Robert Mugabe

Zimbabwean revolutionary and politician
Died on Friday September 6th 2019

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Tweets related to Robert Mugabe:

@RaquelF09958377: RT @Mippcivzla: #EnFoto📸| El Embajador de Venezuela transmitió un mensaje de condolencias en nombre del Gobierno Bolivariano, al Presidente… - 5 years ago

@EP_Lawrence: RT @musa_gwebani: My favourite Grace and Robert Mugabe couple moment was when Grace got her PhD in three months and her supervisor was non… - 5 years ago

@Rfootwriter: RT @TheEconomist: Zimbabweans have complex feelings about their former president. Yet the empty seats at his funeral spoke volumes - 5 years ago

@seanthewatchman: RT @JobWiwaSikala: His Excellency the President of Zimbabwe Adv Nelson Chamisa paying his last respect to former President Robert Gabriel M… - 5 years ago


@LoveSphe: RT @keithndlovu1: Drawing of Robert Gabriel Mugabe 🇿🇼 I drew inspiration from an image from 1985 and the other from much later in his li… - 5 years ago

@iam_zimbabwean: RT @uche_ezeonye: Robert Mugabe was a Zimbabwean revolutionary and politician who served as Prime Minister of Zimbabwe from 1980 to 1987 an… - 5 years ago

@cards79: RT @TheEconomist: Robert Mugabe swept to victory in Zimbabwe's first free election in 1980. He then drove the country and its economy into… - 5 years ago

@emmybomba: RT @uche_ezeonye: Robert Mugabe was a Zimbabwean revolutionary and politician who served as Prime Minister of Zimbabwe from 1980 to 1987 an… - 5 years ago

@BarbieSnow6: RT @MailOnline: Crowds shun Robert Mugabe's funeral: Stadium is less than half full as Zimbabwe's President Emmerson Mnangagwa says Africa… - 5 years ago

@TSSFLTD: World News & Politics • AU Chair Robert Mugabe Addressing the 26th AU Summit - 5 years ago

@Sheri_Hischild: RT @MailOnline: Crowds shun Robert Mugabe's funeral: Stadium is less than half full as Zimbabwe's President Emmerson Mnangagwa says Africa… - 5 years ago

@LibongoSinoti: RT @musa_gwebani: My favourite Grace and Robert Mugabe couple moment was when Grace got her PhD in three months and her supervisor was non… - 5 years ago

@AlbertM90599380: RT @pprdofficiel: Le Président National, #Joseph_KABILA_KABANGE, Père de la démocratie africaine s'incline devant la dépouille de #Robert_M… - 5 years ago

@iam_zimbabwean: RT @MailOnline: Crowds shun Robert Mugabe's funeral: Stadium is less than half full as Zimbabwe's President Emmerson Mnangagwa says Africa… - 5 years ago

@MailOnline: Crowds shun Robert Mugabe's funeral: Stadium is less than half full as Zimbabwe's President Emmerson Mnangagwa says… - 5 years ago

@MounahiN: RT @IssoufouMhm: En ce jour d’hommage national au père de l'indépendance du #Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, je salue la mémoire d’un panafricanis… - 5 years ago

@albertojak81: @rcsilverio1994 Pra se reunir com Hugo Chávez, Fidel Castro e Robert Mugabe no quintal do capiroto... - 5 years ago

@RuthDaster: RT @eyderp: My favorite part of Zimbabwean military and police bands is the Hosho guys. (At Robert Mugabe’s funeral.) - 5 years ago

@percymhlanga1: RT @eyderp: My favorite part of Zimbabwean military and police bands is the Hosho guys. (At Robert Mugabe’s funeral.) - 5 years ago

@njagi_robin: RT @musa_gwebani: My favourite Grace and Robert Mugabe couple moment was when Grace got her PhD in three months and her supervisor was non… - 5 years ago

@DitiroWords: RT @keithndlovu1: Drawing of Robert Gabriel Mugabe 🇿🇼 I drew inspiration from an image from 1985 and the other from much later in his li… - 5 years ago

@Conversation_E: RT @laredglobal: Africa////Robert Mugabe: tan conflictivo vivo como muerto - 5 years ago

@IntellectualZim: RT @keithndlovu1: Drawing of Robert Gabriel Mugabe 🇿🇼 I drew inspiration from an image from 1985 and the other from much later in his li… - 5 years ago

@Nolipop_Masango: RT @musa_gwebani: My favourite Grace and Robert Mugabe couple moment was when Grace got her PhD in three months and her supervisor was non… - 5 years ago

@Wela_Mfundo: RT @musa_gwebani: My favourite Grace and Robert Mugabe couple moment was when Grace got her PhD in three months and her supervisor was non… - 5 years ago

@Ibiyode_: RT @musa_gwebani: My favourite Grace and Robert Mugabe couple moment was when Grace got her PhD in three months and her supervisor was non… - 5 years ago

@paulodiop1: A intensa trajetĂłria de Mugabe: da luta anticolonial ao exercĂ­cio do autoritarismo... - 5 years ago

@braca_yilber: RT @Mippcivzla: #EnFoto📸| El Embajador de Venezuela transmitió un mensaje de condolencias en nombre del Gobierno Bolivariano, al Presidente… - 5 years ago

@l_maware: RT @keithndlovu1: Drawing of Robert Gabriel Mugabe 🇿🇼 I drew inspiration from an image from 1985 and the other from much later in his li… - 5 years ago

@wikinoticias: Zimbabue 🇿🇼 | Con un multitudinario funeral en el Eatadio Nacional de Harare, se despidió a Robert Mugabe, presiden… - 5 years ago

@Sorry_Errol: Dear brother @Julius_S_Malema. I'm still in pain over some of your statements about Robert Mugabe. Mugabe presided… - 5 years ago

@Gamuroger: RT @SihleSays: Former President Jacob Zuma has arrived at the funeral of Robert Mugabe - to loud cheers from mourners #RobertMugabefuneral… - 5 years ago

@MissChisomo: RT @musa_gwebani: My favourite Grace and Robert Mugabe couple moment was when Grace got her PhD in three months and her supervisor was non… - 5 years ago

@Zibundile: The only thing memorable about Robert Mugabe's funeral is "Handei. Handei. Chingwa ndasiya padhora". Its ringing i… - 5 years ago

@SediNgubane: RT @keithndlovu1: Drawing of Robert Gabriel Mugabe 🇿🇼 I drew inspiration from an image from 1985 and the other from much later in his li… - 5 years ago

@nomsa_maseko: RT @keithndlovu1: Drawing of Robert Gabriel Mugabe 🇿🇼 I drew inspiration from an image from 1985 and the other from much later in his li… - 5 years ago

@mayerlingugarte: RT @Mippcivzla: #EnFoto📸| El Embajador de Venezuela transmitió un mensaje de condolencias en nombre del Gobierno Bolivariano, al Presidente… - 5 years ago

@robertamw: RT @CapX: A focus on Mugabe's later years obscures the horrors of the 1980s - 5 years ago

@hjoang: @TheEconomist Robert Mugabe turned Zimbabwe from the bread basket of Africa to the hunger ridden dictatorship it is… - 5 years ago

@Ricaaduh: RT @TheEconomist: Robert Mugabe swept to victory in Zimbabwe's first free election in 1980. He then drove the country and its economy into… - 5 years ago

@KotonOboma: RT @musa_gwebani: My favourite Grace and Robert Mugabe couple moment was when Grace got her PhD in three months and her supervisor was non… - 5 years ago

@maryama2323: RT @ProfOsinbajo: Nigeria respectfully condoles with the Republic of Zimbabwe on the passing of her President, Robert Mugabe, who led the r… - 5 years ago

@mazdima_: RT @hallaboutafrica: As Zimbabwe buries Robert Mugabe, I say as an historian that he was one of the most prominent and influential African… - 5 years ago

@AyaobaFunarae: RT @ThatPHCBoy: Grace Mugabe is an absolutely shitty person in the same league with her late husband. However people were able to overlook… - 5 years ago

@omosh_jeff: RT @africasacountry: Snack seller at Mugabe state funeral in Harare (to The Guardian): “Mugabe is the reason we are in this mess. I just ca… - 5 years ago

@Mike_amanpene: RT @PaulWallace123: Here's one way to quantify Robert #Mugabe's economic policies. #Zimbabwe's GDP has expanded 89% in dollar terms this ce… - 5 years ago

@dimdemi96: RT @reuterspictures: Grace Mugabe sits below a portrait of her late husband, former Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, at her 'Blue Roof'… - 5 years ago

@tapiwanashemubv: RT @OnlyAfricaFacts: We recall Robert Mugabe's 1961 interview. Very intuitive and eloquent, he was 37 years, had 3 university degrees, and… - 5 years ago

@d33uzoma: RT @musa_gwebani: My favourite Grace and Robert Mugabe couple moment was when Grace got her PhD in three months and her supervisor was non… - 5 years ago

@caribbeannewsuk: #ZIMBABWE: Ines Maria Chapman, a vice president of the Councils of State and Ministers of Cuba, ended a brief visit… - 5 years ago

@KoshesaiKhosa: RT @keithndlovu1: Drawing of Robert Gabriel Mugabe 🇿🇼 I drew inspiration from an image from 1985 and the other from much later in his li… - 5 years ago

@tumayimak: RT @keithndlovu1: Drawing of Robert Gabriel Mugabe 🇿🇼 I drew inspiration from an image from 1985 and the other from much later in his li… - 5 years ago

@grimmsdottr: RT @RenaldoGouws: Why is MY president attending a funeral and paying respects to a dictator and tyrant that killed tens of thousands of his… - 5 years ago

@adam_kapaya: RT @IAMartin_: Mazishi ya Ngwair na Kanumba (pichani) yalihudhuriwa na watu wengi mara tatu zaidi ya waliomuaga CDE Robert Gabriel Mugabe..… - 5 years ago

@larealcash: RT @CyrilRamaphosa: We came to Zimbabwe to pay our respects and honour the memory of the late President Robert Mugabe, one of the towering… - 5 years ago

@KTNNewsKE: Vuguvugu la AFF likiongozwa na Julius Malema liliandaa sherehe na hafla siku ya alhamisi kusherehekea maisha ya ali… - 5 years ago

@MyKing28360688: RT @eyderp: My favorite part of Zimbabwean military and police bands is the Hosho guys. (At Robert Mugabe’s funeral.) - 5 years ago

@Wamagaisa: RT @munya_bigdawg: Your BSR on Zimbabwes debt yesterday is in my opinion the finest you have written. @Wamagaisa. Well done. Better than th… - 5 years ago

@larry_moyo: RT @hallaboutafrica: As Zimbabwe buries Robert Mugabe, I say as an historian that he was one of the most prominent and influential African… - 5 years ago

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