Rodolfo Sacco

Italian legal scholar
Died on Tuesday March 22nd 2022

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Tweets related to Rodolfo Sacco:

@iamireness: @amiamiamici sì davvero. a me non piaceva molto ma mi dispiace un sacco il trattamento che gli hanno riservato. rod… - 3 years ago

@emoustai: Intervista al Professor Salvatore Sica in memoria del Professor Rodolfo Sacco giurista, partigiano e socio dell’Acc… - 3 years ago

@NewsyKeeda: Jacqueline Teyssier and Rodolfo Sacco Passed Away, Dead and Obituary - 3 years ago

@makethewheel: @emifriends questo lo ha svalutato un sacco agli occhi dei giudici facendolo passare come il primo scemo mannaggia santo rodolfo - 3 years ago


@newzokeeda: Jacqueline Teyssier and Rodolfo Sacco Passed Away, Dead and Obituary - 3 years ago

@keedanewss: Jacqueline Teyssier and Rodolfo Sacco Passed Away, Dead and Obituary - 3 years ago

@VNViralNews: Bergen Belsen Death Reason: Jacqueline Teyssier and Rodolfo Sacco Passed Away, Dead and Obituary - 3 years ago

@EmmaGiordanoo: RT @4gn353tum1c3ll1: Posso dire una cosa brutta? I miei colleghi """giuristi""" che piangono nelle storie di instagram la morte di Rodolfo… - 3 years ago

@OrestePollicino: RT @alemannoEU: I mourn the passing of one of the best known Italian legal scholars, Rodolfo SACCO. He deeply shaped our understanding of… - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @AssoCapitant: Rodolfo Sacco s'est éteint à l'âge de 98 ans après une vie d'études. Il avait animé pendant des années avec énergie et en… - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @alemannoEU: I mourn the passing of one of the best known Italian legal scholars, Rodolfo SACCO. He deeply shaped our understanding of… - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @GforGiustice: Rodolfo Sacco, 21/11/1923 Today, one of the italian country's best known legal scholars and one of Europe's most famous c… - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @Blogcomparatum: The Academy shares with great sadness the news of the passing of Professor Rodolfo Sacco. Professor Sacco received the… - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @theitalianlawjo: Professor Rodolfo Sacco passed away at 98. Founder and first President of SIRD (Italian Society for the Research in Co… - 3 years ago

@MayaS_Garnier: RT @AssoCapitant: Rodolfo Sacco s'est éteint à l'âge de 98 ans après une vie d'études. Il avait animé pendant des années avec énergie et en… - 3 years ago

@ValrieDelaporte: RT @BBeyern: Les dernières figures de la Résistance nous quittent. Dimanche, la Française Jacqueline Teyssier, déportée à Auschwitz puis à… - 3 years ago

@theitalianlawjo: RT @theitalianlawjo: Professor Rodolfo Sacco passed away at 98. Founder and first President of SIRD (Italian Society for the Research in Co… - 3 years ago

@ChronLaw: Bergen-Belsen dead and obituary – Jacqueline Teyssier and Rodolfo Sacco – MRandom News ChronLaw Comparative Law Ne… - 3 years ago

@VoceDelTrentino: Ci ha lasciati Rodolfo Sacco: aveva istituito la facoltà di giurisprudenza e redatto le “Tesi di Trento” - - 3 years ago

@PRAMODK50420396: Bergen-Belsen lifeless and obituary – Jacqueline Teyssier and Rodolfo Sacco The Talks Today - 3 years ago

@Francis72082070: RT @BBeyern: Les dernières figures de la Résistance nous quittent. Dimanche, la Française Jacqueline Teyssier, déportée à Auschwitz puis à… - 3 years ago

@NathalieChuc: RT @BBeyern: Les dernières figures de la Résistance nous quittent. Dimanche, la Française Jacqueline Teyssier, déportée à Auschwitz puis à… - 3 years ago

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