Robert Venturi

American architect.
Died on Wednesday September 19th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Robert Venturi:

@CheckerboardNYC: In memoriam, Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown in the Sainsbury Wing at the National Gallery in London - 6 years ago

@PerezEguiarte: RT @Jortdel: Para @dearquitectos, Robert Venturi y Denise Scott Brown en “Life Stories of Remarkable People” - 6 years ago

@WaldronA: In light of the #chateaulaurier debacle, we can take some time and think of the theories of Robert Venturi, who die… - 6 years ago

@annaleetaylor13: RT @MuseumModernArt: "Less is a bore." Revisit the "Vanna Venturi House"—one of the most studied buildings of the 20th century—in memory o… - 6 years ago


@MarkDonegan3: RT @MuseumModernArt: "Less is a bore." Revisit the "Vanna Venturi House"—one of the most studied buildings of the 20th century—in memory o… - 6 years ago

@dearquitectos: Robert Venturi y Denise Scott Brown en “Life Stories of Remarkable People” - 6 years ago

@veredes: RT @Jortdel: Para @dearquitectos, Robert Venturi y Denise Scott Brown en “Life Stories of Remarkable People” - 6 years ago

@Jortdel: Para @dearquitectos, Robert Venturi y Denise Scott Brown en “Life Stories of Remarkable People”… - 6 years ago

@arquitectamos: RT @A_STEPIENyBARNO: En la muerte de Robert Venturi _@arquitectamos - 6 years ago

@Metroutil_: RT @ProTecDi: ¿Y si recordamos un clásico de la #arquitectura posmoderna en seis niveles? Guild House. #Filadelfia / Pensilvania / #EEUU.… - 6 years ago

@SirAngusC: "Aprendemos de lo ordinario y de lo extraordinario" Robert Venturi - 6 years ago

@teriacav: robert venturi, pioneer of postmodernism, passes away aged 93 - 6 years ago

@UwindsorSoca: RT @MuseumModernArt: "Less is a bore." Revisit the "Vanna Venturi House"—one of the most studied buildings of the 20th century—in memory o… - 6 years ago

@NancyTousley: RT @MuseumModernArt: "Less is a bore." Revisit the "Vanna Venturi House"—one of the most studied buildings of the 20th century—in memory o… - 6 years ago

@MansfieldMonk: Mum's the word: Celebrating the life of Robert Venturi, who changed the course of #architecture #history by… - 6 years ago

@jaumepratarq: Talentos laterales: nuevo artículo en el blog sobre aquello que pudo influir a Robert Venturi.… - 6 years ago

@Chane_Realty: These 5 Robert Venturi Buildings Will Change Your Mind About Postmodernism - 6 years ago

@FucturaRed: RT @arquitasamadrid: Muere Robert Venturi, el premio Pritzker que explicó la mala arquitectura - 6 years ago

@solhme: RT @aspencountry: Vanna Venturi House Robert Venturi (1952-1964) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania #JuevesDeArquitectura - 6 years ago

@megancoyle: RT @MuseumModernArt: "Less is a bore." Revisit the "Vanna Venturi House"—one of the most studied buildings of the 20th century—in memory o… - 6 years ago

@AlistairPDBain: RT @TimesObits: After the Prince of Wales declared war on the modern architecture profession in 1984, Robert Venturi silenced him. - 6 years ago

@LynneKusmer: RT @archpaper: Venturi was a leader in his field and forever changed the canon of architecture. - 6 years ago

@estherswilliams: RT @AKGold11: In honor of Robert Venturi's passing at the age of 93, I feel it's necessary to share one of my favorite episodes of @99piorg… - 6 years ago

@ArqFeito: Robert Venturi, el hombre que quiso que la arquitectura fuera una fiesta - 6 years ago

@vedatalidalokay: RT @abdiguzer: Birkaç gün önce yitirdiğimiz Robert Venturi'nin Türkiye yorumu...Mimarlık alanında kolay dolmayacak bir boşluk... - 6 years ago

@ser_ggio: RT @AOA_Chile: Opinión | Robert Venturi, un arquitecto inclusivo conocido como el primer posmoderno; por Anatxu Zabalbeascoa - 6 years ago

@ABSOLUTEDU: RT @dearquitectos: Robert Venturi y Denise Scott Brown en “Life Stories of Remarkable People” - 6 years ago

@_vcearnest: So sorry to hear of the passing of Robert Venturi. I get to look at his beautiful work every day #VivaVenturi - 6 years ago

@LlataRegina: RT @ProTecDi: ¿Y si recordamos un clásico de la #arquitectura posmoderna en seis niveles? Guild House. #Filadelfia / Pensilvania / #EEUU.… - 6 years ago

@2SellMoreHomes: It’s the ideas that matter, not the classification of them - 6 years ago

@cjysgrn: RIP Robert Venturi - 6 years ago

@CapitolGlassNYC: Learning to love Robert Venturi, the architect who inspired postmodernism—and rejected it: - 6 years ago

@ProTecDi: ¿Y si recordamos un clásico de la #arquitectura posmoderna en seis niveles? Guild House. #Filadelfia / Pensilvania… - 6 years ago

@BubblegumDP: RT @dearquitectos: Robert Venturi y Denise Scott Brown en “Life Stories of Remarkable People” - 6 years ago

@dearquitectos: Robert Venturi y Denise Scott Brown en “Life Stories of Remarkable People” - 6 years ago

@Parthenon1: RT @TrilogyOne: Learning from Las Vegas, by Robert Venturi, should be required reading for anyone who wants to be an architect. It may also… - 6 years ago

@SoniaBarragan_: "Aprendemos de lo ordinario y de lo extraordinario": Robert Venturi y Denise Scott Brown - 6 years ago

@Ade_castellanos: RT @CesarWantsSnow: No había visto muerte pasar tan desapercibida como la de Robert Venturi. QEPD - 6 years ago

@CTMConstruccion: Hoy recordamos a Robert #Venturi, quien fue el primer #arquitecto #posmoderno que se manifestaba contra la pureza m… - 6 years ago

@austxarchitect: "Indirectness, weakness, and inflection": Robert Venturi in Houston by Stephen Fox | OffCite Blog - 6 years ago

@Akbyc2: RT @abdiguzer: Birkaç gün önce yitirdiğimiz Robert Venturi'nin Türkiye yorumu...Mimarlık alanında kolay dolmayacak bir boşluk... - 6 years ago

@Lukependergast: Robert Venturi, Dies at 93 via @NYTimes - 6 years ago

@BuschAssociates: One week ago we lost an architectural pioneer, Robert Venturi. “As an architect, I try to be guided not by habit b… - 6 years ago

@BuschAssociates: One week ago we lost an architectural pioneer, Robert Venturi. “As an architect, I try to be guided not by habit b… - 6 years ago

@mmarshall_d: “When circumstances defy order, order should bend or break: anomalies and uncertainties give validity to architectu… - 6 years ago

@Humasa57: RT @ArquitasaSA: Robert Venturi, un arquitecto inclusivo conocido como el primer posmoderno - 6 years ago

@AidaCantilo: RT @parq: "Aprendemos de lo ordinario y de lo extraordinario": Robert Venturi y Denise Scott Brown - 6 years ago

@dwstirl: Architect Robert Venturi Dies at 93 | Architect Magazine | Architects, Architecture, Robert Venturi, Venturi, Scott… - 6 years ago

@Thezaurus_: RT @Revija_Outsider: "Less is a bore." Robert Venturi (25. 6.1925 - 18. 9. 2018) Poslovil se je legendarni postmodernis in eden najpomembn… - 6 years ago

@dearquitectos: Robert Venturi y Denise Scott Brown en “Life Stories of Remarkable People” - 6 years ago

@RojoCharly: RT @COACMTO: Robert Venturi, el hombre que quiso que la arquitectura fuera una fiesta - 6 years ago

@GlennAdamson: With his passing last week, at the age of 93, Robert Venturi has given us a final gift: the excuse to talk about hi… - 6 years ago

@abdiguzer: Birkaç gün önce yitirdiğimiz Robert Venturi'nin Türkiye yorumu...Mimarlık alanında kolay dolmayacak bir boşluk... - 6 years ago

@gretaruffino: RT @pippociorra: a little and respectful tribute to Robert Venturi on the daily @ilmanifesto from a country he very much loved and incorpor… - 6 years ago

@RoyKenagy: RT @hedgehogreview: Robert Venturi (1925–2018) allied form, function, and fun @cmhouston RIP - 6 years ago

@marianacarras3: RT @parq: Para Robert Venturi, una arquitectura amable no implicaba falta de profundidad intelectual - 6 years ago

@urbnfabric: RT @WorldMonuments: American postmodernist architect Robert Venturi has passed away at the age of 93. His contributions to the field of arc… - 6 years ago

@cristinarq_: RT @AOA_Chile: Opinión | Robert Venturi, un arquitecto inclusivo conocido como el primer posmoderno; por Anatxu Zabalbeascoa - 6 years ago

@platypusjones: Totally missed this news last week, but we lost a Philly original. RIP Robert Venturi - 6 years ago

@jaumepratarq: Talentos laterales: nuevo artículo en el blog sobre aquello que pudo influir a Robert Venturi.… - 6 years ago

@PennDesign: Remembering Robert Venturi - 6 years ago

@soul_ipsum: @robarcand Robert Venturi : Leaving Las Vegas - 6 years ago

@AKGold11: In honor of Robert Venturi's passing at the age of 93, I feel it's necessary to share one of my favorite episodes o… - 6 years ago

@bocciamick: RT @pippociorra: a little and respectful tribute to Robert Venturi on the daily @ilmanifesto from a country he very much loved and incorpor… - 6 years ago

@BeresitaCM: Mis goals son esta parejita de arquitectos (Robert Venturi y Denise Scott Brown). ✨💕🌕 - 6 years ago

@AOA_Chile: Opinión | Robert Venturi, un arquitecto inclusivo conocido como el primer posmoderno; por Anatxu Zabalbeascoa… - 6 years ago

@BooksPajamas: The vital weirdness of Robert Venturi, the most influential architect of his generation: - 6 years ago

@dchandlersk2: RT @pippociorra: a little and respectful tribute to Robert Venturi on the daily @ilmanifesto from a country he very much loved and incorpor… - 6 years ago

@Calipso8183: RT @archiBTS: .Grand personnage du #Postmodernism décède - 6 years ago

@lindelok1: RT @PhilosophyMttrs: Postmodern starchitect Robert Venturi, who changed the course of architecture history with the design of his mom’s hou… - 6 years ago

@archiBTS: .Grand personnage du #Postmodernism décède - 6 years ago

@mariangracia701: RT @anatxuz: Opinión | Robert Venturi, un arquitecto inclusivo conocido como el primer postmoderno; por Anatxu Zabalbeascoa - 6 years ago

@LlaineLoveLight: RT @frieze_magazine: ‘A pragmatist through and through’: @GlennAdamson remembers Robert Venturi (1925–2018) - 6 years ago

@jhfloresr: Sean Griffith from FAT write a sensible article tribute for RVSBA. #robertventuri #FAT "Robert Venturi and Denise… - 6 years ago

@SocialMics: This week, the industry paid tribute to postmodernism pioneer Robert Venturi - 6 years ago

@Anacarotoro: RT @parq: "Aprendemos de lo ordinario y de lo extraordinario": Robert Venturi y Denise Scott Brown - 6 years ago

@JuraKoncius: Robert Venturi, postmodern architect who argued ‘Less is a bore,’ dies at 93 - 6 years ago

@guillo_pitt: RT @YoSoyArquitecto: Robert Venturi y Denise Scott Brown en “Life Stories of Remarkable People” - 6 years ago

@MelissaVitteri: RT @archpaper: Venturi was a leader in his field and forever changed the canon of architecture. - 6 years ago

@KirkSlankard: RT @LangeAlexandra: “This young man came up to me and said ‘I agree with everything you said. And my name is Robert Venturi.’ And I said ‘w… - 6 years ago

@Speranca: RT @VIZKULTURA: Poznati arhitekt, kritičar i teoretičar arhitekture Robert Venturi preminuo je u utorak u 93. godini života nakon borbe s A… - 6 years ago

@VIZKULTURA: Poznati arhitekt, kritičar i teoretičar arhitekture Robert Venturi preminuo je u utorak u 93. godini života nakon b… - 6 years ago

@splate1: RIP Robert Venturi. Loved many of his building, and his "Learning from Las Vegas confused me in grad school, but I… - 6 years ago

@AdolfShark: RT @PhilosophyMttrs: Postmodern starchitect Robert Venturi, who changed the course of architecture history with the design of his mom’s hou… - 6 years ago

@FernandezJJ01: Robert Venturi y Denise Scott Brown en “Life Stories of Remarkable People” - 6 years ago

@TimesObits: After the Prince of Wales declared war on the modern architecture profession in 1984, Robert Venturi silenced him.… - 6 years ago

@Mar_Corraliza: Robert Venturi y Denise Scott Brown en “Life Stories of Remarkable People” - 6 years ago

@GO_PROYECT: Robert Venturi y Denise Scott Brown en “Life Stories of Remarkable People” - 6 years ago

@ArchiRubenOtero: Robert Venturi y Denise Scott Brown en “Life Stories of Remarkable People” - 6 years ago

@SOiCcs: Robert #Venturi y #Denise_Scott_Brown en “Life Stories of Remarkable People” - 6 years ago

@pypapovowig: Robert Venturi y Denise Scott Brown en “Life Stories of Remarkable People” - 6 years ago

@MaiteHeras: Opinión | Robert Venturi, un arquitecto inclusivo conocido como el primer posmoderno; por Anatxu Zabalbeascoa… - 6 years ago

@dominicumile: Links and reading recommendations in a new monthly column from @Curbed EIC Kelsey Keith - 6 years ago

@YoSoyArquitecto: Robert Venturi y Denise Scott Brown en “Life Stories of Remarkable People” - 6 years ago

@RenderArquitect: Robert Venturi y Denise Scott Brown en “Life Stories of Remarkable People” - 6 years ago

@ParraWhitman: RT @ekain_arq: Robert Venturi (1925-2018) "Era una manera de hacer poco satisfactoria: un estudio perifrástico en una raída moda poética,… - 6 years ago

@euserbrunota: robert venturi morreu e todos os blogs de arquitetura tao em uma chuva de pos modernismo gracas a deus - 6 years ago

@jlg_soluciones: Muere #RobertVenturi, un #icono de la #arquitectura. - 6 years ago

@arquitectonico: Robert Venturi, el hombre que quiso que la arquitectura fuera una fiesta - 6 years ago

@VisionLnStudios: RT @ArchDaily: “We Learn From the Ordinary as Well as From the Extraordinary”: Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown - 6 years ago

@TheGoodDoctorV: RT @ben_derbyshire: Robert Venturi: the bad-taste architect who took a sledgehammer to modernism - 6 years ago

@tsegerblom: Remembering Robert Venturi, godfather of postmodern architecture and champion of everyday oddity - 6 years ago

@mazagrupo: Adiós a Robert Venturi, el premio Pritzker que explicó la mala arquitectura - 6 years ago

@COALarquitectos: Opinión | Robert Venturi, un arquitecto inclusivo conocido como el primer posmoderno; por Anatxu Zabalbeascoa… - 6 years ago

@ferbrak: RT @ben_derbyshire: Robert Venturi: the bad-taste architect who took a sledgehammer to modernism - 6 years ago

@b_nieuws: With this month's sad news of a 'pomo legend', here's a lecture given by Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown in d… - 6 years ago

@juliandiazs: Robert Venturi - 6 years ago

@NooksListHomes: RT @qz: Robert Venturi changed the course of architecture history with the design of his mom’s house - 6 years ago

@Tate_Parody: RT @zedign: Remembering Robert Venturi, godfather of postmodern architecture and champion of everyday oddity - 6 years ago

@mullan_emmett: RT @_SamJacob: When Robert Venturi called me a degenerate and a pervert. - 6 years ago

@rayspooja: RT @lcszacka: Robert Venturi passes away...and with him goes a very important part of history. R.I.P. Bob - 6 years ago

@rayspooja: RT @GRAPHE_DESIGN: robert venturi, pioneering postmodernist, passes away aged 93 the american architect, who was awarded the pritzker priz… - 6 years ago

@rayspooja: RT @CenterForArch: RIP #RobertVenturi, who has passed away at the age of 93. Venturi was a pioneering author of books on architectural theo… - 6 years ago

@rayspooja: RT @craigczarny: Farewell my PoMo hero - 6 years ago

@rayspooja: RT @DRGarchitects: “As an architect, I try to be guided not by habit but by a conscious sense of the past—by precedent, thoughtfully consid… - 6 years ago

@rayspooja: RT @24_architect: I just heard of this. He was Kieran’s and my mentor, along with Denise Scott Brown and John Rauch. We’re grateful for wha… - 6 years ago

@rayspooja: RT @archpaper: Venturi was a leader in his field and forever changed the canon of architecture. - 6 years ago

@rayspooja: RT @ArchDaily: Robert Venturi Passes Away at 93 - 6 years ago

@iPluralism: RT @archnet: Robert Venturi: the bad-taste architect who took a sledgehammer to modernism - 6 years ago

@zedign: Remembering Robert Venturi, godfather of postmodern architecture and champion of everyday oddity - 6 years ago

@addlerelizalde: Robert Venturi, Architect Who Rejected Modernism, Dies at 93 - 6 years ago

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