Roland Dyens

French classical guitarist and composer.
Died on Sunday October 30th 2016

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Roland Dyens:

@guitarranaron: Roland Dyens - Tango en Skai - 8 years ago

@bimbomrecords: baden powell's berimbau. amazing arrengement by roland dyens - 8 years ago

@kostasgrigoreas: An ingenious arrangement and performance! #Roland_Dyens - 8 years ago

@baturayarkin: Tango in Sky - Roland Dyens - Cecilio Perera - 8 years ago


@ChrisARoot: RT @jongjylaci: A short tribute to the guitarist/composer/arranger Roland Dyens. His spirit will live forever through his music! - 8 years ago

@jongjylaci: A short tribute to the guitarist/composer/arranger Roland Dyens. His spirit will live forever through his music! - 8 years ago

@allianceguitare: les Alliances de la Guitare disent un Au Revoir à Roland Dyens . alliances of the guitar say goodbye to Roland Dyens. - 8 years ago

@christophora: Saya suka video @YouTube - 8 years ago

@JanDPenninkhof: Ik vind een @YouTube-video leuk: - 8 years ago

@987DZFE: CLASSICAL GUITAR ALIVE (1100) pays tribute to guitarist-composer Roland Dyens, who passed away 29 Oct 2016. - 8 years ago

@Girkania: Hommage au Guitariste Roland Dyens (19/X/1955 - 29/X/2016) - 8 years ago

@bimbomrecords: Roland Dyens, violonista de outro planeta que deixou este aqui dia desses. fica o link pra quem não conhecia - 8 years ago

@ma_marciano: Um belo arranjo de Roland Dyens para o tango "El Choclo" nas boas mãos da violonista Tatyana Ryhkova - 8 years ago

@Aurelandroll: J'aime une vidéo @YouTube : "Adieu foulards, adieu madras - Arr. Roland Dyens" à l'adresse - 8 years ago

@HarrisonKuettel: Sad to hear of the passing of Roland Dyens. :( - 8 years ago

@tohegi: He añadido un vídeo a una lista de reproducción de @YouTube ( - 8 years ago

@JorgeFCortes: Subí el #Concertomaggio de Roland Dyens, a mi #YouTube: - 8 years ago

@guitarrabcn: Jason Vieaux interprets Tom Jobim's «Felicidad», arranged by Roland Dyens: - 8 years ago

@ESDGuitarra: Una gran pérdida para el mundo de la #guitarra la del extraordinario maestro y compositor Roland #Dyens D.E.P. - 8 years ago

@OneInAmiLyon: Tonight, as I play, I pay homage to the late and great Roland Dyens. Shocked to hear of his sudden passing. - 8 years ago

@jeromebonamy: Interview au long cours de Roland Dyens (2008) - 8 years ago

@tonetron: L'Hymne à l'Amour - Roland Dyens 愛の讃歌のクラシックギター編曲。6弦をEbにドロップしてEbのキー。 - 8 years ago

@FipNowPlays: ♪ #nowplaying LA JAVANAISE - ROLAND DYENS (1997) - 8 years ago

@fledv: Roland Dyens "Alfonsina y el Mar" (de Ariel Ramírez y Félix Luna) - 8 years ago

@QuizasAcoustic: Kaori Muraji : Roland Dyens -Saudade No 3 - YouTube #guitar - 8 years ago

@GuitarRecords: Eliot Fisk, Andrew York, Ben Verdery, Roland Dyens, Scott Morris. R.I.P. #Dyens - 8 years ago

@marylou_vs: Je viens d'apprendre que Roland Dyens est décédé, un grand monsieur et guitariste virtuose... Paix à lui - 8 years ago

@OscarGhiglia: I liked a @YouTube video - 8 years ago

@masaya6: Ik vind een @YouTube-video leuk: - 8 years ago

@Makeshu: RT @radiobeethoven: Hoy a las 12:30 Guitarra recuerda a Roland Dyens recientemente fallecido - 8 years ago

@radiobeethoven: Hoy a las 12:30 Guitarra recuerda a Roland Dyens recientemente fallecido - 8 years ago

@kstmurata: リンク貼ってもいいのかな? Roland Dyens - Fuoco - 8 years ago

@kostasgrigoreas: "To My Beloved Brother Roland Dyens" (by Elena Papandreou) - 8 years ago

@tarmagazine: ΣΤΟΝ ΑΓΑΠΗΜΕΝΟ ΜΟΥ ΑΔΕΛΦΟ ROLAND DYENS (Της Έλενας Παπανδρέου) - TAR - Διαδικτυακό Περιοδικό με αφορμή την Κιθάρα - 8 years ago

@Guitsinlimites: RT @AlhambraG_Spain: El Tango en Skai o la Libra Sonatina, algunos de los muchos tesoros de la #guitarra que ha dejado #RolandDyens https:/… - 8 years ago

@dsouzapimentel: Gostei de um vídeo @YouTube - 8 years ago

@dsouzapimentel: Gostei de um vídeo @YouTube - 8 years ago

@dsouzapimentel: Gostei de um vídeo @YouTube - 8 years ago

@todpauldorozio: Sad to hear of the passing of my favourite guitarist/arranger Roland Dyens; just a few short days ago (Oct.... - 8 years ago

@NmiddleN: Sad to hear that Roland Dyens passed on last weekend. One of the true great guitarist composers of our time - 8 years ago

@les_yeux_verts: Je prie pour le repos de l'âme de M. Roland Dyens. - 8 years ago

@les_yeux_verts: Roland Dyensさん、亡くなったんですね。ショックです。出てくる音全てが美しかった。もう一度、生の音を聴きたかった。 - 8 years ago

@maplestguitars: Our newly and dearly departed friend, Roland Dyens. If you have never heard this passionate and creative... - 8 years ago

@simonphopkins: "Roland Dyens, 1955–2016: Tributes and Links to Some ‘CG’ Interviews and Performances" >> - 8 years ago

@ux_tim: Roland Dyens. The passing of a true legend. Keep on playing and spreading the joy. Your legacy lives on. - 8 years ago

@talismanDex: RT @kasuteramilk: Thomas ViloteauさんのYTより Interview with Roland Dyens - 8 years ago

@frangarzaro: Adiós a Roland Dyens, gracias por la música - 8 years ago

@timothyatkinson: RT @SeanBeavers1: My Blog Post: Why Remember Roland Dyens? - 8 years ago

@2hirondelle: Roland Dyens - 'Comme le jour BONNE JOURNÉE 🌻 - 8 years ago

@NoRhy3: Tribute to Roland Dyens - 8 years ago

@MicheleDiFilip2: Mi è piaciuto un video di @YouTube: - 8 years ago

@saul_muniz: RT @frangarzaro: 29 de octubre reciente falleció el maestro Roland Dyens, gigante de la guitarra, ejecutante, compositor. Duelo mundo guita… - 8 years ago

@frangarzaro: 29 de octubre reciente falleció el maestro Roland Dyens, gigante de la guitarra, ejecutante, compositor. Duelo mundo guitarra contemporánea. - 8 years ago

@siempreisla: Guitarra recuerda a Roland Dyens - 8 years ago

@ArnottGuitars: RT @SeanBeavers1: My Blog Post: Why Remember Roland Dyens? - 8 years ago

@JustinSchroder: RT @SeanBeavers1: My Blog Post: Why Remember Roland Dyens? - 8 years ago

@Autodidacts1: RT @SeanBeavers1: My Blog Post: Why Remember Roland Dyens? - 8 years ago

@c_t_freeman: RT @richardsmithpik: RIP Roland Dyens. We performed at several of the same festivals, althoug never together . A brilliant musician... http… - 8 years ago

@c_t_freeman: RT @SPMUSICA: R.I.P Maestro ROLAND DYENS! Thx for the music you left us! Sebastian Pecznik - 8 years ago

@c_t_freeman: RT @AllStringsNylon: We are very saddened to learn the passing of classical guitarist Roland Dyens. He will be missed! - 8 years ago

@c_t_freeman: RT @davidpelter: The great Roland Dyens playing Powell. - 8 years ago

@SeanBeavers1: My Blog Post: Why Remember Roland Dyens? - 8 years ago

@Reyrog: Disparition du guitariste Roland Dyens - 8 years ago

@classicallradio: Roland Dyens - Tango on Sky - 8 years ago

@OscarGhiglia: I liked a @YouTube video - 8 years ago

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