Ronald Drever

Scottish physicist.
Died on Wednesday March 8th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Ronald Drever:

@Sayed3samIsmail: RT @NasaInArabic: وفاة عالم الفيزياء الاسكتلندي رونالد دريفر Ronald Drever عن عمر يناهز 85، أحد مؤسسي مرصد لايغو. - 8 years ago

@FederalScience: Ronald Drever, co-founder of LIGO, has died - 8 years ago

@Lbuthfer: Gravitational waves pioneer Ronald Drever dies - - 8 years ago

@LynxPoon: I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it: Gravitational waves pioneer Ronald Drever dies - - 8 years ago


@Citywide_MSVP: RT @Caltech: Caltech mourns the passing of LIGO co-founder Ronald W. Drever. He was 85 years old. - 8 years ago

@literal_analogy: Gravitational waves pioneer Ronald Drever dies - BBC News - 8 years ago

@004nino: RIP 15 210) #Caltech #Mourns the #Passing #March 7, 2017 of #LIGO #Co - #founder # Ronald W. P. #Drever 85 - 8 years ago

@Sarcona_Felix: RT @bgreene: The detection of gravitational waves was a stunning achievement. Ronald Drever was a key player. I bet he would have won the N… - 8 years ago

@CCSVInellaSM: Gravitational waves pioneer Ronald Drever dies - BBC News - 8 years ago

@solar_da: RT @astroengine: Ronald Drever, one of the architects behind the first detection of gravitational waves, has died aged 85 - 8 years ago

@Exphysicist: BBC News - Gravitational waves pioneer Ronald Drever dies - 8 years ago

@sedsusa: RT @astroengine: Ronald Drever, one of the architects behind the first detection of gravitational waves, has died aged 85 - 8 years ago

@Green_Guardians: Gravitational waves pioneer Ronald Drever dies - 8 years ago

@roshdy20200: RT @mqasem: 1. وفاة أحد العلماء الذين أسسوا مرصد لايغو لاكتشاف الموجات الجاذبية. Ronald Drever، في الوسط بالصورة. أتذكر أنه لم يحضر في وقت… - 8 years ago

@NewswithRachel: Gravitational waves scientist and LIGO co-founder Ronald Drever dies at 85 - 8 years ago

@norsurnorsur: RT @astroengine: Ronald Drever, one of the architects behind the first detection of gravitational waves, has died aged 85 - 8 years ago

@JGilOrganic: Gravitational waves pioneer Ronald Drever dies - BBC News - 8 years ago

@laurie_winkless: RT @astroengine: Ronald Drever, one of the architects behind the first detection of gravitational waves, has died aged 85 - 8 years ago

@astroengine: Ronald Drever, one of the architects behind the first detection of gravitational waves, has died aged 85 - 8 years ago

@libra6managment: Gravitational waves pioneer Ronald Drever dies Scottish physicist Ronald Drever, one of the architec - 8 years ago

@JayneFury: Gravitational waves pioneer Ronald Drever dies - BBC News - 8 years ago

@ztnOnpRoU9Gwrh2: RT @DavidPapp: Gravitational waves scientist and LIGO co-founder Ronald Drever dies at 85 - 8 years ago

@kSCIJe2NpO68GU1: RT @DavidPapp: Gravitational waves scientist and LIGO co-founder Ronald Drever dies at 85 - 8 years ago

@DavidPapp: Gravitational waves scientist and LIGO co-founder Ronald Drever dies at 85 - 8 years ago

@DynamlcDuobf: RT @DavidPapp: Gravitational waves scientist and LIGO co-founder Ronald Drever dies at 85 - 8 years ago

@DavidPapp: Gravitational waves scientist and LIGO co-founder Ronald Drever dies at 85 - 8 years ago

@cuterican195: RT @DavidPapp: Gravitational waves scientist and LIGO co-founder Ronald Drever dies at 85 - 8 years ago

@Mackie_loves3D: RT @DavidPapp: Gravitational waves scientist and LIGO co-founder Ronald Drever dies at 85 - 8 years ago

@DavidPapp: Gravitational waves scientist and LIGO co-founder Ronald Drever dies at 85 - 8 years ago

@EdwlnaGorby: RT @DavidPapp: Gravitational waves scientist and LIGO co-founder Ronald Drever dies at 85 - 8 years ago

@mollypunkls: RT @DavidPapp: Gravitational waves scientist and LIGO co-founder Ronald Drever dies at 85 - 8 years ago

@arcturianmall: RT @DavidPapp: Gravitational waves scientist and LIGO co-founder Ronald Drever dies at 85 - 8 years ago

@tonys__market: RT @DavidPapp: Gravitational waves scientist and LIGO co-founder Ronald Drever dies at 85 - 8 years ago

@PatrlckGoesPunk: RT @DavidPapp: Gravitational waves scientist and LIGO co-founder Ronald Drever dies at 85 - 8 years ago

@ALifestyle912: RT @DavidPapp: Gravitational waves scientist and LIGO co-founder Ronald Drever dies at 85 - 8 years ago

@DavidPapp: Gravitational waves scientist and LIGO co-founder Ronald Drever dies at 85 - 8 years ago

@HN_swan: RT @mqasem: 1. وفاة أحد العلماء الذين أسسوا مرصد لايغو لاكتشاف الموجات الجاذبية. Ronald Drever، في الوسط بالصورة. أتذكر أنه لم يحضر في وقت… - 8 years ago

@ChamppsT0nka: RT @DavidPapp: Gravitational waves scientist and LIGO co-founder Ronald Drever dies at 85 - 8 years ago

@stevnloy: Just reading @Jannalevin's BHB and saddened to learn that just a few days ago gravitational waves pioneer Ronald Drever died. - 8 years ago

@TedGroschScifi: RT @Newsdock: Gravitational waves scientist and LIGO co-founder Ronald Drever dies at 85 - 8 years ago

@Newsdock: Gravitational waves scientist and LIGO co-founder Ronald Drever dies at 85 - 8 years ago

@sportzcrazed: Flash Physics: Women still under-represented in physics, paint-drying mystery solved, LIGO's Ronald Drever dies - 8 years ago

@melucky873: Gravitational waves scientist and LIGO co-founder Ronald Drever dies at 85 - … - 8 years ago

@melucky873: Gravitational waves scientist and LIGO co-founder Ronald Drever dies at 85 - … - 8 years ago

@melucky873: Gravitational waves scientist and LIGO co-founder Ronald Drever dies at 85 - … - 8 years ago

@alphafyr: Ronald Drever, co-founder of LIGO, has died. - 8 years ago

@Schurik2015: Gravitational waves pioneer Ronald Drever dies - BBC News - 8 years ago

@melucky873: Gravitational waves scientist and LIGO co-founder Ronald Drever dies at 85 - … - 8 years ago

@_Raneems: RT @NasaInArabic: وفاة عالم الفيزياء الاسكتلندي رونالد دريفر Ronald Drever عن عمر يناهز 85، أحد مؤسسي مرصد لايغو. - 8 years ago

@msntlly: RIP Ronald Drever. - 8 years ago

@macapellades: RT @brkthroughprize: Sad news: Breakthrough Prize winner Ronald Drever has passed. His legacy: a new astronomical era - 8 years ago

@PutuAdiKusumaY: RT @bgreene: The detection of gravitational waves was a stunning achievement. Ronald Drever was a key player. I bet he would have won the N… - 8 years ago

@ciencia5arradio: Gravitational waves pioneer Ronald Drever dies - 8 years ago

@madscienceskill: BBC News - Gravitational waves pioneer Ronald Drever dies - 8 years ago

@Veracity4U: RT @grahamfarmelo: RIP Ronald Drever, 85, gravitational waves pioneer (very likely a nominee for the 2017 physics Nobel Prize): - 8 years ago

@NadaaAbdalla: RT @NasaInArabic: وفاة عالم الفيزياء الاسكتلندي رونالد دريفر Ronald Drever عن عمر يناهز 85، أحد مؤسسي مرصد لايغو. - 8 years ago

@geditorial_uk: How sad, @LIGO has lost a great scientist - Gravitational waves pioneer Ronald Drever dies - 8 years ago

@the_asg: RT @UofGlasgow: We’re saddened by the passing of Prof Ronald Drever, pictured here with Prof James Hough of @UofGPhysAstro - 8 years ago

@joannakata4: RT @bgreene: The detection of gravitational waves was a stunning achievement. Ronald Drever was a key player. I bet he would have won the N… - 8 years ago

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