Robert L. Bernstein

American publisher and human rights activist.
Died on Monday May 27th 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Robert L. Bernstein:

@GeraldNGOM: RT @GeraldNGOM: Behind the brief description in @nytimes obit of #BobBernstein are many agonizing details in his break with @hrw @kenroth (… - 6 years ago

@skhudoydodova: RT @KooyJan: “Bernstein launched an idea with deep roots: that the ideals of freedom, justice, and democracy are not just for governments t… - 6 years ago

@FrancescoFrapir: RT @KooyJan: “Bernstein launched an idea with deep roots: that the ideals of freedom, justice, and democracy are not just for governments t… - 6 years ago

@NormanBirnbach: A big loss: Robert L. Bernstein, Publisher and Champion of Dissent, Dies at 96 The founder of Human Rights Watch, M… - 6 years ago


@ladyvixenivy: Human Rights Watch Mourns Founder Robert Bernstein - 6 years ago

@sai20prasath: Human Rights Watch Mourns Founder Robert Bernstein - 6 years ago

@jennykim: RT @AndyGrewal: “As book publishers became more focused on profitability, Mr. Bernstein was ousted from Random House in 1989. His view rema… - 6 years ago

@KingOrleans: RT @AndyGrewal: “As book publishers became more focused on profitability, Mr. Bernstein was ousted from Random House in 1989. His view rema… - 6 years ago

@AndyGrewal: “As book publishers became more focused on profitability, Mr. Bernstein was ousted from Random House in 1989. His v… - 6 years ago

@HodaAKamel: RT @elderofziyon: The founder of Human Rights Watch, Robert L. Bernstein, passed away today. @KenRoth couldn't be bothered to tweet about… - 6 years ago

@KIMATHENA: RT @le_Parisien: Robert Bernstein, fondateur de Human Rights Watch, est mort à l'âge de 96 ans - 6 years ago

@KIMATHENA: RT @JsSepulchre: Bob Bernstein - fondateur de @hrw_fr - a eu la vision de défendre les droits humains par-delà les frontières, à un moment… - 6 years ago

@asma__samir: RT @elderofziyon: The founder of Human Rights Watch, Robert L. Bernstein, passed away today. @KenRoth couldn't be bothered to tweet about… - 6 years ago

@katerinareports: “He was a businessman... but he also thought books were more than a business.” - 6 years ago

@LaurenEHeuser: Robert L. Bernstein, Publisher and Champion of Dissent, Dies at 96 - 6 years ago

@addedvalueth: - 6 years ago

@SBStratCommLLC: Robert L. Bernstein, Publisher and Champion of Dissent, Dies at 96 - 6 years ago

@dufourdufour: Thanks Bob ! ⁦@hrw⁩ - 6 years ago

@theissuecollect: Robert L. Bernstein, Publisher and Champion of Dissent, Dies at 96 - 6 years ago

@AshfaqA06600070: RT @iainlevine: Bob Bernstein, founding chairman of @hrw dies. Leaves behind an extraordinary legacy of commitment to international human r… - 6 years ago

@m_a_y_e_l_a: Fallece Robert Bernstein, fundador y editor de Human Rights Watch - 6 years ago

@PamelaFalk: Robert L. Bernstein Used Literary Perch to Defend Dissidents - earlier this week RIP #RobertBernstein - 6 years ago

@Afsaneh96022315: RT @RoyaBoroumand: Today, the world needs people with the vision and resolve of Robert Bernstein, publisher and one of the founders of Huma… - 6 years ago

@rashidaldosari: RT @WSJ: Obituary: Robert L. Bernstein, head of Random House and founder of Human Rights Watch, spurned his father’s advice to avoid gettin… - 6 years ago

@jonathanotcher1: RT @WSJ: Obituary: Robert L. Bernstein, head of Random House and founder of Human Rights Watch, spurned his father’s advice to avoid gettin… - 6 years ago

@locketheart: RT @WSJ: Obituary: Robert L. Bernstein, head of Random House and founder of Human Rights Watch, spurned his father’s advice to avoid gettin… - 6 years ago

@specklight: RT @WSJ: Obituary: Robert L. Bernstein, head of Random House and founder of Human Rights Watch, spurned his father’s advice to avoid gettin… - 6 years ago

@JackVerMiles: RT @WSJ: Obituary: Robert L. Bernstein, head of Random House and founder of Human Rights Watch, spurned his father’s advice to avoid gettin… - 6 years ago

@twitsandbox1: RT @WSJ: Obituary: Robert L. Bernstein, head of Random House and founder of Human Rights Watch, spurned his father’s advice to avoid gettin… - 6 years ago

@Bonnerfide420: RT @WSJ: Obituary: Robert L. Bernstein, head of Random House and founder of Human Rights Watch, spurned his father’s advice to avoid gettin… - 6 years ago

@ana_captures: RT @WSJ: Obituary: Robert L. Bernstein, head of Random House and founder of Human Rights Watch, spurned his father’s advice to avoid gettin… - 6 years ago

@DorothyHagan: RT @WSJ: Obituary: Robert L. Bernstein, head of Random House and founder of Human Rights Watch, spurned his father’s advice to avoid gettin… - 6 years ago

@shilpi_parashar: RT @WSJ: Obituary: Robert L. Bernstein, head of Random House and founder of Human Rights Watch, spurned his father’s advice to avoid gettin… - 6 years ago

@una_mejorVzla: RT @HillelNeuer: The New York Times obituary said it best: Bob Bernstein was "a man of eclectic tastes with a passion for good books and no… - 6 years ago

@cigitalgem: - 6 years ago

@cuandocomoydond: - 6 years ago

@husainhaqqani: RT @iainlevine: Bob Bernstein, founding chairman of @hrw dies. Leaves behind an extraordinary legacy of commitment to international human r… - 6 years ago

@fispahani: RT @iainlevine: Bob Bernstein, founding chairman of @hrw dies. Leaves behind an extraordinary legacy of commitment to international human r… - 6 years ago

@BruceBrothers: Robert L. Bernstein, Publisher and Champion of Dissent, Dies at 96 An ardent defender of political dissidents and… - 6 years ago

@isarosepress: Robert L. Bernstein, Publisher and Champion of Dissent, Dies at 96 — NYT > Books - 6 years ago

@demdigest: Robert L. Bernstein, publisher of dissidents, champion of dissent, R.I.P. - 6 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Sheila Urbanetti, an 'ordinary' person with a beautiful obit; publisher and Human Rights Watc… - 6 years ago

@gshochat: RT @macintyrelj: Robert L. Bernstein, Publisher and Champion of Dissent, Dies at 96, via @nytimes Life well-lived. - 6 years ago

@macintyrelj: Robert L. Bernstein, Publisher and Champion of Dissent, Dies at 96, via @nytimes Life well-lived. - 6 years ago

@AlliesEats: ❤️ - 6 years ago

@therealAmarna: RT @NYTObits: Robert L. Bernstein built Random House into an international publishing giant and championed political dissent, freedom of ex… - 6 years ago

@mike_sell: Robert L. Bernstein, a champion of literature that matters to humanity, has died. - 6 years ago

@see_venice: RT @NYTObits: Robert L. Bernstein built Random House into an international publishing giant and championed political dissent, freedom of ex… - 6 years ago

@augustjordan: Robert L. Bernstein, Publisher and Champion of Dissent, Dies at 96 - 6 years ago

@Wire____News: Robert Bernstein, publisher and champion of dissidents around the world, dies at 96 Robert L. Bernstein, a publish… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Robert L. Bernstein built Random House into an international publishing giant and championed political dissent, fre… - 6 years ago

@bronwyn13: Robert L. Bernstein, Publisher and Champion of Dissent, Dies at 96 - 6 years ago

@jraimo: Robert L. Berstein (1923-2019): - 6 years ago

@5lawslib: Robert L. Bernstein, Publisher and Champion of Dissent, Dies at 96 @nytimes - 6 years ago

@RoyKenagy: Robert L. Bernstein, Publisher and Champion of Dissent, Dies at 96 @nytimes - 6 years ago

@mkessler_DC: - 6 years ago

@IndivCincy: RT @nytimes: The NYT obituary for Robert L. Bernstein, who built Random House into an international publishing giant and founded Human Righ… - 6 years ago

@TurtleReads: RT @nytimes: The NYT obituary for Robert L. Bernstein, who built Random House into an international publishing giant and founded Human Righ… - 6 years ago

@ganguliasish1: RT @KooyJan: “Bernstein launched an idea with deep roots: that the ideals of freedom, justice, and democracy are not just for governments t… - 6 years ago

@theissuecollect: Robert L. Bernstein, Publisher and Champion of Dissent, Dies at 96 - 6 years ago

@trumpandnotices: Robert L. Bernstein, Publisher and Champion of Dissent, Dies at 96 - 6 years ago

@globalissuesweb: Robert Bernstein, publisher and champion of dissidents around the world, dies at 96 - 6 years ago

@mattinnyc: - 6 years ago

@philvaz: Robert L. Bernstein, Publisher and Champion of Dissent, Dies at 96 - 6 years ago

@WuWeiToday: Robert L. Bernstein, Publisher and Champion of Dissent, Dies at 96 - 6 years ago

@FlaShBloGLive: Robert L. Bernstein, Publisher and Champion of Dissent, Dies at 96: The founder of Human Rights Watch, Mr. Bernstei… - 6 years ago

@NazaninBoniadi: RT @RoyaBoroumand: Today, the world needs people with the vision and resolve of Robert Bernstein, publisher and one of the founders of Huma… - 6 years ago

@FenellaSung1: RT @iainlevine: Bob Bernstein, founding chairman of @hrw dies. Leaves behind an extraordinary legacy of commitment to international human r… - 6 years ago

@a_zionist: Robert L. Bernstein, Human Rights Watch Founder Who Later Criticized Its Anti-Israel Bias, Dies at 96 - 6 years ago

@DubJoo: RT @elderofziyon: The founder of Human Rights Watch, Robert L. Bernstein, passed away today. @KenRoth couldn't be bothered to tweet about… - 6 years ago

@USAGroundZero: RT @NYTObits: Robert L. Bernstein built Random House into an international publishing giant and championed political dissent, freedom of ex… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Robert L. Bernstein built Random House into an international publishing giant and championed political dissent, fre… - 6 years ago

@ostinepowers1: RT @elderofziyon: The founder of Human Rights Watch, Robert L. Bernstein, passed away today. @KenRoth couldn't be bothered to tweet about… - 6 years ago

@john_medalen: RT @KooyJan: “Bernstein launched an idea with deep roots: that the ideals of freedom, justice, and democracy are not just for governments t… - 6 years ago

@sinbad_W: RT @davidakaye: businessman, activist, philanthropist - it's possible to be all of these things (& more), as this obit of robert bernstein… - 6 years ago

@ibiriti: RT @elderofziyon: The founder of Human Rights Watch, Robert L. Bernstein, passed away today. @KenRoth couldn't be bothered to tweet about… - 6 years ago

@humanrightsnyu: RT @NYUBernstein: It is with a heavy heart that we share the news of Robert L. Bernstein’s passing. Bob was a tireless defender of #humanri… - 6 years ago

@AubinRukera: RT @elderofziyon: The founder of Human Rights Watch, Robert L. Bernstein, passed away today. @KenRoth couldn't be bothered to tweet about… - 6 years ago

@NebreLa: RT @nytimes: The NYT obituary for Robert L. Bernstein, who built Random House into an international publishing giant and founded Human Righ… - 6 years ago

@bobnsky: RT @elderofziyon: The founder of Human Rights Watch, Robert L. Bernstein, passed away today. @KenRoth couldn't be bothered to tweet about… - 6 years ago

@bishumba: RT @elderofziyon: The founder of Human Rights Watch, Robert L. Bernstein, passed away today. @KenRoth couldn't be bothered to tweet about… - 6 years ago

@kamikazijosi: RT @elderofziyon: The founder of Human Rights Watch, Robert L. Bernstein, passed away today. @KenRoth couldn't be bothered to tweet about… - 6 years ago

@nyulaw: RT @NYUBernstein: It is with a heavy heart that we share the news of Robert L. Bernstein’s passing. Bob was a tireless defender of #humanri… - 6 years ago

@gb0715: RT @elderofziyon: The founder of Human Rights Watch, Robert L. Bernstein, passed away today. @KenRoth couldn't be bothered to tweet about… - 6 years ago

@qwikpix: RT @elderofziyon: The founder of Human Rights Watch, Robert L. Bernstein, passed away today. @KenRoth couldn't be bothered to tweet about… - 6 years ago

@VNadejdina: RT @KooyJan: “Bernstein launched an idea with deep roots: that the ideals of freedom, justice, and democracy are not just for governments t… - 6 years ago

@msherazz: RT @KooyJan: “Bernstein launched an idea with deep roots: that the ideals of freedom, justice, and democracy are not just for governments t… - 6 years ago

@lesstaxingcpa: RT @HillelNeuer: I mourn the passing of my friend Bob Bernstein at the age of 96. He built Random House into a publishing giant & champione… - 6 years ago

@18thJuly: RT @KooyJan: “Bernstein launched an idea with deep roots: that the ideals of freedom, justice, and democracy are not just for governments t… - 6 years ago

@WashingtonViews: The passing of Robert Bernstein: #HumanRightsWatch Mourns Founder #RobertBernstein - 6 years ago

@ActuaLitte: L'ancien président des éditions Random House, Robert L. Bernstein, est mort - 6 years ago

@quailcrown: RT @KooyJan: “Bernstein launched an idea with deep roots: that the ideals of freedom, justice, and democracy are not just for governments t… - 6 years ago

@fikretkarabudak: RT @KooyJan: “Bernstein launched an idea with deep roots: that the ideals of freedom, justice, and democracy are not just for governments t… - 6 years ago

@bobbellywood: RT @elderofziyon: The founder of Human Rights Watch, Robert L. Bernstein, passed away today. @KenRoth couldn't be bothered to tweet about… - 6 years ago

@paulasimensato: RT @KooyJan: “Bernstein launched an idea with deep roots: that the ideals of freedom, justice, and democracy are not just for governments t… - 6 years ago

@Beliaz9: RT @KooyJan: “Bernstein launched an idea with deep roots: that the ideals of freedom, justice, and democracy are not just for governments t… - 6 years ago

@RupertBAbbott: RT @nytimes: The NYT obituary for Robert L. Bernstein, who built Random House into an international publishing giant and founded Human Righ… - 6 years ago

@belkiswille: RT @KooyJan: “Bernstein launched an idea with deep roots: that the ideals of freedom, justice, and democracy are not just for governments t… - 6 years ago

@AshishBohora: RT @KooyJan: “Bernstein launched an idea with deep roots: that the ideals of freedom, justice, and democracy are not just for governments t… - 6 years ago

@Munzurlu66: RT @KooyJan: “Bernstein launched an idea with deep roots: that the ideals of freedom, justice, and democracy are not just for governments t… - 6 years ago

@50Fearless: RT @KooyJan: “Bernstein launched an idea with deep roots: that the ideals of freedom, justice, and democracy are not just for governments t… - 6 years ago

@jmprz1: Robert L. Bernstein, Publisher and Champion of Dissent, Dies at 96 - 6 years ago

@TimurLand45: RT @KooyJan: “Bernstein launched an idea with deep roots: that the ideals of freedom, justice, and democracy are not just for governments t… - 6 years ago

@LHBrok: RT @elderofziyon: The founder of Human Rights Watch, Robert L. Bernstein, passed away today. @KenRoth couldn't be bothered to tweet about… - 6 years ago

@OccuWorld: Human Rights First Mourns the Passing of Robert L. Bernstein - 6 years ago

@fredfromfrance3: Droits de l’Homme : décès du fondateur de Human Rights Watch Envoyé via @updayFR - 6 years ago

@nyu_gjc: RT @NYUBernstein: It is with a heavy heart that we share the news of Robert L. Bernstein’s passing. Bob was a tireless defender of #humanri… - 6 years ago

@ahsfarmer: Sad to hear of Robert Bernstein’s passing - a legend in human rights. - 6 years ago

@davidboxenhorn: RT @elderofziyon: The founder of Human Rights Watch, Robert L. Bernstein, passed away today. @KenRoth couldn't be bothered to tweet about… - 6 years ago

@Avi_141: RT @HillelNeuer: The New York Times obituary said it best: Bob Bernstein was "a man of eclectic tastes with a passion for good books and no… - 6 years ago

@Avi_141: RT @HillelNeuer: I mourn the passing of my friend Bob Bernstein at the age of 96. He built Random House into a publishing giant & champione… - 6 years ago

@akiakbash: RT @elderofziyon: The founder of Human Rights Watch, Robert L. Bernstein, passed away today. @KenRoth couldn't be bothered to tweet about… - 6 years ago

@akiakbash: RT @HillelNeuer: I mourn the passing of my friend Bob Bernstein at the age of 96. He built Random House into a publishing giant & champione… - 6 years ago

@njba20: RT @HillelNeuer: I mourn the passing of my friend Bob Bernstein at the age of 96. He built Random House into a publishing giant & champione… - 6 years ago

@dbe928: Robert L. Bernstein, Human Rights Watch Founder Who Later Criticized Its Anti-Israel Bias, Dies at 96; He said HRW… - 6 years ago

@RTSastrowardoyo: RT @ClydeHaberman: Bob Bernstein, Random House publisher & Human Rights Watch founder, has died at 96. I got to know him in his later years… - 6 years ago

@cj249colin: RT @HillelNeuer: I mourn the passing of my friend Bob Bernstein at the age of 96. He built Random House into a publishing giant & champione… - 6 years ago

@Senits77: RT @SethAMandel: Baruch dayan emet. Robert Bernstein was a true man of principle. Founded Human Rights Watch and then went public two decad… - 6 years ago

@sg_ndlon: RT @NYUBernstein: It is with a heavy heart that we share the news of Robert L. Bernstein’s passing. Bob was a tireless defender of #humanri… - 6 years ago

@BarbaraLedeen: Robert L. Bernstein, Human Rights Watch Founder Who Later Criticized Its Anti-Israel Bias, Dies at 96 - 6 years ago

@williamnee: RT @davidakaye: businessman, activist, philanthropist - it's possible to be all of these things (& more), as this obit of robert bernstein… - 6 years ago

@davidakaye: businessman, activist, philanthropist - it's possible to be all of these things (& more), as this obit of robert be… - 6 years ago

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