Roger Quigley

British singer and songwriter.
Died on Thursday August 20th 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Roger Quigley:

@jsanchezmarins: “1969 till God knows when”. Doncs fins 2020. Roger Quigley s’ha mort. - 5 years ago

@AngelOBrien0: Justin Townes Earle, Robert C Laws, Sandy Lipton, Gary Reynolds, Todd Nance, Lou Ragland, Ben Cross, Michael Diven,… - 5 years ago

@Adrian_in_Brum: RT @Tim_Burgess: We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier brothers at 8pm (U.K. time). In memory of Roger Quigley No twee… - 5 years ago

@cristianreano: RT @Tim_Burgess: We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier brothers at 8pm (U.K. time). In memory of Roger Quigley No twee… - 5 years ago


@thetoyclubs: RT @GMAssistance: Homage To Roger Quigley The Montgolfier Brother Philippe Ramette Éloge De La Paresse I Chromogenic Print 2000 - 5 years ago

@thetoyclubs: RT @GMAssistance: Homage To Roger Quigley Une Chanson Du Crépuscule The Montgolfier Brother(s) Vespertine VES09 Sounds . Mark Tranmer & R… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Burgess: RT @japersquigley: On behalf of all the Quigley family, thank you all for joining us to hear Roger Quigley's music (and of course @marktran… - 5 years ago

@japersquigley: On behalf of all the Quigley family, thank you all for joining us to hear Roger Quigley's music (and of course… - 5 years ago

@GMAssistance: Homage To Roger Quigley The Montgolfier Brother Philippe Ramette Éloge De La Paresse I Chromogenic Print 2000… - 5 years ago

@GMAssistance: Homage To Roger Quigley Une Chanson Du Crépuscule The Montgolfier Brother(s) Vespertine VES09 Sounds . Mark Tranm… - 5 years ago

@dogmandave: Roger Quigley [1969-2020] I have been playing ‘at swim with two birds’ returning to the scene of the crime & before… - 5 years ago

@Morose68: RT @Tim_Burgess: We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier brothers at 8pm (U.K. time). In memory of Roger Quigley No twee… - 5 years ago

@elenac: RT @Tim_Burgess: We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier brothers at 8pm (U.K. time). In memory of Roger Quigley No twee… - 5 years ago

@japersquigley: RT @Tim_Burgess: We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier brothers at 8pm (U.K. time). In memory of Roger Quigley No twee… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Burgess: RT @Tim_Burgess: We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier brothers at 8pm (U.K. time). In memory of Roger Quigley No twee… - 5 years ago

@LlSTENlNG_PARTY: RT @Tim_Burgess: We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier brothers at 8pm (U.K. time). In memory of Roger Quigley No twee… - 5 years ago

@WrigleyQuigley: RT @Tim_Burgess: We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier brothers at 8pm (U.K. time). In memory of Roger Quigley No twee… - 5 years ago

@pipquigles: RT @Tim_Burgess: We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier brothers at 8pm (U.K. time). In memory of Roger Quigley No twee… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Burgess: We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier brothers at 8pm (U.K. time). In memory of Roger Quigley - 5 years ago

@behappydadda: wonderful tribute to Roger Quigley :-) - 5 years ago

@MickeyStrabane: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@bronscarebear: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Burgess: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@TudorGwynn1: Sharing my favorite Montgolfier Brothers track. Entitled Journey's End it's posted in memory of the wonderful Roge… - 5 years ago

@DrP_Manc: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@FlannOBrienSoc: RT @FlannOBrienSoc: RIP Roger Quigley, who recorded 3 albums under the moniker ‘At Swim-Two-Birds’ (Quigley’s Point, 2003; Returning to the… - 5 years ago

@japersquigley: Tomorrow, 8pm, @Tim_Burgess #TimsTwitterListeningParty as we remember my uncle Roger Quigley's beautiful musical le… - 5 years ago

@slimhiney: RIP Roger Quigley. Very sad news. - 5 years ago

@Roger_Bullock_J: RT @kylegriffin1: Illinois Rep. Mike Quigley introduced the Reducing Nefarious Crimes Act on Tuesday to "increase penalties for violating t… - 5 years ago

@sona_joshi_: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@pigmentomusic: Assieme a Mark Tranmer nei meravigliosi the Montgolfier Brothers o in progetti altrettanto prodigiosi come At Swim… - 5 years ago

@pigmentomusic: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@Lloyd67: @Tim_Burgess wonderful gesture Tim in support of Roger Quigley . His brother Pearce is me bestie and he’s hugely mo… - 5 years ago

@behappydadda: RT @FlannOBrienSoc: RIP Roger Quigley, who recorded 3 albums under the moniker ‘At Swim-Two-Birds’ (Quigley’s Point, 2003; Returning to the… - 5 years ago

@marktranmer: RT @FlannOBrienSoc: RIP Roger Quigley, who recorded 3 albums under the moniker ‘At Swim-Two-Birds’ (Quigley’s Point, 2003; Returning to the… - 5 years ago

@FlannOBrienSoc: RT @SimonFarrier1: Roger Quigley Rest In Peace 🖤 Things We'll Never Do by At Swim Two Birds - 5 years ago

@FlannOBrienSoc: RT @trecebis: Me quedo en shock con la repentina muerte de Roger Quigley a los 51 años. Tuve la suerte de verle en directo con sus dos proy… - 5 years ago

@FlannOBrienSoc: RT @Hochimilk: Me acabo de enterar de la muerte de Roger Quigley (At Swim Two Birds, The Montgolfier Brothers), un mancuaniano que hizo dis… - 5 years ago

@FlannOBrienSoc: RT @dogmandave: In memory and respect of the late Roger PM Quigley [1969-2020] I played his music ‘at swim with two birds’ (returning to th… - 5 years ago

@FlannOBrienSoc: RIP Roger Quigley, who recorded 3 albums under the moniker ‘At Swim-Two-Birds’ (Quigley’s Point, 2003; Returning to… - 5 years ago

@WaldoKanto: RT @SBO_mag: Si la vie de Roger Quigley (1969-2020) avait été un roman… 🖊️ @BenjaminBerton - 5 years ago

@jill_quigley: @Tim_Burgess Hi Tim I believe that you're going to play Roger Quigleys music on 28/08 where can I listen to it please? - 5 years ago

@vetchinsky: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@WaldoKanto: RT @WaldoKanto: RIP Roger Patrick Martin Quigley 1969 - 2020 - 5 years ago

@CHSOCIOLOGY: RT @jonathancoe: This Guardian piece by Alan McGee rightly wonders why they weren’t bigger. Every Smiths fan, for a start, should have foun… - 5 years ago

@incapopups: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@WaldoKanto: RT @WaldoKanto: Roger Quigley - A Kind Of Loving (Audio) - 5 years ago

@davemoutrey: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@RebelskiMusic: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@stuartingham45: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@VeeHowarth: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@WaldoKanto: Roger Quigley - A Kind Of Loving (Audio) - 5 years ago

@Tim_Burgess: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@kevinatgrogan: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@WaldoKanto: RT @PhilippeAuclair: A friend just told me that Roger Quigley had died, at the age of 51. Remember him, remember his songs. RIP. - 5 years ago

@GBWhalley: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@WaldoKanto: RT @marktranmer: Roger Patrick Martin Quigley 1969 - 2020 Rest In Peace. Here is Roger with one of his Jacques Tati paintings, which wa… - 5 years ago

@WaldoKanto: RIP Roger Patrick Martin Quigley 1969 - 2020 - 5 years ago

@StevieSorrell: RT @pipquigles: RIP Roger Quigley, my baby brother. Taken from us yesterday, your beautiful music is breaking my heart today - 5 years ago

@mrcubicle: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@BCNVT: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@HOME_mcr: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@JenniWillows: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@ruth_clark: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@andygdesign: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@rubylittleCDLP: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@Twopants68: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@georgiaquigleyx: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@flealick_tweets: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@slimhiney: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@xtofallabout: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@RowleyfileRRR: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Burgess: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@KarmaKarte: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@onederlandt: @marktranmer So sad... Wonderful Montgolfier Brothers. So rest in peace Roger Quigley - 5 years ago

@WrigleyQuigley: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@hidakatoru: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@LlSTENlNG_PARTY: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@Rus79Cohle: RT @palmera_smith: RIP Roger Quigley. Junto a Mark Tranmer hizo uno de los discos mas bonitos que he escuchado en mi vida y que mas me han… - 5 years ago

@chyamonmon999: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@petepaphides: RT @Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigley from… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Burgess: Friday August 28th 8pm (U.K. time) We’ll be listening to Seventeen Stars by The Montgolfier Brothers. Roger Quigle… - 5 years ago

@RomuRocks: RT @RomuRocks: Nous avons appris avec tristesse, le décès le 18 août, du songwriter anglais Roger Patrick Martin Quigley Auteur de quelque… - 5 years ago

@marktranmer: RT @RomuRocks: Nous avons appris avec tristesse, le décès le 18 août, du songwriter anglais Roger Patrick Martin Quigley Auteur de quelque… - 5 years ago

@RomuRocks: Nous avons appris avec tristesse, le décès le 18 août, du songwriter anglais Roger Patrick Martin Quigley Auteur d… - 5 years ago

@AlexMagicpop: Muere el cantautor Roger Quigley - 5 years ago

@AnnetteBoardma4: RT @pipquigles: RIP Roger Quigley, my baby brother. Taken from us yesterday, your beautiful music is breaking my heart today - 5 years ago

@marktranmer: RT @MusicMmusic: Disco del Día: The Montgolfier Brothers / "Seventeen Stars" (2000) - D.E.P. Roger Quigley - - 5 years ago

@georgiaquigleyx: RT @japersdizzle: Gorgeous take of one of Roger's earliest songs. Amazing to hear how his sound matured compared to his original. Beautiful… - 5 years ago

@japersdizzle: Gorgeous take of one of Roger's earliest songs. Amazing to hear how his sound matured compared to his original. Bea… - 5 years ago

@MusicMmusic: Disco del Día: The Montgolfier Brothers / "Seventeen Stars" (2000) - D.E.P. Roger Quigley - - 5 years ago

@dogmandave: In memory and respect of the late Roger PM Quigley [1969-2020] I played his music ‘at swim with two birds’ (returni… - 5 years ago

@rigalalexandre: - 5 years ago

@ElTelescopio: @CAyneto Respuesta 2. Esta semana me ha entristecido mucho la muerte de Roger Quigley, y me he encontrado este disc… - 5 years ago

@palmera_smith: RT @jonathancoe: This Guardian piece by Alan McGee rightly wonders why they weren’t bigger. Every Smiths fan, for a start, should have foun… - 5 years ago

@SimonFarrier1: @RichardS7370 @marktranmer @Wilco @DotAllisonmusic Sadly, Roger Quigley died this week. It's in my top 10 albums of all time - 5 years ago

@the0_9: Roger Quigley  (17 March 1969 – 18 August 2020) - 5 years ago

@mrsjackD: Fancy Dress Friday Frida Kahlo a beautiful artist, dedicated to Roger Quigley a beautiful artist and wonderful frie… - 5 years ago

@Mastemann: RT @palmera_smith: RIP Roger Quigley. Junto a Mark Tranmer hizo uno de los discos mas bonitos que he escuchado en mi vida y que mas me han… - 5 years ago

@petepaphides: RT @sferg100: Our Roger from @HOME_mcr gets an obituary in El Pais: Muere a los 51 años Roger Quigley, voz sensible del ‘indie’ británico… - 5 years ago

@BatirRecords: RT @DavidGTorrijos: Hoy me enteré del fallecimiento de Róger Quigley... Jo.. Lo que habré escuchado esto y lo que disfruté sus conciertos..… - 5 years ago

@DavidGTorrijos: Hoy me enteré del fallecimiento de Róger Quigley... Jo.. Lo que habré escuchado esto y lo que disfruté sus conciert… - 5 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Cultural events organizer Joan Small; MLB's Howie Judson; actor Manuel Gallardo; singer Valen… - 5 years ago

@lovejoy_dick: RT @jonathancoe: This Guardian piece by Alan McGee rightly wonders why they weren’t bigger. Every Smiths fan, for a start, should have foun… - 5 years ago

@SimonFarrier1: RT @jonathancoe: Have spent the last couple of hours listening to The Montgolfier Brothers, whose singer and lyricist Roger Quigley passed… - 5 years ago

@SimonFarrier1: RT @jonathancoe: This Guardian piece by Alan McGee rightly wonders why they weren’t bigger. Every Smiths fan, for a start, should have foun… - 5 years ago

@withalittleluck: Little behind with the news, just heard of the sad passing of Roger Quigley. Seventeen Stars takes me back to my ea… - 5 years ago

@JavierH91522868: @GustavoUltrapop En verdad cumplí la consigna, Polémica en el bar, ahora hablando de capa, la mía está caída murió… - 5 years ago

@ColletteWalsh: RT @jonathancoe: This Guardian piece by Alan McGee rightly wonders why they weren’t bigger. Every Smiths fan, for a start, should have foun… - 5 years ago

@ColletteWalsh: RT @jonathancoe: So sad to hear that Roger Quigley, brilliant singer-songwriter for #AtSwimTwoBirds and #TheMontgolfierBrothers has died ag… - 5 years ago

@palmera_smith: RIP Roger Quigley. Junto a Mark Tranmer hizo uno de los discos mas bonitos que he escuchado en mi vida y que mas me… - 5 years ago

@Hochimilk: Me acabo de enterar de la muerte de Roger Quigley (At Swim Two Birds, The Montgolfier Brothers), un mancuaniano que… - 5 years ago

@lemaris: @mlucamo Ya, hacía años que no oía los discos de Roger Quigley y canciones tan bonitas como ésta, qué pena que me h… - 5 years ago

@WrigleyQuigley: RT @otto_smart: The World is Flat (Quigley/Tranmer) performed by Otto Smart The world just got a bit… - 5 years ago

@SimonFarrier1: RT @otto_smart: The World is Flat (Quigley/Tranmer) performed by Otto Smart The world just got a bit… - 5 years ago

@marktranmer: RT @otto_smart: The World is Flat (Quigley/Tranmer) performed by Otto Smart The world just got a bit… - 5 years ago

@rhamilton54: RT @sferg100: Our Roger from @HOME_mcr gets an obituary in El Pais: Muere a los 51 años Roger Quigley, voz sensible del ‘indie’ británico… - 5 years ago

@catharinebee: RT @sferg100: Our Roger from @HOME_mcr gets an obituary in El Pais: Muere a los 51 años Roger Quigley, voz sensible del ‘indie’ británico… - 5 years ago

@sferg100: Our Roger from @HOME_mcr gets an obituary in El Pais: Muere a los 51 años Roger Quigley, voz sensible del ‘indie’… - 5 years ago

@harleynicky: Sending love to family and friends of Roger Quigley of @montgolfiers . What an incredible talent. This song remains… - 5 years ago

@otto_smart: The World is Flat (Quigley/Tranmer) performed by Otto Smart The world just g… - 5 years ago

@fanambulista: RT @GREENUFOS: Fallece Roger Quigley a los 51 años de edad. El músico inglés, líder de AT SWIM TWO BIRDS y cantante de The Montgolfier Bro… - 5 years ago

@trecebis: Me quedo en shock con la repentina muerte de Roger Quigley a los 51 años. Tuve la suerte de verle en directo con su… - 5 years ago

@RowleyfileRRR: @Peaky76 Do you know of the band The Montgolfier Brothers? If you don't, well worth the effort IMO. Singer/songwrit… - 5 years ago

@SimonFarrier1: RT @m_w_s_y: "If I sit still and close my eyes / You haven't gone, you're by my side". R.I.P. Roger Quigley, your songs will always remain. - 5 years ago

@ciesaro: RIP ROGER QUIGLEY! - 5 years ago

@AbSpaghetti: RT @jonathancoe: So sad to hear that Roger Quigley, brilliant singer-songwriter for #AtSwimTwoBirds and #TheMontgolfierBrothers has died ag… - 5 years ago

@AbSpaghetti: RT @marktranmer: Roger Patrick Martin Quigley 1969 - 2020 Rest In Peace. Here is Roger with one of his Jacques Tati paintings, which wa… - 5 years ago

@frangayo: Acabo d enterarme d la muerte d Roger Quigley, dios qué pena... cuando Mus existían coincidimos en algún escenario,… - 5 years ago

@SobreAsCousas: Adeus a Roger Quigley, quizais o noso favorito de todos aqueles tristes. - 5 years ago

@EvaMayorIsaac1: Muy triste esta noticia. Nos deja maravillas como esta - 5 years ago

@SimonFarrier1: Roger Quigley Rest In Peace 🖤 Things We'll Never Do by At Swim Two Birds - 5 years ago

@mundosdejosete: Muere a los 51 años Roger Quigley, voz sensible del ‘indie’ británico de los 90 - 5 years ago

@georgiaquigleyx: RT @m_w_s_y: "If I sit still and close my eyes / You haven't gone, you're by my side". R.I.P. Roger Quigley, your songs will always remain. - 5 years ago

@georgiaquigleyx: RT @SimonFarrier1: Roger Quigley 1969 - 2020 … A Kind of Loving by At Swim Two Birds - 5 years ago

@georgiaquigleyx: RT @HOME_mcr: We’re heartbroken to have to share that our friend and colleague Roger Quigley has passed away. Roger was a much-loved member… - 5 years ago

@SimonFarrier1: RT @WrigleyQuigley: Facebook and Twitter are alive with Roger Quigley. Full of love for him, his art, music, politics, humour, gentleness,… - 5 years ago

@cesarmejias: RT @GusIglesiasR3: Me he acordado de las dos veces que tuvimos el placer de recibir a Roger Quigley en @HETradio3: En 2010, al frente de At… - 5 years ago

@AnnetteBoardma4: RT @marktranmer: Roger Patrick Martin Quigley 1969 - 2020 Rest In Peace. Here is Roger with one of his Jacques Tati paintings, which wa… - 5 years ago

@marktranmer: RT @alta_fidelidad: Fallece Roger Quigley, de The Montgolfier Brothers - 5 years ago

@alta_fidelidad: Fallece Roger Quigley, de The Montgolfier Brothers - 5 years ago

@marktranmer: RT @GusIglesiasR3: Me he acordado de las dos veces que tuvimos el placer de recibir a Roger Quigley en @HETradio3: En 2010, al frente de At… - 5 years ago

@garagem: Homenagem a Roger Quigley. - 5 years ago

@mikergough: Followed Roger Quigley's music when he was active in 00s from 17 Stars to Before you Left. Great memories in Manc v… - 5 years ago

@oscarhaboni: RT @CelebrityDead2: Roger Quigley  Fue un cantante y compositor de Inglaterra y la mitad del dúo del grupo indie pop The Montgolfier Brothe… - 5 years ago

@ThomasTallis8: RIP Roger Quigley At Swim Two Birds The Montgolfier Brothers RPM Quigley - 5 years ago

@Vicky12929879: RT @elpais_cultura: El músico y compositor, protagonista de la escena 'indie' británica de finales de los 90 por los proyectos At Swim Two… - 5 years ago

@CelebrityDead2: Roger Quigley  Fue un cantante y compositor de Inglaterra y la mitad del dúo del grupo indie pop The Montgolfier Br… - 5 years ago

@GusIglesiasR3: Me he acordado de las dos veces que tuvimos el placer de recibir a Roger Quigley en @HETradio3: En 2010, al frente… - 5 years ago

@Adrian_in_Brum: RT @WrigleyQuigley: Facebook and Twitter are alive with Roger Quigley. Full of love for him, his art, music, politics, humour, gentleness,… - 5 years ago

@VeeHowarth: @pipquigles So sad. Heart goes out to you and your family Phil. Roger was kind, funny, thoughtful and so talented… - 5 years ago

@marktranmer: RT @elpais_cultura: El músico y compositor, protagonista de la escena 'indie' británica de finales de los 90 por los proyectos At Swim Two… - 5 years ago

@jrw487: Muere a los 51 años Roger Quigley, voz sensible del ‘indie’ británico de los 90 - 5 years ago

@elpais_cultura: El músico y compositor, protagonista de la escena 'indie' británica de finales de los 90 por los proyectos At Swim… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Roger Quigley is no longer with us - #RogerQuigley #Roger #Quigley #rip - 5 years ago

@wren154: RT @jonathancoe: This Guardian piece by Alan McGee rightly wonders why they weren’t bigger. Every Smiths fan, for a start, should have foun… - 5 years ago

@GusIglesiasR3: The Montgolfier Brothers - 'Even if my mind can't tell you' (1999) (RIP Roger Quigley 😢) - 5 years ago

@attica_webzine: RT @SBO_mag: Si la vie de Roger Quigley (1969-2020) avait été un roman… 🖊️ @BenjaminBerton - 5 years ago

@mamenbaenat: Una pena - 5 years ago

@SBO_mag: Si la vie de Roger Quigley (1969-2020) avait été un roman… 🖊️ @BenjaminBerton - 5 years ago

@antonio__mc: @Jose_A_Vzqz Qué lástima lo de Roger Quigley. - 5 years ago

@xtofallabout: RT @jonathancoe: This Guardian piece by Alan McGee rightly wonders why they weren’t bigger. Every Smiths fan, for a start, should have foun… - 5 years ago

@pigmentomusic: RIP Roger Quigley The music you made with your own projects and together with Mark Tranmer (music) (the Montgolfie… - 5 years ago

@subintellectual: RT @marktranmer: Roger Patrick Martin Quigley 1969 - 2020 Rest In Peace. Here is Roger with one of his Jacques Tati paintings, which wa… - 5 years ago

@PaulSchwarte: R.I.P. Roger Quigley. === Montgolfier Brothers - Journey's End - 5 years ago

@Zorrockfest: RT @_josegallardo: Ayer nos dejó físicamente Roger Quigley (Montgolfier Brothers, At Swim Two Birds) pero simpre permanecerán con nosotros… - 5 years ago

@WrigleyQuigley: Facebook and Twitter are alive with Roger Quigley. Full of love for him, his art, music, politics, humour, gentlene… - 5 years ago

@EtienneGreib: RT @marktranmer: Roger Patrick Martin Quigley 1969 - 2020 Rest In Peace. Here is Roger with one of his Jacques Tati paintings, which wa… - 5 years ago

@OscarinDom_gu: Muere Roger Quigley de At Swim Two Birds y The Montgolfier Brothers - 5 years ago

@RebelskiMusic: Such sad news to hear of the passing of Roger Quigley. I had the great pleasure of working with him on two of my tr… - 5 years ago

@jenesaispop: RT @elenac: Roger Patrick Martin Quigley. Medio The Montgolfier Brothers. Una tristeza de noticia. Guardo recuerdos especiales en los que a… - 5 years ago

@xAvr_g: RT @popnews: Disparition de Roger Quigley : - 5 years ago

@xAvr_g: Roger Quigley - A Kind Of Loving (Audio) - 5 years ago

@_josegallardo: Ayer nos dejó físicamente Roger Quigley (Montgolfier Brothers, At Swim Two Birds) pero simpre permanecerán con noso… - 5 years ago

@SNolasi: Muere Roger Quigley de At Swim Two Birds y The Montgolfier Brothers - 5 years ago

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