Roger Griffin

British astronomer.
Died on Thursday February 18th 2021

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Linda Burnes Bolton

Tweets related to Roger Griffin:

@veranooxd: @JosephParra_ @_JorgeAguilera @FalaciaDelDia Y Fascismo de Roger Griffin. - 4 years ago

@Peradventur3: RT @Falcon_Malteser: Fantastic 10 minute summary of fascism from Roger Griffin - 4 years ago

@Falcon_Malteser: Fantastic 10 minute summary of fascism from Roger Griffin - 4 years ago

@Astronimouse: @GustavHolmberg As far as I know, observations stopped over a year ago when Roger Griffin ceased observing. End of an era. - 4 years ago


@Falcon_Malteser: RT @Mesoy640: "Roger Griffin, the author of The Nature of Fascism and a professor of history at Oxford Brookes University, summed it up wel… - 4 years ago

@SeanDonnelly66: @doheny_r Could have been Jay P. Corrin's work? Learned a lot from his stuff. I also like Marshall Berman's 'All th… - 4 years ago

@thayne_griffin: RT @bubbaprog: Roger Marshall's argument for not raising the minimum wage is that he had a minimum wage job and it paid for his entire coll… - 4 years ago

@Dedsports: Some great walk up songs in here, but I have to give the edge to Nick Griffin's Bounce to Ounce by Zapp and Roger.… - 4 years ago

@BullMooseSoci: @Jim_Jordan The Republican Party is unrecognizable. It's a Facist party! Fascism is "a genuinely revolutionary, tr… - 4 years ago

@derechopenal19: RT @Epidemia_Ultra: 📚Nueva entrega de #LoQueHayQueLeer, con las recomendaciones de @SebaParnes, polítologo por la UBA y experto en los balc… - 4 years ago

@CamaradaAnibal: @CienciaML ¿Has leído la "Anatomía del Fascismo" de Robert O. Paxton? Me parece también muy interesante. O tambien… - 4 years ago

@baskurthasan7: Faşizm, çeşitli permütasyonları içindeki mitsel özü, popülist ultra-milliyetçiliğin palingenetik bir biçimi olan si… - 4 years ago

@Rodrigo92018116: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@emyhistoriamora: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@ACAMJunior: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@antoniocca: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@Schakofterick: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@SylvestreSergio: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@marcios2011: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@Robsonetlima: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@AgoraLuiz: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@x8qw92n: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@SJSilva01: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@Nemesisdec2012: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@msep0003: @fernandorubio81 Teniendo en cuenta que el fascismo es antiliberal per se, si , tiene mucha relación, tanta que es… - 4 years ago

@Cairo40422511: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@Gold_Danielly: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@gespeschit: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@supremacyellie: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@AdlanF1: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@henriquec_nunes: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@doutorandarilho: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@stallionfairy: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@MrKhagol: RT @exohugh: Sad news. Roger Griffin helped pioneer the field of precise radial velocities, and without his work it's doubtful the first ex… - 4 years ago

@mauriciomunhoz2: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@sansaoss: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@andrezamallaman: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@rmrmanchester64: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@alessandrovski: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@QuadroECiencia: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@JeremyNLowe62: RT @stjohnscam: Award-winning astronomer Professor Roger Griffin, who spent his career studying starlight, has died aged 85. He is credit… - 4 years ago

@MaVBsouza: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@JeremyNLowe62: RT @exohugh: Sad news. Roger Griffin helped pioneer the field of precise radial velocities, and without his work it's doubtful the first ex… - 4 years ago

@dinowilliam: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@edssonrodrigues: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@DarrylMason: RT @stjohnscam: Award-winning astronomer Professor Roger Griffin, who spent his career studying starlight, has died aged 85. He is credit… - 4 years ago

@Real_Leandrao: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@bruxa2152capri: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@Ana_Behebak: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@AstroUSP: RT @DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'correlaç… - 4 years ago

@DrJorgeMelendez: Faleceu aos 85 anos o lendário Astrônomo Professor Roger Griffin, que desenvolveu o revolucionário método de 'corre… - 4 years ago

@germanchou: RT @exohugh: Sad news. Roger Griffin helped pioneer the field of precise radial velocities, and without his work it's doubtful the first ex… - 4 years ago

@gregawashington: RT @exohugh: Sad news. Roger Griffin helped pioneer the field of precise radial velocities, and without his work it's doubtful the first ex… - 4 years ago

@FouzSiddiqui_: RT @stjohnscam: Award-winning astronomer Professor Roger Griffin, who spent his career studying starlight, has died aged 85. He is credit… - 4 years ago

@EricMamajek: RT @stjohnscam: Award-winning astronomer Professor Roger Griffin, who spent his career studying starlight, has died aged 85. He is credit… - 4 years ago

@exohugh: Sad news. Roger Griffin helped pioneer the field of precise radial velocities, and without his work it's doubtful t… - 4 years ago

@AHSBULLDOGSAD: This article has been shared around in regards to Brayden Whiting tying the school record for points in a game with… - 4 years ago

@Anarchofox40k: RT @RGravare: Vaush: "Umberto Eco has the best definition for Fascism." Being: "Pls stop. Please read some Roger Griffin." - 4 years ago

@comebackkid4723: RT @RGravare: Vaush: "Umberto Eco has the best definition for Fascism." Being: "Pls stop. Please read some Roger Griffin." - 4 years ago

@RichardGMcMahon: RT @telescoper: R.I.P. Roger Griffin (1935-2021) - 4 years ago

@RichardGMcMahon: RT @squarewheels_: My father the astronomer Professor Roger Griffin, a research scientist at Cambridge University, who ran in the London Ma… - 4 years ago

@Railith: I wouldn't buy a Peter Griffin skin, but I would consider a Roger skin. - 4 years ago

@RGravare: Vaush: "Umberto Eco has the best definition for Fascism." Being: "Pls stop. Please read some Roger Griffin." - 4 years ago

@kaufman_roger: Where did Griffin go?! Psss. Over here, by the camera #Svengoolie - 4 years ago

@Petersbrooking: @MaldenSaboteur @Rachel5742 @hill_hillbill @Bearlykat @Dissentra @FirehorseP @Socialistdawn @StephenOld… - 4 years ago

@UWMateo: Its not always what you know, but who you know. I pulled my door handle out when it was -10°, bought the part, Roge… - 4 years ago

@CarlJun74116544: @Olguiti1 @radioblowjob Si quieres Lee estos libros Griffin, Roger (1995). Fascism. Inglaterra: Oxford University P… - 4 years ago

@Alex_ohne_Zahl: @diablescat @pet_ing @FrauMaja Er könnte noch Roger Griffin lesen! Seine Thesen sind auf dem absurden Niveau, dass… - 4 years ago

@JRStartoonist92: @SethMacFarlane Have Peter Griffin or Roger do that gag - 4 years ago

@CICDC: Sign-up to receive a brief Lent reflection and spiritual challenge in your inbox every Monday during Lent from Fr.… - 4 years ago

@YouCantByum: Top animated characters of all time: 1. Stewie Griffin -Family Guy 2. Donkey -Shrek 3. Mr Incredible -The Incredibl… - 4 years ago

@fdelledonne: RT @Epidemia_Ultra: 📚Nueva entrega de #LoQueHayQueLeer, con las recomendaciones de @SebaParnes, polítologo por la UBA y experto en los balc… - 4 years ago

@AstroMikeMerri: The passing of an astronomical legend, Roger Griffin. If you have never watched @inigofilms’ excellent astronomical… - 4 years ago

@davecl42: RT @telescoper: R.I.P. Roger Griffin (1935-2021) - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Roger Griffin Death -Dead – Obituary – Cause of Death : Pioneering @Cambridge_Uni astronomer Roger Griffin has Died… - 4 years ago

@Brnikat: RT @Seb_Falk: Pioneering @Cambridge_Uni astronomer Roger Griffin has died aged 85. He developed new techniques of stellar spectroscopy, al… - 4 years ago

@rmathematicus: RT @Seb_Falk: Pioneering @Cambridge_Uni astronomer Roger Griffin has died aged 85. He developed new techniques of stellar spectroscopy, al… - 4 years ago

@yvonnenobis: RT @telescoper: R.I.P. Roger Griffin (1935-2021) - 4 years ago

@telescoper: R.I.P. Roger Griffin (1935-2021) - 4 years ago

@barbkiser: RT @Seb_Falk: Pioneering @Cambridge_Uni astronomer Roger Griffin has died aged 85. He developed new techniques of stellar spectroscopy, al… - 4 years ago

@nitpickette: RT @Seb_Falk: Pioneering @Cambridge_Uni astronomer Roger Griffin has died aged 85. He developed new techniques of stellar spectroscopy, al… - 4 years ago

@yvonnenobis: RT @Seb_Falk: Pioneering @Cambridge_Uni astronomer Roger Griffin has died aged 85. He developed new techniques of stellar spectroscopy, al… - 4 years ago

@Seb_Falk: Pioneering @Cambridge_Uni astronomer Roger Griffin has died aged 85. He developed new techniques of stellar spectr… - 4 years ago

@Spyder_Webb: RT @stjohnscam: Award-winning astronomer Professor Roger Griffin, who spent his career studying starlight, has died aged 85. He is credit… - 4 years ago

@Falcon_Malteser: But, he's populist precisely because he's on the cusp. He's supported by some fascists, but he's within the Constit… - 4 years ago

@bryn00: RT @stjohnscam: Award-winning astronomer Professor Roger Griffin, who spent his career studying starlight, has died aged 85. He is credit… - 4 years ago

@telescoper: RT @stjohnscam: Award-winning astronomer Professor Roger Griffin, who spent his career studying starlight, has died aged 85. He is credit… - 4 years ago

@warrickball: RT @stjohnscam: Award-winning astronomer Professor Roger Griffin, who spent his career studying starlight, has died aged 85. He is credit… - 4 years ago

@KarolinumBooks: RT @KarolinumPress: O fenoménu fašismu píše Roger Griffin v nové knize edice Politeia👇 - 4 years ago

@CINVED_Cord: RT @Epidemia_Ultra: 📚Nueva entrega de #LoQueHayQueLeer, con las recomendaciones de @SebaParnes, polítologo por la UBA y experto en los balc… - 4 years ago

@In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Prof. Roger Francis GRIFFIN (23 Aug. 1935 – 12 Feb. 2021), British astronomer and emeritus professor of Obse… - 4 years ago

@Pr0feser: @Comunistaflaco @MPubertarioA Fascismo es cuando control de precios. Renzo de Felice, Emilio Gentile y Roger Griffin se miran anonadados. - 4 years ago

@viriato219: @JoseGB61 @RomanoRoi Roger Griffin, otro autor q te recomiendo para hablar sabiendo del tema. Otra falacia de autoridad supongo, no? - 4 years ago

@dmarchant_z: @kristaustral77 @tere_marinovic Exacto, filosofía fascista, lo que me da la autoridad para definir la gente con esa… - 4 years ago

@Curi0usFeline: Gonna say it. I'm glad Roger Craig Smith stepped down as sonic... He sounded like a middle age man trying to fi… - 4 years ago

@Annaia3: RT @Ismaelseijo16: A Roger Griffin le haría gracia eso de Heráclito, ya que siempre recuerda la obsesión del fascismo con "la llama". - 4 years ago

@OgozalekAnthony: @kathygriffin Seth Roger helped us to say ‘fuck you’ to North Korea’s Kim Jong Un in 2014’s ‘The Interview’, Kathy… - 4 years ago

@CaterhamPrep: @GraemeCoates @oldcaterhamians Hi Graeme, Thank you for letting us know the sad news about Roger Griffin, we hadn't… - 4 years ago

@KarolinumPress: O fenoménu fašismu píše Roger Griffin v nové knize edice Politeia👇 - 4 years ago

@damasco1812: RT @Epidemia_Ultra: 📚Nueva entrega de #LoQueHayQueLeer, con las recomendaciones de @SebaParnes, polítologo por la UBA y experto en los balc… - 4 years ago

@SebaParnes: RT @Epidemia_Ultra: 📚Nueva entrega de #LoQueHayQueLeer, con las recomendaciones de @SebaParnes, polítologo por la UBA y experto en los balc… - 4 years ago

@Mesoy640: "Roger Griffin, the author of The Nature of Fascism and a professor of history at Oxford Brookes University, summed… - 4 years ago

@Epidemia_Ultra: 📚Nueva entrega de #LoQueHayQueLeer, con las recomendaciones de @SebaParnes, polítologo por la UBA y experto en los… - 4 years ago

@DiamondTrece: Peter Griffin. Bart Simpson. Roger. Wile E. Coyote. Bojack Horseman. - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Roger Griffin, you will be missed - #RogerGriffin #Roger #Griffin #rip - 4 years ago

@CabedoGonzalo: Roger Griffin y Stanley G Payne (ambos militantes del PCE) no se dejaron el lomo para identificar al fascismo como… - 4 years ago

@dobieshuman: RT @squarewheels_: My father the astronomer Professor Roger Griffin, a research scientist at Cambridge University, who ran in the London Ma… - 4 years ago

@loriadams66: RT @squarewheels_: My father the astronomer Professor Roger Griffin, a research scientist at Cambridge University, who ran in the London Ma… - 4 years ago

@Ad_dictsAds: DAB Water Technology / Memorial For Seamus Healy & Roger Griffin / Pot-Luck Competition - - 4 years ago

@susiemaryrose: RT @stjohnscam: Award-winning astronomer Professor Roger Griffin, who spent his career studying starlight, has died aged 85. He is credit… - 4 years ago

@jess_sequeira: RT @stjohnscam: Award-winning astronomer Professor Roger Griffin, who spent his career studying starlight, has died aged 85. He is credit… - 4 years ago

@unactivatesard: RT @stjohnscam: Award-winning astronomer Professor Roger Griffin, who spent his career studying starlight, has died aged 85. He is credit… - 4 years ago

@Twhittermarsh: RT @stjohnscam: Award-winning astronomer Professor Roger Griffin, who spent his career studying starlight, has died aged 85. He is credit… - 4 years ago

@squarewheels_: My father the astronomer Professor Roger Griffin, a research scientist at Cambridge University, who ran in the Lond… - 4 years ago

@gavtopley: RT @stjohnscam: Award-winning astronomer Professor Roger Griffin, who spent his career studying starlight, has died aged 85. He is credit… - 4 years ago

@stjohnscam: Award-winning astronomer Professor Roger Griffin, who spent his career studying starlight, has died aged 85. He i… - 4 years ago

@Ismaelseijo16: A Roger Griffin le haría gracia eso de Heráclito, ya que siempre recuerda la obsesión del fascismo con "la llama". - 4 years ago

@anarcaleb: @BobbertPeterson @logicbot3000 @Richwcleve @cameron_kasky I've read it lol. I imagine I've probably read a lot more… - 4 years ago

@Enby896: RT @JadeCamus96: Note: whenever I say someone or something is Fascist, I am using Umberto Eco’s Ur-Fascism or Roger Griffin’s Palingenetic… - 4 years ago

@sillymummyft: Unlike his brothers who joined the #CEF during #WW1, Roger Martin Griffin joined the arm services in his home count… - 4 years ago

@IanThompsonEd: RT @TheVoiceofAuth: The panel in full for today's webinar, 'Making Safe Spaces for Learning'. Still time to register: - 4 years ago

@epsilon_Aurigae: Virginia Trimble reports "wonderful stalwart tracker of spectroscopic binary orbits, Roger Griffin, died a few days… - 4 years ago

@kareldeparel2: @stadhouder @sloes @BasKromhout Dit onderzoek is gebaseerd op de theorie van Roger Griffin: fascisme als revolution… - 4 years ago

@TheVoiceofAuth: And we're live. Here's the panel: - @TobyFox92307507, @3fox [Chair] - Prof. Peter Barrett, @SalfordUni,… - 4 years ago

@OxfordDeptofEd: RT @TheVoiceofAuth: The panel in full for today's webinar, 'Making Safe Spaces for Learning'. Still time to register: - 4 years ago

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