Robert Hogan

American actor (The Lady in Red
Died on Tuesday June 1st 2021

View other recent people: Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn, Huey Williams

Tweets related to Robert Hogan:

@think_moco: RT @DeirdreByrneMCM: .@GovLarryHogan will be joined by former CDC Director Robert Redfield (now a health advisor to Hogan), @MontCoExec Mar… - 4 years ago

@mymcmedia: RT @DeirdreByrneMCM: .@GovLarryHogan will be joined by former CDC Director Robert Redfield (now a health advisor to Hogan), @MontCoExec Mar… - 4 years ago

@DeirdreByrneMCM: .@GovLarryHogan will be joined by former CDC Director Robert Redfield (now a health advisor to Hogan), @MontCoExec… - 4 years ago

@ILoveLyndhurst: In cooperation with Bergen County Clerk, John S. Hogan, Mayor Robert B. Giangeruso has once again requested Passpor… - 4 years ago


@clarelibrary: #CruinniúnanÓg takes place this Saturday. See And look at these fabulous entri… - 4 years ago

@_ZFG_: RT @sisu_sanity: "Hogan, 53, ran for attorney general in 2015 and for lieutenant governor in 2019 on a ticket with gubernatorial candidate… - 4 years ago

@MacroDistress: RT @wjz: Dr. Robert Redfield, senior public health advisor to Governor Hogan, was harshly criticized on the Senate floor when he said in Ma… - 4 years ago

@NicoleBakerTV: RT @wjz: Dr. Robert Redfield, senior public health advisor to Governor Hogan, was harshly criticized on the Senate floor when he said in Ma… - 4 years ago

@dweinman3: RT @wjz: Dr. Robert Redfield, senior public health advisor to Governor Hogan, was harshly criticized on the Senate floor when he said in Ma… - 4 years ago

@wjz: Dr. Robert Redfield, senior public health advisor to Governor Hogan, was harshly criticized on the Senate floor whe… - 4 years ago

@MDSenateGOP: Republican leaders in the Maryland Senate called on Senate President Bill Ferguson to formally apologize to Dr. Rob… - 4 years ago

@Jadelia: RT @sisu_sanity: "Hogan, 53, ran for attorney general in 2015 and for lieutenant governor in 2019 on a ticket with gubernatorial candidate… - 4 years ago

@PPDavidDennison: RT @sisu_sanity: "Hogan, 53, ran for attorney general in 2015 and for lieutenant governor in 2019 on a ticket with gubernatorial candidate… - 4 years ago

@Arianrh14052591: RT @sisu_sanity: "Hogan, 53, ran for attorney general in 2015 and for lieutenant governor in 2019 on a ticket with gubernatorial candidate… - 4 years ago

@ElkeHollings: RT @sisu_sanity: "Hogan, 53, ran for attorney general in 2015 and for lieutenant governor in 2019 on a ticket with gubernatorial candidate… - 4 years ago

@sisu_sanity: "Hogan, 53, ran for attorney general in 2015 and for lieutenant governor in 2019 on a ticket with gubernatorial can… - 4 years ago

@Z5cathy: RT @TigerMarlowe: Robert Pattinson 📷by Dave J Hogan - 4 years ago

@ohiomail: Well-known Kentucky prosecutor faces wire fraud charges Hogan, 53, ran for… - 4 years ago

@TigerMarlowe: Robert Pattinson 📷by Dave J Hogan - 4 years ago

@DekuYiffsSquids: @datboiguzma Get yourself that Ultra Rare foil Promo Robert Hogan my man. - 4 years ago

@BelievnTheDream: Hogan, 53, ran for attorney general in 2015 and for lieutenant governor in 2019 on a ticket with gubernatorial cand… - 4 years ago

@kenziecaudil: RT @BGPolitics: "Hogan ran unsuccessfully for lieutenant governor in the May 2019 Republican primary on a ticket with state Rep. Robert Gof… - 4 years ago

@True_2_thebigbl: RT @BGPolitics: "Hogan ran unsuccessfully for lieutenant governor in the May 2019 Republican primary on a ticket with state Rep. Robert Gof… - 4 years ago

@schultzyPDog: RT @BGPolitics: "Hogan ran unsuccessfully for lieutenant governor in the May 2019 Republican primary on a ticket with state Rep. Robert Gof… - 4 years ago

@BGPolitics: "Hogan ran unsuccessfully for lieutenant governor in the May 2019 Republican primary on a ticket with state Rep. Ro… - 4 years ago

@TimTimoj67: RT @TimTimoj67: Recall Hogan's Heroes & Sgt. Schultz of "I see nothing" fame? Now we have Jim saying same. Toughen up Jim 👎 Detroit Free… - 4 years ago

@DutchSampleton: @robert_bobson @Personano133 Darby has to worry about Darby .... the same way Rock Randy Savage Hulk Hogan and Stev… - 4 years ago

@dyldiggs: RT @MDSenateGOP: Senate GOP Leader Simonaire and @senatorhough call on Senate President Ferguson to issue an apology to Dr. Robert Redfield… - 4 years ago

@senatorhough: RT @MDSenateGOP: Senate GOP Leader Simonaire and @senatorhough call on Senate President Ferguson to issue an apology to Dr. Robert Redfield… - 4 years ago

@MDSenateGOP: Senate GOP Leader Simonaire and @senatorhough call on Senate President Ferguson to issue an apology to Dr. Robert R… - 4 years ago

@busteddkeaton: madona, robert redford, dastin hofman, HULK HOGAN - 4 years ago

@RichDent: RT @Hold322: 417 Sexy Santa Summer 417 Sexy Santa SummerThis week on The World’s Greatest Comic Book Podcast™: We remember Robert Hogan. Th… - 4 years ago

@Hold322: 417 Sexy Santa Summer 417 Sexy Santa SummerThis week on The World’s Greatest Comic Book Podcast™: We remember Rober… - 4 years ago

@JaelinSmith4: RT @gettv: We're sad to hear of the death of #RobertHogan (1933–2021) — familiar face since the 1960s, namesake for HOGAN'S HEROES. He wa… - 4 years ago

@TheBuckleyite: - 4 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Actors Clarence Williams III, Robert Hogan, Arlene Golonka; manga artist Kentaro Miura; photogr… - 4 years ago

@mercurie80: A Shroud of Thoughts: Godspeed Robert Hogan - 4 years ago

@WWEMatchBot: The team of Adam Thornstowe, Robert Gibson, Kristal and Maven defeats The team of Jacob Crist, Robbie McAllister, H… - 4 years ago

@extratv: Robert Hogan, a TV and stage actor remembered for a prolific 60-year career, has died at 87. 🙏 - 4 years ago

@TimTimoj67: Recall Hogan's Heroes & Sgt. Schultz of "I see nothing" fame? Now we have Jim saying same. Toughen up Jim 👎 Detr… - 4 years ago

@JourneymanJour1: R.I.P. #RobertHogan, another of TV and film's hardworking character actors. I recognize him as the pilot on #MASH. - 4 years ago

@grandted212: 'Peyton Place,' 'Operation Petticoat' Actor Robert Hogan Dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Death - Obituary : Robert Hogan, Veteran TV Actor From 'Peyton Place' to... - 4 years ago

@NightAftNightPC: RT @Shotzette: RIP, G. Bullets Kline. NBC News: Robert Hogan, actor who appeared in everything from 'Laverne & Shirley' to 'The Wire,' d… - 4 years ago

@beansi50: RT @zg4ever: Robert Hogan, veteran character actor known for The Wire and Laverne and Shirley, dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@zg4ever: Robert Hogan, veteran character actor known for The Wire and Laverne and Shirley, dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Death - Obituary : Robert Hogan, Veteran TV Actor From 'Peyton Place' to... - 4 years ago

@TheWrestleBot: Rusev has been marked as a ringrat for sleeping with Hulk Hogan, Edge, Robert Stone and Kofi Kingston, among others. - 4 years ago

@Hogan_Writes: RT @BeschlossDC: Robert Kennedy died today 1968: - 4 years ago

@JackieTeague8: @arjm5184 Robert Clary wrote From the Holocaust to Hogan’s Heroes. It’s a good read. - 4 years ago

@Ethan_Theresaps: RT @SoapOperaNewss: Soap Opera News is sad to report that #AnotherWorld alum #RobertHogan has passed away! - 4 years ago

@zencolefansbb: RT @SoapOperaNewss: Soap Opera News is sad to report that #AnotherWorld alum #RobertHogan has passed away! - 4 years ago

@SoapOperaFans: RT @SoapOperaNewss: Soap Opera News is sad to report that #AnotherWorld alum #RobertHogan has passed away! - 4 years ago

@Coldhearted_mjt: RT @SoapOperaNewss: Soap Opera News is sad to report that #AnotherWorld alum #RobertHogan has passed away! - 4 years ago

@KZazula: RT @soapoperafan: Beloved soap opera actor, Robert J. Hogan, passed away at age 87. Remember the daytime vet here: - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Death - Obituary - Cause of Death: Robert Hogan, known for 'The Wire' and 'Peyton Place,' dead at 87 : Click link t… - 4 years ago

@kimellis9: R.I.P. Robert Hogan, the namesake of the Col. Hogan character on Hogan's Heroes - 4 years ago

@ComputeBlu: RT @soapoperafan: Beloved soap opera actor, Robert J. Hogan, passed away at age 87. Remember the daytime vet here: - 4 years ago

@extratv: Robert Hogan, a TV and stage actor remembered for a prolific 60-year career, died May 27 of pneumonia at his home in Maine. He was 87. 🙏 - 4 years ago

@willhuhges: RT @soapoperafan: Beloved soap opera actor, Robert J. Hogan, passed away at age 87. Remember the daytime vet here: - 4 years ago

@Dynaia1: RT @soapoperafan: Beloved soap opera actor, Robert J. Hogan, passed away at age 87. Remember the daytime vet here: - 4 years ago

@soapoperafan: Beloved soap opera actor, Robert J. Hogan, passed away at age 87. Remember the daytime vet here:… - 4 years ago

@Robert_j_Hogan: @jclcapital Congratulations!! - 4 years ago

@ExBulletinUk: “Peyton Place”, “Operation Petticoat” actor Robert Hogan dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@AngeliqueEdw: RIP Robert Hogan - 4 years ago

@FDI_Index: By the end of the night I will have one for next week's edition featuring: Jamie Clark Robert Owen Darren Beveridg… - 4 years ago

@AilsaForshaw: RT @extratv: Robert Hogan, a TV and stage actor remembered for a prolific 60-year career, died May 27 of pneumonia at his home in Maine. He… - 4 years ago

@britpop86: RT @extratv: Robert Hogan, a TV and stage actor remembered for a prolific 60-year career, died May 27 of pneumonia at his home in Maine. He… - 4 years ago

@extratv: Robert Hogan, a TV and stage actor remembered for a prolific 60-year career, died May 27 of pneumonia at his home i… - 4 years ago

@Candi12301: RT @gettv: We're sad to hear of the death of #RobertHogan (1933–2021) — familiar face since the 1960s, namesake for HOGAN'S HEROES. He wa… - 4 years ago

@livvie756: RT @gettv: We're sad to hear of the death of #RobertHogan (1933–2021) — familiar face since the 1960s, namesake for HOGAN'S HEROES. He wa… - 4 years ago

@filmfreak75: RT @filmfreakmafia: R.I.P. Robert Hogan, the namesake of the Col. Hogan character on Hogan's Heroes - 4 years ago

@filmfreakmafia: R.I.P. Robert Hogan, the namesake of the Col. Hogan character on Hogan's Heroes - 4 years ago

@NenaghGuardian: RT @BrophShane: Tipperary team v Westmeath 6 changes from Galway win. Brian Hogan Cathal Barrett Padraic Maher Barry Heffernan Robert Byrn… - 4 years ago

@s_rewritten: RT @gettv: We're sad to hear of the death of #RobertHogan (1933–2021) — familiar face since the 1960s, namesake for HOGAN'S HEROES. He wa… - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Death - Obituary - Cause of Death: Actor Robert Hogan dies at age 87 due to pneumonia ... - 4 years ago

@A13077562: RT @doge4you: 👉#binance 💯👉Auto Follower👈💯 💯👉#自動相互フォロー👈💯 #followermachine #Brad #Stevens #Robert #Hogan #New #Mexi… - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Robert Hogan Death - Obituary - Cause... - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Death - Obituary - Cause of Death: Veteran TV Actor Robert Hogan Dead of Pneumonia Complications at 87 : Clic... - 4 years ago

@stigmabase: RT @stigmabase: Fighting stigma — 'The Wire' actor Robert Hogan dies aged 87: He had been living with vascular Alzheimer's disease of the… - 4 years ago

@AisaacW: RT @NBCNews: Robert Hogan, the TV actor who appeared in more than 100 primetime shows, has died at age 87, his family says. - 4 years ago

@lesliejoanz: RT @gettv: We're sad to hear of the death of #RobertHogan (1933–2021) — familiar face since the 1960s, namesake for HOGAN'S HEROES. He wa… - 4 years ago

@grandted212: Veteran character actor Robert Hogan dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@greenurlifenow: RT @SoapOperaNewss: Soap Opera News is sad to report that #AnotherWorld alum #RobertHogan has passed away! - 4 years ago

@SoapOperaNewss: RT @SoapOperaNewss: Soap Opera News is sad to report that #AnotherWorld alum #RobertHogan has passed away! - 4 years ago

@RichLevy5: RT @gettv: We're sad to hear of the death of #RobertHogan (1933–2021) — familiar face since the 1960s, namesake for HOGAN'S HEROES. He wa… - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Robert Hogan Death - Obituary - Cause... - 4 years ago

@KingCabron: RT @allan_cheapshot: "I was recognized as being an artist and a storyteller. If Hulk Hogan was the Elvis of wrestling, I was the Robert De… - 4 years ago

@GeorgeFMiller61: Blue Christmas(1998) with Robert Hogan as Svelte. I am honored that I got to act with one of the great Actors of ou… - 4 years ago

@Mehmetcan198: RT @gettv: We're sad to hear of the death of #RobertHogan (1933–2021) — familiar face since the 1960s, namesake for HOGAN'S HEROES. He wa… - 4 years ago

@BrophShane: Tipperary team v Westmeath 6 changes from Galway win. Brian Hogan Cathal Barrett Padraic Maher Barry Heffernan Rob… - 4 years ago

@GeorgeFMiller61: Sad to hear that Robert Hogan passed away. I am honored to have done my first ever scene in a movie with him. It wa… - 4 years ago

@MitchellHadley7: RT @gettv: We're sad to hear of the death of #RobertHogan (1933–2021) — familiar face since the 1960s, namesake for HOGAN'S HEROES. He wa… - 4 years ago

@WHronis: RT @gettv: We're sad to hear of the death of #RobertHogan (1933–2021) — familiar face since the 1960s, namesake for HOGAN'S HEROES. He wa… - 4 years ago

@wrestlingtape: RT @allan_cheapshot: "I was recognized as being an artist and a storyteller. If Hulk Hogan was the Elvis of wrestling, I was the Robert De… - 4 years ago

@grandpashampoo: RT @allan_cheapshot: "I was recognized as being an artist and a storyteller. If Hulk Hogan was the Elvis of wrestling, I was the Robert De… - 4 years ago

@allan_cheapshot: "I was recognized as being an artist and a storyteller. If Hulk Hogan was the Elvis of wrestling, I was the Robert… - 4 years ago

@robert_hove: RT @vietthanhsports: Maryland Democrats looking at ways to reverse Gov. Larry Hogan's decision to end unemployment benefits - 4 years ago

@SFRuminations: Robert J. Hogan (1897-1963) was born on this day. Bibliography: L, Frederick Blakeslee, 19… - 4 years ago

@Tele7: RT @Tele7: Mort de l’acteur Robert Hogan (Arabesque, New York Police Judiciaire) à 87 ans - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Death - Obituary - Cause of Death: Robert Hogan: The Wire and Peyton Place actor dies aged 87 : Click link to read… - 4 years ago

@dalcashdvinsky: Robert Hogan died last week - he played 'Pop', one of my many favourite minor characters in The Wire. The guy with… - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Death - Obituary - Cause of Death: 'The Wire' And 'Peyton Place' Actor Robert Hogan Dead At 87 : Click link to read… - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Death - Obituary - Cause of Death: Robert Hogan, 'The Wire' and 'Law & Order' Actor, Dies at 87 : Click link to rea… - 4 years ago

@AllDanceRadio: Noticias Musicales: Muere Robert Hogan, actor de series como ‘Ley y Orden’ y ‘The Wire’ - 4 years ago

@Esther_Concha: RT @FormulaTV: Robert Hogan, actor de 'Ley y Orden', fallece a los 87 años por una neumonía - 4 years ago

@PtolemyKingswi1: RT @PtolemyKingswi1: The Wire actor Robert Hogan dies aged 87 - 4 years ago

@elskemccain: - 4 years ago

@natarogo7: RT @FormulaTV: Robert Hogan, actor de 'Ley y Orden', fallece a los 87 años por una neumonía - 4 years ago

@004nino: RIP 22 296) #American #Robert #Hogan , #Actor #Who #Appeared on ‘The #Wire ’ and ‘ #Peyton #Place ,’ #Dies… - 4 years ago

@FormulaTV: Robert Hogan, actor de 'Ley y Orden', fallece a los 87 años por una neumonía - 4 years ago

@Live_Sound_: Muere Robert Hogan, actor de series como ‘Ley y Orden’ y ‘The Wire’ - 4 years ago

@stigmabase: Fighting stigma — 'The Wire' actor Robert Hogan dies aged 87: He had been living with vascular Alzheimer's disease… - 4 years ago

@josemora45: RT @people: Veteran TV Actor Robert Hogan Dead of Pneumonia Complications at 87​ - 4 years ago

@13JTJR: - 4 years ago

@typo_cat: Veteran TV Actor Robert Hogan Dead of Pneumonia Complications at 87 - 4 years ago

@audeacompany: RT @PAHolder: On the new audio service, Audea @audeacompany - 4 years ago

@JoannOceanfalls: Veteran character actor Robert Hogan dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@pleona: Robert Hogan, veteran character actor known for The Wire and Laverne and Shirley, dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@HBanchey: RT @LightfootInHwd: Robert Hogan, actor who appeared in everything from 'Laverne & Shirley' to 'The Wire,' dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@pamdwriter: RT @LightfootInHwd: Robert Hogan, actor who appeared in everything from 'Laverne & Shirley' to 'The Wire,' dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@cbracken20111: RT @LightfootInHwd: Robert Hogan, actor who appeared in everything from 'Laverne & Shirley' to 'The Wire,' dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@LightfootInHwd: Robert Hogan, actor who appeared in everything from 'Laverne & Shirley' to 'The Wire,' dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@Peaceful1979: - 4 years ago

@gracievanowen: @ClassicMASH I remember this episode! Lt. "Smilin' Jack" Mitchell did indeed have a wonderful smile! My sympathie… - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Death - Obituary : We extend our condolences to the family and f... - 4 years ago

@Evo_Woods_94: Beloved Veteran of General Hospital, All My Children and Another World Dead at 87 - 4 years ago

@mercurie80: A Shroud of Thoughts: Godspeed Robert Hogan - 4 years ago

@ALZWisconsin: Our condolences to the family of veteran TV actor Robert Hogan who passed away last week from complications from pn… - 4 years ago

@kleytoncooper: RT @shinnick_g: #RIP #RobertHogan The Hogan's Heroes connection is interesting - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Death - Obituary : The Wire actor Robert Hogan dies from pneumon... - 4 years ago

@Robertsixto2: RT @shinnick_g: #RIP #RobertHogan The Hogan's Heroes connection is interesting - 4 years ago

@johnny_queer: RT @shinnick_g: #RIP #RobertHogan The Hogan's Heroes connection is interesting - 4 years ago

@shinnick_g: #RIP #RobertHogan The Hogan's Heroes connection is interesting - 4 years ago

@Episodilehti: Kepeät mullat, Robert. 😢 - 4 years ago

@KBTO3172: RT @Leatherneck: @mike_hogan @KatherineEban Sure doesn't sound like science: "Dr. Robert Redfield, former director of the CDC, said he rec… - 4 years ago

@ArtanisD: RT @faustianovich: Peli (Robert Hogan) del día: GREENWICH VILLAGE STORY, su debut (como protagonista) en el cine y una curiosa mezcla de ne… - 4 years ago

@ArtanisD: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a Robert Hogan, uno de aquellos increíbles actores de reparto que nos acompañaron durante cuatro décadas, sobre to… - 4 years ago

@RothGoldsteins: Veteran TV and stage actor Robert Hogan, who appeared in shows ranging from "All My Children" to "The Wire" in a ca… - 4 years ago

@tmacbiggestfan: @JakeSnakeDDT I cant find a jake Robert's vs hulk hogan match from 1986 anywhere did vince burn the footage cause t… - 4 years ago

@STFUImTweetn0_o: Veteran character actor Robert Hogan dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@grandted212: The Wire and M*A*S*H actor Robert Hogan dies aged 87 - 4 years ago

@Hogan_robert: Springtime in the Adirondacks; Piseco & Oxbow Lakes area. - 4 years ago

@A13077562: RT @doge4you: <Current Weather> Boston Temperature: 79.52°F/ Status: clouds 👉💯👉Auto Follower👈💯 💯👉#自動相互フォロー… - 4 years ago

@TheSpyCommand: Robert Hogan, character actor, dies - 4 years ago

@vanguardiamx: Muere Robert Hogan, actor de "The Wire" y "M*A*S*H", a los 87 años - 4 years ago

@doge4you: 👉#binance 💯👉Auto Follower👈💯 💯👉#自動相互フォロー👈💯 #gme #Brad #Stevens #LeBron #James #Robert… - 4 years ago

@doge4you: 👉💯👉Auto Follower👈💯 💯👉#自動相互フォロー👈💯 #followergenerator #Fauci #LeBron #James #Robert… - 4 years ago

@canuckbabe70: #RIP Robert Hogan, Actor Who Appeared on ‘The Wire’ and ‘Peyton Place,’ Dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@AstridDannersen: RT @DEADLINE: Robert Hogan Dies: Actor On ‘The Wire’, ‘Peyton Place’, ‘Law & Order’, Dozens Of TV Shows Was 87 - 4 years ago

@804Scoe: RT @THR: The familiar New York actor who made a six-decade career out of popping up on television shows including 'Hogan’s Heroes,' whose m… - 4 years ago

@ZonaEvoluciona: Robert Hogan, actor de “Bonanza” y “M.A.S.H”, murió a los 87 años - 4 years ago

@nannois4real: @SoapDigest R.I.P. Robert Hogan 🙏🙏 - 4 years ago

@doge4you: 👉💯👉Auto Follower👈💯 💯👉#自動相互フォロー👈💯 #TFB #Braun #Strowman #Lou #Gehrig #Robert… - 4 years ago

@mansonj15: RIP Robert Hogan I remembered him as the helicopter pilot "Smiling Jack" on MASH. I knew he was on episodes of "Law & Order" and TV shows. - 4 years ago

@MarieMarilou_: Mort de #RobertHogan : le comédien de The Wire et New York Police Judiciaire est décédé à l'âge de 87 ans - 4 years ago

@canalvidaymemo: Murió Robert Hogan, actor de cine y series “The Wire” y “M.A.S.H.” - 4 years ago

@restebanrf1993: RT @noroestemx: Muere Robert Hogan, actor de la serie ‘The Wire’, a los 87 años vía @noroestemx - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Death - Obituary : Sorry to hear of the passing of Robert Hogan, wh... - 4 years ago

@doge4you: <Current Weather> Los Angeles Temperature: 62.58°F/ Status: clouds 👉💯👉Auto Followe… - 4 years ago

@stigmabase: RT @stigmabase: Fighting stigma — Robert Hogan, actor who appeared in everything from 'Laverne & Shirley' to 'The Wire,' dies at 87: ... A… - 4 years ago

@BreslerAlex: "Robert Hogan, who appeared in everything from 'Laverne & Shirley' to 'The Wire,' dies at 87" - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Robert Hogan Dead -Death - Obituary - Cause of Death: RT @soapsindepthcbs: Veteran acto... - 4 years ago

@G_S________: RT @boston25: ‘The Wire,’ ‘Peyton Place’ actor Robert Hogan dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@boston25: ‘The Wire,’ ‘Peyton Place’ actor Robert Hogan dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@doge4you: 👉#binance 💯👉Auto Follower👈💯 💯👉#自動相互フォロー👈💯 #TeamFollowBack #Brad #Stevens #Robert #Hogan… - 4 years ago

@ElNacionalRD: #QuéPasa | Según ha informado la familia del veterano #actor a #TheNewYorkTimes, el actor nacido en Jamaica (… - 4 years ago

@RaffaellaDeFili: RT @MeTV: He played a helicopter pilot on 'M*A*S*H' and the love interest of Alice on 'Alice'. - 4 years ago

@DailyCaller: Actor Robert Hogan, Known For ‘Laverne & Shirley,’ ‘I Dream Of Jeannie,’ Dies At 87 - 4 years ago

@KRMGtulsa: An actor whose career stretched over six decades, Robert Hogan, has died. - 4 years ago

@iyzi: What People Are Talking About Now ? Brad Stevens Fauci emails Tampa Bay Lightning Jennette McCurdy Andra Day Rober… - 4 years ago

@soapcentral: Another World, All My Children alum Robert Hogan dead at 87 #RIP #ICYMI - 4 years ago

@donscardino: My old pal Bob (Robert Hogan), who appeared in everything from 'Laverne & Shirley' to 'The Wire,' has gone on ahead… - 4 years ago

@entenkwkm: 【Popular No.3 Topics in United States of America!】Veteran TV Actor Robert Hogan Dead of Pneumonia Complications at 87 - 4 years ago

@entenkwkm: Robert Hogan appeared in over 100 primetime shows during his career, including Law & Order, The Wire, The Twilight Zone and M - 4 years ago

@entenkwkm: RT @Variety: Robert Hogan, Actor Who Appeared on ‘The Wire’ and ‘Peyton Place,’ Dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@entenkwkm: RT @3CallFinagle: If you had a favorite show any time from the mid-60s till the early-2000s, chances are Robert Hogan appeared in an episod… - 4 years ago

@entenkwkm: RT @THR: Robert Hogan, Actor on ‘Peyton Place,’ ‘The Wire’ and Tons More TV Shows, Dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@entenkwkm: RT @THR: The familiar New York actor who made a six-decade career out of popping up on television shows including 'Hogan’s Heroes,' whose m… - 4 years ago

@entenkwkm: RT @nypost: Robert Hogan, actor on 'Peyton Place' and 'The Wire,' dead at 87 - 4 years ago

@entenkwkm: RT @NBCNews: Robert Hogan, the TV actor who appeared in more than 100 primetime shows, has died at age 87, his family says. - 4 years ago

@PoetBronx: Actor Robert Hogan passed away at 87. He did soap operas & guest starred on many prime time TV series programming.… - 4 years ago

@GWayWorlds777: Veteran character actor Robert Hogan dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@TrekkieTodd: RT @3CallFinagle: If you had a favorite show any time from the mid-60s till the early-2000s, chances are Robert Hogan appeared in an episod… - 4 years ago

@movieweb: RT @TVweb: Robert Hogan Dies, Veteran TV Actor and 'The Wire' Star Was 87 - 4 years ago

@SpiegelEmiliano: RT @SinEmbargoMX: Robert Hogan, actor de M*A*S*H y The Wire, fallece a los 87 años - 4 years ago

@saraht6581: Robert Hogan, Actor Who Appeared on ‘The Wire’ and ‘Peyton Place,’ Dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@mariale07932556: Morre Robert Hogan, ator de Law & Order, aos 87 anos - 4 years ago

@PainelNoticias: Morre o ator Robert Hogan, de 'The Wire' e 'Lei & Ordem' - 4 years ago

@AfraniodeAquino: Morre o ator Robert Hogan, de 'The Wire' e 'Lei & Ordem' - 4 years ago

@15minutosUSA: #Entretenimiento: El actor estadounidense #RobertHogan, que apareció en más de 150 títulos de cine, teatro y sobre… - 4 years ago

@CCNesnoticias: Fallece el reconocido actor estadounidense Robert Hogan a los 87 años - - 4 years ago

@CaracolTV: #Actualidad | Falleció Robert Hogan, actor de 'The Wire' y 'M*A*S*H', a los 87 años #QEPD → - 4 years ago

@ariel_profesor: Murió Robert Hogan, actor de "The Wire" y "M.A.S.H." - - 4 years ago

@camachosoft: El actor estadounidense Robert Hogan, que apareció en más de 150 títulos de cine, teatro y sobre todo televisión du… - 4 years ago

@syracusedotcom: BUZZ: Actor Robert Hogan dies; Taylor Swift joins star-studded movie; more - 4 years ago

@SpectrumNews: Hogan appeared in more than 100 primetime shows as well as nearly every daytime drama on the air in his career. - 4 years ago

@tadool: RT @3CallFinagle: If you had a favorite show any time from the mid-60s till the early-2000s, chances are Robert Hogan appeared in an episod… - 4 years ago

@KaylaColgan: RT @people: Veteran TV Actor Robert Hogan Dead of Pneumonia Complications at 87​ - 4 years ago

@chrislandroche: Robert Hogan, who appeared in everything from 'Laverne & Shirley' to 'The Wire,' dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@DerekJameson9: Robert Hogan, veteran character actor known for The Wire and Laverne and Shirley, dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@imcalled2teach: Robert Hogan, Actor Who Appeared on ‘The Wire’ and ‘Peyton Place,’ Dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@ImbrugliaJim: RT @3CallFinagle: If you had a favorite show any time from the mid-60s till the early-2000s, chances are Robert Hogan appeared in an episod… - 4 years ago

@HotStumbles: Robert Hogan, who appeared in everything from 'Laverne &amp; Shirley' to 'The Wire,' dies at 87… - 4 years ago

@JoanneSpruceC21: "Robert Hogan, actor who appeared in everything from 'Laverne & Shirley' to 'The Wire,' dies at 87" - 4 years ago

@poliskirei: RT @SinEmbargoMX: Robert Hogan, actor de M*A*S*H y The Wire, fallece a los 87 años - 4 years ago

@OceanRol1: RT @ClassicMASH: RIP to Robert Hogan who played helicopter pilot Lt. "Smilin’ Jack” Mitchell. #ClassicMASH - 4 years ago

@europapress: RT @EPcine: Muere el actor de #TheWire y #LeyYOrden Robert Hogan, a los 87 años - 4 years ago

@GranthshalaNews: Veteran TV actor Robert Hogan, who starred in ‘The Wire,’ ‘Law & Order,’ ‘Peyton Place,’ dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@pepinmen: Muere el actor Robert Hogan, histórico de la televisión de 'Peyton Place' a 'The Wire' - 4 years ago

@OK_Magazine: Law and Order star Robert Hogan has died after complications from pneumonia - 4 years ago

@MirrorCeleb: Peyton Place and The Wire actor Robert Hogan dies from pneumonia complications aged 87. - 4 years ago

@19_comunidad: Veteran actor Robert Hogan dies after complications from pneumonia. RIP. "Daily Express". - 4 years ago

@news98info: Actor Robert Hogan dies at 87 from pneumonia complications following battle with Alzheimer’s disease - 4 years ago

@Daily_Express: Veteran actor Robert Hogan dies after complications from pneumonia. RIP - 4 years ago

@YahooPopFR: Il vient de mourir à l'âge de 87 ans - 4 years ago

@jvWHATEVER: RT @TODAYshow: Robert Hogan, actor who appeared on ‘The Wire’ and ‘Peyton Place,’ dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@Jeana_Luft: RT @Jeana_Luft: - 4 years ago

@Jeana_Luft: RT @Jeana_Luft: Robert Hogan (87) tot Hogan hinterlässt seine 38-jährige Frau Mary Hogan, drei Kinder aus einer früheren Ehe mit der Künst… - 4 years ago

@CINEMANIA_ES: Muere el actor Robert Hogan, histórico de la televisión de 'Peyton Place' a 'The Wire' - 4 years ago

@RadioTimes: The Wire and Laverne & Shirley actor Robert Hogan dies, aged 87 - 4 years ago

@chapoisat: Actor Robert Hogan dies at the age of 87, historical television from 'Peyton Place' to 'The Wire', appeared in more… - 4 years ago

@chapoisat: Muere el actor Robert Hogan, a los 87 años, histórico de la televisión de 'Peyton Place' a 'The Wire', salió en más… - 4 years ago

@ImageKingUSA1: Veteran actor Robert Hogan has died at 87 from pneumonia complications ... following longtime battle with Alzheimer… - 4 years ago

@ExBulletinUk: Robert Hogan, actor who appeared on The Wire and Peyton Place, dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@EPcine: Muere el actor de #TheWire y #LeyYOrden Robert Hogan, a los 87 años - 4 years ago

@Jeana_Luft: Robert Hogan (87) tot Hogan hinterlässt seine 38-jährige Frau Mary Hogan, drei Kinder aus einer früheren Ehe mit d… - 4 years ago

@albertoallen: Actor Robert Hogan dies at 87 from pneumonia complications - 4 years ago

@Ungaricum8811: RT @MailOnline: Veteran actor Robert Hogan has died at 87 from pneumonia complications - 4 years ago

@pully8: RT @acccgovau: A jury in the Federal Court today acquitted rehabilitation aids company Country Care, its CEO Robert Hogan and former employ… - 4 years ago

@expressceleb: Veteran actor Robert Hogan dies after complications from pneumonia. RIP - 4 years ago

@spas123: - 4 years ago

@dannowicki: He appeared on all sorts of classic TV shows in the 1960s and 1970s: "Veteran TV actor Robert Hogan, who starred in… - 4 years ago

@NEWS_by_Larry: "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood." - 4 years ago

@CL2Empower: RT @ps9714: Robert Hogan, actor who appeared in everything from 'Laverne & Shirley' to 'The Wire,' dies at 87. The TV actor who appeared i… - 4 years ago

@ps9714: Robert Hogan, actor who appeared in everything from 'Laverne & Shirley' to 'The Wire,' dies at 87. The TV actor wh… - 4 years ago

@daomuendorn: RT @Independent: The Wire actor Robert Hogan dies aged 87 - 4 years ago

@Sasha70098993: RT @Independent: The Wire actor Robert Hogan dies aged 87 - 4 years ago

@cwharlow: RT @Independent: The Wire actor Robert Hogan dies aged 87 - 4 years ago

@Independent: The Wire actor Robert Hogan dies aged 87 - 4 years ago

@BussettiStphan2: RT @BFMTV: Mort de l'acteur Robert Hogan, vu dans "The Wire" et "Arabesque" - 4 years ago

@acccgovau: A jury in the Federal Court today acquitted rehabilitation aids company Country Care, its CEO Robert Hogan and form… - 4 years ago

@RogerDa26213291: Veteran TV actor Robert Hogan, who starred in 'The Wire,' 'Law & Order,' 'Peyton Place,' dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@cYnicisMan: RT @BFMTV: Mort de l'acteur Robert Hogan, vu dans "The Wire" et "Arabesque" - 4 years ago

@BFMTV: Mort de l'acteur Robert Hogan, vu dans "The Wire" et "Arabesque" - 4 years ago

@BFMTV_People: Mort de l'acteur Robert Hogan, vu dans "The Wire" et "Arabesque" - 4 years ago

@roxnsoxie: RT @KGNSnews: Robert Hogan, who appeared in everything from 'Laverne & Shirley' to 'The Wire,' dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@KGNSnews: Robert Hogan, who appeared in everything from 'Laverne & Shirley' to 'The Wire,' dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@PhuketDailyNews: Veteran TV actor Robert Hogan, who starred in 'The Wire,' 'Law & Order,' 'Peyton Place,' dies at 87: Veteran actor… - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Robert Hogan Dead -Death - Obituary - Cause of Death: RT @soapsindepthcbs: Veteran acto... - 4 years ago

@KlownHammer: - 4 years ago

@ErvinGotti1: RT @NBCNews: Robert Hogan, the TV actor who appeared in more than 100 primetime shows, has died at age 87, his family says. - 4 years ago

@steamedhamster1: RT @THR: The familiar New York actor who made a six-decade career out of popping up on television shows including 'Hogan’s Heroes,' whose m… - 4 years ago

@KCJJ: Robert Hogan, who appeared in everything from 'Laverne & Shirley' to 'The Wire,' dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@RManta82: RT @THR: The familiar New York actor who made a six-decade career out of popping up on television shows including 'Hogan’s Heroes,' whose m… - 4 years ago

@MeadowLocke: RT @mashmatters: We're sad to report that actor Robert Hogan has passed away at the age of 87. Rest in Peace, Smilin' Jack... - 4 years ago

@JeannieNo2: RT @NBCNews: Robert Hogan, the TV actor who appeared in more than 100 primetime shows, has died at age 87, his family says. - 4 years ago

@donrumgayjr: RT @NBCNews: Robert Hogan, the TV actor who appeared in more than 100 primetime shows, has died at age 87, his family says. - 4 years ago

@antipodal: RT @NBCNews: Robert Hogan, the TV actor who appeared in more than 100 primetime shows, has died at age 87, his family says. - 4 years ago

@bg23on28: Queens bred. RIP Robert Hogan. - 4 years ago

@Kittybox1: RT @NBCNews: Robert Hogan, the TV actor who appeared in more than 100 primetime shows, has died at age 87, his family says. - 4 years ago

@DavisVen2: RT @NBCNews: Robert Hogan, the TV actor who appeared in more than 100 primetime shows, has died at age 87, his family says. - 4 years ago

@Caricatutronico: RT @NBCNews: Robert Hogan, the TV actor who appeared in more than 100 primetime shows, has died at age 87, his family says. - 4 years ago

@crow_gore: - 4 years ago

@Oldlady12345: RT @NBCNews: Robert Hogan, the TV actor who appeared in more than 100 primetime shows, has died at age 87, his family says. - 4 years ago

@ArTallks: RT @NBCNews: Robert Hogan, the TV actor who appeared in more than 100 primetime shows, has died at age 87, his family says. - 4 years ago

@GeraldLeroy6: RT @NBCNews: Robert Hogan, the TV actor who appeared in more than 100 primetime shows, has died at age 87, his family says. - 4 years ago

@macknificent066: RT @NBCNews: Robert Hogan, the TV actor who appeared in more than 100 primetime shows, has died at age 87, his family says. - 4 years ago

@TWilliamD: RT @NBCNews: Robert Hogan, the TV actor who appeared in more than 100 primetime shows, has died at age 87, his family says. - 4 years ago

@ideate_vision: RT @NBCNews: Robert Hogan, the TV actor who appeared in more than 100 primetime shows, has died at age 87, his family says. - 4 years ago

@MSN: Robert Hogan, who appeared in everything from 'Laverne & Shirley' to 'The Wire,' dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@microsoftnews: Robert Hogan, who appeared in everything from 'Laverne & Shirley' to 'The Wire,' dies at 87 - 4 years ago

@DrRamser: RT @NBCNews: Robert Hogan, the TV actor who appeared in more than 100 primetime shows, has died at age 87, his family says. - 4 years ago

@brendadc: RT @NBCNews: Robert Hogan, the TV actor who appeared in more than 100 primetime shows, has died at age 87, his family says. - 4 years ago

@TeshawnEdmonds: RT @NBCNews: Robert Hogan, the TV actor who appeared in more than 100 primetime shows, has died at age 87, his family says. - 4 years ago

@BigV2011WCE: RT @NBCNews: Robert Hogan, the TV actor who appeared in more than 100 primetime shows, has died at age 87, his family says. - 4 years ago

@Backstorymom1: RT @NBCNews: Robert Hogan, the TV actor who appeared in more than 100 primetime shows, has died at age 87, his family says. - 4 years ago

@Real_Infinity95: RT @NBCNews: Robert Hogan, the TV actor who appeared in more than 100 primetime shows, has died at age 87, his family says. - 4 years ago

@NBCNews: Robert Hogan, the TV actor who appeared in more than 100 primetime shows, has died at age 87, his family says. - 4 years ago

@WiseWordsofTC: RT @THR: The familiar New York actor who made a six-decade career out of popping up on television shows including 'Hogan’s Heroes,' whose m… - 4 years ago

@carlottascorner: Robert Hogan, actor on ‘Peyton Place’ and ‘The Wire,’ dead at 87 - 4 years ago

@Depoetic: Oh man. RIP Robert Hogan. From 1956 to 2018 he was in nearly every show I ever enjoyed watching. Mannix, Cannon,… - 4 years ago

@monkey_viral: #Robert Hogan, actor on 'Peyton Place' and 'The Wire,' dead at 87 is now trending on - 4 years ago

@todo_cine: RT @THR: The familiar New York actor who made a six-decade career out of popping up on television shows including 'Hogan’s Heroes,' whose m… - 4 years ago

@JtotheDtotheB: RT @mashmatters: We're sad to report that actor Robert Hogan has passed away at the age of 87. Rest in Peace, Smilin' Jack... - 4 years ago

@HSBFans: Bit of trivia about Robert: The title character in Hogan's Heroes Colonel Robert Hogan played by Bob Crane was name… - 4 years ago

@jssmcarlo: RT @mashmatters: We're sad to report that actor Robert Hogan has passed away at the age of 87. Rest in Peace, Smilin' Jack... - 4 years ago

@DonatoHendrix: @ClassicMASH RIP Robert Hogan - 4 years ago

@cliff_higson: @Loretta_Swit And also Robert Hogan too, sad day in the mash family.😥 - 4 years ago

@ClassicMASH: RT @mashmatters: We're sad to report that actor Robert Hogan has passed away at the age of 87. Rest in Peace, Smilin' Jack... - 4 years ago

@abparrish083: RT @mashmatters: We're sad to report that actor Robert Hogan has passed away at the age of 87. Rest in Peace, Smilin' Jack... - 4 years ago

@DenisDvezine: RIP Robert Hogan, Beloved Veteran Actor of Broadway, Prime Time, Soap Operas Was 87 - 4 years ago

@Sean81469060: RT @mashmatters: We're sad to report that actor Robert Hogan has passed away at the age of 87. Rest in Peace, Smilin' Jack... - 4 years ago

@kcolburn67: RT @mashmatters: We're sad to report that actor Robert Hogan has passed away at the age of 87. Rest in Peace, Smilin' Jack... - 4 years ago

@DMDash71: RT @mashmatters: We're sad to report that actor Robert Hogan has passed away at the age of 87. Rest in Peace, Smilin' Jack... - 4 years ago

@mashmatters: We're sad to report that actor Robert Hogan has passed away at the age of 87. Rest in Peace, Smilin' Jack...… - 4 years ago

@HSBFans: Robert Hogan who starred as disgraced Jefferson heights Captain Lou Hogan 'Domestic Beef' passed away on the 27th o… - 4 years ago

@CaseRN12: RT @shinnick_g: #rip #RobertHogan - 4 years ago

@media_maniac_93: RT @soapsindepthcbs: Veteran actor Robert Hogan has died at the age of 87. Soap fans might remember him as Phil Brewer on GH, or his other… - 4 years ago

@Handreijka: Very sad to hear that 2 memorable cast actors in M*A*S*H, Robert Hogan and Arlene Golonka have passed away. R.I.P to you both. - 4 years ago

@socorros1765: RT @soapsindepthcbs: Veteran actor Robert Hogan has died at the age of 87. Soap fans might remember him as Phil Brewer on GH, or his other… - 4 years ago

@soapsindepthcbs: Veteran actor Robert Hogan has died at the age of 87. Soap fans might remember him as Phil Brewer on GH, or his oth… - 4 years ago

@abparrish083: RT @ClassicMASH: RIP to Robert Hogan who played helicopter pilot Lt. "Smilin’ Jack” Mitchell. #ClassicMASH - 4 years ago

@vrb1955: Soap Actor Robert Hogan Dead at 87 - 4 years ago

@Robertsixto2: RT @shinnick_g: #rip #RobertHogan - 4 years ago

@shinnick_g: #rip #RobertHogan - 4 years ago

@Mehmetcan198: RT @JustinInAtlanta: @NBCAnotherWorld - 4 years ago

@Tuckerpete: RT @JustinInAtlanta: @NBCAnotherWorld - 4 years ago

@exiledinNJ: RIP Robert Hogan 😔😔😔🙏🙏🙏 - 4 years ago

@vjpdavis: @mashaholic - 4 years ago

@Ky71Matt: RT @dcconfidential: Another World Actor Robert Hogan Dead at 87 #AW #RobertHogan - 4 years ago

@HeatherThomasAF: RT @JohnSaunders18: - 4 years ago

@FfbKell: RT @ClassicMASH: RIP to Robert Hogan who played helicopter pilot Lt. "Smilin’ Jack” Mitchell. #ClassicMASH - 4 years ago

@PaulMul61628678: RT @ClassicMASH: RIP to Robert Hogan who played helicopter pilot Lt. "Smilin’ Jack” Mitchell. #ClassicMASH - 4 years ago

@MoondogRick: RT @ClassicMASH: RIP to Robert Hogan who played helicopter pilot Lt. "Smilin’ Jack” Mitchell. #ClassicMASH - 4 years ago

@plvanover88: RT @SoapOperaNewss: Soap Opera News is sad to report that #AnotherWorld alum #RobertHogan has passed away! - 4 years ago

@ImbrugliaJim: RT @ClassicMASH: RIP to Robert Hogan who played helicopter pilot Lt. "Smilin’ Jack” Mitchell. #ClassicMASH - 4 years ago

@JohnSaunders18: - 4 years ago

@pamhf: "Smilin' Jack". RIP Mr. Robert Hogan - 4 years ago

@Vanat6: RT @ClassicMASH: RIP to Robert Hogan who played helicopter pilot Lt. "Smilin’ Jack” Mitchell. #ClassicMASH - 4 years ago

@PagliaroliBruno: RT @ClassicMASH: RIP to Robert Hogan who played helicopter pilot Lt. "Smilin’ Jack” Mitchell. #ClassicMASH - 4 years ago

@BPHP4077: RT @ClassicMASH: RIP to Robert Hogan who played helicopter pilot Lt. "Smilin’ Jack” Mitchell. #ClassicMASH - 4 years ago

@dcconfidential: Another World Actor Robert Hogan Dead at 87 #AW #RobertHogan - 4 years ago

@ClassicMASH: RIP to Robert Hogan who played helicopter pilot Lt. "Smilin’ Jack” Mitchell. #ClassicMASH - 4 years ago

@mayak46: George Takei lived it. Days of our Lives and Hogan's Heroes Robert Clary was a holocaust survivor. So many peopl… - 4 years ago

@DawnElicia: RT @JustinInAtlanta: @NBCAnotherWorld - 4 years ago

@CaftanWoman: RT @JustinInAtlanta: @NBCAnotherWorld - 4 years ago

@NBCAnotherWorld: RT @JustinInAtlanta: @NBCAnotherWorld - 4 years ago

@Cineaste_Mag: - 4 years ago

@WVeetek: RT @crockpics: Jeff Beck, Robert Plant & Jimmy Page, 1983. Photo by Dave Hogan. - 4 years ago

@soapoperanewz: RT @SoapOperaNewss: Soap Opera News is sad to report that #AnotherWorld alum #RobertHogan has passed away! - 4 years ago

@RezaPars: RIP Robert Hogan (Character actor) aged 87 - 4 years ago

@MoondogRick: @bufocalvin Bob Crane's title character in Hogan's Heroes was named after actor Robert Hogan, who was a good friend… - 4 years ago

@bufocalvin: - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Robert Hogan is no longer with us - #RobertHogan #Robert #Hogan #rip - 4 years ago

@LordiCavalera: RT @crockpics: Jeff Beck, Robert Plant & Jimmy Page, 1983. Photo by Dave Hogan. - 4 years ago

@tarah_princess: RT @SoapOperaNewss: Soap Opera News is sad to report that #AnotherWorld alum #RobertHogan has passed away! - 4 years ago

@Uosdwis: RIP, character actor Robert Hogan, 88. One of those guys you've seen in everything. - 4 years ago

@Mikey_Poirier: @morgfair Sorry to say Robert Hogan (JH Martin in Memory of Eva Ryker) has passed - 4 years ago

@ExBulletinUk: RIP Robert Hogan, beloved veteran Broadway actor, Prime Time, Soap Operas was 87 - 4 years ago

@JustinInAtlanta: I loved him as Vince McKinnon - 4 years ago

@JustinInAtlanta: @NBCAnotherWorld - 4 years ago

@DivaofDOOL: RT @showbiz411: RIP Robert Hogan, Beloved Veteran Actor of Broadway, Prime Time, Soap Operas Was 87 - 4 years ago

@DawnElicia: RT @SoapOperaNewss: Soap Opera News is sad to report that #AnotherWorld alum #RobertHogan has passed away! - 4 years ago

@SoapOperaNewss: Soap Opera News is sad to report that #AnotherWorld alum #RobertHogan has passed away! - 4 years ago

@showbiz411: RIP Robert Hogan, Beloved Veteran Actor of Broadway, Prime Time, Soap Operas Was 87 @daysofourlives - 4 years ago

@MickeyJohnson07: RT @showbiz411: RIP Robert Hogan, Beloved Veteran Actor of Broadway, Prime Time, Soap Operas Was 87 - 4 years ago

@_axelmeyer: RT @showbiz411: RIP Robert Hogan, Beloved Veteran Actor of Broadway, Prime Time, Soap Operas Was 87 - 4 years ago

@showbiz411: RIP Robert Hogan, Beloved Veteran Actor of Broadway, Prime Time, Soap Operas Was 87 - 4 years ago

@PartridgeLady: @seanpat701 @BamaFactor10 @MikeReiss @NFL @PFF @SFY @patriot @Twitter @nflnetwork @SportsCenter @sagesteele… - 4 years ago

@JamisonNewland: RT @MikeDHicksSr1: @JamisonNewland Have u & @Corey_Feldman ever thought about opening a 🐸 Bros. Lost Boys Memorbila Sign Ur Stuff shop? Ro… - 4 years ago

@MikeDHicksSr1: @JamisonNewland Have u & @Corey_Feldman ever thought about opening a 🐸 Bros. Lost Boys Memorbila Sign Ur Stuff sho… - 4 years ago

@ScottBailey1560: RT @crockpics: Jeff Beck, Robert Plant & Jimmy Page, 1983. Photo by Dave Hogan. - 4 years ago

@SoapJenn: RT @Soaphub_Insider: #SoapHub sends condolences to his family and friends. #RobertHogan #AnotherWorld #DaysofourLives #GeneralHospital #The… - 4 years ago

@Soaphub_Insider: #SoapHub sends condolences to his family and friends. #RobertHogan #AnotherWorld #DaysofourLives #GeneralHospital… - 4 years ago

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