Ron Bass

American professional wrestler (NWA
Died on Wednesday March 8th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Ron Bass:

@MasNetwork_Anz: Ron de Harry Potter y Chuck Bass de Gossip Girl estrenan serie juntos - 8 years ago

@inspiredzone: I'm curious about this new Chuck Bass/Ron Weasley #Snatch but ugh, another streaming service? - 8 years ago

@Ron_Le_Bass: i tell you the best laughs in the world are with my sister Darvina Rouse - 8 years ago

@flip_sunset: RT @WWE: Tonight’s #RAW is dedicated to the memory of “Outlaw” Ron Bass. - 8 years ago


@GeorgeStr8: Bass by Ron Bass - 8 years ago

@mserinquinn: Watching Ron Bass vs Ronnie Garvin on my break - 8 years ago

@darkmage99: RT @MandatoryMetal1: 35 years ago today @Metallica played their first concert Lineup: Hetfield - Vox Mustaine - Guitar Ron McGovney - Bass… - 8 years ago

@yanzarichard: Solo con verla - Suprema Corte feat. Ron Bass VÍDEO OFICIAL - 8 years ago

@KrisPLettuce: There is a match with him as Dutch Bass during his team with Ron Bass in Gulf Coast - 8 years ago

@BiteGomez: RT @WWE: Tonight’s #RAW is dedicated to the memory of “Outlaw” Ron Bass. - 8 years ago

@Ron_Le_Bass: choices choices choices — feeling annoyed - 8 years ago

@Ron_Le_Bass: just vibing - 8 years ago

@Ron_Le_Bass: the greatest gift i ever got from my dad Ronald Rouse was music !!! - 8 years ago

@JustinBarrasso: 4-Brutus Beefcake discussed the late Ron Bass & origin of his barber gimmick, which, as @HeyHeyItsConrad argued to @bruceprichard, was a rib - 8 years ago

@silvernbluelife: @bullyray5150 @NWALegends The Great Kabuki..Buzz Sawyer..Ron Bass..Big John Studd..Pez Whatley..the list is endlesd - 8 years ago

@TomGarling: Thanks, Winter's Jazz Club! I'll be playing with some of the best: Ron Perrillo-piano, Dennis Carroll-bass and Xavi… - 8 years ago

@kingmotivatorh: RT @ByMikeMooneyham: Twenty-five years ago today on this date: Ron Bass defeated Tommy Rich to win the National heavyweight title in August… - 8 years ago

@MrTVClassics: RT @ByMikeMooneyham: Twenty-five years ago today on this date: Ron Bass defeated Tommy Rich to win the National heavyweight title in August… - 8 years ago

@KGertsen: @ByMikeMooneyham Correction The Outlaw Ron Bass. - 8 years ago

@S_ATL_Wrestling: RT @ByMikeMooneyham: Twenty-five years ago today on this date: Ron Bass defeated Tommy Rich to win the National heavyweight title in August… - 8 years ago

@Stuttsy: RT @RDotDeuce: Late Ron Bass turning on Dusty as mentioned by @mitchellpwtorch on our @pwtorchlivecast a min ago #PWTFlagshipClips - 8 years ago

@rasslinfan85: @TheGeneOkerlund with the late Outlaw Ron Bass SNME Jan 1989. - 8 years ago

@PWTorch: RT @pwtorchvip: VIP ALERT - Prime Time Saturday w/Mitchell & Fann (AD-FREE) – Bryan’s SD Live comments, life of Outlaw Ron Bass: - 8 years ago

@pwtorchvip: VIP ALERT - Prime Time Saturday w/Mitchell & Fann (AD-FREE) – Bryan’s SD Live comments, life of Outlaw Ron Bass: - 8 years ago

@PWTorch: PWTORCH LIVECAST - Prime Time Saturday w/Mitchell & Fann – Daniel Bryan's SD Live comments, life of Outlaw Ron Bass: - 8 years ago

@_buttaerfly: Ron Swanson makes me think of an old Chuck Bass - 8 years ago

@PERNELLALEE85: RT @TherealRVD: RIP Outlaw Ron Bass - 8 years ago

@BJCPS4life: ROH, New Japan, WCPW and a handful of Outlaw Ron Bass matches - it's been a productive evening of pro-wrestling viewing - 8 years ago

@RDotDeuce: Barry Windham vs Outlaw Ron Bass as @mitchellpwtorch mentioned on the @pwtorchlivecast #PWTFlagShipClips - 8 years ago

@RDotDeuce: Late Ron Bass turning on Dusty as mentioned by @mitchellpwtorch on our @pwtorchlivecast a min ago #PWTFlagshipClips - 8 years ago

@Ron_Le_Bass: jamming - 8 years ago

@acciofwngirl: eu ainda não superei Snatch não é fácil superar Ron Weasley, Chuck Bass e Freddie McClair na mesma série - 8 years ago

@dennisbarker08: RT @wrestlerdeaths: R.I.P. Ronald Heard aka "Outlaw" Ron Bass, who died Tuesday at age 68 after complications from surgery. 🙏 - 8 years ago

@wrestlerdeaths: R.I.P. Ronald Heard aka "Outlaw" Ron Bass, who died Tuesday at age 68 after complications from surgery. 🙏 - 8 years ago

@HamzaSh61744511: RT @WWE: BREAKING: WWE is saddened to learn that Ronald Heard, known as “Outlaw” Ron Bass, has passed away at the age of 68. - 8 years ago

@GysgtBrown: @Rosie @DailyCaller not sure you guys heard yet - Ron Bass died - he was legend when it came to a fight !!! - 8 years ago

@ButchieDavis: RIP: Ron Bass - 8 years ago

@Ron_Le_Bass: - 8 years ago

@Ron_Le_Bass: - 8 years ago

@Ron_Le_Bass: - 8 years ago

@513JWM: RT @WNSource: WWE Issues Statement On The Passing Of "Outlaw" Ron Bass - 8 years ago

@AbJLhY2O4eL9aDn: RT @WWE: BREAKING: WWE is saddened to learn that Ronald Heard, known as “Outlaw” Ron Bass, has passed away at the age of 68. - 8 years ago

@DjBootlegPromo: I liked a @YouTube video from @whatculturewwe - 8 years ago

@TheodoreEscoe: Famous or not he still died and his family's probably real sad please no more jokes about Ron Bass @GalvinSeriously @SeniorSpanish #rip - 8 years ago

@Drfirewater79: The outlaw ron bass passed away #OutlawNation @TheRochaSays @KristianHarloff - 8 years ago

@51jaypar50: @MrMikeCalta You and Don are right. Ron Bass, front page of paper.Outlaw was a superstar #emergencypick #deathpool - 8 years ago

@tha_dingus: RT @TheSidEudy: Snuka, Chavo Sr., Koloff, Nicole Bass, and Ron Bass (all apart of the WWE concussion lawsuit) pass away within weeks of eac… - 8 years ago

@MLGALTA1R: RT @TheSidEudy: Snuka, Chavo Sr., Koloff, Nicole Bass, and Ron Bass (all apart of the WWE concussion lawsuit) pass away within weeks of eac… - 8 years ago

@TheSidEudy: RT @TheSidEudy: Snuka, Chavo Sr., Koloff, Nicole Bass, and Ron Bass (all apart of the WWE concussion lawsuit) pass away within weeks of eac… - 8 years ago

@silvernbluelife: @Hustler2754 Did you ever wrestle Ron Bass? - 8 years ago

@ronaldjlindner: GUSSY HAS A TOUGH FIRST DAY-- My love/hate relationship with bass fishing in Florida continued today...I love... - 8 years ago

@ro_nu_ro: RT @YujiTsuruta: スタン・ハンセン & ロン・バス (Stan Hansen & Ron Bass) #プロレス #ProWrestling #StanHansen #RIPRonBass - 8 years ago

@statickeeling: RT @Memphishistory: In honor of his passing: former Memphis legend Outlaw Ron Bass Hanna Barbera-ized - 8 years ago

@Q0IdIqIK85CWJu9: RT @TherealRVD: RIP Outlaw Ron Bass - 8 years ago

@HerculesJones: Rest in peace Ron Bass This is WWE Legends last interview and starring role... - 8 years ago

@TheNotFakeDC: RT @Memphishistory: In honor of his passing: former Memphis legend Outlaw Ron Bass Hanna Barbera-ized - 8 years ago

@findave3: @MrMikeCalta there is a story about famous wrestler Ron Bass in the Tampa Bay times today - 8 years ago

@jpw514: RT @YujiTsuruta: スタン・ハンセン & ロン・バス (Stan Hansen & Ron Bass) #プロレス #ProWrestling #StanHansen #RIPRonBass - 8 years ago

@allan_cheapshot: RT @Memphishistory: In honor of his passing: former Memphis legend Outlaw Ron Bass Hanna Barbera-ized - 8 years ago

@markemark619: RT @Memphishistory: In honor of his passing: former Memphis legend Outlaw Ron Bass Hanna Barbera-ized - 8 years ago

@StiflerAtem: RT @WWE: BREAKING: WWE is saddened to learn that Ronald Heard, known as “Outlaw” Ron Bass, has passed away at the age of 68. - 8 years ago

@jjasportstudio: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist - 8 years ago

@and_talented: @WWE Ron Bass was entertaining and a good wrestler who will be missed. - 8 years ago

@DanielMannouch: I liked a @YouTube video from @whatculturewwe - 8 years ago

@howyousdoin: @MrMikeCalta And you've made Ron Bass a household name! - 8 years ago

@CharlesCarmik44: @runningwolf1978 @GalvinSeriously if you've never heard of Outlaw Ron Bass you can't be a HUGE wrestling can. #sorry - 8 years ago

@bigsteviepump: Rip. "Outlaw" Ron Bass #wrestling #wwe #raw #smackdown #ronbass - 8 years ago

@Mark_Stryker: Detroit is deep: When Ron Carter entered Cass Tech in 1952 he played cello in the orchestra. Paul Chambers was then in the bass section. - 8 years ago

@TheEnforcerJG: RT @KnifeEdgeChop: Knife Edge Chop 81! Taking a long look back at the life and career of the Outlaw Ron Bass after his tragic passing! http… - 8 years ago

@TheEnforcerJG: RT @KECIannRobinson: Knife Edge Chop 81! Taking a long look back at the life and career of the Outlaw Ron Bass after his tragic passing! ht… - 8 years ago

@RedPugYT: RT @BustedOpenRadio: So saddened to hear of the passing of Ron Bass. So many memories of him in Florida Championship Wrestling. A true Outl… - 8 years ago

@DA_Brewer123: RT @WWE: BREAKING: WWE is saddened to learn that Ronald Heard, known as “Outlaw” Ron Bass, has passed away at the age of 68. - 8 years ago

@banksguy2: RT @WONF4W: WOR: Daniel Bryan, Smackdown, Ron Bass and Tom Jones, mailbag, tons more! - 8 years ago

@KnifeEdgeChop: Knife Edge Chop 81! Taking a long look back at the life and career of the Outlaw Ron Bass after his tragic passing! - 8 years ago

@KECIannRobinson: Knife Edge Chop 81! Taking a long look back at the life and career of the Outlaw Ron Bass after his tragic passing! - 8 years ago

@JohnJohnRage: @britttty84 @MrMikeCalta You know where you can shove that finger. Ron Bass is NOT famous! - 8 years ago

@JohnJohnRage: @britttty84 @MrMikeCalta Wait Ron Bass was an acceptable death pool pick? Fuck outta here with that bullshit! - 8 years ago

@SethHanson1982: 3/9/76 Mobile, AL. Rip Tyler/Eddie Sullivan vs Ron Bass/Dutch Bass (Dutch Mantell), Dick Steinborn vs Ken Lucas & m… - 8 years ago

@PennyPicker333: I liked a @YouTube video from @whatculturewwe - 8 years ago

@Bigstan10: RT @TheSidEudy: Snuka, Chavo Sr., Koloff, Nicole Bass, and Ron Bass (all apart of the WWE concussion lawsuit) pass away within weeks of eac… - 8 years ago

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