Roger Moore

English actor (James Bond
Died on Tuesday May 23rd 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Roger Moore:

@shopping4all101: JAMES BOND 007 LIVE AND LET DIE ROGER MOORE REGION 2 DVD - - 8 years ago

@10entnews: BREAKING NEWS: Bond legend Sir Roger Moore has Died aged 89 - 8 years ago

@pageman: RT @elonmusk: Feel exactly the same way as A.O. Scott. Particularly loved The Spy Who Loved Me - 8 years ago

@Newsium: "With the heaviest of hearts, we must share the awful news that our father, Si..." - 8 years ago


@Broadbeak: RT @Jimllpaintit: Roger Moore's Bond having a grand reunion party with all his villains - as requested by Josman Tickle - 8 years ago

@bondsplaining: RT @bondsplaining: Entre émotion et souvenirs, nous rendons hommage à Sir Roger Moore, l'espion que nous aimons, avec @lperriot. - 8 years ago

@ahmedje1: RT @Jimllpaintit: Roger Moore's Bond having a grand reunion party with all his villains - as requested by Josman Tickle - 8 years ago

@oscarvictor83: RT @PhotosHistos: Pierce Brosnan reçoit la visite de Roger Moore sur le plateau de tournage du film GoldenEye, 1995 #histoire #cinema https… - 8 years ago

@JDoulton: This anecdote about #RogerMoore just keeps getting better as you read - 8 years ago

@gooner_1969: RT @Jimllpaintit: Roger Moore's Bond having a grand reunion party with all his villains - as requested by Josman Tickle - 8 years ago

@JOYthesunshine: RT @THR: Roger Moore remembered by Grace Jones: "A great gentleman and a great father" - 8 years ago

@ja_dunbar: RT @Jimllpaintit: Roger Moore's Bond having a grand reunion party with all his villains - as requested by Josman Tickle - 8 years ago

@AlexisB77496275: RT @Uldouz: So sad to hear about the passing or Sir Roger Moore, he was so talented & a great James Bond #RIP - 8 years ago

@TolofariPeter: #Roger #LeavesMeWanting #Moore - 8 years ago

@v3rd3acqua: RT @GiornalePop: QUANDO ROGER MOORE MI PARLÒ DI FUMETTI - 8 years ago

@RakeMagazine: Remembering Sir Roger Moore's charm, style, savoir-faire and passionate humanitarianism: - 8 years ago

@justpu_: RT @007: Bond, James Bond. Nobody does it better. We remember Sir Roger Moore. - 8 years ago

@kendickson: RT @Jimllpaintit: Roger Moore's Bond having a grand reunion party with all his villains - as requested by Josman Tickle - 8 years ago

@chrisrourke1: RT @Jimllpaintit: Roger Moore's Bond having a grand reunion party with all his villains - as requested by Josman Tickle - 8 years ago

@AEWmac: RT @Jimllpaintit: Roger Moore's Bond having a grand reunion party with all his villains - as requested by Josman Tickle - 8 years ago

@sonia9mari: RT @woodymadness: An Iconic photo of Roger Moore as the Saint, taken by my Dad Crispian Woodgate. - 8 years ago

@PeterBergin: In memory of Roger Moore, who died last week, the original poster for Moonraker (1979) as it was known upon release… - 8 years ago

@BigBadJim007: Roger Moore took this advice filming live and let die #007 - 8 years ago

@jpicquard: RT @Christophe_Co: Une anecdote absolument délicieuse sur Roger Moore : - 8 years ago

@anynamez: RT @Jimllpaintit: Roger Moore's Bond having a grand reunion party with all his villains - as requested by Josman Tickle - 8 years ago

@74Barney: RT @Jimllpaintit: Roger Moore's Bond having a grand reunion party with all his villains - as requested by Josman Tickle - 8 years ago

@theGreyMack: RT @Jimllpaintit: Roger Moore's Bond having a grand reunion party with all his villains - as requested by Josman Tickle - 8 years ago

@ygistnigeria: #Nigeria #news - James Bond star Roger Moore dies aged 89 - 8 years ago

@h9aCVzOGula9OK2: RT @LemmyKilmeister: R.I.P. Roger Moore, you were Quality, Class-Act, they don't make em like you anymore. Growing up, I couldn't wait to… - 8 years ago

@cadfael2: RT @Protect_Wldlife: Breaking News. It has just been announced that Sir Roger Moore has died. I would like to thank him for his EXCELLENT… - 8 years ago

@LogoKorean: RT @Jimllpaintit: Roger Moore's Bond having a grand reunion party with all his villains - as requested by Josman Tickle - 8 years ago

@DavidPrest1962: @trowie Sir Roger Moore's old home on Ringley Road, Whitefield. Hope this puts that one to bed Mr T 😉 - 8 years ago

@UNCBILKO: RT @Jimllpaintit: Roger Moore's Bond having a grand reunion party with all his villains - as requested by Josman Tickle - 8 years ago

@EmdunJour: RT @PhotosHistos: Pierce Brosnan reçoit la visite de Roger Moore sur le plateau de tournage du film GoldenEye, 1995 #histoire #cinema https… - 8 years ago

@jimibeavis: RT @Jimllpaintit: Roger Moore's Bond having a grand reunion party with all his villains - as requested by Josman Tickle - 8 years ago

@Nfuae8bBKJ8cGKf: RT @sirrogermoore: With the heaviest of hearts, we must share the awful news that our father, Sir Roger Moore, passed away today. We are al… - 8 years ago

@boychogoyman95: RT @curtsolo: Legit sad right now. RIP Roger Moore. - 8 years ago

@Lloydpegg: RT @Crap_Portraits: #600 It's Roger Moore. RIP 007🔫🍸 - 8 years ago

@Dont_lose_my_no: RT @007: “Roger Moore is a much better actor than he gives himself credit for… ” John Glen, Director of FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. - 8 years ago

@JC_Charbonneau: RT @PhotosHistos: Pierce Brosnan reçoit la visite de Roger Moore sur le plateau de tournage du film GoldenEye, 1995 #histoire #cinema https… - 8 years ago

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