Roger Hsieh

Taiwanese politician.
Died on Monday September 9th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Roger Hsieh:

@slculturalarts: RT @FBISDFineArts: Kudos to our 2019 Mark of Excellence/National Orchestra Honors National Winners: Fort Settlement MS Chamber, Angela Peug… - 5 years ago

@FSMSOrch: RT @FBISDFineArts: Kudos to our 2019 Mark of Excellence/National Orchestra Honors National Winners: Fort Settlement MS Chamber, Angela Peug… - 5 years ago

@FBISDFineArts: Kudos to our 2019 Mark of Excellence/National Orchestra Honors National Winners: Fort Settlement MS Chamber, Angela… - 5 years ago

@Fr3EFkp0QF7muHI: RT @ICRTNews: The Presidential Office is expressing its condolences over the death of independence activist and former senior advisor to th… - 5 years ago


@ICRTNews: The Presidential Office is expressing its condolences over the death of independence activist and former senior adv… - 5 years ago

@icopyio: Another giant passed away. RIP Roger Hsieh. #CaptainTaiwan - 5 years ago

@TaiwanEnFrance: Adieux à Roger Hsieh, pionnier de l’indépendance de Taiwan - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Roger Hsieh - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Roger Hsieh - #RogerHsieh #Roger #Hsieh #rip - 5 years ago

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