Roger Wilkins

American civil rights activist
Died on Monday March 27th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Roger Wilkins:

@matveev_furs: RT @EricHolder: ICON. - 8 years ago

@ThinkTankThuto: “I hope Roger rests in the kind of peace he nvr quite achvd in life, knowing that his fight & legacy is carried on” - 8 years ago

@HajjiADavis: RT @democracynow: Civil Rights Activist, Journalist, Professor Roger Wilkins Dies at 85 - 8 years ago

@BOYWONDERELROY: RT @InsiderNewsCo: #RogerWilkins died at 85. He'll be remembered for his admirable #civilrights work: - 8 years ago


@JaredVolle: We have no hope of solving our problems without harnessing the diversity, the energy, and the creativity of all our people. Roger Wilkins - 8 years ago

@weresistLA: RIP Roger Wilkins, civil rights icon. Stand up for civil rights with us on 5/1 & RESIST this backwards president. - 8 years ago

@LLAMcNabb: @ncte @Wade4Justice Roger Wilkins "ghost of slavery & Jim Crow walk amongst us:" crim. justice, voting rts, housing segregation,public educ - 8 years ago

@SecondHelpings: Remembering anti-hunger advocate Roger Wilkins: - 8 years ago

@Ellen_Teller: RT @fractweets: FRAC mourns the death of Roger Wilkins, who was such a great leader, thinker, and advocate. - 8 years ago

@KenOwenDePauw: October 1997 - Roger Wilkins Has 'A Conversation on Race' @DePauwU - 8 years ago

@MichInWash: A member of the Michigan in Washington family, where he served on our board from 2005-2012. - 8 years ago

@UAgainstHunger: Our condolences go to Roger Wilkins family - 8 years ago

@fractweets: FRAC mourns the death of Roger Wilkins, who was such a great leader, thinker, and advocate. - 8 years ago

@ThinkTankThuto: Roger Wilkins was a PulitzerPrize journalist, a warrior for #civilrights & a friend to all of us at edtrust - 8 years ago

@imDonut: Farewell to Roger Wilkins, a Man of Honor in Tempestuous Times - 8 years ago

@HerbertRegnier: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Civil rights community lost 2 giants this week. Roger Wilkins and now #BillColeman, who worked on Brown v Bd of Ed. h… - 8 years ago

@USRealityCheck: Farewell to Roger Wilkins, a Man of Honor in Tempestuous Times - 8 years ago

@inruztauschar11: RT @HarryWiliams1: Related 2 Roy Wilkins who has building named 4 him n St. Paul > Roger Wilkins, Champion of Civil Rights, Dies at 85 http… - 8 years ago

@ettupotus: Farewell to Roger Wilkins, a Man of Honor in Tempestuous Times - 8 years ago

@CarverCenter: RT @EdTrust: Roger Wilkins was a @PulitzerPrize journalist, a warrior for #civilrights & a friend to all of us at @edtrust - 8 years ago

@EdTrust: Roger Wilkins was a @PulitzerPrize journalist, a warrior for #civilrights & a friend to all of us at @edtrust - 8 years ago

@AdderleyBarbara: RT @EdTrust: Today we are mourning the passing of one of our founding board members, Roger Wilkins - 8 years ago

@twinkemp: Roger Wilkins, Champion of Civil Rights, Dies at 85 - 8 years ago

@KAIJUKING23: RT @keithellison: African Americans owe much of our progress to the work of Roger Wilkins. A true hero who will be missed. - 8 years ago

@OmahaGrangeGWC: RT @23dwayne: Rest in Heaven Roger Wilkins. We're a great nation because of the work of people like you. #CivilRights #FreedomOfThePress #R… - 8 years ago

@Deirdre4Pres: RT @InsiderNewsCo: #RogerWilkins died at 85. He'll be remembered for his admirable #civilrights work: - 8 years ago

@SocaMomDC: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Civil rights community lost 2 giants this week. Roger Wilkins and now #BillColeman, who worked on Brown v Bd of Ed. h… - 8 years ago

@PerfectlyPuffz: RT @EBONYMag: Roger Wilkins, one of the country's most prolific writers on race, died at 85. May he rest in power: - 8 years ago

@ImaniKristina: Roger Wilkins, First Black Assistant Attorney General and Pulitzer Winner, Dead at 85 - 8 years ago

@ednycinc44: RT @Sifill_LDF: Death of Jack Greenberg, Roger Wilkins and now Bill Coleman in just 6 mos. is a heavy loss for the @NAACP_LDF family. The p… - 8 years ago

@roger_gardner: @louielambert @jonmikesav8 @harish_red signings look better with team winning. For the money spent Utd sold. £1.5 Wilkins 2.2m hughes - 8 years ago

@eliseboddie: RT @Sifill_LDF: Death of Jack Greenberg, Roger Wilkins and now Bill Coleman in just 6 mos. is a heavy loss for the @NAACP_LDF family. The p… - 8 years ago

@gb021670: RT @Sifill_LDF: Death of Jack Greenberg, Roger Wilkins and now Bill Coleman in just 6 mos. is a heavy loss for the @NAACP_LDF family. The p… - 8 years ago

@Serpentsrose: RT @isitjustus2: #blacktwitter First Black Assistant Attorney General and Pulitzer Winner, Roger Wilkins, Dead at 85 - 8 years ago

@isitjustus2: #blacktwitter First Black Assistant Attorney General and Pulitzer Winner, Roger Wilkins, Dead at 85… - 8 years ago

@CedarHillMom: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Civil rights community lost 2 giants this week. Roger Wilkins and now #BillColeman, who worked on Brown v Bd of Ed. h… - 8 years ago

@TrojanNinja85: RT @EBONYMag: Roger Wilkins, one of the country's most prolific writers on race, died at 85. May he rest in power: - 8 years ago

@WA_Links: RT @OfficialCBC: We're saddened by the death of this #CivilRights champion. We stand on his shoulders & those of many others. RIP - 8 years ago

@Gluonsrule: RT @janicependarvis: Roger Wilkins, Champion of Civil Rights, Dies at 85 - 8 years ago

@janicependarvis: Roger Wilkins, Champion of Civil Rights, Dies at 85 - 8 years ago

@The_Africanus: RT @Sifill_LDF: Death of Jack Greenberg, Roger Wilkins and now Bill Coleman in just 6 mos. is a heavy loss for the @NAACP_LDF family. The p… - 8 years ago

@clifftyll: RT @NYTObits: Roger Wilkins, who championed civil rights for black Americans for five decades, has died. Here is his NYT obit: - 8 years ago

@kgreen: RT @NYTObits: Roger Wilkins, who championed civil rights for black Americans for five decades, has died. Here is his NYT obit: - 8 years ago

@LeighBroadway: RT @EBONYMag: Roger Wilkins, one of the country's most prolific writers on race, died at 85. May he rest in power: - 8 years ago

@Mitch_M: RT @MaxineEThompson: Roger Wilkins, Civil Rights Activist, Historian and Journalist, Dies at 85 #Pulitzerprize #journalist #Ebony - 8 years ago

@OrnaRoss: RT @MaxineEThompson: Roger Wilkins, Civil Rights Activist, Historian and Journalist, Dies at 85 #Pulitzerprize #journalist #Ebony - 8 years ago

@chaderrific_1: RT @EricHolder: ICON. - 8 years ago

@grizzgirl901_: RT @EBONYMag: Roger Wilkins, one of the country's most prolific writers on race, died at 85. May he rest in power: - 8 years ago

@nobodyarrogant: Roger Wilkins, First Black Assistant Attorney General and Pulitzer Winner, Dead at 85 - 8 years ago

@dbrown1906: RT @Sifill_LDF: Death of Jack Greenberg, Roger Wilkins and now Bill Coleman in just 6 mos. is a heavy loss for the @NAACP_LDF family. The p… - 8 years ago

@motowntom: Roger Wilkins, Champion of Civil Rights, Dies at 85 - 8 years ago

@ShaunReidESQ: RT @Sifill_LDF: Death of Jack Greenberg, Roger Wilkins and now Bill Coleman in just 6 mos. is a heavy loss for the @NAACP_LDF family. The p… - 8 years ago

@ThePaulSRyan: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Civil rights community lost 2 giants this week. Roger Wilkins and now #BillColeman, who worked on Brown v Bd of Ed. h… - 8 years ago

@RMHamburg: RT @Sifill_LDF: Death of Jack Greenberg, Roger Wilkins and now Bill Coleman in just 6 mos. is a heavy loss for the @NAACP_LDF family. The p… - 8 years ago

@HackingRacism: RT @NYTObits: Roger Wilkins, who waged war against racism from above the barricades, had Thurgood Marshall as a mentor - 8 years ago

@pattersoncd: RT @Sifill_LDF: Death of Jack Greenberg, Roger Wilkins and now Bill Coleman in just 6 mos. is a heavy loss for the @NAACP_LDF family. The p… - 8 years ago

@DaroldCuba: RT @NYTObits: Roger Wilkins, who waged war against racism from above the barricades, had Thurgood Marshall as a mentor - 8 years ago

@Sherndon41: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Civil rights community lost 2 giants this week. Roger Wilkins and now #BillColeman, who worked on Brown v Bd of Ed. h… - 8 years ago

@Michael_S_Barr: RT @umichLSA: Take a moment and remember #LSAvictor and Champion of Civil Rights, Roger Wilkins (#UMichPoliSci '53) #inmemoriam - 8 years ago

@umichLSA: Take a moment and remember #LSAvictor and Champion of Civil Rights, Roger Wilkins (#UMichPoliSci '53) #inmemoriam… - 8 years ago

@HarryWiliams1: Related 2 Roy Wilkins who has building named 4 him n St. Paul > Roger Wilkins, Champion of Civil Rights, Dies at 85 - 8 years ago

@heathbrown: RT @raviperry: At The Times, Roger Wilkins Fought Injustice. And The Times. - 8 years ago

@raviperry: At The Times, Roger Wilkins Fought Injustice. And The Times. - 8 years ago

@nffc65: RT @EBONYMag: Roger Wilkins, one of the country's most prolific writers on race, died at 85. May he rest in power: - 8 years ago

@uniqueloves: RT @EBONYMag: Roger Wilkins, one of the country's most prolific writers on race, died at 85. May he rest in power: - 8 years ago

@AuntAKA: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Civil rights community lost 2 giants this week. Roger Wilkins and now #BillColeman, who worked on Brown v Bd of Ed. h… - 8 years ago

@JimmyRiveraNYC: RT @EricHolder: ICON. - 8 years ago

@airycasTrials: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Civil rights community lost 2 giants this week. Roger Wilkins and now #BillColeman, who worked on Brown v Bd of Ed. h… - 8 years ago

@JessicaAYoungb: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Civil rights community lost 2 giants this week. Roger Wilkins and now #BillColeman, who worked on Brown v Bd of Ed. h… - 8 years ago

@vbrock963: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Civil rights community lost 2 giants this week. Roger Wilkins and now #BillColeman, who worked on Brown v Bd of Ed. h… - 8 years ago

@motown1906: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Civil rights community lost 2 giants this week. Roger Wilkins and now #BillColeman, who worked on Brown v Bd of Ed. h… - 8 years ago

@KimKrawiec: RT @chaifeldblum: Roger Wilkins, civil rights legend & husband of Gtn Law prof Pat King, died this past week. - 8 years ago

@iamangel: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Civil rights community lost 2 giants this week. Roger Wilkins and now #BillColeman, who worked on Brown v Bd of Ed. h… - 8 years ago

@CoLoR349: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Civil rights community lost 2 giants this week. Roger Wilkins and now #BillColeman, who worked on Brown v Bd of Ed. h… - 8 years ago

@OCherokee: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Civil rights community lost 2 giants this week. Roger Wilkins and now #BillColeman, who worked on Brown v Bd of Ed. h… - 8 years ago

@VonnieLowery: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Civil rights community lost 2 giants this week. Roger Wilkins and now #BillColeman, who worked on Brown v Bd of Ed. h… - 8 years ago

@smilingvision08: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Civil rights community lost 2 giants this week. Roger Wilkins and now #BillColeman, who worked on Brown v Bd of Ed. h… - 8 years ago

@Denali99: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Civil rights community lost 2 giants this week. Roger Wilkins and now #BillColeman, who worked on Brown v Bd of Ed. h… - 8 years ago

@NDF101: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Civil rights community lost 2 giants this week. Roger Wilkins and now #BillColeman, who worked on Brown v Bd of Ed. h… - 8 years ago

@jmarie12345678m: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Civil rights community lost 2 giants this week. Roger Wilkins and now #BillColeman, who worked on Brown v Bd of Ed. h… - 8 years ago

@c700ca48d52d4b5: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Civil rights community lost 2 giants this week. Roger Wilkins and now #BillColeman, who worked on Brown v Bd of Ed. h… - 8 years ago

@mddimick: RT @chaifeldblum: Roger Wilkins, civil rights legend & husband of Gtn Law prof Pat King, died this past week. - 8 years ago

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