Roger Welsch

American television correspondent and author.
Died on Saturday October 1st 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Roger Welsch:

@NEWesleyan: Former NWU German teacher and alumna parent, Roger Welsch, left a true impact on our state. We are saddened to hear… - 2 years ago

@cliffponca: Roger Welsch passed away last week and to honor him I’m reading this rocking, wonderful, funny, and folksy little b… - 2 years ago

@jjjjhskr: A cool video from Roger Welsh about the first golf course in Nebraska’s Sandhills. A world class course that has l… - 2 years ago

@ejesgist: Roger Welsch Biography, Cause of Death, How he Died #news @ejesgist #breakingnews - 2 years ago


@kfabnews: Listen to the latest episode of Jim Rose now, on #iHeartRadio - 2 years ago

@Robert_Welch914: Roger Welsch, the man who put Dannebrog, NE on the map in his "Postcards from Nebraska" on @CBSSunday has died at 85 - 2 years ago

@dannymacny: 5 of 5 stars to Embracing Fry Bread by Roger L. Welsch - 2 years ago

@NebToday: RT @UNLGreatPlains: From Center Director Margaret Jacobs on long-time Center friend Roger Welsch: - 2 years ago

@jfox701: RT @CBSSunday: Sunday Morning Passage Bill Plante, a veteran of CBS News for more than half a century, has died at age 84. Also, "Sunday… - 2 years ago

@UNLGPQJournal: RT @UNLGreatPlains: From Center Director Margaret Jacobs on long-time Center friend Roger Welsch: - 2 years ago

@GPR_Journal: RT @UNLGreatPlains: From Center Director Margaret Jacobs on long-time Center friend Roger Welsch: - 2 years ago

@UNLGreatPlains: From Center Director Margaret Jacobs on long-time Center friend Roger Welsch: - 2 years ago

@BridgetRBarry: RT @UnivNebPress: Remembering our pal, Roger Welsch - 2 years ago

@SSCLibrary: RIP Roger Welsch • November 6, 1936 - September 30, 2022 Stop by the library to see our display dedicated to the N… - 2 years ago

@UnivNebPress: Remembering our pal, Roger Welsch - 2 years ago

@cliffponca: Roger Welsch passed away last week. He wrote stacks of great books, including Embracing Fry Bread: Confessions of a… - 2 years ago

@Garage_Floor: RT @TimTrudell2: RIP Roger Welsch, 85. The world lost a true humorist. - 2 years ago

@Garage_Floor: RT @Channel8ABC: Known eventually as “Captain Nebraska,” Roger Welsch established a “Liars Hall of Fame” in his adopted hometown of Dannebr… - 2 years ago

@Garage_Floor: RT @NE_Examiner: Roger Welsch, a humorist and master spinner of tales about rural Nebraska life, announced Tuesday on Facebook he's enterin… - 2 years ago

@Garage_Floor: RT @_silversmith: If you're a Nebraskan, and you've been friends with folks like Paul Fell & Roger Welsch as long as I have, this one hurts… - 2 years ago

@Garage_Floor: RT @CryptoLoren: .@CBSSunday highlighted the death of Senior correspondent and folklorist Roger Welsch (who died at 85 on Sept 30, 2022) w/… - 2 years ago

@Garage_Floor: RT @JournalStarNews: Roger Welsch, Nebraska’s most famous humorist and storyteller and a contributor to "CBS Sunday Morning," died Friday a… - 2 years ago

@Taima_Express: ●ネブラスカで最も有名な語り手ロジャー・ウェルシュが85歳で死去 #大麻 #医療大麻 #CBD #THC #marijuana ●Nebraska's most famous storyteller, Roger Welsch d… - 2 years ago

@CryptoLoren: RT @CryptoLoren: .@CBSSunday highlighted the death of Senior correspondent and folklorist Roger Welsch (who died at 85 on Sept 30, 2022) w/… - 2 years ago

@sbstarherald: Roger Welsch, Nebraska’s most famous humorist and storyteller and a contributor to "CBS Sunday Morning," died at hi… - 2 years ago

@scj: Roger Welsch, Nebraska’s most famous humorist and storyteller and a contributor to "CBS Sunday Morning," died at hi… - 2 years ago

@LeftIsRightInNE: RT @KearneyHub: Roger Welsch, Nebraska’s most famous humorist and storyteller and a contributor to "CBS Sunday Morning," died at his home n… - 2 years ago

@KearneyHub: Roger Welsch, Nebraska’s most famous humorist and storyteller and a contributor to "CBS Sunday Morning," died at hi… - 2 years ago

@ClipperHerald: Roger Welsch, Nebraska’s most famous humorist and storyteller and a contributor to "CBS Sunday Morning," died at hi… - 2 years ago

@yorknewstimes: Roger Welsch, Nebraska’s most famous humorist and storyteller and a contributor to "CBS Sunday Morning," died at hi… - 2 years ago

@Ledger_Online: Roger Welsch, Nebraska’s most famous humorist and storyteller and a contributor to "CBS Sunday Morning," died at hi… - 2 years ago

@nonpareilonline: Roger Welsch, Nebraska’s most famous humorist and storyteller and a contributor to "CBS Sunday Morning," died at hi… - 2 years ago

@CTelegram: Roger Welsch, Nebraska’s most famous humorist and storyteller and a contributor to "CBS Sunday Morning," died at hi… - 2 years ago

@FremontTribune: Roger Welsch, Nebraska’s most famous humorist and storyteller and a contributor to "CBS Sunday Morning," died at hi… - 2 years ago

@NPTelegraph: Roger Welsch, Nebraska’s most famous humorist and storyteller and a contributor to "CBS Sunday Morning," died at hi… - 2 years ago

@theindependent: Roger Welsch, Nebraska’s most famous humorist and storyteller and a contributor to "CBS Sunday Morning," died at hi… - 2 years ago

@BeaDailySunNews: Roger Welsch, Nebraska’s most famous humorist and storyteller and a contributor to "CBS Sunday Morning," died at hi… - 2 years ago

@ColeV1920: RT @CBSSunday: Sunday Morning Passage Bill Plante, a veteran of CBS News for more than half a century, has died at age 84. Also, "Sunday… - 2 years ago

@CedarPosts: RT @CBSSunday: Sunday Morning Passage Bill Plante, a veteran of CBS News for more than half a century, has died at age 84. Also, "Sunday… - 2 years ago

@TVAmy: RT @CBSSunday: Sunday Morning Passage Bill Plante, a veteran of CBS News for more than half a century, has died at age 84. Also, "Sunday… - 2 years ago

@davidaquinley21: RT @CBSSunday: Sunday Morning Passage Bill Plante, a veteran of CBS News for more than half a century, has died at age 84. Also, "Sunday… - 2 years ago

@Channel8ABC: Known eventually as “Captain Nebraska,” Roger Welsch established a “Liars Hall of Fame” in his adopted hometown of… - 2 years ago

@NLevendofsky: @LakotaMan1 We lost a good one just the other day in Roger Welsch. - 2 years ago

@ArdenFarhi: RT @CBSSunday: Sunday Morning Passage Bill Plante, a veteran of CBS News for more than half a century, has died at age 84. Also, "Sunday… - 2 years ago

@HillBeverlyhill: RT @CBSSunday: Sunday Morning Passage Bill Plante, a veteran of CBS News for more than half a century, has died at age 84. Also, "Sunday… - 2 years ago

@Pop_Culture_Guy: Passage: Correspondent Bill Plante and humorist Roger Welsch - 2 years ago

@kweschn: RT @CBSSunday: Sunday Morning Passage Bill Plante, a veteran of CBS News for more than half a century, has died at age 84. Also, "Sunday… - 2 years ago

@sherylunderwood: RT @CBSSunday: Sunday Morning Passage Bill Plante, a veteran of CBS News for more than half a century, has died at age 84. Also, "Sunday… - 2 years ago

@Charlot93514524: RT @CBSSunday: Sunday Morning Passage Bill Plante, a veteran of CBS News for more than half a century, has died at age 84. Also, "Sunday… - 2 years ago

@GRITOOTS: RT @CBSSunday: Sunday Morning Passage Bill Plante, a veteran of CBS News for more than half a century, has died at age 84. Also, "Sunday… - 2 years ago

@richardupuy: RT @CBSSunday: Sunday Morning Passage Bill Plante, a veteran of CBS News for more than half a century, has died at age 84. Also, "Sunday… - 2 years ago

@PROOFnv: RT @CryptoLoren: .@CBSSunday highlighted the death of Senior correspondent and folklorist Roger Welsch (who died at 85 on Sept 30, 2022) w/… - 2 years ago

@RickSanchezNYC: @CBSSunday Always enjoyed “Postcard from Nebraska “. May Roger Welsch RIP - 2 years ago

@SSpiehs: RT @CBSSunday: Sunday Morning Passage Bill Plante, a veteran of CBS News for more than half a century, has died at age 84. Also, "Sunday… - 2 years ago

@timothywpugh: - 2 years ago

@aasen: RT @CBSSunday: Sunday Morning Passage Bill Plante, a veteran of CBS News for more than half a century, has died at age 84. Also, "Sunday… - 2 years ago

@bridge1013: RT @CBSSunday: Sunday Morning Passage Bill Plante, a veteran of CBS News for more than half a century, has died at age 84. Also, "Sunday… - 2 years ago

@mmmexperimental: RT @ninatypewriter: RIP Bill Plante RIP Roger Welsch - 2 years ago

@mdbruna51: RT @OWHnews: "I write about things that I love," Roger Welsch once said. Welsch was still writing — and telling jokes — right to the end,… - 2 years ago

@OWHnews: "I write about things that I love," Roger Welsch once said. Welsch was still writing — and telling jokes — right t… - 2 years ago

@gethypedllc: From 1999: Roger Welsch on a golf course in Nebraska's Sandhills - 2 years ago

@ninatypewriter: RIP Bill Plante RIP Roger Welsch - 2 years ago

@CheerfulRipley: RT @CryptoLoren: .@CBSSunday highlighted the death of Senior correspondent and folklorist Roger Welsch (who died at 85 on Sept 30, 2022) w/… - 2 years ago

@gethypedllc: Passage: Correspondent Bill Plante and humorist Roger Welsch - 2 years ago

@Ianto_back2_TW: RT @CBSSunday: Sunday Morning Passage Bill Plante, a veteran of CBS News for more than half a century, has died at age 84. Also, "Sunday… - 2 years ago

@_Jellyfoot: RT @CryptoLoren: .@CBSSunday highlighted the death of Senior correspondent and folklorist Roger Welsch (who died at 85 on Sept 30, 2022) w/… - 2 years ago

@AProdigiosus: RT @CryptoLoren: .@CBSSunday highlighted the death of Senior correspondent and folklorist Roger Welsch (who died at 85 on Sept 30, 2022) w/… - 2 years ago

@oybay: @CBSSunday Roger Welsch Bill Plante Major losses irreplaceable. Thank you, CBS. - 2 years ago

@CryptoLoren: .@CBSSunday highlighted the death of Senior correspondent and folklorist Roger Welsch (who died at 85 on Sept 30, 2… - 2 years ago

@CollectorWriter: RT @CBSSunday: Sunday Morning Passage Bill Plante, a veteran of CBS News for more than half a century, has died at age 84. Also, "Sunday… - 2 years ago

@dmellieon: RT @CBSSunday: Sunday Morning Passage Bill Plante, a veteran of CBS News for more than half a century, has died at age 84. Also, "Sunday… - 2 years ago

@wemeow2: RT @CBSSunday: Sunday Morning Passage Bill Plante, a veteran of CBS News for more than half a century, has died at age 84. Also, "Sunday… - 2 years ago

@DonnaYoungDC: RT @CBSSunday: Sunday Morning Passage Bill Plante, a veteran of CBS News for more than half a century, has died at age 84. Also, "Sunday… - 2 years ago

@MosesHawk: RT @hudsonette: R.I.P. Roger Welsch. Loved his Postcards From Nebraska. Activist for Native Americans, Storyteller, fixed up old trucks. Cu… - 2 years ago

@hudsonette: R.I.P. Roger Welsch. Loved his Postcards From Nebraska. Activist for Native Americans, Storyteller, fixed up old tr… - 2 years ago

@_ReportWire: From 1999: Roger Welsch on a golf course in Nebraska’s Sandhills - 2 years ago

@usasharenews: From 1999: Roger Welsch on a golf course in Nebraska’s Sandhills - 2 years ago

@botiiqer: From 1999: Roger Welsch on a golf course in Nebraskas Sandhills - - 2 years ago

@disabledsenior: From 1999: Roger Welsch on a golf course in Nebraskas Sandhills - - 2 years ago

@AgileTribune: From 1999: Roger Welsch on a golf course in Nebraska’s Sandhills - 2 years ago

@GoNewsDaily1: Roger Welsch on a golf course in Nebraska’s Sandhills - 2 years ago

@AneelaMalic: What Was Roger Welsch Cause Of Death? Nebraska Storyteller Died Aged 85 - 2 years ago

@LAmobslugger: From 1999: Roger Welsch on a golf course in Nebraska's Sandhills CBS Sunday Morning - 2 years ago

@UPresss: From 1999: Roger Welsch on a golf course in Nebraska’s Sandhills - 2 years ago

@usasharenews: From 1999: Roger Welsch on a golf course in Nebraska’s Sandhills - 2 years ago

@UnivNebPress: RT @JournalStarNews: Roger Welsch, Nebraska’s most famous humorist and storyteller and a contributor to "CBS Sunday Morning," died Friday a… - 2 years ago

@Shpetim21816405: Roger Welsch on a golf course in Nebraska’s Sandhills - 2 years ago

@jlitwinetz: From 1999: Roger Welsch on a golf course in Nebraska's Sandhills - 2 years ago

@wzmq19: From 1999: Roger Welsch on a golf course in Nebraska's Sandhills - 2 years ago

@WorldWideTweet3: From 1999: Roger Welsch on a golf course in Nebraska's Sandhills - - 2 years ago

@WholeStory_news: From 1999: Roger Welsch on a golf course in Nebraska’s Sandhills - 2 years ago

@LatestN72062740: From 1999: Roger Welsch on a golf course in Nebraska’s Sandhills - 2 years ago

@vickinanfito: With humor, tall tales and postcards, Roger Welsch aired his love for Nebraska - 2 years ago

@ChadradRadio: Nebraska Humorist, Author Roger Welsch Passes At Age 85 - 2 years ago

@004nino: RIP 27 943) #American #Nebraska #storyteller #Roger #Welsch #dies #September 30, 2022 at 85 - 2 years ago

@TomWFerguson2: WISH I STILL HAD the photo I once shot of the Dannebrog Country Club. It would well illustrate Roger's passing. You… - 2 years ago

@asanderford: RT @NE_Examiner: LINCOLN — Roger Welsch, a master spinner of tales about rural Nebraska, died Friday after announcing Tuesday he was enteri… - 2 years ago

@olitetv: What Was Roger Welsch Cause Of Death? Nebraska Storyteller Died Aged 85 ‣ NewzAcid - 2 years ago

@SnowflakeKA: RT @KenSiemek: Thinking of my longtime friend Roger Welsch at this hour...THE greatest regret of my 40+ years in broadcasting was turning d… - 2 years ago

@SnowflakeKA: RT @NebPubMediaNews: Roger Welsch, a renowned Nebraska author, humorist and folklorist, died today. Welsch was known for his CBS segment an… - 2 years ago

@dylanjamesoff: Not many people in my circle know who Roger Welsch was, but CBS Sunday Morning (my favorite show) fans will remembe… - 2 years ago

@dannymacny: On page 210 of 272 of Embracing Fry Bread, by Roger L. Welsch - 2 years ago

@MediacellUsa: What Was Roger Welsch Cause Of Death? Nebraska Storyteller Died Aged 85 - 2 years ago

@USAMediaCell1: What Was Roger Welsch Cause Of Death? Nebraska Storyteller Died Aged 85 - 2 years ago

@OWHnews: Over more than a dozen years, CBS would air nearly 200 of Roger Welsch’s jovial postcard segments, introducing Nebr… - 2 years ago

@ajjohnsonhnps: RT @theindependent: Roger Welsch, Nebraska’s most famous humorist and storyteller and a prominent Native activist, died Friday at his home… - 2 years ago

@CarrieHOlerich: With humor, tall tales and postcards, Roger Welsch aired his love for Nebraska - 2 years ago

@kelly_owner: RIP Roger, thank you for all the stories and the laughs! With humor, tall tales and postcards, Roger Welsch aired… - 2 years ago

@marknyt: Nebraska's most famous storyteller, Roger Welsch dead at 85 - 2 years ago

@ngnews_247: Roger Welsch Cause of Death: What Happened, How Did Roger Welsch Die? - 2 years ago

@SSpiehs: RT @_silversmith: If you're a Nebraskan, and you've been friends with folks like Paul Fell & Roger Welsch as long as I have, this one hurts… - 2 years ago

@HenryCordes: RT @OWHnews: Roger Welsch, a bib overall-wearing, tractor-loving folklorist and humorist, reached a national television audience with Sunda… - 2 years ago

@cathy_gabell: Nebraska's most famous storyteller, Roger Welsch dead at 85 - 2 years ago

@mrbadura: RT @_silversmith: If you're a Nebraskan, and you've been friends with folks like Paul Fell & Roger Welsch as long as I have, this one hurts… - 2 years ago

@Lorieelle89: RT @LeftIsRightInNE: “Unable to live a life with joy and freedom in it, some people try to snuff out whatever other expressions of joy and… - 2 years ago

@RavinDave: - 2 years ago

@anneheps: Willa Cather made Nebraska iconic; Roger Welsch made it iconically funny. - 2 years ago

@nebraskaoutback: RIP Roger Welsch. Your wit, wisdom and compassion was desperately needed in this world today and will be greatly mi… - 2 years ago

@rgarton79: Well shit. - 2 years ago

@308plainsman: RT @NebPubMediaNews: Roger Welsch, a renowned Nebraska author, humorist and folklorist, died today. Welsch was known for his CBS segment an… - 2 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @deadpeoplecom: Roger Welsch, you will be missed - #RogerWelsch #Roger #Welsch #rip - 2 years ago

@308plainsman: RT @tplynch2: Sigh: Nebraska's most famous storyteller, Roger Welsch dead at 85 - 2 years ago

@SciTalker: “He and Linda, his wife, decided to give the land back to the Pawnee, who needed a place to bury the repatriated re… - 2 years ago

@K8Nebraska: RT @NLC_News: This week's #BookFace is for a very special Nebraska author, Roger Welsch. We wanted to highlight his many works in our colle… - 2 years ago

@jimpurcell: RT @carsonvaughan: Sad news today from #Nebraska. When I was in middle school, I found a wrinkled copy of Roger Welsch's "It's Not the End… - 2 years ago

@LeftIsRightInNE: “Unable to live a life with joy and freedom in it, some people try to snuff out whatever other expressions of joy a… - 2 years ago

@LeftIsRightInNE: RIP Mr. Welsch. Thank you for teaching us. Common Ground Cox #3 Roger Welch - YouTube - 2 years ago

@TCPorter777: RT @1011_News: Roger Welsch, a humorist and master spinner of tales about rural Nebraska life, died Friday, according to Nebraska Public Me… - 2 years ago

@ikceya: RT @louiesheridanjr: Relatives, I give you Tè-nu’-gah gahi, Bull Buffalo Chief, as adopted into the Inkè sabè (Buffalo Clan) of the Omaha.… - 2 years ago

@SingingDogz: This one kind of hurts - 2 years ago

@NebraskaSower: RT @NLC_News: This week's #BookFace is for a very special Nebraska author, Roger Welsch. We wanted to highlight his many works in our colle… - 2 years ago

@NebraskaSower: RT @louiesheridanjr: Relatives, I give you Tè-nu’-gah gahi, Bull Buffalo Chief, as adopted into the Inkè sabè (Buffalo Clan) of the Omaha.… - 2 years ago

@NebraskaSower: RT @NebPubMediaNews: Roger Welsch, a renowned Nebraska author, humorist and folklorist, died today. Welsch was known for his CBS segment an… - 2 years ago

@GangloSaxon: RT @PowersFor: Nebraska's most famous storyteller, Roger Welsch dead at 85 - 2 years ago

@PowersFor: Nebraska's most famous storyteller, Roger Welsch dead at 85 - 2 years ago

@johnrwalter: - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Roger Welsch, you will be missed - #RogerWelsch #Roger #Welsch #rip - 2 years ago

@KSNBLocal4: Roger Welsch, spinner of tall tales about Nebraska and tractors, dies at 85 - 2 years ago

@Mark_Schlamann: Roger Welsch, spinner of tall tales about Nebraska and tractors, dies at 85 - 2 years ago

@Channel8ABC: Welsch was best known for his “Postcards from Nebraska” segments that he used to produce for the “Sunday Morning” s… - 2 years ago

@MissysDayOff: RT @1011_News: Roger Welsch, a humorist and master spinner of tales about rural Nebraska life, died Friday, according to Nebraska Public Me… - 2 years ago

@1011_News: Roger Welsch, a humorist and master spinner of tales about rural Nebraska life, died Friday, according to Nebraska… - 2 years ago

@KNOPTV: Roger Welsch, spinner of tall tales about Nebraska and tractors, dies at 85 - 2 years ago

@NBCScottsbluff: Roger Welsch, spinner of tall tales about Nebraska and tractors, dies at 85 - 2 years ago

@breed88: Roger Welsch, spinner of tall tales about Nebraska and tractors, dies at 85 - 2 years ago

@BohunkHusker: RT @JournalStarNews: Roger Welsch, Nebraska’s most famous humorist and storyteller and a contributor to "CBS Sunday Morning," died Friday a… - 2 years ago

@ChimperScott: RT @BobWrightUNL: - 2 years ago

@FixnandFarming: RT @BobWrightUNL: - 2 years ago

@dadpov: Roger Welsch, spinner of tall tales about Nebraska and tractors, dies at 85 - 2 years ago

@soulgranger: RT @OWHnews: Roger Welsch, a bib overall-wearing, tractor-loving folklorist and humorist, reached a national television audience with Sunda… - 2 years ago

@chrishardingth1: RT @carsonvaughan: Sad news today from #Nebraska. When I was in middle school, I found a wrinkled copy of Roger Welsch's "It's Not the End… - 2 years ago

@BobWrightUNL: - 2 years ago

@BellevueLeader: Roger Welsch, a bib overall-wearing, tractor-loving folklorist and humorist, reached a national television audience… - 2 years ago

@GretnaBreeze: Roger Welsch, a bib overall-wearing, tractor-loving folklorist and humorist, reached a national television audience… - 2 years ago

@PapillionTimes: Roger Welsch, a bib overall-wearing, tractor-loving folklorist and humorist, reached a national television audience… - 2 years ago

@OWHnews: Roger Welsch, a bib overall-wearing, tractor-loving folklorist and humorist, reached a national television audience… - 2 years ago

@JournalStarNews: Nebraska's most famous storyteller, Roger Welsch dead at 85 - 2 years ago

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