Ronald Johnson

American politician
Died on Wednesday July 15th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Linda Burnes Bolton

Tweets related to Ronald Johnson:

@WBooneHedgepeth: RT @RonaldJ60663545: @MKAdams_Author - 4 years ago

@johnson_tessa: RT @brandonspeck: Ronald Acuna is running bases in a mask. Some of y’all can’t handle it for five minutes at the Dollar General. - 4 years ago

@odill10: @USAmbSV @nayibbukele Thanks a lot mr.Enbajador Ronald Johnson, gods bless you - 4 years ago

@johnson_tessa: RT @JuicyCatoire: If Ronald Acuña Jr can wear a face mask running the bases in a major league game then you can wear a mask going to the gr… - 4 years ago


@drewnegus1: RT @picadix829: @EalHall @tariqnasheed @YouTube The Negro Rulers of Scotland and the British Isles, Dr. John L. Johnson--Lost Tribes and Pr… - 4 years ago

@philosaphree: RT @picadix829: @EalHall @tariqnasheed @YouTube The Negro Rulers of Scotland and the British Isles, Dr. John L. Johnson--Lost Tribes and Pr… - 4 years ago

@GabAsh19: RT @MPD_Fake: Ronald Johnson is our favorite senator. - 4 years ago

@MickeyMendezSV: @USAmbSV @nayibbukele Thank you Sir Ronald Johnson, por su amabilidad y cariño hacia nuestro país y Presidente, mis… - 4 years ago

@JimMarous: @cgledhill @BrettKing @dgwbirch @JPNicols @jasonhenrichs @JoAnnBarefoot @HenriArslanian @CodeXCoasts @AlexH_Johnson… - 4 years ago

@FFParks: RT @DynastySageEri1: @TheFantasyPT @DynastyBeard @MattOkada @BallBlastEm @FFballblast @DBro_FFB Aaron Jones/Parris Campbell = @DynastySageE… - 4 years ago

@DynastySageEri1: RT @DynastySageEri1: @TheFantasyPT @DynastyBeard @MattOkada @BallBlastEm @FFballblast @DBro_FFB Aaron Jones/Parris Campbell = @DynastySageE… - 4 years ago

@DynastySageEri1: @TheFantasyPT @DynastyBeard @MattOkada @BallBlastEm @FFballblast @DBro_FFB Aaron Jones/Parris Campbell =… - 4 years ago

@helene_wpli: RT @JimMarous: Very fortunate to have such great circles of friends. Thanks @chirpty_team @BrettKing @rshevlin @SpirosMargaris @UrsBolt @p… - 4 years ago

@rvlcr: @el_pais Solo el tributo póstumo al super rockero Ronald Belford "Bon" Scott pudo lograr semejante hazaña de éxito.… - 4 years ago

@iisenet: Ronald L. Johnson from @GeorgiaTech is a retired major general in the U.S. Army and served as the deputy commanding… - 4 years ago

@officialDJBucs: TAMPA BAY GAZETTE: Bucs beat Chargers 24-17 led by a dominating defense that posted 2 TD’s and wreaked havoc on the… - 4 years ago

@vaegisvarci: 🔨🔨🔨WHAT in the Ronald MCDONALD BOMBACLAT SHIT IS this?? You are the reason why black Peopke STAY OPPRESSED. NO Ja… - 4 years ago

@MPD_Fake: Ronald Johnson is our favorite senator. - 4 years ago

@cgledhill: @JimMarous @BrettKing @dgwbirch @JPNicols @jasonhenrichs @JoAnnBarefoot @HenriArslanian @CodeXCoasts @AlexH_Johnson… - 4 years ago

@Jmruggiero84: @chicagotribune @blmohr I love ya Joe, but Andrew Jackson, Teddy Roosevelt, Andrew Johnson, Ronald Reagan etc - 4 years ago

@WBooneHedgepeth: RT @RonaldJ60663545: @MKAdams_Author - 4 years ago

@freethoughtalma: This might come as a surprise to Andrew Jackson, James Polk, Calvin Coolidge, Andrew Johnson, Woodrow Wilson, and S… - 4 years ago

@jasonhenrichs: @JimMarous @chirpty_team @BrettKing @rshevlin @SpirosMargaris @UrsBolt @psb_dc @Ronald_vanLoon @richardturrin… - 4 years ago

@NotTheRealDoug1: No, Joe ... Andrew Johnson Woodrow Wilson Calvin Coolidge Ronald Reagan They all beat him to it, but he's definit… - 4 years ago

@VenkatagiriApp4: RT @KiranKS: Hello China, the QUAD has arrived! Pic 1: USS Ronald Reagan strike group and units from Japan and Australia in Philippine Sea… - 4 years ago

@itsjoebro_: RT @itsjoebro_: Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, Woodrow Wilson, and Ronald Reagan would like to have a word - 4 years ago

@brianeha: O tree into the World, Man the chosen Rose out of Chaos: song. —Ronald Johnson, "RADI OS" - 5 years ago

@gullahguy: @HuffPostPol So Biden doesn’t think Andrew Jackson, Andrew Johnson, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Richard Nix… - 5 years ago

@imAnkeshdubey: RT @KiranKS: Hello China, the QUAD has arrived! Pic 1: USS Ronald Reagan strike group and units from Japan and Australia in Philippine Sea… - 5 years ago

@thprasanth: RT @KiranKS: Hello China, the QUAD has arrived! Pic 1: USS Ronald Reagan strike group and units from Japan and Australia in Philippine Sea… - 5 years ago

@pavan_de: RT @KiranKS: Hello China, the QUAD has arrived! Pic 1: USS Ronald Reagan strike group and units from Japan and Australia in Philippine Sea… - 5 years ago

@veterans_i: RT @RhodesToKamala: @IamBradMinoski @RealKHiveQueenB Ronald Reagan. Lyndon B Johnson, Richard Nixon, tan one Overtly racist policies. So di… - 5 years ago

@Julz00925882: @HitmanMattingly @bekaar @JoeBiden How? How has he done better then James Madison, James Monroe, James Polk, Abraha… - 5 years ago

@NBhatTR: RT @KiranKS: Hello China, the QUAD has arrived! Pic 1: USS Ronald Reagan strike group and units from Japan and Australia in Philippine Sea… - 5 years ago

@funkcosity: Joe Biden says Donald Trump is first racist U. S. President. He left out quite a few names: George Washington Tho… - 5 years ago

@sparky7u: RT @ScottySacam97: Democratic racist presidents: Woodrow Wilson Andrew Johnson Andrew Jackson Franklin Pierce Republican racist presid… - 5 years ago

@isaacfordays: @jaketapper Andrew Jackson Ronald Reagan Nixon Woodrow Wilson Andrew Johnson Slavery isn't even scratching the surface - 5 years ago

@yoongi_baby93: *stares in woodrow wilson, teddy roosevelt, andrew jackson, ronald reagan, richard nixon, george washington, andrew… - 5 years ago

@ScottySacam97: Democratic racist presidents: Woodrow Wilson Andrew Johnson Andrew Jackson Franklin Pierce Republican racist p… - 5 years ago

@peepal59: RT @KiranKS: Hello China, the QUAD has arrived! Pic 1: USS Ronald Reagan strike group and units from Japan and Australia in Philippine Sea… - 5 years ago

@KiranChourad: RT @KiranKS: Hello China, the QUAD has arrived! Pic 1: USS Ronald Reagan strike group and units from Japan and Australia in Philippine Sea… - 5 years ago

@kabaale_ronald: RT @Reuters: British opposition leader Keir Starmer grilled Prime Minister Boris Johnson over the delayed release of a report into possible… - 5 years ago

@kabaale_ronald: RT @kylegriffin1: The Biden campaign is accusing Sen. Ron Johnson of being opaque about whether he is, in effect, "party to a foreign influ… - 5 years ago

@pathak_katyayan: RT @KiranKS: Hello China, the QUAD has arrived! Pic 1: USS Ronald Reagan strike group and units from Japan and Australia in Philippine Sea… - 5 years ago

@srv_ragam: RT @KiranKS: Hello China, the QUAD has arrived! Pic 1: USS Ronald Reagan strike group and units from Japan and Australia in Philippine Sea… - 5 years ago

@SAFFRON_FASHION: RT @KiranKS: Hello China, the QUAD has arrived! Pic 1: USS Ronald Reagan strike group and units from Japan and Australia in Philippine Sea… - 5 years ago

@ReddyMurali6677: RT @KiranKS: Hello China, the QUAD has arrived! Pic 1: USS Ronald Reagan strike group and units from Japan and Australia in Philippine Sea… - 5 years ago

@BhakthLokesh: RT @KiranKS: Hello China, the QUAD has arrived! Pic 1: USS Ronald Reagan strike group and units from Japan and Australia in Philippine Sea… - 5 years ago

@rani_laxmibai: RT @KiranKS: Hello China, the QUAD has arrived! Pic 1: USS Ronald Reagan strike group and units from Japan and Australia in Philippine Sea… - 5 years ago

@JhattackC: RT @KiranKS: Hello China, the QUAD has arrived! Pic 1: USS Ronald Reagan strike group and units from Japan and Australia in Philippine Sea… - 5 years ago

@JyesthaPadival: RT @KiranKS: Hello China, the QUAD has arrived! Pic 1: USS Ronald Reagan strike group and units from Japan and Australia in Philippine Sea… - 5 years ago

@_theshivatribe_: RT @KiranKS: Hello China, the QUAD has arrived! Pic 1: USS Ronald Reagan strike group and units from Japan and Australia in Philippine Sea… - 5 years ago

@CJ_Cycle7: RT @KiranKS: Hello China, the QUAD has arrived! Pic 1: USS Ronald Reagan strike group and units from Japan and Australia in Philippine Sea… - 5 years ago

@rutulsuthar: RT @KiranKS: Hello China, the QUAD has arrived! Pic 1: USS Ronald Reagan strike group and units from Japan and Australia in Philippine Sea… - 5 years ago

@MeeraTh71067401: RT @KiranKS: Hello China, the QUAD has arrived! Pic 1: USS Ronald Reagan strike group and units from Japan and Australia in Philippine Sea… - 5 years ago

@madhuksss: RT @KiranKS: Hello China, the QUAD has arrived! Pic 1: USS Ronald Reagan strike group and units from Japan and Australia in Philippine Sea… - 5 years ago

@nileshpathak24: RT @KiranKS: Hello China, the QUAD has arrived! Pic 1: USS Ronald Reagan strike group and units from Japan and Australia in Philippine Sea… - 5 years ago

@ModifidBhaaarat: RT @KiranKS: Hello China, the QUAD has arrived! Pic 1: USS Ronald Reagan strike group and units from Japan and Australia in Philippine Sea… - 5 years ago

@shekhartwt: RT @KiranKS: Hello China, the QUAD has arrived! Pic 1: USS Ronald Reagan strike group and units from Japan and Australia in Philippine Sea… - 5 years ago

@sanghifromsouth: RT @KiranKS: Hello China, the QUAD has arrived! Pic 1: USS Ronald Reagan strike group and units from Japan and Australia in Philippine Sea… - 5 years ago

@Leondenis1984: @Asparadog @elmundoes Margaret Thatcher + Ronald Reagan= Globalización. Donald Trump (America First)+ Theresa May &… - 5 years ago

@MICHAEL51530529: Nostradamus said "the yellow man will rule the world". Possible candidates chinese - too obvious simpsons johnson w… - 5 years ago

@SpirosMargaris: @JimMarous @chirpty_team @BrettKing @rshevlin @UrsBolt @psb_dc @Ronald_vanLoon @richardturrin @Xbond49… - 5 years ago

@CrastoCrr: RT @antgrasso: @JimMarous @chirpty_team @BrettKing @rshevlin @SpirosMargaris @UrsBolt @psb_dc @Ronald_vanLoon @richardturrin @Xbond49 @Chri… - 5 years ago

@CrastoCrr: RT @JimMarous: Very fortunate to have such great circles of friends. Thanks @chirpty_team @BrettKing @rshevlin @SpirosMargaris @UrsBolt @p… - 5 years ago

@antgrasso: @JimMarous @chirpty_team @BrettKing @rshevlin @SpirosMargaris @UrsBolt @psb_dc @Ronald_vanLoon @richardturrin… - 5 years ago

@mattldooley: @JimMarous @chirpty_team @BrettKing @rshevlin @SpirosMargaris @UrsBolt @psb_dc @Ronald_vanLoon @richardturrin… - 5 years ago

@Fede_Aguggini: RT @JimMarous: Very fortunate to have such great circles of friends. Thanks @chirpty_team @BrettKing @rshevlin @SpirosMargaris @UrsBolt @p… - 5 years ago

@kabaale_ronald: RT @thetimes: Boris Johnson is preparing to give the security services more powers to stop foreign interference in Britain after a cross-pa… - 5 years ago

@rasulvatsan: RT @JimMarous: Very fortunate to have such great circles of friends. Thanks @chirpty_team @BrettKing @rshevlin @SpirosMargaris @UrsBolt @p… - 5 years ago

@SpirosMargaris: RT @JimMarous: Very fortunate to have such great circles of friends. Thanks @chirpty_team @BrettKing @rshevlin @SpirosMargaris @UrsBolt @p… - 5 years ago

@lebanonkid1: @nyccookies Ronald Reagan came close for me Then Nixon Johnson And the Bushes! - 5 years ago

@berries_johnson: RT @RVAT2020: .@eugene_siny immigrated to NY from Ukraine - he wants his GOP back. "It was Ronald Reagan who called out the country where… - 5 years ago

@guzmand: RT @JimMarous: Very fortunate to have such great circles of friends. Thanks @chirpty_team @BrettKing @rshevlin @SpirosMargaris @UrsBolt @p… - 5 years ago

@guzmand: @JimMarous @chirpty_team @BrettKing @rshevlin @SpirosMargaris @UrsBolt @psb_dc @Ronald_vanLoon @richardturrin… - 5 years ago

@TheRudinGroup: @JimMarous @chirpty_team @BrettKing @rshevlin @SpirosMargaris @UrsBolt @psb_dc @Ronald_vanLoon @richardturrin… - 5 years ago

@TheRudinGroup: RT @JimMarous: Very fortunate to have such great circles of friends. Thanks @chirpty_team @BrettKing @rshevlin @SpirosMargaris @UrsBolt @p… - 5 years ago

@MetroPulseUSA: RT @JimMarous: Very fortunate to have such great circles of friends. Thanks @chirpty_team @BrettKing @rshevlin @SpirosMargaris @UrsBolt @p… - 5 years ago

@Jay_Provoke: RT @JimMarous: Very fortunate to have such great circles of friends. Thanks @chirpty_team @BrettKing @rshevlin @SpirosMargaris @UrsBolt @p… - 5 years ago

@alternative200: RT @JimMarous: Very fortunate to have such great circles of friends. Thanks @chirpty_team @BrettKing @rshevlin @SpirosMargaris @UrsBolt @p… - 5 years ago

@RonaldJ60663545: @phinatic110 - 5 years ago

@helene_wpli: @JimMarous @chirpty_team @BrettKing @rshevlin @SpirosMargaris @UrsBolt @psb_dc @Ronald_vanLoon @richardturrin… - 5 years ago

@helene_wpli: RT @JimMarous: Very fortunate to have such great circles of friends. Thanks @chirpty_team @BrettKing @rshevlin @SpirosMargaris @UrsBolt @p… - 5 years ago

@WBooneHedgepeth: RT @RonaldJ60663545: @BreeIsWriting A great coming of age story! - 5 years ago

@Fantasy_Mansion: @Marcus_Mosher ronald jones and kerryon johnson are still being hyped in #fantasyfootball. some 2018 rbs dreams die hard. - 5 years ago

@RonaldJ60663545: @BreeIsWriting A great coming of age story! - 5 years ago

@dionlisle: @TheRudinGroup @JimMarous @efipm @chirpty_team @rshevlin @LexSokolin @EricBalchunas @dinisguarda @UrsBolt… - 5 years ago

@StratyfyInc: @JimMarous @BrettKing @DeepLearn007 @MikeQuindazzi @Fisher85M @mikewalsh @ipfconline1 @SpirosMargaris @jblefevre60… - 5 years ago

@Alan_pragmatic: RT @Ruralmaestro: @PeterKGeoghegan @openDemocracy That's not shameless. You could plug your book at children's funerals while blind drunk,… - 5 years ago

@McKenna4Peace: Various Arnold Schwarzenegger identities: Josef Mengele jr., Anthony Hopkins, Clint Eastwood, Lyndon Johnson, Richa… - 5 years ago

@Ruralmaestro: @PeterKGeoghegan @openDemocracy That's not shameless. You could plug your book at children's funerals while blind d… - 5 years ago

@allister_jo: RT @Eingroschenoper: Landscape poetry, from Ronald Johnson to Ian Hamilton Finlay, 2 September 1969. - 5 years ago

@prathyvsh: Came across the work of Ronald Langacker via @maxkriegers and looks like he has built up an entire novel terminolog… - 5 years ago

@mi_jim: @TheRudinGroup @JimMarous @efipm @chirpty_team @rshevlin @LexSokolin @EricBalchunas @dinisguarda @UrsBolt… - 5 years ago

@ronald_heine: RT @ThePubliusUSA: According to reports, Russia is using GOP representatives to spread disinformation about Joe Biden, in particular Ron Jo… - 5 years ago

@ronald_heine: RT @GrassrootsSpeak: The Democrats are concerned Sen Ron Johnson is amplifying disinformation on behalf of Russia. Hmmm, coincidentally Jo… - 5 years ago

@blackartdepot: New Pinterest Pin: - 5 years ago

@blackartdepot: New Pinterest Pin: - 5 years ago

@digyoursoul: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@MD_Fowler330: RT @BallBlastEm: With ZERO preseason gms, it is going to be hard to take any rookies until late in drafts. This is good news for the below… - 5 years ago

@smarginatura: RT @Eingroschenoper: Landscape poetry, from Ronald Johnson to Ian Hamilton Finlay, 2 September 1969. - 5 years ago

@TheRudinGroup: @JimMarous @efipm @chirpty_team @rshevlin @LexSokolin @EricBalchunas @dinisguarda @UrsBolt @richardturrin… - 5 years ago

@JimMarous: @efipm @chirpty_team @rshevlin @TheRudinGroup @LexSokolin @EricBalchunas @dinisguarda @UrsBolt @richardturrin… - 5 years ago

@Ronald_1959: RT @mikegalsworthy: Our NHS *is* on the table... ... as Johnson’s government has just confirmed. - 5 years ago

@Anon_FFB: RT @BallBlastEm: With ZERO preseason gms, it is going to be hard to take any rookies until late in drafts. This is good news for the below… - 5 years ago

@voltarine: @500livesasafox Ronald Johnson, Patricia Smith, David Clewell, James Merrill, Claudia Rankine, Dorothea Lasky, Roqu… - 5 years ago

@jonascrawford05: RT @BallBlastEm: With ZERO preseason gms, it is going to be hard to take any rookies until late in drafts. This is good news for the below… - 5 years ago

@umaestrutura: RT @Eingroschenoper: Landscape poetry, from Ronald Johnson to Ian Hamilton Finlay, 2 September 1969. - 5 years ago

@officergleason: RT @IndivChi_South: In @AldPatDowell3rd ward, @caarpr remembers Ronald #RonnieMan Johnson and says we demand community control of police #C… - 5 years ago

@BwopC: RT @IndivChi_South: In @AldPatDowell3rd ward, @caarpr remembers Ronald #RonnieMan Johnson and says we demand community control of police #C… - 5 years ago

@ronald_heine: RT @NatashaBertrand: NEWS: Among intel that prompted Schumer/Schiff/Pelosi/Warner letter to FBI is concern that Senate probe being led by R… - 5 years ago

@MichaelFlatttt: RT @Eingroschenoper: Landscape poetry, from Ronald Johnson to Ian Hamilton Finlay, 2 September 1969. - 5 years ago

@ThreadsunsPress: RT @Eingroschenoper: Landscape poetry, from Ronald Johnson to Ian Hamilton Finlay, 2 September 1969. - 5 years ago

@floodeditions: RT @Eingroschenoper: Landscape poetry, from Ronald Johnson to Ian Hamilton Finlay, 2 September 1969. - 5 years ago

@bigalias: RT @Eingroschenoper: Landscape poetry, from Ronald Johnson to Ian Hamilton Finlay, 2 September 1969. - 5 years ago

@angelacbutler: RT @Eingroschenoper: Landscape poetry, from Ronald Johnson to Ian Hamilton Finlay, 2 September 1969. - 5 years ago

@ApprenticeDK: @DraftTulsi And, Lyndon Johnson, and Richard Nixon, and Ronald Reagan, and George HW Bush, and George W. Bush, and… - 5 years ago

@Uniformbooks: RT @Eingroschenoper: Landscape poetry, from Ronald Johnson to Ian Hamilton Finlay, 2 September 1969. - 5 years ago

@mkimdorman: RT @Eingroschenoper: Landscape poetry, from Ronald Johnson to Ian Hamilton Finlay, 2 September 1969. - 5 years ago

@DonnaBlue88: 2018 Quinnipiac poll of voters for Best Presidents since WWII: Ronald Reagan (28%) Barack Obama (24%) JFK, Bill Cli… - 5 years ago

@Eingroschenoper: Landscape poetry, from Ronald Johnson to Ian Hamilton Finlay, 2 September 1969. - 5 years ago

@Aldrpeg4: RT @ballotpedia: Ronald Johnson (R), who had represented District 33 in the Alabama House since 1978, died of liver cancer on July 14. His… - 5 years ago

@lesguer_lionel: RT @WhiteheartVic: @JimMarous @BrettKing @DeepLearn007 @MikeQuindazzi @Fisher85M @mikewalsh @ipfconline1 @SpirosMargaris @jblefevre60 @psb_… - 5 years ago

@WhiteheartVic: @JimMarous @BrettKing @DeepLearn007 @MikeQuindazzi @Fisher85M @mikewalsh @ipfconline1 @SpirosMargaris @jblefevre60… - 5 years ago

@HitarthMehta: RT @SandeepUnnithan: Carrier Air Wing 17(pictured) includes the Nimitz, CG USS Princeton and DDGs USS Sterett and USS Ralph Johnson (and un… - 5 years ago

@Ronald_1959: @markio01 @raymondzhu416 @BBCNews The last people I want to have that kind of information are Johnson and Cummings. - 5 years ago

@elevenbravo138: RT @draftbracketguy: Tier 7: 33. Ronald Jones 34. D'Andre Swift 35. Duke Johnson 36. Nyheim Hines 37. Antonio Gibson 38. Darrell Henderson… - 5 years ago

@santoshmishra69: RT @SandeepUnnithan: Carrier Air Wing 17(pictured) includes the Nimitz, CG USS Princeton and DDGs USS Sterett and USS Ralph Johnson (and un… - 5 years ago

@prime_soldier27: RT @SandeepUnnithan: Carrier Air Wing 17(pictured) includes the Nimitz, CG USS Princeton and DDGs USS Sterett and USS Ralph Johnson (and un… - 5 years ago

@iamvsandeep: RT @SandeepUnnithan: Carrier Air Wing 17(pictured) includes the Nimitz, CG USS Princeton and DDGs USS Sterett and USS Ralph Johnson (and un… - 5 years ago

@Leopard212: RT @SandeepUnnithan: Carrier Air Wing 17(pictured) includes the Nimitz, CG USS Princeton and DDGs USS Sterett and USS Ralph Johnson (and un… - 5 years ago

@indiatothepoint: RT @SandeepUnnithan: Carrier Air Wing 17(pictured) includes the Nimitz, CG USS Princeton and DDGs USS Sterett and USS Ralph Johnson (and un… - 5 years ago

@SandeepUnnithan: Carrier Air Wing 17(pictured) includes the Nimitz, CG USS Princeton and DDGs USS Sterett and USS Ralph Johnson (and… - 5 years ago

@smzippyy: Hank Hill--Threw away his vote by writing "Ronald Reagan" on the Ballot Peggy Hill-- Hillary. Didn't think much of… - 5 years ago

@draftbracketguy: Tier 7: 33. Ronald Jones 34. D'Andre Swift 35. Duke Johnson 36. Nyheim Hines 37. Antonio Gibson 38. Darrell Henders… - 5 years ago

@CSPANnow: 1-Prime Minister's Questions: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson Holds Question TIme 2-After Words: Steven Levy,… - 5 years ago

@JuneSim56821199: @MattWaldman 1. Lucile Ball 2. The Rock (Dwayne Johnson) 3. Ronald Reagan 4. Robert Redford 5. Cary Grant - 5 years ago

@jydoolittle1: @RobAnderson2018 1. Magic Johnson 2. Ronald Reagan 3. Hubert Humphrey 4. Kim Kardashian 5. Kurt Cobain Who is my lie? - 5 years ago

@mdslock: RT @GregGrandin: Thanks to Ben Johnson for respectful and (mostly!) favorable review in AHR of Myth. But I do think the answer to this q is… - 5 years ago

@ptoborochi: ¿O cambió de opinión x que recibió una llamada de Embajador Ronald Johnson, y a él sí le hace caso? ¿Cuando por fin… - 5 years ago

@CSPANnow: 1-Prime Minister's Questions: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson Holds Question TIme 2-After Words: Steven Levy,… - 5 years ago

@adeemsuhail: RT @GregGrandin: Thanks to Ben Johnson for respectful and (mostly!) favorable review in AHR of Myth. But I do think the answer to this q is… - 5 years ago

@IlanBenattar: RT @GregGrandin: Thanks to Ben Johnson for respectful and (mostly!) favorable review in AHR of Myth. But I do think the answer to this q is… - 5 years ago

@lily_lilyvalle: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@SonoraSpectre: RT @GregGrandin: Thanks to Ben Johnson for respectful and (mostly!) favorable review in AHR of Myth. But I do think the answer to this q is… - 5 years ago

@tomphilpott: RT @GregGrandin: Thanks to Ben Johnson for respectful and (mostly!) favorable review in AHR of Myth. But I do think the answer to this q is… - 5 years ago

@ToniBradfield2: RT @GregGrandin: Thanks to Ben Johnson for respectful and (mostly!) favorable review in AHR of Myth. But I do think the answer to this q is… - 5 years ago

@ajagbeadewole: RT @GregGrandin: Thanks to Ben Johnson for respectful and (mostly!) favorable review in AHR of Myth. But I do think the answer to this q is… - 5 years ago

@GregGrandin: Thanks to Ben Johnson for respectful and (mostly!) favorable review in AHR of Myth. But I do think the answer to th… - 5 years ago

@SarahGeringer: An important, well-written #memoir on #racism: 13 Days in Ferguson by Capt. Ronald Johnson. #compassion Read the re… - 5 years ago

@TheMaShiKai: @The_One_Nerd What a terrible analysis. Hank would never vote for Trump for a variety of reasons: the Access Holly… - 5 years ago

@AltinhoRJ: @Lia93995234 @realpfigueiredo Pelo que li, na década de 80 a situação estava preta, e surgiram Margareth Tatcher, R… - 5 years ago

@SelenaRobinson3: having relations with men employed on my job(s), for example, Patrick Halliewood Ellis, Mark Crutchfield, Ronald Ja… - 5 years ago

@Ronald_1959: RT @davidschneider: Johnson: “Stop working from home” Vallance: “Keep working from home” Johnson: “No lockdowns in future" Vallance: “Lo… - 5 years ago

@margaretdunning: RT @TRINITYPREZ: @BeschlossDC Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, Ronald Reagan, Tw… - 5 years ago

@TRINITYPREZ: @BeschlossDC Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, Ronald Rea… - 5 years ago

@WBooneHedgepeth: RT @RonaldJ60663545: @MKAdams_Author - 5 years ago

@maryshapirochgo: RT @IndivChi_South: In @AldPatDowell3rd ward, @caarpr remembers Ronald #RonnieMan Johnson and says we demand community control of police #C… - 5 years ago

@JusticeOutcry: ballotpedia: Ronald Johnson (R), who had represented District 33 in the Alabama House since 1978, died of liver can… - 5 years ago

@2ndCityCitizens: RT @CAARPRNow: “I am not settling until I get justice. No matter how long it takes.” - Dorothy Holmes, mother of Ronald #RonnieMan Johnson… - 5 years ago

@browntailedhawk: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@GwenRCollins: RT @CAARPRNow: “I am not settling until I get justice. No matter how long it takes.” - Dorothy Holmes, mother of Ronald #RonnieMan Johnson… - 5 years ago

@IndivisMadison: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@RogueCalico: RT @EchoesPath: Ronald disappeared from #Riverdale, #NorthDakota in 2011. He drives a gold 1982 #Cadillac #Fleetwood. For more information… - 5 years ago

@SeferSaklas: RT @CAARPRNow: “I am not settling until I get justice. No matter how long it takes.” - Dorothy Holmes, mother of Ronald #RonnieMan Johnson… - 5 years ago

@parthforlibrary: RT @IndivChi_South: In @AldPatDowell3rd ward, @caarpr remembers Ronald #RonnieMan Johnson and says we demand community control of police #C… - 5 years ago

@TheCover3: I think the fact that Dale would be a HUGE MAGA supporter would have swayed Hank against it, but he also definitely… - 5 years ago

@Kevin_megel: My cousin Ronald McDonald.... I mean Mathew Johnson * - 5 years ago

@ussaforever: RT @CAARPRNow: “I am not settling until I get justice. No matter how long it takes.” - Dorothy Holmes, mother of Ronald #RonnieMan Johnson… - 5 years ago

@TalkTankie: RT @CAARPRNow: “I am not settling until I get justice. No matter how long it takes.” - Dorothy Holmes, mother of Ronald #RonnieMan Johnson… - 5 years ago

@LiveTheHope2Day: RT @CAARPRNow: “I am not settling until I get justice. No matter how long it takes.” - Dorothy Holmes, mother of Ronald #RonnieMan Johnson… - 5 years ago

@IndivisibleIL: RT @IndivChi_South: In @AldPatDowell3rd ward, @caarpr remembers Ronald #RonnieMan Johnson and says we demand community control of police #C… - 5 years ago

@GKMC18: RT @IndivChi_South: In @AldPatDowell3rd ward, @caarpr remembers Ronald #RonnieMan Johnson and says we demand community control of police #C… - 5 years ago

@LiveTheHope2Day: RT @IndivChi_South: In @AldPatDowell3rd ward, @caarpr remembers Ronald #RonnieMan Johnson and says we demand community control of police #C… - 5 years ago

@NoWarNoRacism: @AldPatDowell3rd - officers from the District 2 police station killed Ronald “Ronnieman” Johnson in 2014 and Mauric… - 5 years ago

@artsortment: RT @CAARPRNow: “I am not settling until I get justice. No matter how long it takes.” - Dorothy Holmes, mother of Ronald #RonnieMan Johnson… - 5 years ago

@JblazeNYC: @ESPNRadio @Katie_George05 @AlyssaLang Katie: peter warrick, andre johnson, santana moss (2/3) over cook and alexan… - 5 years ago

@SmittyD9199: THE AFICIONADO'S SOUTHWESTERN COOKING by Ronald Johnson ©1968-7th Edition 1987 | #eBay (Tw… - 5 years ago

@generationeffed: RT @CAARPRNow: “I am not settling until I get justice. No matter how long it takes.” - Dorothy Holmes, mother of Ronald #RonnieMan Johnson… - 5 years ago

@ballotpedia: Ronald Johnson (R), who had represented District 33 in the Alabama House since 1978, died of liver cancer on July 1… - 5 years ago

@carogranner: @AldPatDowell3rd - officers from the District 2 police station killed Ronald “Ronnieman” Johnson in 2014 and Mauric… - 5 years ago

@CollectiveHale: RT @CAARPRNow: “I am not settling until I get justice. No matter how long it takes.” - Dorothy Holmes, mother of Ronald #RonnieMan Johnson… - 5 years ago

@MandaC976: @hazelflag Ronald Colman and Celia Johnson. - 5 years ago

@uniqueloves: RT @IndivChi_South: In @AldPatDowell3rd ward, @caarpr remembers Ronald #RonnieMan Johnson and says we demand community control of police #C… - 5 years ago

@uniqueloves: RT @CAARPRNow: “I am not settling until I get justice. No matter how long it takes.” - Dorothy Holmes, mother of Ronald #RonnieMan Johnson… - 5 years ago

@NAARPR: RT @IndivChi_South: In @AldPatDowell3rd ward, @caarpr remembers Ronald #RonnieMan Johnson and says we demand community control of police #C… - 5 years ago

@NoWarNoRacism: RT @IndivChi_South: In @AldPatDowell3rd ward, @caarpr remembers Ronald #RonnieMan Johnson and says we demand community control of police #C… - 5 years ago

@Djgigot: Paging Ronald Johnson. @SenRonJohnson would love to hear your thoughts on this. - 5 years ago

@GEsM87: @Lemusrafa Disculpe, entiendo el sarcasmo atrás de su comentario, pero el Embajador Ronald Johnson es un funcionari… - 5 years ago

@ronald_2008: RT @ianbrown_uk: @StephenOld @DailyMailUK Three word slogans: “Never Vote Tory”, “Brexit means Bankruptcy”, “Johnson Tells Lies”. That sort… - 5 years ago

@outside_time: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@Mydeossa: @Ronald_Raign @Cate__Johnson @1Raynfall Wow! - 5 years ago

@pat_uptagrafft: RT @SmittyD9199: THE AFICIONADO'S SOUTHWESTERN COOKING by Ronald Johnson ©1968-7th Edition 1987 | #eBay (Tweeted v… - 5 years ago

@BethPaintings: RT @SmittyD9199: THE AFICIONADO'S SOUTHWESTERN COOKING by Ronald Johnson ©1968-7th Edition 1987 | #eBay (Tweeted v… - 5 years ago

@vrose620: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@Veron2V: RT @SmittyD9199: THE AFICIONADO'S SOUTHWESTERN COOKING by Ronald Johnson ©1968-7th Edition 1987 | #eBay (Tweeted v… - 5 years ago

@haro_rebecca: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@GemJerry1: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@AliAdair22: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@Tired2Iam: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@roadgyalmary: Ronald Johnson was killed because of these so-called ‘criminal procedures’. However, unlike many other cases, there… - 5 years ago

@roadgyalmary: There was a dash-cam video present that clearly displayed an unarmed Johnson and could essentially allow criminal c… - 5 years ago

@roadgyalmary: 25-year-old Ronald ‘Ronnieman’ Johnson was shot and killed by CPD detective George Hernandez during an overtly raci… - 5 years ago

@inmateblogger: by RONALD JOHNSON - 5 years ago

@mimuluxArt: RT @SmittyD9199: THE AFICIONADO'S SOUTHWESTERN COOKING by Ronald Johnson ©1968-7th Edition 1987 | #eBay (Tweeted v… - 5 years ago

@therealroc: RT @SmittyD9199: THE AFICIONADO'S SOUTHWESTERN COOKING by Ronald Johnson ©1968-7th Edition 1987 | #eBay (Tweeted v… - 5 years ago

@SmittyD9199: THE AFICIONADO'S SOUTHWESTERN COOKING by Ronald Johnson ©1968-7th Edition 1987 | #eBay (Tw… - 5 years ago

@WBooneHedgepeth: RT @RonaldJ60663545: @MKAdams_Author - 5 years ago

@caroleryan15: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@GeoGonzalezES: RT @MelaraRaul: Agradezco el reconocimiento del gobierno del presidente @realDonaldTrump y la valiosa cooperación y apoyo del Embajador Ron… - 5 years ago

@MatassaNagy: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@BlueCatTwo: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@mrspc48: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@peaceisactive: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@SueHDemocrat: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@YolandaRansom2: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@VICKIKCIV: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@frannyhelen: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@VoteWisDems: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@WISuperstar: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@TwitManager_: RT @RonaldJ60663545: @MKAdams_Author - 5 years ago

@SusanFloresta: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@RankenRodney: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@WBooneHedgepeth: RT @RonaldJ60663545: @MKAdams_Author - 5 years ago

@ProfGenX: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@smprilep: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@wonky: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@Ronald_fcg: RT @FOXSportsnl: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Premier Boris Johnson wil vanaf oktober weer toeschouwers toelaten bij sportwedstrijden in Engeland. - 5 years ago

@wisco62: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@LongIsland_Tony: @TheRickWilson Actual conservatives (dictionary definition): Ronald Reagan The Bushes Mitt Romney John McCain Marco… - 5 years ago

@djabronx: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@EchoesPath: Ronald disappeared from #Riverdale, #NorthDakota in 2011. He drives a gold 1982 #Cadillac #Fleetwood. For more inf… - 5 years ago

@MoJoGrow: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@_V3ritas: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@TennisOnSkis: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@cllnwlhlm: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@v2aggie2: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@MJoyce2625: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@joodyb: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@Grizzified: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@ViolaPink4: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@stormzbowler: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@kakempen: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@JohnsonIsAJoke: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@DeannaJaworski: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@kimerlyus: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@danisinthehaus: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@BadgerStew: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@alyscarnesi: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@Aimhere2000: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@Gods_Son_Orion: @JmeJDJ @altamontcarl @JackPosobiec You know George Washington Thomas Jefferson James Monroe Andrew Jackson James P… - 5 years ago

@JimLoffler: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@SemplySarah: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@CharlieC1B: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@JudyHensler24: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@LinkToTruth: RT @benwikler: Ronald H. Johnson, disgrace to Wisconsin - 5 years ago

@WBooneHedgepeth: RT @RonaldJ60663545: @MKAdams_Author - 5 years ago

@mykfish: -Jon Green, Vice President and Chief Security Technologist, Aruba Networks @ArubaNetworks -The Honorable Cheryl L.… - 5 years ago

@Ronald_Raign: @Cate__Johnson @1Raynfall @Mydeossa wtf - 5 years ago

@msirismg: RT @RogueNASA: Think of the possibilities!!! - Katherine Johnson - Guion Bluford - Ronald McNair - Mae Jemison - John Herrington - Elliso… - 5 years ago

@WestSideOfJazz: Auditorium Stravinski July 13, 2009 Montreux Jazz Piano and Keyboards: George Duke Keyboards: Arlington Jones Gui… - 5 years ago

@FreeLikeAPotato: @La2zarini @PabloPQA @amenacate @hexagerardo @GonzaLib1853 @OrwellGeorge Ronald Reagan era un mediático y fue presi… - 5 years ago

@jgmacleodauthor: RT @WBooneHedgepeth: Be sure to read these notable authors of interesting personality and originality: @RonaldJ60663545 Ronald Johnson, @Po… - 5 years ago

@keirong: @yikesyikes222 @Lady__Seraphina @piersmorgan Yeah what was that all about, he always has been a clown why on earth… - 5 years ago

@pedrogalvezp1: @USAmbSV I agree with Ronald Jonhson, God bless you always Mr. Johnson - 5 years ago

@RonaldJ60663545: RT @WBooneHedgepeth: Be sure to read these notable authors of interesting personality and originality: @RonaldJ60663545 Ronald Johnson, @Po… - 5 years ago

@Raymond_Norman: RT @WBooneHedgepeth: Be sure to read these notable authors of interesting personality and originality: @RonaldJ60663545 Ronald Johnson, @Po… - 5 years ago

@Towheehillart: RT @WBooneHedgepeth: Be sure to read these notable authors of interesting personality and originality: @RonaldJ60663545 Ronald Johnson, @Po… - 5 years ago

@PeteWriting: RT @WBooneHedgepeth: Be sure to read these notable authors of interesting personality and originality: @RonaldJ60663545 Ronald Johnson, @Po… - 5 years ago

@WBooneHedgepeth: Be sure to read these notable authors of interesting personality and originality: @RonaldJ60663545 Ronald Johnson,… - 5 years ago

@johnson_stella: RT @haroldpollack: Ronald Reagan, both Presidents Bush, Bill Clinton+Barack Obama--Very different people with one thing in common. The peop… - 5 years ago

@GABRIELALBERT16: RT @josedavidcamp14: Así es, Sr. embajador Ronald Johnson @USAmbSV la UNIDAD, la PAZ, ha sido lograda en nuestro país, con el sacrificio d… - 5 years ago

@JoelFranHoops: RT @DrPeteyHV: Lots of stuff from RB coach Ryan Held: - Dedrick Mills leading - Rahmir Johnson making strides - Ronald Thompkins an X-facto… - 5 years ago

@AleRecinos01: RT @MelaraRaul: Agradezco el reconocimiento del gobierno del presidente @realDonaldTrump y la valiosa cooperación y apoyo del Embajador Ron… - 5 years ago

@parthforlibrary: RT @BLMChi: Check out this thread of today’s action w/ @chitorture demanding @SAKimFoxx stop enabling JonBurge cops, free incarcerated to… - 5 years ago

@Acemiir: RT @mb250762: @rnsr4u @pinkbeachlady @steph93065 So he came 60 years ago he had made it prior to trump! Dwight D. Eisenhower John F. Kenned… - 5 years ago

@WBooneHedgepeth: RT @RonaldJ60663545: @MKAdams_Author - 5 years ago

@DJTMentionsBot: RT @MelaraRaul: Agradezco el reconocimiento del gobierno del presidente @realDonaldTrump y la valiosa cooperación y apoyo del Embajador Ron… - 5 years ago

@MelaraRaul: Agradezco el reconocimiento del gobierno del presidente @realDonaldTrump y la valiosa cooperación y apoyo del Embaj… - 5 years ago

@Cajun_Hemiman: 34. Dwight Eisenhower 35. John F. Kennedy 36. Lyndon B. Johnson 37. Richard Nixon 38. Gerald Ford 39. Jimmy Carter… - 5 years ago

@DrPeteyHV: RT @DrPeteyHV: Lots of stuff from RB coach Ryan Held: - Dedrick Mills leading - Rahmir Johnson making strides - Ronald Thompkins an X-facto… - 5 years ago

@amy_belt: RT @DrPeteyHV: Lots of stuff from RB coach Ryan Held: - Dedrick Mills leading - Rahmir Johnson making strides - Ronald Thompkins an X-facto… - 5 years ago

@ALReproRightsAd: RT @ALReporter: State Rep. Ronald “Ron” Johnson, R-Sylacauga, died Tuesday of complications from liver cancer. He was 76. - 5 years ago

@WBooneHedgepeth: RT @WBooneHedgepeth: Exciting new 5 star review for (based in real events) The Trees for the Forest by @RonaldJ60663545 Ronald Johnson http… - 5 years ago

@josedavidcamp14: Así es, Sr. embajador Ronald Johnson @USAmbSV la UNIDAD, la PAZ, ha sido lograda en nuestro país, con el sacrifici… - 5 years ago

@WBooneHedgepeth: RT @RonaldJ60663545: @MKAdams_Author - 5 years ago

@ernestsewell: So even poor White kids get better funding than any Black/POC district. You wanna talk about the dropout rate of B… - 5 years ago

@SmittyD9199: THE AFICIONADO'S SOUTHWESTERN COOKING by Ronald Johnson ©1968-7th Edition 1987 | #eBay (Tw… - 5 years ago

@Ronald_1959: RT @itvnews: "Standing up every week and saying 'it's a stunning success' is kidding no-one" says Keir Starmer on the government's Test and… - 5 years ago

@Ayoo_Noah: RT @NFL_Stats: Highest Juke Rating for RBs in Madden 21 Christian McCaffrey - 96 Saquon Barkley - 94 Dalvin Cook - 93 Duke Johnson Jr - 93… - 5 years ago

@graeme_parr: RT @HenryTanguy: @ThatTimWalker It's the Ronald Reagan model of political leadership, only instead of silky smooth scriptwriter Michael Dea… - 5 years ago

@mayorbusch: Rev Dr Ronald Owens, Senior Pastor, New Hope Baptist Church David Alston, Retired Captain, NJ State Police Alan J… - 5 years ago

@ChopCityJason: RT @ChopCityJason: The Braves’ transformation from the Brian McCann/Chris Johnson “play the game the right way” era to a team with Yasiel P… - 5 years ago

@KirstenMikell: RT @ChopCityJason: The Braves’ transformation from the Brian McCann/Chris Johnson “play the game the right way” era to a team with Yasiel P… - 5 years ago

@SaveStBernards: RT @HenryTanguy: @ThatTimWalker It's the Ronald Reagan model of political leadership, only instead of silky smooth scriptwriter Michael Dea… - 5 years ago

@DarrylBradsha11: @mhealananda It's like this, Melissa! In 1964, President Johnson declared "War on Poverty" in an effort to wipe ou… - 5 years ago

@lund_douglas: RT @DrPeteyHV: Lots of stuff from RB coach Ryan Held: - Dedrick Mills leading - Rahmir Johnson making strides - Ronald Thompkins an X-facto… - 5 years ago

@HenryTanguy: @ThatTimWalker It's the Ronald Reagan model of political leadership, only instead of silky smooth scriptwriter Mich… - 5 years ago

@ALNewsNetwork: State Rep. Ronald Johnson, Longest Continuously Serving Member of the House, Dies at 76 - 5 years ago

@WTVM: SAD NEWS TO REPORT: State Rep. Ron Johnson held a seat in the house for more than 40 years. - 5 years ago

@CDSmith2017: RT @DrPeteyHV: Lots of stuff from RB coach Ryan Held: - Dedrick Mills leading - Rahmir Johnson making strides - Ronald Thompkins an X-facto… - 5 years ago

@colbyley1: @SuniDey Oh god. I remember being a Walmart cashier when they started making people pay 5 cents for a plastic bag.… - 5 years ago

@sbc_gt: Meeting #6: Ronald Johnson (@GeorgiaTechISyE and @NBA) shared his experience working as the first ever NBA Presiden… - 5 years ago

@Simply_JoeDavis: RT @NFL_Stats: Highest Juke Rating for RBs in Madden 21 Christian McCaffrey - 96 Saquon Barkley - 94 Dalvin Cook - 93 Duke Johnson Jr - 93… - 5 years ago

@BCCommission: Governor Ivey has ordered flags be flown at half-staff to honor Alabama state Representative Ronald “Ron” Johnson,… - 5 years ago

@wrblnews3: Alabama Representative Ronald Johnson passes away at age 76 - 5 years ago

@Kevin_Turcot: RT @ChopCityJason: The Braves’ transformation from the Brian McCann/Chris Johnson “play the game the right way” era to a team with Yasiel P… - 5 years ago

@ChopCityJason: The Braves’ transformation from the Brian McCann/Chris Johnson “play the game the right way” era to a team with Yas… - 5 years ago

@CasadosDonny: RT @DrPeteyHV: Lots of stuff from RB coach Ryan Held: - Dedrick Mills leading - Rahmir Johnson making strides - Ronald Thompkins an X-facto… - 5 years ago

@ALReporter: State Rep. Ronald “Ron” Johnson, R-Sylacauga, died Tuesday of complications from liver cancer. He was 76. - 5 years ago

@KOS_Pod: RT @N8Mozaik: Top 5 high school athletes I've seen and/or covered in person for @NNPSTV: Mike Vick, Ronald Curry, A.I., Micheal Johnson, D… - 5 years ago

@hskrrod: RT @DrPeteyHV: Lots of stuff from RB coach Ryan Held: - Dedrick Mills leading - Rahmir Johnson making strides - Ronald Thompkins an X-facto… - 5 years ago

@EEN_Moms: RT @SarahGeringer: An important, well-written #memoir on #racism: 13 Days in Ferguson by Capt. Ronald Johnson. #compassion Read the review… - 5 years ago

@WVTM13: State Rep. Ronald Johnson has died - 5 years ago

@CBS_42: RIP 💔 Ronald Johnson, the dean of Alabama House of Representatives who served for over 40 years in Alabama politics… - 5 years ago

@RidhiwaniC: List ya watu 10 maarufu wenye followers wengi Instagram hadi July 15 1:Cristiano Ronald m.230 2:Ariana Grande m.194… - 5 years ago

@Adrian_Dalby: Holby City Patricia Potter, Amanda Mealing, Tina Hobley, Robert Powell, Tom Chambers, Patsy Kensit, Ronald Pickup,… - 5 years ago

@SarahGeringer: An important, well-written #memoir on #racism: 13 Days in Ferguson by Capt. Ronald Johnson. #compassion Read the re… - 5 years ago

@the_REALIST_28: RT @NFL_Stats: Highest Juke Rating for RBs in Madden 21 Christian McCaffrey - 96 Saquon Barkley - 94 Dalvin Cook - 93 Duke Johnson Jr - 93… - 5 years ago

@LordListoHQ: US Presidents during the reign of Queen Elizabeth II: 😲😲 - Harry Truman - Dwight Eisenhower - John Kennedy - Lyndon… - 5 years ago

@Brad6900: RT @whnt: Alabama Representative Ronald Johnson passes away at age 76 - 5 years ago

@Brad6900: RT @waff48: State Rep. Ronald Johnson, dean of the Alabama House of Representatives, has passed away after complications from liver cancer.… - 5 years ago

@Intuitive_PS: RT @IKnewThemWell: #WatchingNow 2 THIS HAPPY BREED The Cineguild team – David Lean, Ronald Ne… - 5 years ago

@brodybelt: RT @DrPeteyHV: Lots of stuff from RB coach Ryan Held: - Dedrick Mills leading - Rahmir Johnson making strides - Ronald Thompkins an X-facto… - 5 years ago

@cesummary: State Rep. Ronald Johnson Death – Dead : Ronald Johnso Obituary : Cause of Death Unknown. - 5 years ago

@Bloody1130: RT @DrPeteyHV: Lots of stuff from RB coach Ryan Held: - Dedrick Mills leading - Rahmir Johnson making strides - Ronald Thompkins an X-facto… - 5 years ago

@OGSHABBA_RACKS: RT @DrPeteyHV: Lots of stuff from RB coach Ryan Held: - Dedrick Mills leading - Rahmir Johnson making strides - Ronald Thompkins an X-facto… - 5 years ago

@WBooneHedgepeth: RT @RonaldJ60663545: @MKAdams_Author - 5 years ago

@topher_avery: RT @DrPeteyHV: Lots of stuff from RB coach Ryan Held: - Dedrick Mills leading - Rahmir Johnson making strides - Ronald Thompkins an X-facto… - 5 years ago

@Shabba_Sensai: RT @NFL_Stats: Highest Juke Rating for RBs in Madden 21 Christian McCaffrey - 96 Saquon Barkley - 94 Dalvin Cook - 93 Duke Johnson Jr - 93… - 5 years ago

@WDHN: The representative died of liver cancer complications. - 5 years ago

@crimsonscholar: Al. Rep Ronald Johnson, longest serving member of the house, dies at age 76 - 5 years ago

@yshamigan: RT @ACLUofColorado: Ronald Johnson is 62, pre-diabetic, and suffers from asthma & high blood pressure. He often needs an inhaler to breathe… - 5 years ago

@jarredmeyer78: RT @DrPeteyHV: Lots of stuff from RB coach Ryan Held: - Dedrick Mills leading - Rahmir Johnson making strides - Ronald Thompkins an X-facto… - 5 years ago

@Exspec85: RT @DrPeteyHV: Lots of stuff from RB coach Ryan Held: - Dedrick Mills leading - Rahmir Johnson making strides - Ronald Thompkins an X-facto… - 5 years ago

@StacyMichelleB: RT @wsfa12news: State Rep. Ronald Johnson, longest serving member of the Alabama House, dies at age 76 - 5 years ago

@GregSmithHV: RT @DrPeteyHV: Lots of stuff from RB coach Ryan Held: - Dedrick Mills leading - Rahmir Johnson making strides - Ronald Thompkins an X-facto… - 5 years ago

@whnt: Alabama Representative Ronald Johnson passes away at age 76 - 5 years ago

@schmidt_radio: RT @DrPeteyHV: Lots of stuff from RB coach Ryan Held: - Dedrick Mills leading - Rahmir Johnson making strides - Ronald Thompkins an X-facto… - 5 years ago

@WTVYNews4: Al. Rep Ronald Johnson, longest serving member of the house, dies at age 76 - 5 years ago

@waff48: State Rep. Ronald Johnson, dean of the Alabama House of Representatives, has passed away after complications from l… - 5 years ago

@HuskerHep: RT @DrPeteyHV: Lots of stuff from RB coach Ryan Held: - Dedrick Mills leading - Rahmir Johnson making strides - Ronald Thompkins an X-facto… - 5 years ago

@interknight95: @BigSquishyDM @JaronRMJohnson Jaron "Bionicle Boy" Ronald-McDonald Johnson. - 5 years ago

@NickDonahue: RT @DrPeteyHV: Lots of stuff from RB coach Ryan Held: - Dedrick Mills leading - Rahmir Johnson making strides - Ronald Thompkins an X-facto… - 5 years ago

@blackshrtnation: RT @DrPeteyHV: Lots of stuff from RB coach Ryan Held: - Dedrick Mills leading - Rahmir Johnson making strides - Ronald Thompkins an X-facto… - 5 years ago

@HailVarsity: RT @DrPeteyHV: Lots of stuff from RB coach Ryan Held: - Dedrick Mills leading - Rahmir Johnson making strides - Ronald Thompkins an X-facto… - 5 years ago

@DrPeteyHV: Lots of stuff from RB coach Ryan Held: - Dedrick Mills leading - Rahmir Johnson making strides - Ronald Thompkins a… - 5 years ago

@JonMIPol: RT @ReshadHudson: Alabama Rep. Ronald Johnson dies at 76 - 5 years ago

@ReshadHudson: Alabama Rep. Ronald Johnson dies at 76 - 5 years ago

@CarolineBeckADN: RT @wsfa12news: State Rep. Ronald Johnson, longest serving member of the Alabama House, dies at age 76 - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Ronald Johnson is no longer with us - #RonaldJohnson #Ronald #Johnson #rip - 5 years ago

@annie_amountain: RT @wsfa12news: State Rep. Ronald Johnson, longest serving member of the Alabama House, dies at age 76 - 5 years ago

@KFinProductions: RT @wsfa12news: State Rep. Ronald Johnson, longest serving member of the Alabama House, dies at age 76 - 5 years ago

@LydiaNusbaum: RT @wsfa12news: State Rep. Ronald Johnson, longest serving member of the Alabama House, dies at age 76 - 5 years ago

@wsfa12news: State Rep. Ronald Johnson, longest serving member of the Alabama House, dies at age 76 - 5 years ago

@haroldthomas8: RT @WBRCnews: PRAYERS: State Representative Ronald Johnson, R-Sylacauga, the Dean of the Alabama House of Representatives, died Tuesday of… - 5 years ago

@AaronMc95296876: RT @WBRCnews: PRAYERS: State Representative Ronald Johnson, R-Sylacauga, the Dean of the Alabama House of Representatives, died Tuesday of… - 5 years ago

@bethhayden_2019: RT @WBRCnews: PRAYERS: State Representative Ronald Johnson, R-Sylacauga, the Dean of the Alabama House of Representatives, died Tuesday of… - 5 years ago

@WBRCnews: PRAYERS: State Representative Ronald Johnson, R-Sylacauga, the Dean of the Alabama House of Representatives, died T… - 5 years ago

@ALNewsNetwork: #BREAKING State Rep. Ronald Johnson, Longest Continuously Serving Member of the House, Dies at 76… - 5 years ago

@ffccccfyj: RT @NFL_Stats: Highest Juke Rating for RBs in Madden 21 Christian McCaffrey - 96 Saquon Barkley - 94 Dalvin Cook - 93 Duke Johnson Jr - 93… - 5 years ago

@GrimOleProduct1: @josephbenning @Patriotgirlfla1 @marcelluswiley @mattgaetz So, Lyndon B. Johnson's passage of the Civil Rights Act… - 5 years ago

@WaltWicksIV: RT @NFL_Stats: Highest Juke Rating for RBs in Madden 21 Christian McCaffrey - 96 Saquon Barkley - 94 Dalvin Cook - 93 Duke Johnson Jr - 93… - 5 years ago

@Fox6Steve: Rep. Ronald Johnson of Sylacauga, the longest continuously-serving member of the Alabama House has died of liver ca… - 5 years ago

@nacionpurpura: #MLSIsBack - Formación presentada por @NYCFCEspanol: 01 Sean Johnson, 03 Anton Tinnerholm, 16 James Sands, 06 Alex… - 5 years ago

@solofutbolcr: #NewYorkCity: 1-Sean Johnson, 20-Gudhmundur Thórarinsson, 3-Anton Tinnerholm, 6-Alexander Callens, 4-Maxime Chanot,… - 5 years ago

@a2_ventura: @USAmbSV yo nunca le eh agradecido a el gobierno de EEUU. cualquier regalia que hagan pero con el sr. embajador es… - 5 years ago

@SeaShel_ton: RT @ACLUofColorado: Ronald Johnson is 62, pre-diabetic, and suffers from asthma & high blood pressure. He often needs an inhaler to breathe… - 5 years ago

@interknight95: @JaronRMJohnson They might not know the truth- but I do, Jaron Ronald-McDonald Johnson. - 5 years ago

@jcaridi22: RT @NFL_Stats: Highest Juke Rating for RBs in Madden 21 Christian McCaffrey - 96 Saquon Barkley - 94 Dalvin Cook - 93 Duke Johnson Jr - 93… - 5 years ago

@_HU_Soldi3r_: RT @NFL_Stats: Highest Juke Rating for RBs in Madden 21 Christian McCaffrey - 96 Saquon Barkley - 94 Dalvin Cook - 93 Duke Johnson Jr - 93… - 5 years ago

@cold_stefan: RT @NFL_Stats: Highest Juke Rating for RBs in Madden 21 Christian McCaffrey - 96 Saquon Barkley - 94 Dalvin Cook - 93 Duke Johnson Jr - 93… - 5 years ago

@IsmaelIsmael016: RT @NFL_Stats: Highest Juke Rating for RBs in Madden 21 Christian McCaffrey - 96 Saquon Barkley - 94 Dalvin Cook - 93 Duke Johnson Jr - 93… - 5 years ago

@orion_nwsf: RT @NFL_Stats: Highest Juke Rating for RBs in Madden 21 Christian McCaffrey - 96 Saquon Barkley - 94 Dalvin Cook - 93 Duke Johnson Jr - 93… - 5 years ago

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