Roger Ailes

former Fox News CEO
Died on Thursday May 18th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Roger Ailes:

@Andrianamik: RT @Rightwingmadman: @JackPosobiec @Andrianamik Roger Ailes is truly and sorely missed. RIP - 8 years ago

@GavinLove5: RT @cenkuygur: Glad Roger Ailes lived long enough to get caught and die lonely and humiliated. That extra year of life cost him dearly. - 8 years ago

@camowolfman68: RT @billoreilly: Everyone can listen to the latest No Spin News Podcast throughout the weekend! - 8 years ago

@BBlopez102: RT @BillMoyersHQ: “Before Fox News, most people actually trusted the media,” writes Neal Gabler - 8 years ago


@RosalindJense14: RT @CalVanHouten: To avoid fighting about Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly with my grandma, we just mutually agreed that @TuckerCarlson is a f… - 8 years ago

@dynochrist: RT @dynochrist: 20 Days ago we had Bill O'Reilly, Roger Ailes, and Sean Hannity. Now those guys have no cash, no hope, and no jobs. - 8 years ago

@Coup_By_Pen: Take one of ours we take one of yours Chris Cornell : Roger Ailes Gregg Allman : Zbigniew Brzezinski - 8 years ago

@sherrymccarter: RT @Salon: The founder of the right-wing network inflicted harm on the body politic that may be impossible to heal - 8 years ago

@fowerli: @terrymendozer I see your fake news conspiracy theory and raise you 8 actually dead Russian spies and possibly Roge… - 8 years ago

@sunnyacres01: @maddow what in the world gives you the permission to trash Roger Ailes? No decency here! - 8 years ago

@MERKJONES: RT @PatriotHole: Aw, Roger, was the world not a safe enough space for you that you had to go die? Pathetic. - 8 years ago

@onlydutt: RT @jewtapper: @BasedElizabeth I guess mika-boo shouldn't have been cheering and bashing roger ailes death last week. Karma?? - 8 years ago

@RightOfLeftBlog: Bill O'Reilly, Roger Ailes, Tomi Lahren, and soon Sean Hannity. The wages of Trumpism. - 8 years ago

@rhill16: @Gingrich_of_PA I watched a little of Fox today and I had to take a double look to make sure it wasn't CNN! When Ro… - 8 years ago

@siscoen: RT @ryanalph: Since Kendrick went at Fox News on DAMN, Bill O’Riley and Sean Hannity are fired and Roger Ailes is dead. For those keeping s… - 8 years ago

@Grabnpuss: RT @ask_lorraine: Just found out Roger Ailes died. Can't wait to see him in the afterworld because I've got a knuckle sandwich waiting for… - 8 years ago

@MiaWhitaker16: RT @mwagnermusic: Tonight @dbaneworleans! 7-9pm, come here a thoughtful tribute to Chris Cornell, and a not so thoughtful tribute to Roger… - 8 years ago

@Rightwingmadman: @JackPosobiec @Andrianamik Roger Ailes is truly and sorely missed. RIP - 8 years ago

@Rindie62: 1) Roger Ailes 2) Gregg Allman 3)....................................? #RussiaGate #TrumpRussia - 8 years ago

@resistclub: - 8 years ago

@ErickPhillipps: RT @thehill: Maddow: Roger Ailes once offered to hire me 'so no one else could put me on' TV - 8 years ago

@secret08: RT @thehill: Maddow: Roger Ailes once offered to hire me 'so no one else could put me on' TV - 8 years ago

@closerange44: RT @thehill: Maddow: Roger Ailes once offered to hire me 'so no one else could put me on' TV - 8 years ago

@skarabe: Taibbi: Roger Ailes Was One of the Worst Americans Ever - 8 years ago

@backdoordrafts: RT @thehill: Maddow: Roger Ailes once offered to hire me 'so no one else could put me on' TV - 8 years ago

@JakWit: RT @thehill: Maddow: Roger Ailes once offered to hire me 'so no one else could put me on' TV - 8 years ago

@CalvinSwine905: RT @thehill: Maddow: Roger Ailes once offered to hire me 'so no one else could put me on' TV - 8 years ago

@C_Leda412: RT @thehill: Maddow: Roger Ailes once offered to hire me 'so no one else could put me on' TV - 8 years ago

@2005Cosmic: RT @thehill: Maddow: Roger Ailes once offered to hire me 'so no one else could put me on' TV - 8 years ago

@krueg_: RT @thehill: Maddow: Roger Ailes once offered to hire me 'so no one else could put me on' TV - 8 years ago

@SleihySusan: RT @thehill: Maddow: Roger Ailes once offered to hire me 'so no one else could put me on' TV - 8 years ago

@segrestcharlene: RT @thehill: Maddow: Roger Ailes once offered to hire me 'so no one else could put me on' TV - 8 years ago

@AceDailyNews: #AceNewsReport Maddow: Roger Ailes once offered to hire me ‘so no one else could put me on’ TV… - 8 years ago

@tweetygrannyno1: RT @Impeach_D_Trump: Today already -Trump witch hunt tweet -Roger Ailes died -Jason Chaffetz is resigning -Mike Flynn won't honor a subpoe… - 8 years ago

@TravarisHarpe: RT @thehill: Maddow: Roger Ailes once offered to hire me 'so no one else could put me on' TV - 8 years ago

@BenjaminoKinsey: RT @thehill: Maddow: Roger Ailes once offered to hire me 'so no one else could put me on' TV - 8 years ago

@Djloriee: RT @thehill: Maddow: Roger Ailes once offered to hire me 'so no one else could put me on' TV - 8 years ago

@AF_Lady724: RT @BillMoyersHQ: Without Fox News, the Republican Party might look different + better, argues Neal Gabler - 8 years ago

@Donna_West: RT @thehill: Maddow: Roger Ailes once offered to hire me 'so no one else could put me on' TV - 8 years ago

@frida000070: RT @thehill: Maddow: Roger Ailes once offered to hire me 'so no one else could put me on' TV - 8 years ago

@JESBulldog: RT @thehill: Maddow: Roger Ailes once offered to hire me 'so no one else could put me on' TV - 8 years ago

@Baddis1: @BillMoyersHQ - Let's stop talking about Roger Ailes and let him fade into history's dustbin next to Adolf Hitler. - 8 years ago

@JustWhatNowWhy: RT @JoyAnnReid: One last thing: before Trump took raw conservative paranoia federal, Roger Ailes and Rush Limbaugh (who Hannity is chasing)… - 8 years ago

@annika1061: Roger Ailes: The Man Who Destroyed Objectivity - 8 years ago

@jl_olanile: RT @nytimes: Monica Lewinsky, for @nytopinion: Roger Ailes’s dream was my nightmare - 8 years ago

@homegypsy: RT @thehill: Maddow: Roger Ailes once offered to hire me 'so no one else could put me on' TV - 8 years ago

@ksbedard: RT @Salon: The founder of the right-wing network inflicted harm on the body politic that may be impossible to heal - 8 years ago

@JokelahomaMic: RT @BrentBowser1337: Chris Cornell killed himself and Roger Ailes died of natural causes. That summarizes everything wrong with the world… - 8 years ago

@sachsau1: RT @Bobbie227: On Rush L today: “Negative people make healthy people sick.”-Roger Ailes - 8 years ago

@ms_msmarshas: Roger Ailes: The Man Who Destroyed the News - 8 years ago

@pachiche1: Roger Ailes Recently Offered Rachel Maddow A Job Doing Nothing - 8 years ago

@cdub67: RT @BillMoyersHQ: How Roger Ailes changed the course of American conservatism - 8 years ago

@kingfish7418: RT @thehill: Maddow: Roger Ailes once offered to hire me 'so no one else could put me on' TV - 8 years ago

@Bobbie227: On Rush L today: “Negative people make healthy people sick.”-Roger Ailes - 8 years ago

@voteglobal: RT @Salon: The founder of the right-wing network inflicted harm on the body politic that may be impossible to heal - 8 years ago

@Doyle4499: RT @sternshow: "I have so much respect for you and this is my favorite conversation, outside of my own show." @maddow on #SternShow https:/… - 8 years ago

@rieth_damon: @trhodesAZ @iaskwhynot53 The culture that elected trump is a product of Roger Ailes' creation, Fox News. Great arti… - 8 years ago

@Helens31Self: RT @thehill: Maddow: Roger Ailes once offered to hire me 'so no one else could put me on' TV - 8 years ago

@SoLun10: RT @Salon: The founder of the right-wing network inflicted harm on the body politic that may be impossible to heal - 8 years ago

@AnnaTsiamis: RT @BillMoyersHQ: How Roger Ailes changed the course of American conservatism - 8 years ago

@AdamCDesrosiers: RT @a35362: How Roger Ailes Degraded the Tone of Public Life in America - 8 years ago

@roslee0325: RT @Salon: The founder of the right-wing network inflicted harm on the body politic that may be impossible to heal - 8 years ago

@themayadecline: RT @christianmccrea: Here's the only Roger Ailes obit you need. (From a Deadspin commenter) - 8 years ago

@itsallchalkedup: RT @SopanDeb: A remarkable op-ed from @MonicaLewinsky: "Roger Ailes’s Dream Was My Nightmare" - 8 years ago

@KarylKrug: @benwizner @thedailybeast That worked for Roger Ailes, killed in his own house by sudden contact with his bathroom… - 8 years ago

@AtreiyaN7: RT @a35362: How Roger Ailes Degraded the Tone of Public Life in America - 8 years ago

@KarylKrug: Ironically, Roger Ailes was killed in his own house by a bathroom floor & a pre-existing condition. We have nothing… - 8 years ago

@KarylKrug: @thedailybeast Ironically, Roger Ailes was killed in his own house by a bathroom floor & a pre-existing condition. - 8 years ago

@Konfetka_84: @TurtlesRCool2 @mattdpearce Did he eat Roger ailes ashes to gain his power? Is it like when cartman ate kennys ashes and went crazy? - 8 years ago

@TheRevengerists: RT @SopanDeb: A remarkable op-ed from @MonicaLewinsky: "Roger Ailes’s Dream Was My Nightmare" - 8 years ago

@_laaddy: RT @_laaddy: Morre o ex-diretor da Fox News Roger Ailes - 8 years ago

@KarylKrug: @thedailybeast That certainly worked well for Roger Ailes. - 8 years ago

@1TermPresident: RT @BillMoyersHQ: “Before Fox News, most people actually trusted the media,” writes Neal Gabler - 8 years ago

@NCStillWithHer: RT @xeni: Roger Ailes' son threatens the women his dad sexually abused: “I’m coming after them and hell is coming with me.” - 8 years ago

@lastbohemians: RT @Salon: The founder of the right-wing network inflicted harm on the body politic that may be impossible to heal - 8 years ago

@jackandjill0522: RT @BillMoyersHQ: “Before Fox News, most people actually trusted the media,” writes Neal Gabler - 8 years ago

@0heavenlybeauty: RT @teigland_cindy: Rachel Maddow: Roger Ailes Offered Me Contract Not to Work - 8 years ago

@Candies1973: RT @a35362: How Roger Ailes Degraded the Tone of Public Life in America - 8 years ago

@Sanddro10: RT @Sanddro10: Morre o ex-diretor da Fox News Roger Ailes - 8 years ago

@katemccloudsays: @mtracey Roger Ailes took that trick to his grave. It was as disgusting as he was. Rot in hell - 8 years ago

@DTRTSJ: Roger Ailes Recently Offered Rachel Maddow A Job Doing Nothing - 8 years ago

@thirdeyetruth: RT @mtaibbi: Taibbi: Roger Ailes Was One of the Worst Americans Ever - Rolling Stone - 8 years ago

@HuffPostPol: Roger Ailes recently offered Rachel Maddow a job doing nothing - 8 years ago

@MFischer16: Roger Ailes’ Exit, Stage Right - 8 years ago

@Happilyretired8: RT @BillMoyersHQ: “Before Fox News, most people actually trusted the media,” writes Neal Gabler - 8 years ago

@DaveCounty: RT @KrangTNelson: RIP roger ailes - 8 years ago

@crypticcat: RT @thehill: Maddow: Roger Ailes once offered to hire me 'so no one else could put me on' TV - 8 years ago

@DemBFF: RT @BillMoyersHQ: “Before Fox News, most people actually trusted the media,” writes Neal Gabler - 8 years ago

@KaksterBrown: RT @thehill: Maddow: Roger Ailes once offered to hire me 'so no one else could put me on' TV - 8 years ago

@tz1969: RT @ashleydijon: Rachel Maddow: Roger Ailes Offered Me Contract Not to Work - 8 years ago

@christianebuddy: Roger Ailes Recently Offered Rachel Maddow A Job Doing Nothing - 8 years ago

@debjgreen1: RT @BillMoyersHQ: “Before Fox News, most people actually trusted the media,” writes Neal Gabler - 8 years ago

@TheFool37: @mtomasky @jameshohmann It's like saying the Fox News staff had a sex crime problem. No, Roger Ailes did. - 8 years ago

@indivisiblemn6: RT @thehill: Maddow: Roger Ailes once offered to hire me 'so no one else could put me on' TV - 8 years ago

@RWTrollPatrol: @FoxNews @SpecialistsFNC @RCamposDuffy @POTUS Roger Ailes Bill O'Reilly, #2 man Shine are gone Hannity and his lies… - 8 years ago

@brainboomr22: RT @BillMoyersHQ: “Before Fox News, most people actually trusted the media,” writes Neal Gabler - 8 years ago

@CathyJGaynor1: RT @BillMoyersHQ: “Before Fox News, most people actually trusted the media,” writes Neal Gabler - 8 years ago

@amirizad_dev: Roger Ailes, Robert Mueller, Chris Cornell: Your Thursday Briefing - 8 years ago

@CxB9GLxLMInlwhJ: RT @jbarro: Roger Ailes behaved egregiously toward women in his organization and changed our culture for the worse, making people dumber an… - 8 years ago

@thermodynamic: In offer to @maddow, seems like Roger Ailes believed in UBI, too. #kiddingofcourse - 8 years ago

@Jami_USA: RT @_plainspoken: In the wake of Roger Ailes Bill O'Reilly and now Sean Hannity the GOP needs to understand that real people are tired of t… - 8 years ago

@RRRDontTreadOn: RT @_plainspoken: In the wake of Roger Ailes Bill O'Reilly and now Sean Hannity the GOP needs to understand that real people are tired of t… - 8 years ago

@pami943: RT @tryan5786: @JayS2629 yeah, I would like to know this as well - I believe Fox News killed Roger Ailes by taking his job from him, I miss… - 8 years ago

@mimix3: RT @_plainspoken: In the wake of Roger Ailes Bill O'Reilly and now Sean Hannity the GOP needs to understand that real people are tired of t… - 8 years ago

@SXMPolitics: RT @SIRIUSXM: Can you see @rachelmaddow on #FoxNews? The MSNBC anchor told @sternshow that Roger Ailes made an interesting offer - 8 years ago

@BradParker_: RT @lavenderblue27: Roger Ailes: The Man Who Destroyed Objectivity - - 8 years ago

@Hadrianus: RT @BillinPortland: I got tired of waiting so I made my own Roger Ailes grave and I've been dancing on it for the last six hours. Feels so… - 8 years ago

@MisterKitzel: @happyhaptown @ErikWemple I wish I had a snappy reply at the ready, however, I've misplaced my "How To Converse Wit… - 8 years ago

@wryansmith: I will get so much glee if Fox fires Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly, and Sean Hannity in the same 12-month time span. - 8 years ago

@hellboy2112: Cartoon: Roger Ailes dies, and a celestial grip loosens... - 8 years ago

@ocwavesnet: To folks who cheer when reporters are attacked, pigly womanizer Roger Ailes is dead, just like his shitty network & career of his #1 star. - 8 years ago

@digitalcommsdan: RT @ihatejoelkim: Actually jokes on you, Roger Ailes is THRIVING in hell. - 8 years ago

@dannsdad: - 8 years ago

@sarefo: Cartoon: Roger Ailes dies, and a celestial grip loosens... - - 8 years ago

@MudBound: RT @_plainspoken: In the wake of Roger Ailes Bill O'Reilly and now Sean Hannity the GOP needs to understand that real people are tired of t… - 8 years ago

@raymondpsimon: Gabriel Sherman: "Ailes was a man who was terrified of being known." - 8 years ago

@cityatlas: @jpressler Roger Ailes was a hemophiliac whose father beat him. - 8 years ago

@allfinancialonl: Roger Ailes' Exit Stage Right - 8 years ago

@dawnstotlar: RT @_plainspoken: In the wake of Roger Ailes Bill O'Reilly and now Sean Hannity the GOP needs to understand that real people are tired of t… - 8 years ago

@capn_danger: RT @BettyBowers: Roger Ailes' tombstone will read "Here Lies Roger Ailes." It's nice that he can keep that tradition going. - 8 years ago

@brittanyalauren: RT @samswey: Trump - obstruction of justice Sessions - perjury Flynn - treason Gianforte - assault O'Reilly, Roger Ailes - sexual assault - 8 years ago

@Rqrq0B2gbFfMfs9: RT @yashar: 30. Fox stuff is blowing up because one woman had the courage to take on Roger Ailes: @GretchenCarlson. She deserves our gratit… - 8 years ago

@RepubsGoNuclear: RT @Cmort5150: @TheJeffGoldman @MCJalonick @allahpundit Welcome to the inevitable endgame of Roger Ailes, Rush Limbaugh and Faux News. It t… - 8 years ago

@FavThngs: RT @Skibunny88: @chairmanvern @RBReich @Rain7777 It's called money, just like Roger Ailes said. He didn't really necessarily agree with rig… - 8 years ago

@kat_is_in: RT @Cmort5150: @TheJeffGoldman @MCJalonick @allahpundit Welcome to the inevitable endgame of Roger Ailes, Rush Limbaugh and Faux News. It t… - 8 years ago

@HooThrwsACupcak: RT @samswey: Trump - obstruction of justice Sessions - perjury Flynn - treason Gianforte - assault O'Reilly, Roger Ailes - sexual assault - 8 years ago

@RedmondMichael: Roger Ailes: The Man Who Destroyed Objectivity - 8 years ago

@croptopless: Trump white house of roger ailes’ wife elizabeth on me to the world is a man - 8 years ago

@nosidaMurray: RT @dril: as the man who was personaly tasked with wiping roger ailes ass id just like to say theres no way im more than 40% responsible fo… - 8 years ago

@DebMellman: Monica Lewinsky Wrote a Brutal "Obituary" Dragging Roger Ailes - 8 years ago

@eli_reusch: I'm glad Roger Ailes isn't alive to see this. Oh wait. What I meant was "I'm glad Roger Ailes isn't alive." - 8 years ago

@funnyphrsehere: RT @dril: as the man who was personaly tasked with wiping roger ailes ass id just like to say theres no way im more than 40% responsible fo… - 8 years ago

@Duramadera: @DrDenaGrayson Thank Roger Ailes and Fox News for a generation's worth of conditioning these imbeciles. - 8 years ago

@JwaherH: RT @AlkamiK: نفوق روجر أيلز، مؤسس قناة Fox، ومفبرك كذبة تورط صدام في هجمات 2001 وراعي حملة غزو العراق وشرعنتها ومهاجمة معارضيها - 8 years ago

@bellarafailova: RT @samswey: Trump - obstruction of justice Sessions - perjury Flynn - treason Gianforte - assault O'Reilly, Roger Ailes - sexual assault - 8 years ago

@kirwan5085: RT @MakeItPlain: Matt Taibbi Delivers Vicious Takedown of Roger Ailes: ‘The Christopher Columbus of Hate’ #GetWoke - 8 years ago

@ILive4nCauseofU: @dingchiroptera1 @rcrocket1 @Alyssa_Milano @seanhannity @FoxNews After @billoreilly @seanhannity Roger Ailes - 8 years ago

@dhyfrs: PatriotHole: Was The COWARD Roger Ailes Not Conservative Enough To Keep From Dying? Here’s Why Your Fox News ‘Hero’… - 8 years ago

@bonomoam: RT @samswey: Trump - obstruction of justice Sessions - perjury Flynn - treason Gianforte - assault O'Reilly, Roger Ailes - sexual assault - 8 years ago

@AmeliaW44015814: RT @sixfoural: Roger Ailes died? RIP #chriscornell - you will be missed good soul. - 8 years ago

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