Roger Becker

British tennis player.
Died on Thursday November 23rd 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Roger Becker:

@telegraphprem: Roger Becker, tennis player – obituary - 7 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Roger Becker (83) British tennis player - 7 years ago

@FloozeSorina: RT @CharlVanDieVaal: Boris Federer of Roger Becker of wat ookal - @FloozeSorina se ster skyn die helderste en haar stem word gehoor oor al… - 7 years ago

@LadyBellatrix: Becker blames Roger, Norman blames Roger, does Toni blame Roger? idk Fucking Roger. - 7 years ago


@CharlVanDieVaal: Boris Federer of Roger Becker of wat ookal - @FloozeSorina se ster skyn die helderste en haar stem word gehoor oor… - 7 years ago

@lbarnard85: RT @FloozeSorina: 6 DAYS TO GO voor DIE TENNIS TUNE op ITunes drop soos 'n nuwe tennisbôl... #Flooze en @Dirkvdw se tune gaan jou beslis la… - 7 years ago

@Dirkvdw: RT @FloozeSorina: 6 DAYS TO GO voor DIE TENNIS TUNE op ITunes drop soos 'n nuwe tennisbôl... #Flooze en @Dirkvdw se tune gaan jou beslis la… - 7 years ago

@WilnaIce: RT @FloozeSorina: 6 DAYS TO GO voor DIE TENNIS TUNE op ITunes drop soos 'n nuwe tennisbôl... #Flooze en @Dirkvdw se tune gaan jou beslis la… - 7 years ago

@FloozeSorina: 6 DAYS TO GO voor DIE TENNIS TUNE op ITunes drop soos 'n nuwe tennisbôl... #Flooze en @Dirkvdw se tune gaan jou bes… - 7 years ago

@Tac3496Ne: @apcsu_atoyr おはようございます。実はテキストに600問くらいあって、3分の1は初見じゃないからです。あと色々なサイトを見ると、Rogerは本試験より簡単(Beckerは難しい)という意見が多いので、そのせいだと思います。 - 7 years ago

@babciapat: RT @deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day,Roger Becker dies - #RogerBecker #Roger #Becker #rip - 7 years ago

@MargaretMcDPR: - 7 years ago

@TimesSport: RT @TimesObits: In the amateur era, with no prize money and only expenses on offer at tournaments, many of the top tennis players came from… - 7 years ago

@TimesObits: In the amateur era, with no prize money and only expenses on offer at tournaments, many of the top tennis players c… - 7 years ago

@SportsHLnews: #Querrey Previews Federer Vs. Zverev Clash Nitto ATP Finals 2017 has been published on Sports Headlines -… - 7 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day,Roger Becker dies - #RogerBecker #Roger #Becker #rip - 7 years ago

@fcstpauli: #Göttlich: "Wir erleben durch die neue Leitung Roger Stilz bereits erste positive Entwicklungen im NLZ. Derzeit hab… - 7 years ago

@hc_becker: RT @viktorbk: Hepp. - 7 years ago

@Flush75: RT @ATPWorldTour: Roger Federer goes 3-0 in Group Boris Becker with 6-7(5) 6-4 6-1 win over Marin CIlic. ➡️ - 7 years ago

@JasonPaulSeymo1: @UnlockTheGuitar Somthing smells in Seaside last night. Don Remeber times do change. Bond is back in town. Belive… - 7 years ago

@rcushenan: Ric & I played tonight with our amazing friends (Jay Becker, John Becker, Ken Porter, & Roger Amadio) at Fat... - 7 years ago

@bryant_becker: Remember Roger from ‘What’s Happening!’? This Is How He Looks Now! - 7 years ago

@BrutPlan: NDD (22.11.): Irena Kolesar (1925), Dimitrij Volčič (1931), Robert Vaughn (1932), Ljudmila Belousova (1935), Allen… - 7 years ago

@gwyn_becker: RT @keithboykin: Anthony Weiner is in prison. Bill Clinton was impeached. Bill O'Reilly, Roger Ailes, Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey & Mark… - 7 years ago

@InternetChandu: @CindyBlack3 1. That's obvious but it's also equally flawed. 2. He still has better percentage even after all thes… - 7 years ago

@InternetChandu: @JANE79591745 It's Novak who is an outlier actually. His % of matches against top 5 is greater than 15% while Rafa… - 7 years ago

@tomlister59: @007 @SMERSHPOD Drafted Roger Becker from Lotus in to drive the car to the max, as the stunt team couldn’t get the… - 7 years ago

@John_AKA_Becker: @JosephRemiB The fact that Roger Stone's people tweeted about it in advance doesn't help. - 7 years ago

@jeibarrola: RT @zonadeportespy: Torneo de Maestros 2017: *Semifinal 1: Roger Federer (1ro del Grupo Boris Becker) vs David Goffin (2do del Grupo Pete… - 7 years ago

@reygario: RT @WRadioColombia: #DeportesW | Roger Federer es el tenista más grande de la historia según los números: Boris Becker - 7 years ago

@Cromwell_MM: RT @ATPWorldTour: Roger Federer goes 3-0 in Group Boris Becker with 6-7(5) 6-4 6-1 win over Marin CIlic. ➡️ - 7 years ago

@RogerOurNo1: RT @ATPWorldTour: Roger Federer goes 3-0 in Group Boris Becker with 6-7(5) 6-4 6-1 win over Marin CIlic. ➡️ - 7 years ago

@kiwifreund: Visit @thegrandhand today, where #wood #artists Roger and Jackie Becker can talk you through… - 7 years ago

@kiwifreund: Visit @TheGrandHand in #StPaul #Minnesota until 3 pm to meet #artists Roger and Jackie Becker and bring home unique… - 7 years ago

@kiwifreund: Today until 3 pm @TheGrandHand in #StPaul #minnesota, wood #artists Roger & Jackie Becker w/unique ornaments & beau… - 7 years ago

@kiwifreund: Roger and Jackie Becker are #wood #artists visiting @thegrandhand until 3 pm. Besides beautiful… - 7 years ago

@kiwifreund: Visit @thegrandhand, where #wood #artists Roger and Jackie Becker are here until 3 pm… - 7 years ago

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