Ron Graham

English-Australian actor (Home and Away
Died on Wednesday April 8th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Ron Graham:

@Graham_m26: RT @domilettch: No papá tu caja de ron no es una prioridad ahorita, que arrechera - 5 years ago

@AMKennedy2: @politico M. L. Kevin McCarthy, Shame on You ! History will not be kind to you, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, R… - 5 years ago

@Kelsey28821582: @JoyalKate @MalcolmNance And Lindsey Graham and Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan and Ron DeSantis and Matt Gaetz and Kevi… - 5 years ago

@river_ron: RT @harrisonjaime: This is the first time Lindsey Graham has been outraised in two decades. Thanks to all of you, he's in for the fight o… - 5 years ago


@buzzman888: @readyletsgo27 @DailyCaller It's good news if something comes of it. I certainly hope Graham isn't taking credit f… - 5 years ago

@alzadahar2: HOY TV CINE En tiempo de brujas en CUATROº a las 22.00h con Nicolas Cage, Ron Perlman, Stephen Campbell Moore, Stephen Graham.. (Aventuras) - 5 years ago

@Ben_Montaigne: To 5 fav political channels 1. Jimmy Dore 2. Graham Elwood 3. Lee Camp 4. Ron Placone 5. Humanist Report - 5 years ago

@mercurialera: @Amy_Siskind Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Mark Meadows, Gym Jordan, Ron Johnson, Devin Nunes, Susan Collins, Li… - 5 years ago

@ron28_ron: RT @LindseyGrahamSC: What did we do to Iran who is the bad actor? We sanctioned Iran. What should we do to the largest state sponsor of p… - 5 years ago

@CraigEmmons: @rewillson717171 5...above God almighty. That’s my point. Where am I wrong? No disrespect to you personally, but te… - 5 years ago

@doub1eA_ron: RT @CNNPolitics: Democratic challenger Jaime Harrison outraised Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham in the first quarter of 2020 - 5 years ago

@CraigEmmons: @National98 @KamVTV @thehill Not even close. Romney has a more conservative voting record than Ron Johnson, Rand Pa… - 5 years ago

@ronalda43694974: @Franklin_Graham God bless you and your Christian brothers and sisters. Your work is certainly "God's work. Your de… - 5 years ago

@soccerlube: What Are We Doing With Our Time? - 5 years ago

@Moutainman_Ron: RT @mmpadellan: NOVEMBER 4TH headline preview: trump - defeated in landslide Mitch McConnell - defeated Lindsey Graham - defeated Susan Co… - 5 years ago

@sioux_fernandez: @GermnJRivas1 Ron Davis, Mark Peteway, Don Robinson, Ernie Graham, Terrence Bradley, Tracy Foster, Clarence Tillman… - 5 years ago

@AmirReihani87: @yourMTLbroker 1-Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. by Ron Chernow and 2-Personal History by Katherine Graham. - 5 years ago

@RON_PUNISHER: RT @CNNPolitics: Democratic challenger Jaime Harrison outraised Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham in the first quarter of 2020 - 5 years ago

@DemSensible: Additional people #RexTillerson should have called a FUCKING MORON: Steve Mnuchin Jared Kushner Don Jr. Mitch McCon… - 5 years ago

@ron_jeep: RT @mmpadellan: NOVEMBER 4TH headline preview: trump - defeated in landslide Mitch McConnell - defeated Lindsey Graham - defeated Susan Co… - 5 years ago



@Ron_Ebest: RT @joncoopertweets: Lindsey Graham outraised by Democrat @HarrisonJaime in SC's record-setting Senate race - 5 years ago

@charlieboy_ron: RT @omjbeach: @gtconway3d @ProjectLincoln @JoeBiden Lindsey Graham is LOSING to Jamie Harrison (D)46% – 42% Susan Collins is LOSING to Sar… - 5 years ago

@Evin_Graham: @Jefewantsomemoe @Rico_cinco @Jelani_25 Or ron - 5 years ago

@Ron_Ebest: RT @dyannleroy: Lindsey Graham Could Lose His Senate Seat In 2020, After Democratic Challenger Has Nearly Tied Him In Poll - 5 years ago

@ronb23_ron: @ebonybowden @lesch_karen @realDonaldTrump No that was Lindsey Graham - 5 years ago

@noframeof: New Podcast. On the latest episode of Cinema Eclectica, we talk about religious movies, I take it in a blasphemous… - 5 years ago

@_footballers1: Sheffield Wednesday Ron Springett Laurie Madden Graham Hyde Lee Chapman - 5 years ago

@iamchristelots: Maggama kaha kog ice cream ron no? Mango float sad. Mupalit na lage kog Graham crackers 😂 - 5 years ago

@RaptureForums: What Are We Doing With Our Time? - - 5 years ago

@KarenJacoby9: RT @AbpositiveJack: Watch, the R’s will call it, “a bold move”. Lindsey Graham will deliver the vents himself, along the Ron Johnson and th… - 5 years ago

@charlieboy_ron: Pastor criticized for requiring workers to oppose same-sex marriage - 5 years ago

@ron_humphrey: RT @MaryanneChisho2: Meanwhile a hidden camera caught Lindsey Graham, in a private meeting with an otherwise oblivious trump. #lindsey htt… - 5 years ago

@iraliz2: RT @SoFlaOpinion: What if Adam Putnam or Gwen Graham were the ‘virus governor’? | Randy Schultz Gov. Ron DeSantis’ lame response shows what… - 5 years ago

@SoFlaOpinion: What if Adam Putnam or Gwen Graham were the ‘virus governor’? | Randy Schultz Gov. Ron DeSantis’ lame response show… - 5 years ago

@ClintOCoast: #quarantinewatch SWINGERS (1996) D. Doug Liman C. Vince Vaughn, Jon Favreau, Ron Livingston, Heather Graham - 5 years ago

@CarlAbcedeyy: Nanglibre na unta ko mango graham sundae sa jollibee sakong uyab ron. - 5 years ago

@OHarrysChar: RT @mland40: The whole GOP, GOVERNMENT OF Pootin, Miss LENINGRAD Lindsey Graham, russian rand paul, rubles rubio, Red Square ron johnson MO… - 5 years ago

@jackfruitusa: @rsfury98 @mysuncoast To be fair..Ron Ron wouldn’t be our governor had the florida democrats been mature and nomina… - 5 years ago

@mland40: The whole GOP, GOVERNMENT OF Pootin, Miss LENINGRAD Lindsey Graham, russian rand paul, rubles rubio, Red Square ron… - 5 years ago

@Kuytstanding: @BobandAndySEN @AndyMaherDFA Shane Sikora. Mark Graham. Jason Cloke. Troy Luff. Ron DeLulio. Brad Boyd. David Ogg. - 5 years ago

@Reed39040614: @JaykeLuland I’ll do mine Rand Paul: 8.5/10 Tulsi Gabbard: 8/10 Thomas Massie: 8.5/10 Mike Lee: 7/10 Bernie Sander… - 5 years ago

@RobertoRTejera: RT @SoFlaOpinion: What if Adam Putnam or Gwen Graham were the ‘virus governor’? | Randy Schultz Gov. Ron DeSantis’ lame response shows what… - 5 years ago

@SunSentinel: RT @SoFlaOpinion: What if Adam Putnam or Gwen Graham were the ‘virus governor’? | Randy Schultz Gov. Ron DeSantis’ lame response shows what… - 5 years ago

@SoFlaOpinion: What if Adam Putnam or Gwen Graham were the ‘virus governor’? | Randy Schultz Gov. Ron DeSantis’ lame response show… - 5 years ago

@ronb23_ron: When all you have are lies you ARE Lindsey Graham - 5 years ago

@nufc18921985: @Radio_Ron I’ve now got this photo to show Graham at work 😂😂😂 it’s Kev the Shields fan from work btw - 5 years ago

@perrybarber: @SBNation A wonderfully written, perfectly paced look at a meteorically brief ML career that could have embittered… - 5 years ago

@BackyardPolitix: @Joshua4Congress Graham Elwood, Ron Placone, Jimmy Dore, & the Convo Couch are WAY better & further to the left than Kyle. - 5 years ago

@raylynn777stevo: RT @Trendyasdabbers: @grahamelwood Welcome to my world Graham. I've been dealing with trolls reporting me for years. 4 of my 6 facebook cha… - 5 years ago

@deedums64: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@Ron_Ebest: RT @Sifill_LDF: This is a moment for collective alarm. Stop asking Cuomo his view and instead educate on why Trump’s view is anti-democrati… - 5 years ago

@Cricket_Espana: The Laws of the game with Ron Graham - Module Three - 5 years ago

@GLife2149: RT @RecordingAcad: Congrats Best Rap Song winner - "God's Plan" Aubrey Graham (@Drake), Daveon Jackson, Brock Korsan, Ron LaTour, Matthew S… - 5 years ago

@ron_dickinson: It would be perfectly reasonable if @DundeeFC roll over to / accept inducements from #SPFL & proposal goes ahead,… - 5 years ago

@Grantgeorge10: RT @DCross_psycho9: My pal at @NorwichCityFC was Graham Paddon. Years later, John Lyall told me that he +Ron tried to sign me + Graham in N… - 5 years ago

@westhamfootball: RT @DCross_psycho9: My pal at @NorwichCityFC was Graham Paddon. Years later, John Lyall told me that he +Ron tried to sign me + Graham in N… - 5 years ago

@bloodylefty5: RT @ninerbro222: It'd be great if ppl like Susan Collins,Lindsey Graham& Mitch McConnell get their asses kicked in November?It's only fair… - 5 years ago

@ladyleft: RT @ninerbro222: It'd be great if ppl like Susan Collins,Lindsey Graham& Mitch McConnell get their asses kicked in November?It's only fair… - 5 years ago

@Yaya84053607: RT @ninerbro222: It'd be great if ppl like Susan Collins,Lindsey Graham& Mitch McConnell get their asses kicked in November?It's only fair… - 5 years ago

@PaddingtonThe: RT @ninerbro222: It'd be great if ppl like Susan Collins,Lindsey Graham& Mitch McConnell get their asses kicked in November?It's only fair… - 5 years ago

@ninerbro222: It'd be great if ppl like Susan Collins,Lindsey Graham& Mitch McConnell get their asses kicked in November?It's onl… - 5 years ago

@TristanWeber97: RT @DennisPotvinDem: #TulsiGabbard looking a lil’ bit better with every #GoodForBernie tweet right about now, eh? Graham? Tim Black? Jimmy?… - 5 years ago

@Cheryl62986723: RT @DennisPotvinDem: #TulsiGabbard looking a lil’ bit better with every #GoodForBernie tweet right about now, eh? Graham? Tim Black? Jimmy?… - 5 years ago

@ron_abel: RT @CMCRET: In a cesspool of former officers like pompeo, esper, cotton, graham, and crenshaw, there is one shining example of leadership.… - 5 years ago

@arvindj60879639: RT @DennisPotvinDem: #TulsiGabbard looking a lil’ bit better with every #GoodForBernie tweet right about now, eh? Graham? Tim Black? Jimmy?… - 5 years ago

@drink_oat_milk: RT @DennisPotvinDem: #TulsiGabbard looking a lil’ bit better with every #GoodForBernie tweet right about now, eh? Graham? Tim Black? Jimmy?… - 5 years ago

@itsabirdlife: RT @DennisPotvinDem: #TulsiGabbard looking a lil’ bit better with every #GoodForBernie tweet right about now, eh? Graham? Tim Black? Jimmy?… - 5 years ago

@sickyetdocked: RT @DennisPotvinDem: #TulsiGabbard looking a lil’ bit better with every #GoodForBernie tweet right about now, eh? Graham? Tim Black? Jimmy?… - 5 years ago

@tekotaro_12: RT @DennisPotvinDem: #TulsiGabbard looking a lil’ bit better with every #GoodForBernie tweet right about now, eh? Graham? Tim Black? Jimmy?… - 5 years ago

@TweetingOliver: RT @DennisPotvinDem: #TulsiGabbard looking a lil’ bit better with every #GoodForBernie tweet right about now, eh? Graham? Tim Black? Jimmy?… - 5 years ago

@Ronwell28: RT @DennisPotvinDem: #TulsiGabbard looking a lil’ bit better with every #GoodForBernie tweet right about now, eh? Graham? Tim Black? Jimmy?… - 5 years ago

@DennisPotvinDem: #TulsiGabbard looking a lil’ bit better with every #GoodForBernie tweet right about now, eh? Graham? Tim Black? Jim… - 5 years ago

@mland40: M.O.S.C.O.W. M.I.T.C.H.🐢🐢Miss LENINGRAD Lindsey Graham, Red Square ron johnson, russian rand paul, rubles rubio, MO… - 5 years ago

@EJBplaywright: @igorvolsky @Alyssa_Milano We can only hope Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham, Ron DeSantis and Donald J Trump are among them - 5 years ago

@Ron_Ebest: RT @IAmKrishanPatel: Joe Biden is a good person. He is not the lesser of two evils, as he is not evil. Some examples of evil politicians ar… - 5 years ago

@tiffany_janae06: @BillTzamaras Mitch McConnell Lindsay graham ron desantis - 5 years ago

@23idiocracy: Jimmy Dore: GOP Senator Proposes "Denmark Style" Relief & Out Lefts Dems! - 5 years ago

@JCorpoman: @RonPlacone Amen, Pastor Placone founder of 'Preach by Tweet'. So right Ron. BTW? What is up Patreon? I give yo… - 5 years ago

@Trendyasdabbers: @grahamelwood Welcome to my world Graham. I've been dealing with trolls reporting me for years. 4 of my 6 facebook… - 5 years ago

@eugene_gaughan: RT @DCross_psycho9: My pal at @NorwichCityFC was Graham Paddon. Years later, John Lyall told me that he +Ron tried to sign me + Graham in N… - 5 years ago

@AndyMurton1: RT @DCross_psycho9: My pal at @NorwichCityFC was Graham Paddon. Years later, John Lyall told me that he +Ron tried to sign me + Graham in N… - 5 years ago

@CassOMalley1: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@DCross_psycho9: My pal at @NorwichCityFC was Graham Paddon. Years later, John Lyall told me that he +Ron tried to sign me + Graham… - 5 years ago

@jeremysykes60: @pcfc1906 1. Mary Decker 2. Gavin Hastings 3. Ron Haslam 4. Tom Watson 5. Nigel Benn 6. Dan Marino 7. Gabriela… - 5 years ago

@chazzatom: @mtudor2 hi miles can you get in touch with graham Evans and let him know my dad Ron died last week? Cheers mike - 5 years ago

@electro134: @KirKen11 @vckomara420 @nadinecarroll @ron_fournier Did you read that In Lindsay Graham’s new book, “On My Knees, Clutching My Pearls.”? - 5 years ago

@Tsartw: @BillTzamaras OK you’re on 1.Ted Cruz, for sure. 2. Lindsey Graham, for sure 3. Ron DeSantis. All 3 of them glad… - 5 years ago

@HotTomale1: RT @martinbelmont: The Guest List 28 Betty Wright, Linda Ronstadt, Buster Brown, Gillian Welch, Levon Helm, Jean Knight, Graham Parker, Lee… - 5 years ago

@babybeatlefreak: Happy birthday today to Edward Fox (83), Paul Sorvino (81), Eve Graham (77), Al Green (72), Ron Perlman (70), Peter… - 5 years ago

@therealbiostate: RT @philosophrob: Multibillionaire Howard Schultz has donated to: • Joe Biden • Maria Cantwell • Hillary Clinton • John Cornyn • Ted Cruz… - 5 years ago

@FC_Australia: Full houses for @FC_Australia @FFA_Coaching & MF Zoom PD Events this week - Mel Andreatta @TheMatildas , Graham Arn… - 5 years ago

@dgendvil: RT @philosophrob: Multibillionaire Howard Schultz has donated to: • Joe Biden • Maria Cantwell • Hillary Clinton • John Cornyn • Ted Cruz… - 5 years ago

@VeldaRSmith1: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@Iambjl: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@tcb747: Precise order: 1 Rod Dedeaux- THE Godfather! Took a salary of $1 per year. 2 Ron Fraser- THE “P.T. Barnum “ and vis… - 5 years ago

@NazNpat: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@OHarrysChar: @BillTzamaras Ron DeSantis, Brian Kemp & Franklin Graham Jr. - 5 years ago

@Macsmart31: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@funnyjojo: @DavidStewart70 Jimmy Dore, then Rising, then Kyle. Also Graham and Ron from Jimmy’s show both have great content as well. - 5 years ago

@DeHart8888: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@Gigi64631860: RT @purplepapillon7: @realDonaldTrump @POTUS Bernie Marcus is a douchebag, as is Carl Icahn, Steve Wynne, and Sheldon Adelson, Leonard Lau… - 5 years ago

@saveusallbg: RT @purplepapillon7: @realDonaldTrump @POTUS Bernie Marcus is a douchebag, as is Carl Icahn, Steve Wynne, and Sheldon Adelson, Leonard Lau… - 5 years ago

@purplepapillon7: @realDonaldTrump @POTUS Bernie Marcus is a douchebag, as is Carl Icahn, Steve Wynne, and Sheldon Adelson, Leonard… - 5 years ago

@ron_gaul: @ChrisHa15531109 @WillowGravelee @Franklin_Graham @POTUS @realDonaldTrump @BishopHarry Maybe they won’t talk to you… - 5 years ago

@BushinskiSusan: There’s a whole slew operating on same stupid level- Diamond and Silk, Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, M… - 5 years ago

@ProgrssiveNomad: @Michael75125874 @DavidStewart70 Graham and Ron are awesome also - 5 years ago

@TourguideJ: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@montique47: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@SumArtem: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@DreamComesAlive: @johniadarola @TheDamageReport Have Jimmy Dore, Ron Placone or Graham Elwood on your show! - 5 years ago

@AlSmith_tykemad: @JackTinker4 Terry Venables and George Graham.. Plus who you take after Ron (Chopper) Harris 😉😉 - 5 years ago

@NatalieNsm: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@AnitaWAnderson2: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@CallixBJr: @realcaltman 😅🤣.. Scary to think that Trump and a number of GOP members exhibit all 7 sinful traits Trump Mitch McC… - 5 years ago

@dexmckay: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@valerie135: @GregMolidor Short list in order of most evil crimes: Donald J. Trump William Barr Moscow Mitch Brett Kavanaugh Ja… - 5 years ago

@Quixotica4Good: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@JoMalon94984341: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@sam63b: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@GoldbergMS: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@Hootho2Dan: Max Blumenthal, Ron Paul, Kim Iverson, Daniel McAdams, Hill news, Krystal Ball, RT, Jimmy Dore. Graham Attwood, Ame… - 5 years ago

@DrNurseProf: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@TracyCh86248594: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@OfficialWands: RT @OfficialwandsH: @OfficialWands met the Crittall Athletic side from 1965-66 in the Greater London League & Met League. After the name ch… - 5 years ago

@GGCalwel: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@Todays_Pretty: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@5141quid: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@cheezwitham: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@WilsonAlta: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@JilleWhistler87: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@kidmissouri: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@Barbara51864478: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@brione: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@lseg1971: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@Latabap: @RonJere24404501 @MBreeze07 @Franklin_Graham Ron, couldn’t agree with that quote more. I have a deep faith and pers… - 5 years ago

@voicesavemark4: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@sonokocentral: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@challengedmothe: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@35stevens: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@alecthegeek: @standupmaths @makeanddo4D Are you sure it's not Ron Graham the Australian Actor? He died 2/April - 5 years ago

@BKrivatsy: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@Enlighten__Up: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@waaaaahat: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@rons_mkay: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@leftcoastbabe: @TheRealDWoo In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Dav… - 5 years ago

@4FreedomsforAll: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@Will_Graham_Pls: ron weasley was harry's ride or die. he literally took one (1) look at harry and was like "neat! DIBS" and i am S… - 5 years ago

@Countrylawyer99: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@bassher: RT @leftcoastbabe: @TheRickWilson In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis.… - 5 years ago

@B15rad: RT @leftcoastbabe: In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis. Whatever you… - 5 years ago

@EdgeStays: RT @leftcoastbabe: In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis. Whatever you… - 5 years ago

@crazycdn123: RT @MsCyberDiva: Great show with Jimmy, Ron and Graham at The Jimmy Dore Show: 🗞️AOC Does PR Stunt To Cover For Stimulus Vote 🤔"We'll neve… - 5 years ago

@MsCyberDiva: Great show with Jimmy, Ron and Graham at The Jimmy Dore Show: 🗞️AOC Does PR Stunt To Cover For Stimulus Vote 🤔"We'… - 5 years ago

@dragonlou2: RT @leftcoastbabe: In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis. Whatever you… - 5 years ago

@leftcoastbabe: In 2003, California voters, angry over state's energy & budget crisis, actually recalled Gov. Gray Davis. Whatever… - 5 years ago

@raulisodo: @realDonaldTrump @SenRonJohnson Like we're going to believe anything Ron Johnson has to say. He's kookier than Lindsey Graham. - 5 years ago

@Allen68209858: @realDonaldTrump @nytimes @washingtonpost Unnamed sources Kellyanne Conway Mike Pence Mark short Dr. Birx Linds… - 5 years ago

@OfficialwandsH: @OfficialWands met the Crittall Athletic side from 1965-66 in the Greater London League & Met League. After the nam… - 5 years ago

@FightGoodFight1: @GregMolidor 45 & family MoscowMitch & his wife Pence Nunes Chris Collins Gym Jordan Giuliani Graham Rand Paul Burr… - 5 years ago

@RealRickGlaser1: @rkmatchmaker @fightwriterone Ron, please address properly "HOF'er Graham" or "Sir Graham" #Boxing #UK #Egland… - 5 years ago

@jmackie_mackie: RT @martinbelmont: The Guest List 28 Betty Wright, Linda Ronstadt, Buster Brown, Gillian Welch, Levon Helm, Jean Knight, Graham Parker, Lee… - 5 years ago

@Chris_wponies: Grab a cool glass of Flint water, sit back and enjoy the show. Jimmy, Graham & Ron got together again. Explaining h… - 5 years ago

@Manoj75868065: @RonPlacone @grahamelwood Hi Ron and graham the link is not working . Unable to buy the ticket . - 5 years ago

@e1af38f6dbad458: Bernie's Lame Attempt to Woo Bernie Supporters Fails... The Jimmy Dore Show Stef Zamorano… - 5 years ago

@MsCyberDiva: @jimmy_dore, @grahamelwood & @RonPlacone Great show Jimmy, Graham and Ron. 👍 Laughed a lot. 😂 Thanks to Stef too.… - 5 years ago

@CathyNotToday: @shell02076271 @FoodAndWineDiva @realDonaldTrump @TheUSASingers @SenateGOP @funder @TheRickWilson @Franklin_Graham… - 5 years ago

@MR_FRANClS: @senken12 @Skiddler @MmorpgCP @game4thenhs @PurppRS @EVScapeOfficial @Ron_Plays_Games @shrimpthegimp Ah yes, thanks Graham. - 5 years ago

@charlieboy_ron: Donald Trump lashes out at 'RINO' Republicans including Lindsey Graham who want him to cut back on coronavirus brie… - 5 years ago

@liamgrundy: RT @martinbelmont: The Guest List 28 Betty Wright, Linda Ronstadt, Buster Brown, Gillian Welch, Levon Helm, Jean Knight, Graham Parker, Lee… - 5 years ago

@mikeportc3833: RT @RonPlacone: Today's #GetYourNewsOnWithRon Podcast! Bernie dropped out today. Ron, @grahamelwood, and @Angelica4… - 5 years ago

@sapienverity: @JimmyDoreShow LIVE: With Graham, Ron & Stef! - 5 years ago

@maxneegorz: TJDS LIVE: With Graham, Ron & Stef! - 5 years ago

@DanielB74273618: I posted this because they (Ron and Graham) mentioned they have youtube channels on the live JD show today. I have… - 5 years ago

@DanielB74273618: @jimmy_dore @miserablelib @RonPlacone @grahamelwood Found Ron Placone and Graham Elwood on my own. You could promot… - 5 years ago

@Marty_Ray_Gold: 👍 on @YouTube: TJDS LIVE: With Graham, Ron & Stef! - 5 years ago

@LavenderLives: Q Pharasites don’t understand why I prefer Jimmy Dore Show over theirs - too passive TJDS LIVE: With Graham, Ron… - 5 years ago

@OrangesforPeace: TJDS LIVE: With Graham, Ron & Stef! - 5 years ago

@Vic98290427: TJDS LIVE: With Graham, Ron & Stef! - 5 years ago

@EdinburghWatch: RT @rwkd: TJDS LIVE: With Graham, Ron & Stef! - 5 years ago

@rwkd: TJDS LIVE: With Graham, Ron & Stef! - 5 years ago

@KRobertKroeger1: #JimmyDore LIVE: With Graham, Ron & Stef! - 5 years ago

@foggie_marcia: TJDS LIVE: With Graham, Ron & Stef! - 5 years ago

@bills_chad: TJDS LIVE: With Graham, Ron & Stef! - 5 years ago

@willwilla1: TJDS LIVE: With Graham, Ron & Stef! - 5 years ago

@People1stPlanet: TJDS LIVE: With Graham, Ron & Stef! - 5 years ago

@mrsdalloway2020: TJDS LIVE: With Graham, Ron & Stef! - 5 years ago

@media_unveiled: TJDS LIVE: With Graham, Ron & Stef! From @jimmy_dore - 5 years ago

@Calamity2017: TJDS LIVE: With Graham, Ron & Stef! - 5 years ago

@BeccaSea: TJDS LIVE: With Graham, Ron & Stef! - 5 years ago

@gies_stephen: TJDS LIVE: With Graham, Ron & Stef! - 5 years ago

@Mainepablo: Yo, Ron, Asshole: NEWBORNS have died from Covid-19! Time for you, Hannity, Graham, Ingraham, Pence & Trump to sacri… - 5 years ago

@shoregirl44: @InspiringU2 Doug Collins Mark Meadows Kevin McCarthy Sean Hannity Tom Cotton Matt Gaetz Chuck Grassley Susan Co… - 5 years ago

@djoretiree: @ron_humphrey Clowns....Trump, Pence, Mnuchin, McConnell, Graham..... - 5 years ago

@Gublerotica: @InspiringU2 Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, Rush Limbaugh, FL GOV. Ron De Santis - 5 years ago

@jrphoenix77: @TwinklingTania I watch the ones I've found. Jimmy Dore (& Ron & Graham) Kyle Kulinski Humanity Report Nomiki Ko… - 5 years ago

@theNorthVision: @MarLngeo @BoomerTexan @SamaritansPurse @Franklin_Graham I was wrong and you stupidly included Franklin graham. Yo… - 5 years ago

@downthelamb: @Mattbuck_whr @Down_The_Wing @nelson_h_UK @VillaTil1Die Right about JG, he began well at Villa ( Steve Stride's ide… - 5 years ago

@MellyMelly10977: @ritholtz @karaswisher @MollyJongFast @PeteDominick @BruceBartlett @DeanObeidallah @SRuhle @JohnFugelsang… - 5 years ago

@jiggycanfield: #MattGaetzIsATool #VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Lindsay Graham, Supreme court Judge Kavanaug… - 5 years ago

@spartan_ron: RT @CSLCHSnMore: “God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, ‘I love you.’” ―… - 5 years ago

@VCWga: Can we please not elect dumb people to office? I'm looking @ Brian Kemp, Ron DeSantis, Donald Trump. (Feel free to… - 5 years ago

@markhill1999: @tapeyes63 @Manches98340581 The doc bought George Graham and swapped him for Ron Davies all very strange and both w… - 5 years ago

@roseserao: RT @newPrez2021: @conservative412 Ted Cruz. Marco Rubio. Steve Scilise. Doug Collins. Ron Desantis. Mitch McConnell. Rand Paul. Lindsay Gra… - 5 years ago

@ron_iarossi: RT @RayJPolitics2: TO: SENATOR LINDSEY GRAHAM Why are you and WEAKLING friend Senator Coons worried about wet mar… - 5 years ago

@joaquin4change: RT @RonPlacone: Today's #GetYourNewsOnWithRon Podcast! Bernie dropped out today. Ron, @grahamelwood, and @Angelica4… - 5 years ago

@soccerlube: Reconciled by the Blood of Jesus - 5 years ago

@leonardbartolo2: @MysterySolvent One and the same # THE CHAIN GANG of "8" TRUMP MCCONNELL BARR NUNES GRAHAM SESSIONS RON JOH… - 5 years ago

@MQ2XL: RT @thomguido: @DawsOrion83 @plyaffe Donald Trump Jim Jordan Moscow Mitch Anne Coulter Rand Paul Gene Simmons Lee Zeldin Lindsey Graham Ted… - 5 years ago

@Dr_Alex_Graham: ASMR - me and my homemade haircut (w/ rat tail) paint local Jazz Musician Ron Miles (oil on canvas, 2015) - 5 years ago

@thomguido: @DawsOrion83 @plyaffe Donald Trump Jim Jordan Moscow Mitch Anne Coulter Rand Paul Gene Simmons Lee Zeldin Lindsey G… - 5 years ago

@Timbuck2e: @grahamelwood Hey Graham. Love your show! Don't have a YT account. If you get a chance to talk about ideas 4 bu… - 5 years ago

@newPrez2021: @conservative412 Ted Cruz. Marco Rubio. Steve Scilise. Doug Collins. Ron Desantis. Mitch McConnell. Rand Paul. Lind… - 5 years ago

@tollie_ron: RT @JoeTornabene1: More to the point: Why does the pusillanimous GOP caucus continually cave-in and acquiesce to the feckless demands of t… - 5 years ago

@mland40: The whole GOP, M.O.S.C.O.W. M.I.T.C.H. , Miss LENINGRAD Lindsey Graham, rubles rubio, russian rand paul, Red Square… - 5 years ago

@mighty580AM: RT @BroadcastDialog: In this week's Sign-Offs column, actress Shirley Douglas, Vancouver actor Logan Williams, B.C. cable & radio pioneer R… - 5 years ago

@MJForbes: RT @BroadcastDialog: In this week's Sign-Offs column, actress Shirley Douglas, Vancouver actor Logan Williams, B.C. cable & radio pioneer R… - 5 years ago

@BroadcastDialog: In this week's Sign-Offs column, actress Shirley Douglas, Vancouver actor Logan Williams, B.C. cable & radio pionee… - 5 years ago

@imsweetleaf: RT @RonPlacone: Today's #GetYourNewsOnWithRon Podcast! Bernie dropped out today. Ron, @grahamelwood, and @Angelica4… - 5 years ago

@BeethovensSide1: @NewsCorpse We Cote our Trumpty Drumpfty & his awful henchmen go away as well... Barr, PompousMike Mnuchin Ross FO… - 5 years ago

@Heretic_Sue: RT @RonPlacone: Today's #GetYourNewsOnWithRon Podcast! Bernie dropped out today. Ron, @grahamelwood, and @Angelica4… - 5 years ago

@IyanaRenee618: A drop in the ocean - Ron Pope Breakeven - The script 7 years - Lukas Graham 😭🔥 - 5 years ago

@LukeMichaelHand: @WishIHadMet2Pac @TheRealDoom_Guy @BuckyBrooks Ok I’m done lol your being stupid Ron had no body on that defense be… - 5 years ago

@Ron_West_52: RT @LindseyGrahamSC: Sens. Cory Booker, Lindsey Graham and more than 60 congressional lawmakers urged the World Health Organization on Thur… - 5 years ago

@ninjabatman2020: Ron Placone or Graham Elwood? I'm more of a Ron guy, Graham can be a bit too theatrical at times, but I do agree wi… - 5 years ago

@colinfarmery: @Bunkybowers @grahamdubber @stevebone1 I think his name was Harry New. He was definitely a thing. Graham probably k… - 5 years ago

@NialElkim: RT @RonPlacone: Today's #GetYourNewsOnWithRon Podcast! Bernie dropped out today. Ron, @grahamelwood, and @Angelica4… - 5 years ago

@JeanGenevie1: RT @RonPlacone: Today's #GetYourNewsOnWithRon Podcast! Bernie dropped out today. Ron, @grahamelwood, and @Angelica4… - 5 years ago

@mlw975: RT @RaptureForums: Reconciled by the Blood of Jesus - - 5 years ago

@RaptureForums: Reconciled by the Blood of Jesus - - 5 years ago

@NormanGagnon3: RT @44mmvvpp: Trump's blame game unfolds as he shifts blame of COVID-19 spreading in the US, on the World Health Org. ... and threatens to… - 5 years ago

@ron_carver: RT @DLongsamson: 🤣Lindsay Grahamnesty puffing chest out 'no more money to the W.H.O' (until they change leadership) 💥Grahamnesty talks alo… - 5 years ago

@DC420LA: RT @RonPlacone: Today's #GetYourNewsOnWithRon Podcast! Bernie dropped out today. Ron, @grahamelwood, and @Angelica4… - 5 years ago

@ron_eisele: @CharlieJG78 Yes, and a time we young lads had real, inspirational role models. Douglas Bader, Neil Armstrong, Edmu… - 5 years ago

@Mizzkat1: RT @RonPlacone: Today's #GetYourNewsOnWithRon Podcast! Bernie dropped out today. Ron, @grahamelwood, and @Angelica4… - 5 years ago

@ezra_reis: RT @RonPlacone: Today's #GetYourNewsOnWithRon Podcast! Bernie dropped out today. Ron, @grahamelwood, and @Angelica4… - 5 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Director George Ogilvie; actors Lee Fierro, Forrest Compton, Ron Graham; engraver and photogr… - 5 years ago

@RonPlacone: Today's #GetYourNewsOnWithRon Podcast! Bernie dropped out today. Ron, @grahamelwood, and… - 5 years ago

@HydroGen5: RT @levinforpres: @ArthurSchwartz He has missed his opportunity completely. Ron Johnson has also Missed his window of opportunity on Ukrain… - 5 years ago

@hughsharpe: Process your feelings with Ron Placone, Graham Elwood, and Angelica Duenas LIVE Bernie Drops Out!! w/ Graham Elwoo… - 5 years ago

@thecatsmeow0410: Ron placcone and graham elwood and angelica duenas are live - 5 years ago

@HansPeterSnow: @NearlyEvil @chrisolitics @santiagomayer_ Lindsey Graham, Ron Johnson and others say otherwise - 5 years ago

@DavidJa88692244: @tmoore4075 @couchandtherube @Graham_Couch EMU ... Ron Fernandez. Graduated from Ypsi HS! - 5 years ago

@DavesSemiColon: RT @StvenGoldstein: #HappyPassover #ChagSameach The 10 contemporary plagues of 5780 / 2020 C.E.: 1. COVID-19 2. Donald Trump 3. Jared Kush… - 5 years ago

@Master_Obi_Ron: RT @stonecold2050: Here are the richest pastors in America: Kenneth Copeland $760M Pat Robertson $100M Benny Hinn $60M Joel Osteen $40M Cr… - 5 years ago

@Triumphrat7: RT @44mmvvpp: Trump's blame game unfolds as he shifts blame of COVID-19 spreading in the US, on the World Health Org. ... and threatens to… - 5 years ago

@RangefordLiving: We are pleased to announce our Wadswick Green 'View from Your Balcony' competition winners! 1st - Richard and Ron… - 5 years ago

@ron_von_dt: RT @stonecold2050: Here are the richest pastors in America: Kenneth Copeland $760M Pat Robertson $100M Benny Hinn $60M Joel Osteen $40M Cr… - 5 years ago

@KHusenits: RT @44mmvvpp: Trump's blame game unfolds as he shifts blame of COVID-19 spreading in the US, on the World Health Org. ... and threatens to… - 5 years ago

@AnitaWade104: RT @44mmvvpp: Trump's blame game unfolds as he shifts blame of COVID-19 spreading in the US, on the World Health Org. ... and threatens to… - 5 years ago

@KarenJacoby9: RT @44mmvvpp: Trump's blame game unfolds as he shifts blame of COVID-19 spreading in the US, on the World Health Org. ... and threatens to… - 5 years ago

@noangelforme: RT @44mmvvpp: Trump's blame game unfolds as he shifts blame of COVID-19 spreading in the US, on the World Health Org. ... and threatens to… - 5 years ago

@diannesopinion: RT @44mmvvpp: Trump's blame game unfolds as he shifts blame of COVID-19 spreading in the US, on the World Health Org. ... and threatens to… - 5 years ago

@dango8mybb: RT @44mmvvpp: Trump's blame game unfolds as he shifts blame of COVID-19 spreading in the US, on the World Health Org. ... and threatens to… - 5 years ago

@twmbailey9: RT @44mmvvpp: Trump's blame game unfolds as he shifts blame of COVID-19 spreading in the US, on the World Health Org. ... and threatens to… - 5 years ago

@villajayne1: @RParker1967 @lukerobinson89 Oh, I'm in that photo. Holding up the Ron Saunders flag,one last on the right with @Villa_Graham - 5 years ago

@linda94861521: RT @44mmvvpp: Trump's blame game unfolds as he shifts blame of COVID-19 spreading in the US, on the World Health Org. ... and threatens to… - 5 years ago

@AceHoffman: RT @44mmvvpp: Trump's blame game unfolds as he shifts blame of COVID-19 spreading in the US, on the World Health Org. ... and threatens to… - 5 years ago

@GotArtAttitude: RT @44mmvvpp: Trump's blame game unfolds as he shifts blame of COVID-19 spreading in the US, on the World Health Org. ... and threatens to… - 5 years ago

@Twitty_A_Threat: RT @44mmvvpp: Trump's blame game unfolds as he shifts blame of COVID-19 spreading in the US, on the World Health Org. ... and threatens to… - 5 years ago

@AlreadygreatUSA: RT @44mmvvpp: Trump's blame game unfolds as he shifts blame of COVID-19 spreading in the US, on the World Health Org. ... and threatens to… - 5 years ago

@44mmvvpp: Trump's blame game unfolds as he shifts blame of COVID-19 spreading in the US, on the World Health Org. ... and th… - 5 years ago

@sarahdiliz: RT @StvenGoldstein: #HappyPassover #ChagSameach The 10 contemporary plagues of 5780 / 2020 C.E.: 1. COVID-19 2. Donald Trump 3. Jared Kush… - 5 years ago

@martinlieberman: RT @StvenGoldstein: #HappyPassover #ChagSameach The 10 contemporary plagues of 5780 / 2020 C.E.: 1. COVID-19 2. Donald Trump 3. Jared Kush… - 5 years ago

@StvenGoldstein: #HappyPassover #ChagSameach The 10 contemporary plagues of 5780 / 2020 C.E.: 1. COVID-19 2. Donald Trump 3. Jared… - 5 years ago

@deeg13: RT @Montejp231: @TheRickWilson @deeg13 Is it worth being a politician when you are a submissive coward. I’m talking to you. Rick Scott. Ron… - 5 years ago

@raymack1999: RT @Montejp231: @TheRickWilson @deeg13 Is it worth being a politician when you are a submissive coward. I’m talking to you. Rick Scott. Ron… - 5 years ago

@margaritateresa: RT @Montejp231: @TheRickWilson @deeg13 Is it worth being a politician when you are a submissive coward. I’m talking to you. Rick Scott. Ron… - 5 years ago

@Montejp231: @TheRickWilson @deeg13 Is it worth being a politician when you are a submissive coward. I’m talking to you. Rick Sc… - 5 years ago

@BondWolfeAuc: Did you catch us on Homes Under the Hammer yesterday? 🏠🔨 Don't worry if not, it's available to watch on BBC iPayer… - 5 years ago

@AnMoSportPsych: George Graham misses an absolute sitter before Tambling wraps it up with his fifth, and Chelsea’s sixth before leav… - 5 years ago

@ron_burgundy_7: RT @stonecold2050: Here are the richest pastors in America: Kenneth Copeland $760M Pat Robertson $100M Benny Hinn $60M Joel Osteen $40M Cr… - 5 years ago

@ross_rlz: @thecatsmeow0410 I haven't watched steadily but I guess not. Ron and Graham haven't been on the show, they're quarantined. - 5 years ago

@thecatsmeow0410: People who still watch Jimmy: Is steph also a bernie hater now? I dont really have a problem with Graham and Ron. I like them. - 5 years ago

@Graham_Robert: RT @jayrosen_nyu: What you have to understand about Ron. When he was active, he was the most "both sides," down-the-middle, passionately ce… - 5 years ago

@levinforpres: @ArthurSchwartz He has missed his opportunity completely. Ron Johnson has also Missed his window of opportunity on… - 5 years ago

@CA_king_tides: Kendall Frost Marsh, Mission Bay, Low Tide. Nov. 29, 2019. There are places for birds to feed and rest. Photo, Jim… - 5 years ago

@CA_king_tides: Kendall Frost Marsh, Mission Bay, #kingtides. Nov. 29, 2019. No place for birds to feed and rest. Photo, Jim Graham… - 5 years ago

@ron_mould: RT @stevenroy27: @CrossgateCentre He is the only driver in history where no-one would argue he was not the best of his time. Even Graham Hi… - 5 years ago

@Jamesmiltonray: @kenziekleizo @JohnFranchina @GovRonDeSantis That meme is hilarious. But the entire Democrat Party methed up by of… - 5 years ago

@schleicherspin: @TJPayne3333 On Sal Mal Lane by Ru Freeman is amazing Also just finished End of Echoes by @DawnHosmer7 & The Brok… - 5 years ago

@granzombi: @wesinjapan Bass overload..No Chuck Rainey? Or did I miss it? David Hood? Duck Dunn? Family Man? Robbie? Leroy Sibb… - 5 years ago

@aneercs: @JakeSniper @swissadam1 @billisdeadatATK @derrymac @desdelboy @neilwooldridge9 @ORION_coaching @mocycling… - 5 years ago

@st_blv: Esta es nuestra plantilla elegida en el Draft Fantasy: #16 Jimmy Jones #17 Bill Bridges #48 Dewytt Menyard #49 Dou… - 5 years ago

@graham_wood79: Me whenever I go out for a quarantine walk. Be like Ron, always make sure you have your documentation with you peop… - 5 years ago

@Ron_Wilson_XY: @MsAvaArmstrong And they are doing nothing else. They should be flanking the Democrats and cross firing them on al… - 5 years ago

@AnnePhelan11: @chattyexpat @JGaffneyUSN @AdamParkhomenko Join Ernst Marsha Blackburn Graham cotton,Ron johndon,marcp Rubio - 5 years ago

@AaronPaulBaker1: @NeverDotard Bravo. Well done. I bartended for quaid, Graham, Will Smith, Ron white, and zac efron. - 5 years ago

@AaronPaulBaker1: @NeverDotard 1. Dennis Quaid 2. Greg Maddux 3. Ron white 4. Heather Graham 5. Brandon Marshall - 5 years ago

@imsweetleaf: @jeffchao228 @0rf @RonPlacone @LeeCamp @grahamelwood @jimmy_dore I concur 💯. I see Ron with his own path that is o… - 5 years ago

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