Roman Filipov

Russian fighter pilot
Died on Tuesday February 6th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Roman Filipov:

@Elisahe50385624: RT @PutinRF_Eng: Major Roman Filipov awarded title of Hero of Russian Federation - 7 years ago

@cha__lau: RT @sunsam167: 在#叙利亚 伊德利卜地区被反对派武装(征服沙姆阵线)击落的苏-25战斗机飞行员 Roman Filipov的遗物。 - 7 years ago

@pacla: RT @CirculoActon: [PRENSA] “En memoria de Roman Filipov” por @fcosanchezu en Diario El Pingüino de Punta Arenas cc @EmbRusChile @Actualidad… - 7 years ago

@fcosanchezu: RT @CirculoActon: [PRENSA] “Un avión que llamamos Luchin” por @fcosanchezu en @AustralTemuco recordando al @ElLuchinRuso y la muerte de Ro… - 7 years ago


@fcosanchezu: RT @CirculoActon: [PRENSA] “En memoria de Roman Filipov” por @fcosanchezu en Diario El Pingüino de Punta Arenas cc @EmbRusChile @Actualidad… - 7 years ago

@CirculoActon: [PRENSA] “Un avión que llamamos Luchin” por @fcosanchezu en @AustralTemuco recordando al @ElLuchinRuso y la muerte… - 7 years ago

@CirculoActon: [PRENSA] “En memoria de Roman Filipov” por @fcosanchezu en Diario El Pingüino de Punta Arenas cc @EmbRusChile… - 7 years ago

@AbelmanMarkus: In Voronezh, hundreds of people said farewell to Roman Filipov, Hero of Russia fallen in #Syria. Funeral ceremony w… - 7 years ago

@RussianHeroes: RT @MauriceSchleepe: Today Deputies of the #Donetsk people,s Republic Honoured the memory of the Hero of #Russia,Roman,Filipov,who died in… - 7 years ago

@IntropaJacques: RT @net_hiti: ⚫La cérémonie des adieux pour le pilote de combat Roman Filipov - 7 years ago

@49Op9: RT @EmbassyofRussia: Thousands of Russians pay tribute and say their farewells to the late Russian flying ace, Hero of #Russia Roman Filipo… - 7 years ago

@Mokiller98: RT @BilalKareem: Послание семье погибшего пилота Романа Филипова, а также ВС России. A message to the family of killed pilot Roman Filipov - 7 years ago

@Rumsucher: RT @SiNetz: »Das ist für unsere Jungs!« Till-Lucas Wessels mit einer Eloge auf den russischen Piloten und Familienvater Major Roman #Filipo… - 7 years ago

@KekikciOsman: RT @TRex_SSS: Gecen gun dusurulen Su-25 pilotunun uzerinden cikanlar. Sizce Roman Filipov fakir oldugu icin mi bu basit telefonu kullanabil… - 7 years ago

@DiasXiotis: RT @IntheNow_tweet: When news broke that Russian air force pilot Roman Filipov blew himself up with a grenade in #Syria to avoid capture by… - 7 years ago

@vetecz: RT @TRex_SSS: Gecen gun dusurulen Su-25 pilotunun uzerinden cikanlar. Sizce Roman Filipov fakir oldugu icin mi bu basit telefonu kullanabil… - 7 years ago

@wynyardjohn: RT @KuoljokMario: Dramatic footage showing Major Roman Filipov, whose Su-25 fighter jet was shot down over Idlib, detonating a... - 7 years ago

@mc_mcelper4: RT @EmbassyofRussia: Citizens of #Russia's Sevastopol light candles in the form of an airplane as tribute to the late Major Roman Filipov,… - 7 years ago

@DefenseRussia: RT @IntheNow_tweet: When news broke that Russian air force pilot Roman Filipov blew himself up with a grenade in #Syria to avoid capture by… - 7 years ago

@justicier47: RT @net_hiti: Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir: les #Su25 seront invulnérables aux systèmes sol-air - 7 years ago

@justicier47: RT @IntropaJacques: ⚫La cérémonie des adieux pour le pilote de combat Roman #Filipov - 7 years ago

@Obblomovv92: RT @IntheNow_tweet: When news broke that Russian air force pilot Roman Filipov blew himself up with a grenade in #Syria to avoid capture by… - 7 years ago

@KuoljokMario: Dramatic footage showing Major Roman Filipov, whose Su-25 fighter jet was shot down over Idlib, detonating a... - 7 years ago

@WalterW97623635: RT @mod_russia: In Voronezh, hundreds of people said farewell to Roman Filipov, Hero of Russia fallen in #Syria. Funeral ceremony was atten… - 7 years ago

@Engracia715: RT @IntheNow_tweet: When news broke that Russian air force pilot Roman Filipov blew himself up with a grenade in #Syria to avoid capture by… - 7 years ago

@sn0wball11: RT @IntheNow_tweet: When news broke that Russian air force pilot Roman Filipov blew himself up with a grenade in #Syria to avoid capture by… - 7 years ago

@Derindunya8: Major Roman Filipov's Heroism Was of the Russian Variety - 7 years ago

@NekropoleENG: Roman Filipov victim, Pilot, Officer, - 7 years ago

@czarny351: RT @EmbassyofRussia: Thousands of Russians pay tribute and say their farewells to the late Russian flying ace, Hero of #Russia Roman Filipo… - 7 years ago

@Javiswift1: RT @CriticaScient: Maggiore Roman Filipov: caduto in Siria per la nostra libertà. Si è fatto esplodere per non cadere nelle mani dell’ISIS.… - 7 years ago

@Aco1Z: RT @IntheNow_tweet: When news broke that Russian air force pilot Roman Filipov blew himself up with a grenade in #Syria to avoid capture by… - 7 years ago

@DavidRamosPR: RT @IntheNow_tweet: When news broke that Russian air force pilot Roman Filipov blew himself up with a grenade in #Syria to avoid capture by… - 7 years ago

@NekropoleRIP: Роман Филипов Офицер, Летчик, жертва, - 7 years ago

@java_06: ⚫La cérémonie des adieux pour le pilote de combat Roman Filipov - 7 years ago

@java_06: RT @IntropaJacques: ⚫La cérémonie des adieux pour le pilote de combat Roman #Filipov - 7 years ago

@olgasalnikov: RT @IntheNow_tweet: When news broke that Russian air force pilot Roman Filipov blew himself up with a grenade in #Syria to avoid capture by… - 7 years ago

@java_06: RT @IntropaJacques: ⚡️ “⚫La cérémonie des adieux pour le pilote de combat Roman #Filipov” par @IntropaJacques - 7 years ago

@soso13390: RT @IntropaJacques: ⚫La cérémonie des adieux pour le pilote de combat Roman #Filipov - 7 years ago

@AlertRogueAgent: RT @RitaPanahi: Video filmed by Syrian rebels shows Major Roman Filipov shouting 'This is for our guys!' before detonating the explosives a… - 7 years ago

@AlertRogueAgent: RT @IntheNow_tweet: When news broke that Russian air force pilot Roman Filipov blew himself up with a grenade in #Syria to avoid capture by… - 7 years ago

@boone_jo: RT @IntheNow_tweet: When news broke that Russian air force pilot Roman Filipov blew himself up with a grenade in #Syria to avoid capture by… - 7 years ago

@Meester_tim: RT @IntheNow_tweet: When news broke that Russian air force pilot Roman Filipov blew himself up with a grenade in #Syria to avoid capture by… - 7 years ago

@LenaSomewhere: RT @IntropaJacques: ⚫La cérémonie des adieux pour le pilote de combat Roman #Filipov - 7 years ago

@net_hiti: Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir: les #Su25 seront invulnérables aux systèmes sol-air - 7 years ago

@12366Elena: RT @rentvchannel: Роман Филипов – герой всей России - 7 years ago

@interpolit33: RT @EmbassyofRussia: Thousands of Russians pay tribute and say their farewells to the late Russian flying ace, Hero of #Russia Roman Filipo… - 7 years ago

@fcosanchezu: RT @CirculoActon: [PRENSA] “Piloto Ruso” por @fcosanchezu en @mercuriocalama homenaje a la memoria del Mayor Roman Filipov muerto heroicame… - 7 years ago

@IntropaJacques: RT @IntropaJacques: ⚡️ “⚫La cérémonie des adieux pour le pilote de combat Roman #Filipov” par @IntropaJacques - 7 years ago

@AbelmanMarkus: In Voronezh, hundreds of people said farewell to Roman Filipov, Hero of Russia fallen in #Syria. Funeral ceremony w… - 7 years ago

@donnagiulietta8: RT @CesareSacchetti: Il maggiore russo Roman Filipov, pilota dell'aereo abbattuto dai terroristi in Siria, si è fatto esplodere con una gra… - 7 years ago

@IhuJp: RT @RTenfrancais: Roman Filipov, pilote #russe, mort en héros en #Syrie Lire l'article : ➡️  - 7 years ago

@sasha1349: RT @rentvchannel: Роман Филипов – герой всей России - 7 years ago

@BlagovSerghei: RT @rentvchannel: Роман Филипов – герой всей России - 7 years ago

@DenisPushilin: RT @MauriceSchleepe: Today Deputies of the #Donetsk people,s Republic Honoured the memory of the Hero of #Russia,Roman,Filipov,who died in… - 7 years ago

@alieninwhite: Major Roman Filipov's Heroism Was of the Russian Variety: - 7 years ago

@vildmitrij: RT @RussiaInUSA: В Вашингтоне отслужили панихиду за убиенного летчика Романа и всех погибших в сегодняшнем крушение самолета Panikhida has… - 7 years ago

@Pandoraopen: Роман Филипов – настоящий Герой России Есть Герои и есть герои. Первые с большой буквы – они защищают Родину, риск… - 7 years ago

@CirculoActon: [PRENSA] “Piloto Ruso” por @fcosanchezu en @mercuriocalama homenaje a la memoria del Mayor Roman Filipov muerto her… - 7 years ago

@vicky_lauda: RT @EmbassyofRussia: President #Putin has posthumously awarded war pilot Major Roman Filipov the title of the Hero of Russia (Russia's hig… - 7 years ago

@Vindelicus: RT @SiNetz: »Das ist für unsere Jungs!« Till-Lucas Wessels mit einer Eloge auf den russischen Piloten und Familienvater Major Roman #Filipo… - 7 years ago

@max_niko: RT @rentvchannel: Роман Филипов – герой всей России - 7 years ago

@Sibirvostok: RT @rentvchannel: Роман Филипов – герой всей России - 7 years ago

@PaumondJoel: Roman Filipov est un vrai héros de la Russie | Nikolay Starikov - 7 years ago

@77Asv: RT @rentvchannel: Роман Филипов – герой всей России - 7 years ago

@loscimientosgt: RT @RussiaInUSA: В Вашингтоне отслужили панихиду за убиенного летчика Романа и всех погибших в сегодняшнем крушение самолета Panikhida has… - 7 years ago

@GK_Seattle: RT @RussiaInUSA: В Вашингтоне отслужили панихиду за убиенного летчика Романа и всех погибших в сегодняшнем крушение самолета Panikhida has… - 7 years ago

@jacekosski: RT @rentvchannel: Роман Филипов – герой всей России - 7 years ago

@sotodanet: RT @rentvchannel: Роман Филипов – герой всей России - 7 years ago

@friendmoscow: RT @RussiaInUSA: В Вашингтоне отслужили панихиду за убиенного летчика Романа и всех погибших в сегодняшнем крушение самолета Panikhida has… - 7 years ago

@rentvchannel: Роман Филипов – герой всей России - 7 years ago

@BrennanLena: RT @RussiaInUSA: В Вашингтоне отслужили панихиду за убиенного летчика Романа и всех погибших в сегодняшнем крушение самолета Panikhida has… - 7 years ago

@konsplay: RT @mod_russia: In Voronezh, hundreds of people said farewell to Roman Filipov, Hero of Russia fallen in #Syria. Funeral ceremony was atten… - 7 years ago

@nakaka_: Major Roman Filipov's Heroism Was of the Russian Variety - Sputnik International: - 7 years ago

@Olympe777: RT @RussiaInUSA: В Вашингтоне отслужили панихиду за убиенного летчика Романа и всех погибших в сегодняшнем крушение самолета Panikhida has… - 7 years ago

@Wow_ThatsLame: Russians are heroes. From Alexander Prokhorenko who called in an air strike on his owm position to kill the ISIS fi… - 7 years ago

@russianinusofa: RT @RussiaInUSA: В Вашингтоне отслужили панихиду за убиенного летчика Романа и всех погибших в сегодняшнем крушение самолета Panikhida has… - 7 years ago

@MID_Orenburg: RT @RussiaInUSA: В Вашингтоне отслужили панихиду за убиенного летчика Романа и всех погибших в сегодняшнем крушение самолета Panikhida has… - 7 years ago

@banjaribice: RT @RussiaInUSA: В Вашингтоне отслужили панихиду за убиенного летчика Романа и всех погибших в сегодняшнем крушение самолета Panikhida has… - 7 years ago

@EVicancom: RT @GrahamWP_UK: The BBC, what a truly grim bunch of bastards. They can't even acknowledge clear heroism. It has to be 'Russian media says'… - 7 years ago

@_Iskarous: RT @RussiaInUSA: В Вашингтоне отслужили панихиду за убиенного летчика Романа и всех погибших в сегодняшнем крушение самолета Panikhida has… - 7 years ago

@MID_Kaliningrad: #РоссияПомнит: В Воронеже увековечена память погибшего в Сирии майора Романа Филипова. Именем героя названа школа… - 7 years ago

@DarkMatterMario: RT @RussiaInUSA: В Вашингтоне отслужили панихиду за убиенного летчика Романа и всех погибших в сегодняшнем крушение самолета Panikhida has… - 7 years ago

@Olexijl: RT @RussiaInUSA: В Вашингтоне отслужили панихиду за убиенного летчика Романа и всех погибших в сегодняшнем крушение самолета Panikhida has… - 7 years ago

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