Ronald Coase

British economist
Died on Monday September 2nd 2013

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Ronald Coase:

@Nonicoc: Lena Andersson uttrycker i DN en liknande tanke som Ronald Coase:

@Loweeel: @ClarkHat -- Ask Ronald Coase. @Popehat

@juie_jiang: “If you torture the data long enough, it will confess.” ― Ronald H. Coase, Essays on Economics and Economists

@SlideHeroes: "Torture the data, and it will confess to anything.” – Ronald Coase, Nobel Prize Laureate #data #PPT #designthinking


@NiekvLeeuwen: If you torture the data long enough, it will confess (Ronald Coase).

@Nvania: RT @FriedrichHayek: It wasn't confirmation bias that led UV Econ to fire Ronald Coase & James Buchanan, they were fired b/c "not scientific…

@LibertyBundle: RT : It wasn't confirmation bias that led UV Econ to fire Ronald Coase & James Buchanan, they were fired b/c "not scientific" ie not enough…

@FriedrichHayek: It wasn't confirmation bias that led UV Econ to fire Ronald Coase & James Buchanan, they were fired b/c "not scientific" ie not enough math.

@kokiikedaJP: 国家や民族あるいは企業アイデンティティについて考えると、その維持への投資は、Ronald Coase が言うような取引費用の話だけで本当に収まるのか、疑問に思う。とか言うならちゃんと Coase 読めよな。時間があれば読みたいです。あと、この話は絶対形而上学化可能だと思う。

@Mathias1410: “If you torture the data long enough, it will confess to anything.” ~ British economist Ronald Coase

@leoillustratus: "If you torture the data long enough, it will confess." - Ronald Coase

@candice_vernay: RT @el_ouaadi: Pensez-vous que Ronald Coase le réchauffement climatique ?#Quotas #EMISSION #TheProblemOfSocialCoast #BlagueDeES

@el_ouaadi: Pensez-vous que Ronald Coase le réchauffement climatique ?#Quotas #EMISSION #TheProblemOfSocialCoast #BlagueDeES

@BizXcelBI: If you torture the data long enough, it will confess. Ronald Coase, Economist #makeyourdataspeak #data

@Mr_LeNonchalant: RT @Kabylefornien: Ronald tu es la Coase de mon divorce avec mon cours d'économie ce soir... #blaguedeprepa #économie #Ece

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