Ron Atkey

Canadian lawyer and politician
Died on Sunday May 21st 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Ron Atkey:

@mbmigration: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people - 8 years ago

@prairieimm: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people /via @globeandmail - 8 years ago

@cdnpolinews: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people - 8 years ago

@cdnpolinews: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people - 8 years ago


@cdnpolinews: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people - 8 years ago

@cdnpolinews: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people - 8 years ago

@cdnpolinews: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people - 8 years ago

@AngelHu06866104: RT @joshscheinert: A wonderful man who helped cement Canada's reputation for compassion and dignity. Proud to have called him my prof. http… - 8 years ago

@barbaraweed: RT @TuThanhHa: “The courage and leadership of [Flora] MacDonald and [Ron] Atkey ... cannot be overstated" - 8 years ago

@globemail_diff: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people - The Globe and Mail - 8 years ago

@opalsoap: RT @TuThanhHa: “The courage and leadership of [Flora] MacDonald and [Ron] Atkey ... cannot be overstated" - 8 years ago

@cdnpolinews: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people - 8 years ago

@cdnpolinews: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people - 8 years ago

@TuThanhHa: “The courage and leadership of [Flora] MacDonald and [Ron] Atkey ... cannot be overstated" - 8 years ago

@isukanya: RT @BernieFarber: Ron Atkey was a "Lamed Vavnik," May his memory be for a blessing @ccrweb @NCImcMedia @ONCITIZEN @LifelineSyria @CanadianI… - 8 years ago

@parrythehoot: RT @BernieFarber: Ron Atkey was a "Lamed Vavnik," May his memory be for a blessing @ccrweb @NCImcMedia @ONCITIZEN @LifelineSyria @CanadianI… - 8 years ago

@BernieFarber: Ron Atkey was a "Lamed Vavnik," May his memory be for a blessing @ccrweb @NCImcMedia @ONCITIZEN @LifelineSyria… - 8 years ago

@baymescarly: RT @McCreaImmLaw: Obituary: politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people /via @globeandmail #cdnimm #cdnpoli - 8 years ago

@McCreaImmLaw: Obituary: politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people /via @globeandmail #cdnimm #cdnpoli - 8 years ago

@RossleRed: RT @cforcese: Wonderful tribute to Ron Atkey, who proved that a public life can save lives /via @globeandmail - 8 years ago

@johangreg: RT @cforcese: Wonderful tribute to Ron Atkey, who proved that a public life can save lives /via @globeandmail - 8 years ago

@Will__Murray: What a lovely piece. We should tell kids in school about Ron Atkey. - 8 years ago

@JimBronskill: RT @Twimmigration: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people - The Globe and Mail - 8 years ago

@DaniKFisher: RT @EricSchwartzRI: #Jews, #Vietnamese, #Syrians -- one humanity. Lovely obit for politician Ron Atkey of #Canada /via @globeandmail http… - 8 years ago

@MCanopedia: RT @Twimmigration: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people - The Globe and Mail - 8 years ago

@beynate: RT @cforcese: Wonderful tribute to Ron Atkey, who proved that a public life can save lives /via @globeandmail - 8 years ago

@Twimmigration: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people - The Globe and Mail - 8 years ago

@_jockr: RT @RobinMacNab: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people /via @globeandmail - 8 years ago

@DenisonDiva: RT @cforcese: Wonderful tribute to Ron Atkey, who proved that a public life can save lives /via @globeandmail - 8 years ago

@RobinMacNab: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people /via @globeandmail - 8 years ago

@foxgw: RT @cforcese: Wonderful tribute to Ron Atkey, who proved that a public life can save lives /via @globeandmail - 8 years ago

@cforcese: Wonderful tribute to Ron Atkey, who proved that a public life can save lives /via @globeandmail - 8 years ago

@RobinMacNab: RT @CoolHandSook: RIP, Ron Atkey. Thanks to you+Flora MacDonald for doing the right thing when 50,000+ refugees knocked on Canada's door in… - 8 years ago

@BShinewald: So proud @BOMA_CAN worked w/ Ron Atkey to house & employ #syrianrefugees; RIP - 8 years ago

@CoolHandSook: RIP, Ron Atkey. Thanks to you+Flora MacDonald for doing the right thing when 50,000+ refugees knocked on Canada's d… - 8 years ago

@NevethanB: RT @lawdeanerika: A timely tribute to the career of Ron Atkey, QC (1942-2017), @westernuLaw Gold Medalist ('65) and former professor. https… - 8 years ago

@globepolitics: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people - 8 years ago

@JudyTrinhCBC: A Remembrance: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people #cdnpoli - 8 years ago

@joshscheinert: A wonderful man who helped cement Canada's reputation for compassion and dignity. Proud to have called him my prof. - 8 years ago

@iperitz: Fine obit of Canadian politician who opened doors to Vietnamese boat people, saw parallels w refugees fleeing Nazism - 8 years ago

@tatmaxwell: RT @EricSchwartzRI: #Jews, #Vietnamese, #Syrians -- one humanity. Lovely obit for politician Ron Atkey of #Canada /via @globeandmail http… - 8 years ago

@westernuLaw: RT @lawdeanerika: A timely tribute to the career of Ron Atkey, QC (1942-2017), @westernuLaw Gold Medalist ('65) and former professor. https… - 8 years ago

@EricSchwartzRI: #Jews, #Vietnamese, #Syrians -- one humanity. Lovely obit for politician Ron Atkey of #Canada /via @globeandmail - 8 years ago

@VOosterveld: RT @lawdeanerika: A timely tribute to the career of Ron Atkey, QC (1942-2017), @westernuLaw Gold Medalist ('65) and former professor. https… - 8 years ago

@lawdeanerika: A timely tribute to the career of Ron Atkey, QC (1942-2017), @westernuLaw Gold Medalist ('65) and former professor.… - 8 years ago

@kelmoe71: RIP Lawyer, Author, and MP Ron Atkey. - 8 years ago

@SustainableVanc: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada's doors to boat people - 8 years ago

@TrangNguyenBC: Thank you Ron Atkey for making a difference in this boat refugee's life in Canada and the other 49,000. R.I.P. - 8 years ago

@MsMarieB: RT @globeandmail: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people - 8 years ago

@joudy__s: RT @globeandmail: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people - 8 years ago

@lechefwayne: RT @globepolitics: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people - 8 years ago

@AliWeisenberg: RT @globeandmail: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people - 8 years ago

@aubrey_harris: RT @globeandmail: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people - 8 years ago

@globeandmail: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people - 8 years ago

@worldnews_net: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people - 8 years ago

@Canadavisa101: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada's doors to boat people - The Globe and Mail - 8 years ago

@nfalco1: RT @globepolitics: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people - 8 years ago

@globepolitics: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people - 8 years ago

@worldnews_net: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people - 8 years ago

@kaneyann5: とりあえずメモ... /  Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people - 8 years ago

@worldaksbot: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people: Some 60,000 refugees from Indochina came to Canada in… - 8 years ago

@blacksprout1: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada’s doors to boat people - 8 years ago

@tvtcanadaHD: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada's doors to boat people - The Globe and Mail - 8 years ago

@SaeedBaygi: Politician Ron Atkey opened Canada's doors to boat people - The Globe and Mail - 8 years ago

@nkeung: #RonAtkey remembered for response to #Vietnamese #refugee crisis - 8 years ago

@syalimadotcom: Ron Atkey remembered for response to Vietnamese refugee crisis ... - Toronto Star - 8 years ago

@BuffMaclennan: - 8 years ago

@YYCFLFedLiberal: “(Atkey’s work) enabled thousands of Canadian citizens and communities to sponsor and welcome desperate refugees... - 8 years ago

@syalimadotcom: Ron Atkey remembered for response to Vietnamese refugee crisis - Toronto Star - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day,Ron Atkey dies - #RonAtkey #Ron #Atkey #rip - 8 years ago

@regwhit1: RT @cforcese: Ron Atkey remembered for response to Vietnamese refugee crisis - 8 years ago

@cforcese: Ron Atkey remembered for response to Vietnamese refugee crisis - 8 years ago

@CMEF_CA: Ron Atkey was in Cabinet for just nine months but, in that short time, he set Canada on the path to accepting... - 8 years ago

@JoanneHansen35: RT @ErinOTooleMP: Attended the funeral of my friend the Hon Ron Atkey today & returned to Ottawa to see our country's flag at half mast in… - 8 years ago

@barridoc: RT @TorontoStar: Ron Atkey remembered for response to Vietnamese refugee crisis - 8 years ago

@Glawg: RT @fkelly25: Ron Atkey remembered for response to Vietnamese refugee crisis @petergoffin - 8 years ago

@CanPakTimes: RT @TorontoStar: Ron Atkey remembered for response to Vietnamese refugee crisis - 8 years ago

@fmcmurran: RT @TorontoStar: Ron Atkey remembered for response to Vietnamese refugee crisis - 8 years ago

@Wong_Albert: RT @TorontoStar: Ron Atkey remembered for response to Vietnamese refugee crisis - 8 years ago

@sarahpineiros: RT @TorontoStar: Ron Atkey remembered for response to Vietnamese refugee crisis - 8 years ago

@TorontoStar: Ron Atkey remembered for response to Vietnamese refugee crisis - 8 years ago

@WR_Record: Ron Atkey remembered for response to Vietnamese refugee crisis - 8 years ago

@calxandr: RT @ImmigrationCBoC: Ron Atkey, #Immigration minister during Boat People effort recently passed away. Learn more about his legacy here: htt… - 8 years ago

@javonkongets23: RT @JohnTory: Ron Atkey remembered for response to Vietnamese refugee crisis - 8 years ago

@torontonews3: Ron Atkey remembered for response to Vietnamese refugee crisis - 8 years ago

@GabrielleHane14: RT @CraigScottNDP: Stirring tribute to Ron Atkey from Craig Forcese: - 8 years ago

@NamVietNetwork: Ron Atkey remembered for response to Vietnamese refugee crisis - Toronto Star - 8 years ago

@Hrenegar: RT @JohnTory: Ron Atkey remembered for response to Vietnamese refugee crisis - 8 years ago

@thoimoi: Tưởng nhớ Ron Atkey, ân nhân của hàng chục ngàn người Việt tị nạn ở #Canada: Ron Atkey chỉ… - 8 years ago

@AmandaThienTu: Ron Atkey remembered for response to Vietnamese refugee crisis - Toronto Star - 8 years ago

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