Robert W. Sweet

American judge.
Died on Monday March 25th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Robert W. Sweet:

@robert_teich: RT @SocialNature: G I V E A W A Y ✨ We’re keeping you naturally sweet this #TryItOutTuesday with The PUR Company Inc. and their aspartame-… - 6 years ago

@steveconnieWood: RT @djsjrb: @sweet_revenge3 @DeptVetAffairs TU 4retweeting!! This is an outrage! Our Vets should B treated w/utmost care/respect,instead #C… - 6 years ago

@Deeenst: RT @djsjrb: @sweet_revenge3 @DeptVetAffairs TU 4retweeting!! This is an outrage! Our Vets should B treated w/utmost care/respect,instead #C… - 6 years ago

@Talkeetna101: RT @djsjrb: @sweet_revenge3 @DeptVetAffairs TU 4retweeting!! This is an outrage! Our Vets should B treated w/utmost care/respect,instead #C… - 6 years ago


@djsjrb: @sweet_revenge3 @DeptVetAffairs TU 4retweeting!! This is an outrage! Our Vets should B treated w/utmost care/respec… - 6 years ago

@jp_siira: RT @derkacz_mark: BLONDIE HEROES live w Robert Fripp #SundayCovers @jp_siira @dawizzurd @featherhigh @chrisdrunkpoe… - 6 years ago

@chrisdrunkpoets: RT @derkacz_mark: BLONDIE HEROES live w Robert Fripp #SundayCovers @jp_siira @dawizzurd @featherhigh @chrisdrunkpoe… - 6 years ago

@derkacz_mark: BLONDIE HEROES live w Robert Fripp #SundayCovers @jp_siira @dawizzurd @featherhigh… - 6 years ago

@robert__gibbons: Cinema Unit thinks #BOTD William Daniels had it pretty sweet cast in Stanley Donen's film Two For the Road, w/Audre… - 6 years ago

@traciiguns: RT @clanceman65: @KruegerFAngel @laguns @traciiguns @Johnnyitalia1 @sronga93 @MojoMoomey @angelalynn37 @sweet___ash @BerserkerBill @faithlo… - 6 years ago

@clanceman65: @KruegerFAngel @laguns @traciiguns @Johnnyitalia1 @sronga93 @MojoMoomey @angelalynn37 @sweet___ash @BerserkerBill… - 6 years ago

@TBurkePhD: RT @sandrapark: RIP Judge Sweet. Will always be grateful for your careful and ground-breaking decision invalidating patents on human genes,… - 6 years ago

@anidiarn: @Robert_Villador HAHAHAHA ang sweet!!!!! 🥺💛 laham din kita pareman!!! more hangouts w/ u pls and andito lang ako parati for you, alamoyan 🥰 - 6 years ago

@noogajack77: RT @FedJudicialHist: Senior U.S. District Judge Robert W. Sweet (S.D. New York) died March 24 at age 96 - 6 years ago

@rsgaddy18: RT @SheillaDingus: SDNY Judge Robert W. Sweet has passed away. He was a strong opponent of the war on drugs, believing, "mandatory minimum… - 6 years ago

@HankThe2nd: RT @SheillaDingus: SDNY Judge Robert W. Sweet has passed away. He was a strong opponent of the war on drugs, believing, "mandatory minimum… - 6 years ago

@rachel_maria65: RT @SheillaDingus: SDNY Judge Robert W. Sweet has passed away. He was a strong opponent of the war on drugs, believing, "mandatory minimum… - 6 years ago

@nowell_ben: RT @SheillaDingus: SDNY Judge Robert W. Sweet has passed away. He was a strong opponent of the war on drugs, believing, "mandatory minimum… - 6 years ago

@NYCNavid: RT @SheillaDingus: SDNY Judge Robert W. Sweet has passed away. He was a strong opponent of the war on drugs, believing, "mandatory minimum… - 6 years ago

@peanut_brigade: Robert W. Sweet was nominated by Jimmy in 1978. - 6 years ago

@SheillaDingus: SDNY Judge Robert W. Sweet has passed away. He was a strong opponent of the war on drugs, believing, "mandatory mi… - 6 years ago

@base8462: RT @McG_Law: Tremendous loss to the legal community. Any of Judge Sweet's sentencings could be studied as an example of how dignity, justic… - 6 years ago

@zmolaw: RT @McG_Law: Tremendous loss to the legal community. Any of Judge Sweet's sentencings could be studied as an example of how dignity, justic… - 6 years ago

@AMPath: RT @sandrapark: RIP Judge Sweet. Will always be grateful for your careful and ground-breaking decision invalidating patents on human genes,… - 6 years ago

@DebiCornwall: Heartbroken to lose this kind, just, good man. Judge Sweet made so many lives better, and inspired all who knew him… - 6 years ago

@Livid2point0: - 6 years ago

@Zack_Chibane: RT @sandrapark: RIP Judge Sweet. Will always be grateful for your careful and ground-breaking decision invalidating patents on human genes,… - 6 years ago

@deploycatattack: RT @BenWeiserNYT: Sad news from the Manhattan federal court: U.S. Judge Robert W. Sweet, 96, has died. Took the bench in 1978. Four years a… - 6 years ago

@KaraWSwanson: RT @sandrapark: RIP Judge Sweet. Will always be grateful for your careful and ground-breaking decision invalidating patents on human genes,… - 6 years ago

@sandrapark: RIP Judge Sweet. Will always be grateful for your careful and ground-breaking decision invalidating patents on huma… - 6 years ago

@m23_robert: Mf think I’m sweet w this madden shit - 6 years ago

@SidedDebates: RT @TimBenzPGH: WED "Bracketology" @SidedDebates podcast w/ @RMUMBasketball coach @AndyToole as we look at this weekend's games. We discuss… - 6 years ago

@gingerzsnapped: RT @ZyroFoxtrot: 🚨👀💥Judge Who Oversaw Epstein Sex Trafficking Case Dies Robert W. Sweet also pre… - 6 years ago

@ZyroFoxtrot: RT @ZyroFoxtrot: 🚨👀💥Judge Who Oversaw Epstein Sex Trafficking Case Dies Robert W. Sweet also pre… - 6 years ago

@C_AdamskiTrib: RT @TimBenzPGH: WED "Bracketology" @SidedDebates podcast w/ @RMUMBasketball coach @AndyToole as we look at this weekend's games. We discuss… - 6 years ago

@tmhensley1: RT @BenWeiserNYT: "It doesn’t make me a better judge or anything like that, but working hard at anything makes you better” - Judge Robert W… - 6 years ago

@TimBenzPGH: WED "Bracketology" @SidedDebates podcast w/ @RMUMBasketball coach @AndyToole as we look at this weekend's games. We… - 6 years ago

@suekrek: RT @BenWeiserNYT: Sad news from the Manhattan federal court: U.S. Judge Robert W. Sweet, 96, has died. Took the bench in 1978. Four years a… - 6 years ago

@AlinaChar: RIP. Robert W. Sweet, Mayor’s Deputy Turned Federal Judge, Is Dead at 96 - 6 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @BenWeiserNYT: Sad news from the Manhattan federal court: U.S. Judge Robert W. Sweet, 96, has died. Took the bench in 1978. Four years a… - 6 years ago

@missb62: RT @BenWeiserNYT: Sad news from the Manhattan federal court: U.S. Judge Robert W. Sweet, 96, has died. Took the bench in 1978. Four years a… - 6 years ago

@MythSerene: RT @BenWeiserNYT: "It doesn’t make me a better judge or anything like that, but working hard at anything makes you better” - Judge Robert W… - 6 years ago

@eorden: RT @BenWeiserNYT: "It doesn’t make me a better judge or anything like that, but working hard at anything makes you better” - Judge Robert W… - 6 years ago

@Melinda15858273: RT @BenWeiserNYT: Sad news from the Manhattan federal court: U.S. Judge Robert W. Sweet, 96, has died. Took the bench in 1978. Four years a… - 6 years ago

@baluch_h1: RT @BenWeiserNYT: "It doesn’t make me a better judge or anything like that, but working hard at anything makes you better” - Judge Robert W… - 6 years ago

@TabberAnn: RT @BenWeiserNYT: Sad news from the Manhattan federal court: U.S. Judge Robert W. Sweet, 96, has died. Took the bench in 1978. Four years a… - 6 years ago

@PhilipWYoung: Sad to hear about Judge Sweet's passing. A truly great judge, and one of the last Carter appointees still actively… - 6 years ago

@editavinnitsky: RT @BenWeiserNYT: Sad news from the Manhattan federal court: U.S. Judge Robert W. Sweet, 96, has died. Took the bench in 1978. Four years a… - 6 years ago

@McG_Law: Tremendous loss to the legal community. Any of Judge Sweet's sentencings could be studied as an example of how dign… - 6 years ago

@MarvLBluechip: R.I.P. Judge Robert W. Sweet: - 6 years ago

@GrindinSoldier: RT @GrindinSoldier: BREAKING: U.S. District Court judge Robert W. Sweet, who was presiding over a lawsuit involving Clinton-connected fina… - 6 years ago

@GrindinSoldier: BREAKING: U.S. District Court judge Robert W. Sweet, who was presiding over a lawsuit involving Clinton-connected… - 6 years ago

@ztikroh: RT @BenWeiserNYT: Sad news from the Manhattan federal court: U.S. Judge Robert W. Sweet, 96, has died. Took the bench in 1978. Four years a… - 6 years ago

@Marni4Council: RT @CahnLawNY: I was sad to learn of #JudgeRobertSweet’s passing. He was a compassionate and thoughtful jurist who lived a life of public s… - 6 years ago

@WilliamK1313: Robert W. Sweet, Mayor’s Deputy Turned Federal Judge, Is Dead at 96 - 6 years ago

@Cheria63: RT @BenWeiserNYT: Sad news from the Manhattan federal court: U.S. Judge Robert W. Sweet, 96, has died. Took the bench in 1978. Four years a… - 6 years ago

@AnneHummert: I was a juror in Judge Sweet’s courtroom once. The experience taught me the corruption and horror of the drug war—I… - 6 years ago

@farfel54: RT @BenWeiserNYT: Sad news from the Manhattan federal court: U.S. Judge Robert W. Sweet, 96, has died. Took the bench in 1978. Four years a… - 6 years ago

@betteramerica5: RT @RicoColon1: JUDGE WHO OVERSAW EPSTEIN SEX TRAFFICKING CASE DIES. Robert W. Sweet also presided over Weinstein lawsuit. - 6 years ago

@RicoColon1: JUDGE WHO OVERSAW EPSTEIN SEX TRAFFICKING CASE DIES. Robert W. Sweet also presided over Weinstein lawsuit. - 6 years ago

@mollygordy: RT @BenWeiserNYT: Sad news from the Manhattan federal court: U.S. Judge Robert W. Sweet, 96, has died. Took the bench in 1978. Four years a… - 6 years ago

@ZyroFoxtrot: RT @ZyroFoxtrot: 🚨👀💥Judge Who Oversaw Epstein Sex Trafficking Case Dies Robert W. Sweet also pre… - 6 years ago

@rparloff: RT @BenWeiserNYT: Sad news from the Manhattan federal court: U.S. Judge Robert W. Sweet, 96, has died. Took the bench in 1978. Four years a… - 6 years ago

@EvelynPringle: Judge Who Oversaw Epstein Sex Trafficking Case Dies. Robert W. Sweet also presided over Weinstein lawsuit - 6 years ago

@HarrySandick: RT @BenWeiserNYT: "It doesn’t make me a better judge or anything like that, but working hard at anything makes you better” - Judge Robert W… - 6 years ago

@YolandeCadore: RT @ethannadelmann: R.I.P. Judge Bob Sweet, who bravely spoke out in 1989 against #drugprohibition and never stopped. - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: As a top deputy mayor in New York, Robert W. Sweet, who has died at 96, was John Lindsay’s voice in tense labor tal… - 6 years ago

@OsterbergEric: RIP Judge Sweet. Robert W. Sweet, Mayor’s Deputy Turned Federal Judge, Is Dead at 96 - 6 years ago

@jaynordlinger: "Figure skating is often precarious at any age, and the fact that the judge does this at 92 is extraordinary." Huh.… - 6 years ago

@BenWeiserNYT: "It doesn’t make me a better judge or anything like that, but working hard at anything makes you better” - Judge Ro… - 6 years ago

@JadeJensen29: RT @BenWeiserNYT: Sad news from the Manhattan federal court: U.S. Judge Robert W. Sweet, 96, has died. Took the bench in 1978. Four years a… - 6 years ago

@DCBrainLawyer: Robert W. Sweet, NY Federal Judge who called for legalization of #marijuana & end to mandatory minimum drug sentenc… - 6 years ago

@ShON25486781: RT @NYTObits: Robert W. Sweet, Mayor’s Deputy Turned Federal Judge, Dies at 96 - 6 years ago

@Kassandra_Fred: RT @ethannadelmann: R.I.P. Judge Bob Sweet, who bravely spoke out in 1989 against #drugprohibition and never stopped. - 6 years ago

@nscdefense: - 6 years ago

@nscdefense: The only thing to hang in our first office space - we took the idea from Judge Robert W. Sweet - he had a similar p… - 6 years ago

@celesteford: A life well lived and more. Farewell RWS: - 6 years ago

@Sp3llyr: RT @ethannadelmann: R.I.P. Judge Bob Sweet, who bravely spoke out in 1989 against #drugprohibition and never stopped. - 6 years ago

@HarrySandick: RT @FedJudicialHist: Senior U.S. District Judge Robert W. Sweet (S.D. New York) died March 24 at age 96 - 6 years ago

@FedJudicialHist: Senior U.S. District Judge Robert W. Sweet (S.D. New York) died March 24 at age 96 - 6 years ago

@everyhumanknows: RT @BenWeiserNYT: Sad news from the Manhattan federal court: U.S. Judge Robert W. Sweet, 96, has died. Took the bench in 1978. Four years a… - 6 years ago

@elizabeth_joh: RT @BenWeiserNYT: Sad news from the Manhattan federal court: U.S. Judge Robert W. Sweet, 96, has died. Took the bench in 1978. Four years a… - 6 years ago

@twitbituaries: Robert W. Sweet, Mayor's Deputy Turned Federal Judge, Dies at 96 - - 6 years ago

@JustinPugh: RT @Zack_Chibane: Rest in peace to a terrific mentor, role model, and friend. The Honorable Robert W. Sweet. 1922-2019. - 6 years ago

@Joseph4Meg: RT @BenWeiserNYT: Sad news from the Manhattan federal court: U.S. Judge Robert W. Sweet, 96, has died. Took the bench in 1978. Four years a… - 6 years ago

@MrzaikhanZai: Robert W. Sweet, Mayor’s Deputy Turned Federal Judge, Dies at 96 - 6 years ago

@blacklab01129: RT @BenWeiserNYT: Sad news from the Manhattan federal court: U.S. Judge Robert W. Sweet, 96, has died. Took the bench in 1978. Four years a… - 6 years ago

@gallerychapel: RT @BenWeiserNYT: Sad news from the Manhattan federal court: U.S. Judge Robert W. Sweet, 96, has died. Took the bench in 1978. Four years a… - 6 years ago

@HabeasShmabeas: RT @BenWeiserNYT: Sad news from the Manhattan federal court: U.S. Judge Robert W. Sweet, 96, has died. Took the bench in 1978. Four years a… - 6 years ago

@deathtocrazy: RT @BenWeiserNYT: Sad news from the Manhattan federal court: U.S. Judge Robert W. Sweet, 96, has died. Took the bench in 1978. Four years a… - 6 years ago

@susielevine1: RT @BenWeiserNYT: Sad news from the Manhattan federal court: U.S. Judge Robert W. Sweet, 96, has died. Took the bench in 1978. Four years a… - 6 years ago

@gtconway3d: RT @BenWeiserNYT: Sad news from the Manhattan federal court: U.S. Judge Robert W. Sweet, 96, has died. Took the bench in 1978. Four years a… - 6 years ago

@004nino: RIP 19 779) #American #Robert W. #Sweet 96 , #Mayor ’s #Deputy #Turned #Federal #Judge #Dies #March… - 6 years ago

@youapartanymore: Robert W. Sweet, Mayor’s Deputy Turned Federal Judge, Dies at 96: - 6 years ago

@NYCity_Plow: Robert W. Sweet, Mayor’s Deputy Turned Federal Judge, Dies at 96 +1 IHeartNYCBot #NYC - 6 years ago

@JessicaMassimi: RT @BenWeiserNYT: Sad news from the Manhattan federal court: U.S. Judge Robert W. Sweet, 96, has died. Took the bench in 1978. Four years a… - 6 years ago

@Law360: Senior Manhattan U.S. District Judge Robert W. Sweet, nominated to the bench by former President Jimmy Carter, has… - 6 years ago

@Marni4Council: RT @BenWeiserNYT: Sad news from the Manhattan federal court: U.S. Judge Robert W. Sweet, 96, has died. Took the bench in 1978. Four years a… - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: R.I.P Robert W. Sweet - #RobertWSweet #Robert #W.Sweet #rip - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Robert W. Sweet - 6 years ago

@TrevorWilkie: @WestburyStud @GerryHarveyNZ @KarakaChat @VineryStud Fraser Auret @robert_hannam @LoveRacingNZ Tauherenikau - Miss… - 6 years ago

@LeslieCLevin: I am very sorry to report that Judge Robert W. Sweet (S.D.N.Y.) passed away this morning. He cared deeply about doi… - 6 years ago

@flpeir: RT @BenWeiserNYT: Sad news from the Manhattan federal court: U.S. Judge Robert W. Sweet, 96, has died. Took the bench in 1978. Four years a… - 6 years ago

@BenWeiserNYT: Sad news from the Manhattan federal court: U.S. Judge Robert W. Sweet, 96, has died. Took the bench in 1978. Four y… - 6 years ago

@BonnieKranick: RT @bscottnewskona: Originating Court Information: District: 0208-1 : 15-cv-7433 Trial Judge: Robert W. Sweet, U.S. District Judge… - 6 years ago

@Jesse_WJohnson: RT @bscottnewskona: Originating Court Information: District: 0208-1 : 15-cv-7433 Trial Judge: Robert W. Sweet, U.S. District Judge… - 6 years ago

@BrendaAnd2005: RT @bscottnewskona: Originating Court Information: District: 0208-1 : 15-cv-7433 Trial Judge: Robert W. Sweet, U.S. District Judge… - 6 years ago

@bscottnewskona: Originating Court Information: District: 0208-1 : 15-cv-7433 Trial Judge: Robert W. Sweet, U.S. District J… - 6 years ago

@GunterGunterQ: @StormIsUponUs Epstein case = Hon. ROBERT W. SWEET So. Dist. NY,,, Chambers (212)-805-0254. Deputy (212)-805-012… - 6 years ago

@GunterGunterQ: @intheMatrixxx Epstein case = Hon. ROBERT W. SWEET So. Dist. NY,,, Chambers (212)-805-0254. Deputy (212)-805-012… - 6 years ago

@2_bjean: RT @GunterGunterQ: @realDonaldTrump Epstein case = Hon. ROBERT W. SWEET So. Dist. NY,,, Chambers (212)-805-0254. Deputy (212)-805-0124.… - 6 years ago

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