Rod Bramblett

Auburn University broadcaster.
Died on Sunday May 26th 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Rod Bramblett:

@CFullman30: RT @grahamcarr2: Still waiting on someone to sync up Rod Bramblett's Creede Simpson call with Steven Williams hit. - 6 years ago

@ant_da_man11: RT @BR_CFB: Auburn announcer Rod Bramblett and his wife died in a car accident. His “Kick Six” call will live on forever. (via @AuburnFo… - 6 years ago

@Johnny34Z: RT @BR_CFB: Auburn announcer Rod Bramblett and his wife died in a car accident. His “Kick Six” call will live on forever. (via @AuburnFo… - 6 years ago

@grahamcarr2: Still waiting on someone to sync up Rod Bramblett's Creede Simpson call with Steven Williams hit. - 6 years ago


@SamBlum3: I asked Auburn police captain Lorenza Dorsey for an update into the investigation of the crash that killed Paula an… - 6 years ago

@timothyprogers7: Rod Bramblett, Auburn sportscaster, and wife Paula, die in tragic car accident - Today Show Rod Bramblett, Auburn s… - 6 years ago

@pavolocoTD: The Rod and Paula Bramblett memorial fundme page is now up to nearly 325K on a goal of 300K. Auburn people are a… - 6 years ago

@hallmabterranc2: RT @BR_CFB: Auburn announcer Rod Bramblett and his wife died in a car accident. His “Kick Six” call will live on forever. (via @AuburnFo… - 6 years ago

@imaugirl: RT @chris11au: Wow... My Condolences goes out to the Bramblett family, continue to pray for guidance and understanding for those they left… - 6 years ago

@imaugirl: RT @AuburnBaseball: Rod Bramblett has been a part of our program for the past 27 seasons. We are devastated by the passing of he and his w… - 6 years ago

@imaugirl: RT @SportsCenter: Rod Bramblett, the radio voice of the Auburn Tigers, and his wife, Paula, died from injuries suffered in a car crash Satu… - 6 years ago

@tyhalliburton17: RT @AuburnTigers: Rod will always be the Voice of the Auburn Tigers. Please join the Auburn Family in praying for the Bramblett family.… - 6 years ago

@OutsideTheHud: RT @OutsideTheHud: We have a new episode out!! @Best5Zach joins us again to preview the WCWS, we talk the college football stadiums on ou… - 6 years ago

@CoachJohn20: @WDEkinsaul Thank you for your follow from this LSU Tiger. Congratulations on reaching the Supers!! SEC!!! Prayers… - 6 years ago

@love_fastpitch: RT @sparks_photos: I really want to hear the story of how Rod Bramblett ended up calling a couple of softball games between Auburn and LSU… - 6 years ago

@DoubleAUB: $324k. War Eagle to that. - 6 years ago

@SouthernLady777: RT @WVTM13: WATCH LIVE: Auburn family says goodbye to Paula and Rod Bramblett - 6 years ago

@jakariembry100: RT @BR_CFB: Auburn announcer Rod Bramblett and his wife died in a car accident. His “Kick Six” call will live on forever. (via @AuburnFo… - 6 years ago

@Harrisonb23: RT @BR_CFB: Auburn announcer Rod Bramblett and his wife died in a car accident. His “Kick Six” call will live on forever. (via @AuburnFo… - 6 years ago

@AuburnReddit: Favorite Rod Bramblett One Liner? via /r/wde - 6 years ago

@LPeak3: RT @CityofAuburnAL: Today, we mourn with our community as we celebrate the lives of Rod and Paula Bramblett. The Auburn Public Library is… - 6 years ago

@Andrew_Douglas2: RT @AuburnFootball: Today we celebrate the life of Rod & Paula Bramblett. Forever Auburn Tigers. Forever Family. - 6 years ago

@Clintau24: Auburn wore special Rod Bramblett memorial decals on their hats and batting helmets for the Atlanta Regional. Mor… - 6 years ago

@GIND32: RT @SimoneEli_TV: "We could just feel Rod with us all weekend. It's a special way to finish tonight." - Auburn BSB head coach Butch Thomps… - 6 years ago

@TheKitchenDoc: My heart has been heavy ever since I heard the news about the tragic passing of Rod and Paula Bramblett. If you don… - 6 years ago

@headrick_zac: RT @JoshVitale: Butch Thompson said he believes every Auburn fan could hear Rod Bramblett's voice in their head calling Steven Williams' wa… - 6 years ago

@tea_59: The man who may have known the late Jim Fyffe and Rod Bramblett better than anyone, other than their wives, joins u… - 6 years ago

@LeedscoachF: RT @SportsCallAU: ICYMI: Our own @JayDoug2015 put together a montage of calls from Rod Bramblett over the years. Enjoy! #SportsCallAU #WarE… - 6 years ago

@LeedscoachF: RT @ByJustinLee: Butch Thompson: Ask any Auburn fan around the world, and they'll say when the ball left Steven Williams' bat "there wasn't… - 6 years ago

@debbieveach12: RT @sparks_photos: I really want to hear the story of how Rod Bramblett ended up calling a couple of softball games between Auburn and LSU… - 6 years ago

@drlauburn86: RT @SamBlum3: Butch Thompson ends his opening statement by saying there was no doubt in his mind that Rod Bramblett was with them when the… - 6 years ago

@The_BLindmanBp: RT @JoshVitale: Butch Thompson said he believes every Auburn fan could hear Rod Bramblett's voice in their head calling Steven Williams' wa… - 6 years ago

@FNUTL: RT @RebVoice: The memorial service Auburn did for Rod & Paula Bramblett was wonderful. Mary & I watched online & cried at how parallel thei… - 6 years ago

@timothyprogers7: Auburn baseball 'definitely playing for something' in Atlanta - 247Sports Auburn baseball 'definitely playing for..… - 6 years ago

@Pondwater85: RT @JoshVitale: Butch Thompson said he believes every Auburn fan could hear Rod Bramblett's voice in their head calling Steven Williams' wa… - 6 years ago

@ables_zach: RT @SimoneEli_TV: "We could just feel Rod with us all weekend. It's a special way to finish tonight." - Auburn BSB head coach Butch Thomps… - 6 years ago

@ErickLofton: RT @SimoneEli_TV: "We could just feel Rod with us all weekend. It's a special way to finish tonight." - Auburn BSB head coach Butch Thomps… - 6 years ago

@awells5: RT @_JHokanson: Oh, the call this would have been from Rod Bramblett. - 6 years ago

@kudzudawg: RT @SimoneEli_TV: "We could just feel Rod with us all weekend. It's a special way to finish tonight." - Auburn BSB head coach Butch Thomps… - 6 years ago

@sanchelli10: RT @SimoneEli_TV: "We could just feel Rod with us all weekend. It's a special way to finish tonight." - Auburn BSB head coach Butch Thomps… - 6 years ago

@SimoneEli_TV: "We could just feel Rod with us all weekend. It's a special way to finish tonight." - Auburn BSB head coach Butch… - 6 years ago

@AbigailCreed_: RT @BR_CFB: Auburn announcer Rod Bramblett and his wife died in a car accident. His “Kick Six” call will live on forever. (via @AuburnFo… - 6 years ago

@meredithalise33: RT @BR_CFB: Auburn announcer Rod Bramblett and his wife died in a car accident. His “Kick Six” call will live on forever. (via @AuburnFo… - 6 years ago

@RickKarle: This is big, and Rod & Paula Bramblett are enjoying every minute of it. @3strikes_AU @AGreeneIV @BruceFeldmanCFB… - 6 years ago

@rexcastillotv: A history making night for the @AuburnBaseball as #Back2Back Region Champs! And they continue to dedicate their acc… - 6 years ago

@zweb95: Y'all they still mention "For Rod Bramblett" in the closing dialogue at the end of the broadcast. I can't. - 6 years ago

@pceyal: @kimt205 Name him Roddy after Rod Bramblett! ❤️🐾 - 6 years ago

@mduke57: RT @AuburnFootball: Today we celebrate the life of Rod & Paula Bramblett. Forever Auburn Tigers. Forever Family. - 6 years ago

@wareagle2456: RT @JoshVitale: Butch Thompson said he believes every Auburn fan could hear Rod Bramblett's voice in their head calling Steven Williams' wa… - 6 years ago

@PCBSNews19: RT @ByJustinLee: Butch Thompson: Ask any Auburn fan around the world, and they'll say when the ball left Steven Williams' bat "there wasn't… - 6 years ago

@megbranch: RT @JoshVitale: Butch Thompson said he believes every Auburn fan could hear Rod Bramblett's voice in their head calling Steven Williams' wa… - 6 years ago

@auchamps4life: RT @jzenor: I try very hard not to be a homer _ or a hater _ of any team I cover. But it would be very hard not to root for Auburn baseball… - 6 years ago

@aubmbw: @BobbyofHomewood We were listening and totally Confused our car. Really makes you appreciate guys like Jim Fyffe and Rod Bramblett. #wde - 6 years ago

@LunchMoneyGamin: RT @BR_CFB: Auburn announcer Rod Bramblett and his wife died in a car accident. His “Kick Six” call will live on forever. (via @AuburnFo… - 6 years ago

@tngstreet: RT @SamBlum3: Butch Thompson ends his opening statement by saying there was no doubt in his mind that Rod Bramblett was with them when the… - 6 years ago

@__lin__z: RT @SamBlum3: Butch Thompson ends his opening statement by saying there was no doubt in his mind that Rod Bramblett was with them when the… - 6 years ago

@mortonnow: RT @JoshVitale: Butch Thompson said he believes every Auburn fan could hear Rod Bramblett's voice in their head calling Steven Williams' wa… - 6 years ago

@Mane_Eazy: RT @JoshVitale: Butch Thompson said he believes every Auburn fan could hear Rod Bramblett's voice in their head calling Steven Williams' wa… - 6 years ago

@StPeteTiger: .@AuburnBaseball winning it for Rod Bramblett and family with a walk off HR. #WarEagle #RoadToOmaha - 6 years ago

@JBridgesAU: RT @JoshVitale: Butch Thompson said he believes every Auburn fan could hear Rod Bramblett's voice in their head calling Steven Williams' wa… - 6 years ago

@rachelrae0218: RT @_JHokanson: Oh, the call this would have been from Rod Bramblett. - 6 years ago

@AU_Grad2000: RT @SamBlum3: Butch Thompson ends his opening statement by saying there was no doubt in his mind that Rod Bramblett was with them when the… - 6 years ago


@clay6064: RT @_JHokanson: Oh, the call this would have been from Rod Bramblett. - 6 years ago

@melanews: Tim Cook dona per il fondo commemorativo per il giornalista Rod Bramblett - 6 years ago


@wareagle33188: RT @JoshVitale: Butch Thompson said he believes every Auburn fan could hear Rod Bramblett's voice in their head calling Steven Williams' wa… - 6 years ago

@BrendaM71336882: RT @AuburnFootball: Today we celebrate the life of Rod & Paula Bramblett. Forever Auburn Tigers. Forever Family. - 6 years ago

@gracie_cook_: RT @AuburnFootball: Today we celebrate the life of Rod & Paula Bramblett. Forever Auburn Tigers. Forever Family. - 6 years ago

@quincyredmon94: RT @BR_CFB: Auburn announcer Rod Bramblett and his wife died in a car accident. His “Kick Six” call will live on forever. (via @AuburnFo… - 6 years ago

@JBozeAL: I know it has probably already been shared, but for the #AuburnFamily, one more time! Grace and Peace! Rod Bramble… - 6 years ago

@trent1110: RT @AuburnFootball: Today we celebrate the life of Rod & Paula Bramblett. Forever Auburn Tigers. Forever Family. - 6 years ago

@trent1110: RT @BR_CFB: Auburn announcer Rod Bramblett and his wife died in a car accident. His “Kick Six” call will live on forever. (via @AuburnFo… - 6 years ago

@chrisyates11: RT @cannonjw: #Auburn fans are using $109 Kick Six-themed donations to help the family of radio voice Rod Bramblett, who along with his wif… - 6 years ago

@theDrunkWook: RT @han_taylor98: Almost a week has passed since we lost Rod and Paula Bramblett, may they rest in peace. War Eagle Forever. #RideForRod ht… - 6 years ago

@LaraDiChiara: RT @han_taylor98: Almost a week has passed since we lost Rod and Paula Bramblett, may they rest in peace. War Eagle Forever. #RideForRod ht… - 6 years ago

@timothyprogers7: Auburn radio voice Rod Bramblett, wife Paula, die after car wreck - USA TODAY Auburn radio voice Rod Bramblett, wif… - 6 years ago

@AndrewFunston: RT @AuburnFootball: Today we celebrate the life of Rod & Paula Bramblett. Forever Auburn Tigers. Forever Family. - 6 years ago

@JLong2310: RT @han_taylor98: Almost a week has passed since we lost Rod and Paula Bramblett, may they rest in peace. War Eagle Forever. #RideForRod ht… - 6 years ago

@wilsonapple10: RT @AuburnFootball: Today we celebrate the life of Rod & Paula Bramblett. Forever Auburn Tigers. Forever Family. - 6 years ago

@NigelHarper1: RT @han_taylor98: Almost a week has passed since we lost Rod and Paula Bramblett, may they rest in peace. War Eagle Forever. #RideForRod ht… - 6 years ago

@loumonaco: Auburn celebrates the life of Rod and Paula Bramblett - 6 years ago

@Badford22: RT @AuburnFootball: Today we celebrate the life of Rod & Paula Bramblett. Forever Auburn Tigers. Forever Family. - 6 years ago

@voiceoflg: RT @ESPNRittenberg: “I couldn't wait to hear Rod describe something you just saw. It just sticks with you." @AlexS_ESPN was in Auburn on T… - 6 years ago

@sgriswol: RT @HueyCleve91: Classy sign-off by @PaulEllen1 at the conclusion of the @AuburnBaseball victory broadcast. “Standing in for my broadcast p… - 6 years ago

@JPattersonTV: RT @JustinHolbrock: Rod and Paula Bramblett were laid to rest yesterday, but they will be Auburn Tigers forever. Here’s a look back at just… - 6 years ago

@WRBLSports: RT @JustinHolbrock: Rod and Paula Bramblett were laid to rest yesterday, but they will be Auburn Tigers forever. Here’s a look back at just… - 6 years ago

@lemons251: RT @jeff_shearer: “They’ll be a part of Auburn forever.” 🗣@3strikes_AU on Rod & Paula Bramblett “It’s been a year of perseverance for th… - 6 years ago

@mamaeli05: RT @SimoneEli_TV: A beautiful tribute to Rod Bramblett to begin Auburn’s baseball broadcast today. Honored to hear a clip of my interview w… - 6 years ago

@DocKPBarham: RT @jeff_shearer: “They’ll be a part of Auburn forever.” 🗣@3strikes_AU on Rod & Paula Bramblett “It’s been a year of perseverance for th… - 6 years ago

@T_Cope1: RT @AuburnFootball: Today we celebrate the life of Rod & Paula Bramblett. Forever Auburn Tigers. Forever Family. - 6 years ago

@forever20: RT @karinasophia12: This is one of the most iconic sports calls in history. Rest In Peace, Rod Bramblett. You will be missed. - 6 years ago

@brodynelson89: RT @han_taylor98: Almost a week has passed since we lost Rod and Paula Bramblett, may they rest in peace. War Eagle Forever. #RideForRod ht… - 6 years ago

@RudyFB_1: RT @BR_CFB: Auburn announcer Rod Bramblett and his wife died in a car accident. His “Kick Six” call will live on forever. (via @AuburnFo… - 6 years ago

@_alyssa5_: RT @SportsCenter: Rod Bramblett, the radio voice of the Auburn Tigers, and his wife, Paula, died from injuries suffered in a car crash Satu… - 6 years ago

@chriswillardhg: RT @jeff_shearer: With their images on the video board, a moment of silence for Rod & Paula Bramblett before the @AuburnBaseball @NCAACWS r… - 6 years ago

@Campbell1534: RT @AuburnFootball: Today we celebrate the life of Rod & Paula Bramblett. Forever Auburn Tigers. Forever Family. - 6 years ago

@FOPORTA1: RT @Sports_Goofs: SG 27: 1. #AEW vs #WWE @AEWrestling 2. RIP to Bart Starr, Bill Buckner & Rod Bramblett #NFL #MLB #Auburn 3. Soft shell vs… - 6 years ago

@mdancillary: Rod Bramblett Tribute - 6 years ago

@Rscott3384: RT @AuburnFootball: Today we celebrate the life of Rod & Paula Bramblett. Forever Auburn Tigers. Forever Family. - 6 years ago

@SHZWDE: RT @jeff_shearer: “They’ll be a part of Auburn forever.” 🗣@3strikes_AU on Rod & Paula Bramblett “It’s been a year of perseverance for th… - 6 years ago

@SBNeuhoff: RT @AuburnFootball: Today we celebrate the life of Rod & Paula Bramblett. Forever Auburn Tigers. Forever Family. - 6 years ago

@UGADAWGS1998: RT @AuburnFootball: Today we celebrate the life of Rod & Paula Bramblett. Forever Auburn Tigers. Forever Family. - 6 years ago

@ChrisAndretich: RT @Clintau24: En route to their final resting places, Rod and Paula Bramblett were driven by Toomer's Corner. - 6 years ago

@AlainaCherry44: RT @han_taylor98: Almost a week has passed since we lost Rod and Paula Bramblett, may they rest in peace. War Eagle Forever. #RideForRod ht… - 6 years ago

@DJSledge12: RT @han_taylor98: Almost a week has passed since we lost Rod and Paula Bramblett, may they rest in peace. War Eagle Forever. #RideForRod ht… - 6 years ago

@VoiceofPHSBears: @Clintau24 @aburcham04 Right now Jim Fyffe and Rod Bramblett are arguing over who’s gonna do play-by-play and who’s… - 6 years ago

@lo_rainnnn: RT @han_taylor98: Almost a week has passed since we lost Rod and Paula Bramblett, may they rest in peace. War Eagle Forever. #RideForRod ht… - 6 years ago

@CFullman30: RT @E2C_Network: 🗣🎧 #PODCAST THE ROD BRAMBLETT MEMORIAL EPISODE LISTEN ➡️ Hear from #AuburnFamily members as they… - 6 years ago

@ryan_childress1: RT @AuburnFootball: Today we celebrate the life of Rod & Paula Bramblett. Forever Auburn Tigers. Forever Family. - 6 years ago

@jen_hartmann: RT @jeff_shearer: “They’ll be a part of Auburn forever.” 🗣@3strikes_AU on Rod & Paula Bramblett “It’s been a year of perseverance for th… - 6 years ago

@Jhammons18: Truly sad to hear about Rod Bramblett. Dude had a voice for Radio. Prayers to the @AuburnTigers family and especially his kids. RIP! - 6 years ago

@K_Ham256: RT @han_taylor98: Almost a week has passed since we lost Rod and Paula Bramblett, may they rest in peace. War Eagle Forever. #RideForRod ht… - 6 years ago

@skylarquimby: RT @AuburnFootball: Today we celebrate the life of Rod & Paula Bramblett. Forever Auburn Tigers. Forever Family. - 6 years ago

@Lurchie15: RT @han_taylor98: Almost a week has passed since we lost Rod and Paula Bramblett, may they rest in peace. War Eagle Forever. #RideForRod ht… - 6 years ago

@Sports_Goofs: SG 27: 1. #AEW vs #WWE @AEWrestling 2. RIP to Bart Starr, Bill Buckner & Rod Bramblett #NFL #MLB #Auburn 3. Soft sh… - 6 years ago

@NataliefBoman: NCAA Baseball Tournament: Auburn remembers broadcaster Rod Bramblett on batting helmets - 6 years ago

@BigEParnell: RT @AuburnFootball: Today we celebrate the life of Rod & Paula Bramblett. Forever Auburn Tigers. Forever Family. - 6 years ago

@timothyprogers7: ‘So long’: Auburn says farewell to Paula and Rod Bramblett at fitting memorial service - - 6 years ago

@jodihopper32: RT @han_taylor98: Almost a week has passed since we lost Rod and Paula Bramblett, may they rest in peace. War Eagle Forever. #RideForRod ht… - 6 years ago

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