Robert Kerman

American actor (Cannibal Holocaust).
Died on Friday December 28th 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Hasan Çelebi

Tweets related to Robert Kerman:

@uchuusensilica: RT @ShamelessFilms: We were deeply saddened to hear of the recent passing of Cannibal Holocaust star #RobertKerman. Here's a fitting tribut… - 6 years ago

@DFilmFan: RT @ShamelessFilms: We were deeply saddened to hear of the recent passing of Cannibal Holocaust star #RobertKerman. Here's a fitting tribut… - 6 years ago

@Cornervizion: RT @ShamelessFilms: We were deeply saddened to hear of the recent passing of Cannibal Holocaust star #RobertKerman. Here's a fitting tribut… - 6 years ago

@XaviSanchez: RT @ShamelessFilms: We were deeply saddened to hear of the recent passing of Cannibal Holocaust star #RobertKerman. Here's a fitting tribut… - 6 years ago


@SEIDONNE: RT @ShamelessFilms: We were deeply saddened to hear of the recent passing of Cannibal Holocaust star #RobertKerman. Here's a fitting tribut… - 6 years ago

@PereVallK: RT @faustianovich: Vía @FinestraCR conozco el adiós de Robert Kerman, R. Bolla en el porno. Asiduo al terror italiano (HOLOCAUSTO CANÍBAL,… - 6 years ago

@faustianovich: Vía @FinestraCR conozco el adiós de Robert Kerman, R. Bolla en el porno. Asiduo al terror italiano (HOLOCAUSTO CANÍ… - 6 years ago

@DPxxx: RIP Robert Kerman aka R. Bolla. "Debbie Does Dallas" is a masterpiece. - 6 years ago

@AckerooBanzai: RT @ShamelessFilms: We were deeply saddened to hear of the recent passing of Cannibal Holocaust star #RobertKerman. Here's a fitting tribut… - 6 years ago

@DebbieRochon: RT @ShamelessFilms: We were deeply saddened to hear of the recent passing of Cannibal Holocaust star #RobertKerman. Here's a fitting tribut… - 6 years ago

@djalfonso: RT @ShamelessFilms: We were deeply saddened to hear of the recent passing of Cannibal Holocaust star #RobertKerman. Here's a fitting tribut… - 6 years ago

@losman94: @StrangeCinema65 @GrindhouseFilm RIP Robert Kerman - 6 years ago

@TheNoirKiller: RT @ShamelessFilms: We were deeply saddened to hear of the recent passing of Cannibal Holocaust star #RobertKerman. Here's a fitting tribut… - 6 years ago

@JonathanBarkan: RT @ShamelessFilms: We were deeply saddened to hear of the recent passing of Cannibal Holocaust star #RobertKerman. Here's a fitting tribut… - 6 years ago

@mikehostench: RT @ShamelessFilms: We were deeply saddened to hear of the recent passing of Cannibal Holocaust star #RobertKerman. Here's a fitting tribut… - 6 years ago

@jigsaw196: RT @ShamelessFilms: We were deeply saddened to hear of the recent passing of Cannibal Holocaust star #RobertKerman. Here's a fitting tribut… - 6 years ago

@RTNtoPornoChic: RT @AVNMediaNetwork: Robert Kerman, Known in Adult as R. Bolla, Has Passed - 6 years ago

@WillSloanEsq: Robert Kerman, Ringo Lam, Super Dave Osbourne... I guess it’s sadly true that celebrity deaths come in threes. 😢 💀 - 6 years ago

@HeyitsDoug13: @JoeSposto Also just found out Robert Kerman from Cannibal Holocaust and Debi Does Dallas went a few days ago - 6 years ago

@Films_maniac: RT @wishiwasinnyc: @hollyrandall The passing of R. Bolla/Robert Kerman made me think about this again. I grew up in an age where they we're… - 6 years ago

@robert_frye86: Collecting Mood or Viss and even Kerman persian area carpets with real wool and Rugman area wool. Going with this c… - 6 years ago

@nin_x3: 『食人族』(1971)、『食人帝国』(1980)、『人喰族』(1984)、『追いつめられて』(1987)、『スパイダーマン』(2002)などへの出演歴を持つ米俳優ロバート・カーマンが死去。71歳。 - 6 years ago

@BigNose04432298: @Robert_Kerman Rest In Peace. Sorry you never got your last curtain call. - 6 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Nazi fighter Georges Loinger; Oscar-winning animator Borge Ring; former MLB pitcher Pete Lovric… - 6 years ago

@Films_maniac: RT @TheRialtoReport: Robert Kerman, also known as the adult film actor, R. Bolla, died this week in New York at the age of 71. We pay trib… - 6 years ago

@PornOfYore: RT @TheRialtoReport: Robert Kerman, also known as the adult film actor, R. Bolla, died this week in New York at the age of 71. We pay trib… - 6 years ago

@screamvex: Remembering CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST Star Robert Kerman (1947-2018) - 6 years ago

@LuvHalloween: RIP: Robert Kerman, Star Of 'Cannibal Holocaust', Has Passed Away - 6 years ago

@johnwhitney_97: RT @TerrorActo: Fallece Robert Kerman, mitico actor de cine para adultos y rostro en clásicos como HOLOCAUSTO CANÍBAL, COMIDOS VIVOS y CANÍ… - 6 years ago

@Antyradiopl: Smutek w serach fanów horroru - - 6 years ago

@wishiwasinnyc: @hollyrandall The passing of R. Bolla/Robert Kerman made me think about this again. I grew up in an age where they… - 6 years ago

@zazoomblog: Morto lattore Robert Kerman interpretò Cannibal Holocaust - #Morto #lattore #Robert #Kerman - 6 years ago

@zazoomnews: Morto lattore Robert Kerman interpretò Cannibal Holocaust - #Morto #lattore #Robert #Kerman - 6 years ago

@todf: RT @alistasi: RIP Robert Kerman who delivered this great final line in Italian horror cinema. - 6 years ago

@JMRay2: Leo que ha fallecido Robert Kerman aka Richard Bolla, protagonista de alguna de las pelis más míticas del cine X, p… - 6 years ago

@bunnywhiskers: RT @alistasi: RIP Robert Kerman who delivered this great final line in Italian horror cinema. - 6 years ago

@Gazzettino: Morto Robert Kerman, "Monsieur Cannibal": era attore cult dei b-movie horror - 6 years ago

@ilmessaggeroit: Morto Robert Kerman, "Monsieur Cannibal": era attore cult dei b-movie horror - 6 years ago

@SIlVIAZ1968: RT @Rev_Wilson_: Hoy toca despedir a uno de esos rostros del culto. Robert Kerman, el inolvidable Profesor Harold Monroe de "Holocausto Can… - 6 years ago

@dyemery: RT @thecinemasnob: RIP Robert Kerman, an incredibly talented actor and with roles in Cannibal Holocaust, The Goodbye Girl, No Way Out, Debb… - 6 years ago

@SamScroll: RT @thecinemasnob: RIP Robert Kerman, an incredibly talented actor and with roles in Cannibal Holocaust, The Goodbye Girl, No Way Out, Debb… - 6 years ago

@akeenesmith: RT @BDisgusting: [R.I.P.] ‘Cannibal Holocaust’ Star Robert Kerman Has Passed Away - 6 years ago

@venomlegions2_0: - 6 years ago

@venomlegions2_0: @ffernan312 @TheRialtoReport - 6 years ago

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