Roch Kereszty

Hungarian-American monk and scholar.
Died on Thursday December 22nd 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Roch Kereszty:

@ReneGiraardvark: @FischerKing64 Another theological giant died recently: Fr. Roch Kereszty O. Cist. His book on Christology is wonde… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Roch Kereszty - #RochKereszty #Roch #Kereszty #rip - 2 years ago

@ignatiusinsight: RT @IgnatiusPress: We were saddened to hear about the passing of Fr. Roch Kereszty, O.Cist., on December 14, at the age of 89. - 2 years ago

@NTCatholic: Father Roch Kereszty, OCist., a renowned theologian, died Dec. 14 in the monastery of Our Lady of Dallas at the age… - 2 years ago


@WinstonHottman: I had the privilege of interacting with Fr. Roch during meetings of the Second Century Seminar over the past severa… - 2 years ago

@galarole08: RT @bpdflores: Saddened to hear Fr Roch Kereszty, O. Cist. passed away two days ago. One of the founders of Our Lady of Dallas Cistercian A… - 2 years ago

@MixaRobert: RT @IgnatiusPress: We were saddened to hear about the passing of Fr. Roch Kereszty, O.Cist., on December 14, at the age of 89. - 2 years ago

@lyssa_frances: RT @IgnatiusPress: We were saddened to hear about the passing of Fr. Roch Kereszty, O.Cist., on December 14, at the age of 89. - 2 years ago

@CatholicLisa: RT @IgnatiusPress: We were saddened to hear about the passing of Fr. Roch Kereszty, O.Cist., on December 14, at the age of 89. - 2 years ago

@M14200687: RT @IgnatiusPress: We were saddened to hear about the passing of Fr. Roch Kereszty, O.Cist., on December 14, at the age of 89. - 2 years ago

@FrHarrison: RT @IgnatiusPress: We were saddened to hear about the passing of Fr. Roch Kereszty, O.Cist., on December 14, at the age of 89. - 2 years ago

@IgnatiusPress: We were saddened to hear about the passing of Fr. Roch Kereszty, O.Cist., on December 14, at the age of 89. - 2 years ago

@BrittanyDizzy7: RT @bpdflores: Saddened to hear Fr Roch Kereszty, O. Cist. passed away two days ago. One of the founders of Our Lady of Dallas Cistercian A… - 2 years ago

@grannymurfles: RT @bpdflores: Saddened to hear Fr Roch Kereszty, O. Cist. passed away two days ago. One of the founders of Our Lady of Dallas Cistercian A… - 2 years ago

@DeclanM79360613: RT @bpdflores: Saddened to hear Fr Roch Kereszty, O. Cist. passed away two days ago. One of the founders of Our Lady of Dallas Cistercian A… - 2 years ago

@1romancatholic: RT @bpdflores: Saddened to hear Fr Roch Kereszty, O. Cist. passed away two days ago. One of the founders of Our Lady of Dallas Cistercian A… - 2 years ago

@Raphael241004: RT @bpdflores: Saddened to hear Fr Roch Kereszty, O. Cist. passed away two days ago. One of the founders of Our Lady of Dallas Cistercian A… - 2 years ago

@StephaneDang: RT @bpdflores: Saddened to hear Fr Roch Kereszty, O. Cist. passed away two days ago. One of the founders of Our Lady of Dallas Cistercian A… - 2 years ago

@trilobiiusgrou: RT @bpdflores: Saddened to hear Fr Roch Kereszty, O. Cist. passed away two days ago. One of the founders of Our Lady of Dallas Cistercian A… - 2 years ago

@spaceprivenews: RT @bpdflores: Saddened to hear Fr Roch Kereszty, O. Cist. passed away two days ago. One of the founders of Our Lady of Dallas Cistercian A… - 2 years ago

@SandersMayotte: RT @bpdflores: Saddened to hear Fr Roch Kereszty, O. Cist. passed away two days ago. One of the founders of Our Lady of Dallas Cistercian A… - 2 years ago

@HarrierMagnus: RT @bpdflores: Saddened to hear Fr Roch Kereszty, O. Cist. passed away two days ago. One of the founders of Our Lady of Dallas Cistercian A… - 2 years ago

@Anna_Paolicelli: RT @bpdflores: Saddened to hear Fr Roch Kereszty, O. Cist. passed away two days ago. One of the founders of Our Lady of Dallas Cistercian A… - 2 years ago

@BigBlobApe: RT @bpdflores: Saddened to hear Fr Roch Kereszty, O. Cist. passed away two days ago. One of the founders of Our Lady of Dallas Cistercian A… - 2 years ago

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