the passing of Rosalind Elias yesterday. She was such a fantastic singer, and we w… - 5 years ago

@fralbaro: Verdi: Messa da Requiem. Rosalind Elias ✝️, Leontyne Price, Jussi Björling & Giorgio Tozzi. Vía @chiotchiot1 - 5 years ago

@HLAOpera: RT @LAOpera: We're so saddened to hear of the passing of opera icon, Rosalind Elias. She graced our stage as Zita in "Gianni Schicchi" in 2… - 5 years ago

@DdollSweets: RT @broadwaycom: Opera singer Rosalind Elias, who appeared on Broadway in FOLLIES, has died at age 90 - 5 years ago

@AmberDevlin01: RT @JulieNesrallah: I shared a cab with her once. During the ride, she told me, “Don’t let the bastards bring you down!” RIP Rosalind Elias - 5 years ago

@LAOpera: We're so saddened to hear of the passing of opera icon, Rosalind Elias. She graced our stage as Zita in "Gianni Sch… - 5 years ago

@awelab1956: RT @drpatfarrell: Rosalind Elias Dies: Opera Singer Who Made Broadway Debut At 81 Was 90 – Deadline - 5 years ago

@drpatfarrell: Rosalind Elias Dies: Opera Singer Who Made Broadway Debut At 81 Was 90 – Deadline - 5 years ago

@eRadioUS: #e_RadioUS Opera singer Rosalind Elias, who made Broadway debut at 81, dead at 90 - 5 years ago

@MikaKYV365: RT @DEADLINE: Rosalind Elias Dies: Opera Singer Who Made Broadway Debut At 81 Was 90 - 5 years ago

@the0_9: Rosalind Elias  (March 13, 1930 – May 3, 2020) - 5 years ago

@JessHSun: RT @broadwaycom: Opera singer Rosalind Elias, who appeared on Broadway in FOLLIES, has died at age 90 - 5 years ago

@averageh0ney: RT @nypost: Opera singer Rosalind Elias, who made Broadway debut at 81, dead at 90 - 5 years ago

@maulidelaney: RT @broadwaycom: Opera singer Rosalind Elias, who appeared on Broadway in FOLLIES, has died at age 90 - 5 years ago

@Damian97070027: RT @broadwaycom: Opera singer Rosalind Elias, who appeared on Broadway in FOLLIES, has died at age 90 - 5 years ago

@broadwaycom: Opera singer Rosalind Elias, who appeared on Broadway in FOLLIES, has died at age 90 - 5 years ago

@karmynkast: RT @nypost: Opera singer Rosalind Elias, who made Broadway debut at 81, dead at 90 - 5 years ago

@Karmyn: RT @nypost: Opera singer Rosalind Elias, who made Broadway debut at 81, dead at 90 - 5 years ago

@nypost: Opera singer Rosalind Elias, who made Broadway debut at 81, dead at 90 - 5 years ago

@PaoloLocatelli: Accidenti, scopro ora che ieri se n'è andata Rosalind Elias, mezzosoprano statunitense che spopolava nelle incisioni RCA degli anni 50 e 60. - 5 years ago

@stephanegrant: Disparition de Rosalind Elias, sublime mezzo-soprano américaine - 5 years ago

@MTFIII: Rosalind Elias Dies: Opera Singer Who Made Broadway Debut At 81 Was 90 - 5 years ago

@alexplatea: RT @jrtebar: RIP Rosalind Elias. One of the first singers I made music with when I arrived in America 15 years ago! Such great memories do… - 5 years ago

@CharliePlummer6: RT @DEADLINE: Rosalind Elias Dies: Opera Singer Who Made Broadway Debut At 81 Was 90 - 5 years ago

@iaspo: RT @operamagazine: Must the winter come so soon? The great American mezzo Rosalind Elias - creator of the role of Erika in Barber’s Vanessa… - 5 years ago

@NoThisIsAshley: RT @MetOperaGuild: RIP, #RosalindElias, 1930-2020. In light of her recent passing, we honor mezzo-soprano and friend of the Guild, Rosalind… - 5 years ago

@KathyDeitch: RT @DEADLINE: Rosalind Elias Dies: Opera Singer Who Made Broadway Debut At 81 Was 90 - 5 years ago

@theReal_Rebel: RT @DEADLINE: Rosalind Elias Dies: Opera Singer Who Made Broadway Debut At 81 Was 90 - 5 years ago

@bowybowi: RT @DEADLINE: Rosalind Elias Dies: Opera Singer Who Made Broadway Debut At 81 Was 90 - 5 years ago

@CassiopeiaB3: RT @DEADLINE: Rosalind Elias Dies: Opera Singer Who Made Broadway Debut At 81 Was 90 - 5 years ago

@DEADLINE: Rosalind Elias Dies: Opera Singer Who Made Broadway Debut At 81 Was 90 - 5 years ago

@hyazbeck: RT @Confusezeus: OPERA NEWS - Rosalind Elias, 90, (Lebanese) - American Mezzo Who Invested Every Role with Vocal Beauty, Dramatic Truth an… - 5 years ago

@theluckyman: Deadline News: Rosalind Elias Dies: Opera Singer Who Made Broadway Debut At 81 Was 90 - 5 years ago

@Confusezeus: OPERA NEWS - Rosalind Elias, 90, (Lebanese) - American Mezzo Who Invested Every Role with Vocal Beauty, Dramatic T… - 5 years ago

@Sabelabravo: RT @jrtebar: DEP Rosalind Elias Una de las primeras cantantes con las que hice música cuando llegué a America hace 15 años! Qué memorias d… - 5 years ago

@Wikifo: Rosalind Elias is trending on Wikipedia with 24 edits from 6 contributors. Read more: - 5 years ago

@mkaragianis: RT @JulieNesrallah: I shared a cab with her once. During the ride, she told me, “Don’t let the bastards bring you down!” RIP Rosalind Elias - 5 years ago

@MAK7591: RT @JulieNesrallah: I shared a cab with her once. During the ride, she told me, “Don’t let the bastards bring you down!” RIP Rosalind Elias - 5 years ago

@JjTerosiet: RT @MetOperaGuild: RIP, #RosalindElias, 1930-2020. In light of her recent passing, we honor mezzo-soprano and friend of the Guild, Rosalind… - 5 years ago

@harryrose670: Very sad to hear about the passing of Rosalind Elias, especially when I had money down that Mignon Dunn would go first. - 5 years ago

@JORGIEMATHEW: If you are curious and want to know more about a very trending topic on internet ,search Rosalind Elias. - 5 years ago

@RebeccaEAI1307: RT @playbill: Mezzo-soprano Rosalind Elias, who played Heidi in the 2011 revival of Follies on Broadway, dies at age 90. - 5 years ago

@conbrio17: RT @MetOperaGuild: RIP, #RosalindElias, 1930-2020. In light of her recent passing, we honor mezzo-soprano and friend of the Guild, Rosalind… - 5 years ago

@MetOperaGuild: RIP, #RosalindElias, 1930-2020. In light of her recent passing, we honor mezzo-soprano and friend of the Guild, Ros… - 5 years ago

@Marcotap3: RT @theatermania: Rosalind Elias, opera star who made Broadway debut at age 81 in FOLLIES, dies at 90 → - 5 years ago

@Nekrologium: Rosalind Elias, US-amerikanische Sopranistin, am 03.05.2020 im Alter von 90 Jahren. - 5 years ago

@Nicole_M_Wright: RT @theatermania: Rosalind Elias, opera star who made Broadway debut at age 81 in FOLLIES, dies at 90 → - 5 years ago

@tardaopera: Recordant la Carmen de Rosalind Elias, recentment traspassada, l'òpera que la temporada 1974-75 va cantar al… - 5 years ago

@ellajason_39: RT @playbill: Mezzo-soprano Rosalind Elias, who played Heidi in the 2011 revival of Follies on Broadway, dies at age 90. - 5 years ago

@playbill: Mezzo-soprano Rosalind Elias, who played Heidi in the 2011 revival of Follies on Broadway, dies at age 90. - 5 years ago

@DJRiter: RT @theatermania: Rosalind Elias, opera star who made Broadway debut at age 81 in FOLLIES, dies at 90 → - 5 years ago

@theatermania: Rosalind Elias, opera star who made Broadway debut at age 81 in FOLLIES, dies at 90 → - 5 years ago

@BeckmesserSpain: Fallece la mezzosoprano Rosalind Elias. Estrechamente ligada al Metropolitan de Nueva York, la cantante ha fallecid… - 5 years ago

@TestaDuda: RT @tonywendice1954: The great American mezzo soprano Rosalind Elias has died at the age of 90. Starting in 1954 and ending in 1996 she san… - 5 years ago

@wakamint: RT @tonywendice1954: The great American mezzo soprano Rosalind Elias has died at the age of 90. Starting in 1954 and ending in 1996 she san… - 5 years ago

@tonywendice1954: The great American mezzo soprano Rosalind Elias has died at the age of 90. Starting in 1954 and ending in 1996 she… - 5 years ago

@Escuelacoral: RT @jrtebar: DEP Rosalind Elias Una de las primeras cantantes con las que hice música cuando llegué a America hace 15 años! Qué memorias d… - 5 years ago

@PlateaMagazine: RT @jrtebar: DEP Rosalind Elias Una de las primeras cantantes con las que hice música cuando llegué a America hace 15 años! Qué memorias d… - 5 years ago

@ResMusica: Décès de la mezzo-soprano Rosalind Elias : - 5 years ago

@jrtebar: RIP Rosalind Elias. One of the first singers I made music with when I arrived in America 15 years ago! Such great… - 5 years ago

@jrtebar: DEP Rosalind Elias Una de las primeras cantantes con las que hice música cuando llegué a America hace 15 años! Qué… - 5 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Mezzo-soprano Rosalind Elias; actress Silvia Legrand; guitarists Tavo Limongi, Will Theunissen;… - 5 years ago

@frankhorvat: RT @JulieNesrallah: I shared a cab with her once. During the ride, she told me, “Don’t let the bastards bring you down!” RIP Rosalind Elias - 5 years ago

@Tom_Godell: This is one of the most beautiful things ever recorded. Rosalind Elias is utterly captivating. - 5 years ago

@OperawireNews: RT @ICSOM: Sad News: Legendary Mezzo-Soprano Rosalind Elias Passes At 90 - - 5 years ago

@ICSOM: Sad News: Legendary Mezzo-Soprano Rosalind Elias Passes At 90 - - 5 years ago

@KLS_Soprano: RT @operamagazine: Must the winter come so soon? The great American mezzo Rosalind Elias - creator of the role of Erika in Barber’s Vanessa… - 5 years ago

@op109: (20) Rosalind Elias "In Memoriam" (13.3.1930-3.5.2020) Alexander Nevsky - YouTube - 5 years ago

@jrpierce: Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492, Act I: Act I Scene 5: Aria: Non so più cosa ... - 5 years ago

@jrpierce: Obituary: Mezzo-Soprano Rosalind Elias Passes At 90 - - 5 years ago

@Prima_lamusica: En recuerdo de Rosalind Elias - 5 years ago

@BeckmesserSpain: Fallece la mezzosoprano Rosalind Elias - 5 years ago

@Scherzo_es: En recuerdo de Rosalind Elias, por Fernando Fraga - 5 years ago

@VixenByNight72: RT @BroadwayWorld: BroadwayWorld is saddened to report that Rosalind Elias, @MetOpera performer who made her Broadway debut in the 2011 rev… - 5 years ago

@CaMaSk: RT @operamagazine: Must the winter come so soon? The great American mezzo Rosalind Elias - creator of the role of Erika in Barber’s Vanessa… - 5 years ago

@nprscottsimon: RT @kevinddaly: Farewell to the divine Rosalind Elias. She was 90. - 5 years ago

@john_chu: RT @kevinddaly: Farewell to the divine Rosalind Elias. She was 90. - 5 years ago

@FMN_2015: RIP Rosalind Elias @TheTweetOfGod #TragicDeaths 💔💐 #RosalindElias add some flowers to their gravestone at - 5 years ago

@GlobalOpera: RT @operamagazine: Must the winter come so soon? The great American mezzo Rosalind Elias - creator of the role of Erika in Barber’s Vanessa… - 5 years ago

@JrgenNaeve: 🎼#RIP - Obituary: Legendary Mezzo-Soprano Rosalind Elias Passes At 90 - - 5 years ago

@JrgenNaeve: 🎼#RIP - OPERA NEWS - Rosalind Elias, 90, American Mezzo Who Invested Every Role with Vocal Beauty, Dramatic Truth a… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Rosalind Elias dies - #RosalindElias #Rosalind #Elias #rip - 5 years ago

@JeffreyJDean: RT @theresasmets: Oh, God what a year. @MetOpera stalwart, the nonchalantly glamorous Rosalind Elias has died, age 90. - 5 years ago

@RebeccaEAI1307: RT @BroadwayWorld: BroadwayWorld is saddened to report that Rosalind Elias, @MetOpera performer who made her Broadway debut in the 2011 rev… - 5 years ago

@OthalieGraham: RT @BroadwayWorld: BroadwayWorld is saddened to report that Rosalind Elias, @MetOpera performer who made her Broadway debut in the 2011 rev… - 5 years ago

@69Cosecha: RT @Scherzo_es: Muere a los 90 años la mezzosoprano Rosalind Elias - 5 years ago

@LaurenceWall: Nice tribute. The funny this, Rosalind Elias looks a bit like you in this photo, JN. Good luck today.… - 5 years ago

@Mikey_K2: RT @BroadwayWorld: BroadwayWorld is saddened to report that Rosalind Elias, @MetOpera performer who made her Broadway debut in the 2011 rev… - 5 years ago

@Scherzo_es: Muere a los 90 años la mezzosoprano Rosalind Elias - 5 years ago

@Prima_lamusica: Muere a los 90 años la mezzosoprano Rosalind Elias - 5 years ago

@lou521: Obituary: Legendary Mezzo-Soprano Rosalind Elias Passes At 90 - Opera Wire - 5 years ago

@falsehetro: RT @BroadwayWorld: BroadwayWorld is saddened to report that Rosalind Elias, @MetOpera performer who made her Broadway debut in the 2011 rev… - 5 years ago

@pdg212: RT @BroadwayWorld: BroadwayWorld is saddened to report that Rosalind Elias, @MetOpera performer who made her Broadway debut in the 2011 rev… - 5 years ago

@EricMcKeever3: RT @BroadwayWorld: BroadwayWorld is saddened to report that Rosalind Elias, @MetOpera performer who made her Broadway debut in the 2011 rev… - 5 years ago

@BWWOperaWorld: BroadwayWorld is saddened to report that Rosalind Elias, @MetOpera performer who made her Broadway debut in the 201… - 5 years ago

@BroadwayWorld: BroadwayWorld is saddened to report that Rosalind Elias, @MetOpera performer who made her Broadway debut in the 201… - 5 years ago

@Prima_lamusica: Fallece la mezzosoprano Rosalind Elias - 5 years ago

@BeckmesserSpain: Fallece la mezzosoprano Rosalind Elias. Estrechamente ligada al Metropolitan de Nueva York, la cantante ha fallecid… - 5 years ago

@MilloTweets: RT @operamagazine: Must the winter come so soon? The great American mezzo Rosalind Elias - creator of the role of Erika in Barber’s Vanessa… - 5 years ago

@keikobadger: RT @operamagazine: Must the winter come so soon? The great American mezzo Rosalind Elias - creator of the role of Erika in Barber’s Vanessa… - 5 years ago

@SopranicBrit: RT @operamagazine: Must the winter come so soon? The great American mezzo Rosalind Elias - creator of the role of Erika in Barber’s Vanessa… - 5 years ago

@garibis: Very sad for these news. A charming artist and person I had the chance to work with. Rest in peace! #rosalindelias - 5 years ago

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