Robert Gnaizda

American civil rights lawyer.
Died on Sunday August 2nd 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Robert Gnaizda:

@JesseThorn: Bob was my best friend's stepfather for twenty years. A good man. RIP Bobby Meatballs. (So named because of his lov… - 5 years ago

@samvandong: RT @EricRWeinstein: Read this obituary. This is what SocialJustice used to be all about. This is the milieu from which my politics stem. T… - 5 years ago

@ManavUpmanyu: RT @EricRWeinstein: Read this obituary. This is what SocialJustice used to be all about. This is the milieu from which my politics stem. T… - 5 years ago

@madrolla: RT @EricRWeinstein: Read this obituary. This is what SocialJustice used to be all about. This is the milieu from which my politics stem. T… - 5 years ago


@lapinaround: RT @EricRWeinstein: Read this obituary. This is what SocialJustice used to be all about. This is the milieu from which my politics stem. T… - 5 years ago

@LedAshtray: RT @EricRWeinstein: Read this obituary. This is what SocialJustice used to be all about. This is the milieu from which my politics stem. T… - 5 years ago

@ColinPoynter: RT @EricRWeinstein: Read this obituary. This is what SocialJustice used to be all about. This is the milieu from which my politics stem. T… - 5 years ago

@belleslettre: RT @LadyReverbs: This was a truly _great_ man - there aren’t too many like him left. I want to make sure to acknowledge his passing. Robert… - 5 years ago

@pasouzabr: RT @EricRWeinstein: Read this obituary. This is what SocialJustice used to be all about. This is the milieu from which my politics stem. T… - 5 years ago

@ambamhamilton: RT @EricRWeinstein: Read this obituary. This is what SocialJustice used to be all about. This is the milieu from which my politics stem. T… - 5 years ago

@AilsaForshaw: RT @EricRWeinstein: Read this obituary. This is what SocialJustice used to be all about. This is the milieu from which my politics stem. T… - 5 years ago

@thethrumpet1: RT @EricRWeinstein: Read this obituary. This is what SocialJustice used to be all about. This is the milieu from which my politics stem. T… - 5 years ago

@RobbieCasper8: RT @EricRWeinstein: Read this obituary. This is what SocialJustice used to be all about. This is the milieu from which my politics stem. T… - 5 years ago

@dn1164: RT @EricRWeinstein: Read this obituary. This is what SocialJustice used to be all about. This is the milieu from which my politics stem. T… - 5 years ago

@KaraluuY: RT @ddiamond: RIP, Robert Gnaizda. Quite an obit in the print Sunday NYT. - 5 years ago

@kwizatshad3rach: RT @EricRWeinstein: Read this obituary. This is what SocialJustice used to be all about. This is the milieu from which my politics stem. T… - 5 years ago

@SFF_Sridhar: RT @MarieMyungOkLee: 1 thing the @nytimes does well consistently is its obits, which I've been reading for 20+ years; I've never heard of… - 5 years ago

@MarieMyungOkLee: 1 thing the @nytimes does well consistently is its obits, which I've been reading for 20+ years; I've never heard o… - 5 years ago

@Barlito9: RT @EricRWeinstein: Read this obituary. This is what SocialJustice used to be all about. This is the milieu from which my politics stem. T… - 5 years ago

@DejaVecu_O2: RT @EricRWeinstein: Read this obituary. This is what SocialJustice used to be all about. This is the milieu from which my politics stem. T… - 5 years ago

@rankinslaw: RT @EricRWeinstein: Read this obituary. This is what SocialJustice used to be all about. This is the milieu from which my politics stem. T… - 5 years ago

@TheDudeAbidesM: RT @EricRWeinstein: Read this obituary. This is what SocialJustice used to be all about. This is the milieu from which my politics stem. T… - 5 years ago

@Vicki45424407: RT @ddiamond: RIP, Robert Gnaizda. Quite an obit in the print Sunday NYT. - 5 years ago

@barbaracd51: RT @ddiamond: RIP, Robert Gnaizda. Quite an obit in the print Sunday NYT. - 5 years ago

@wfan99: RT @ddiamond: RIP, Robert Gnaizda. Quite an obit in the print Sunday NYT. - 5 years ago

@TheScottLove: RT @neilbarofsky: RIP Bob Gnaizda, whose entire career is an inspiration. An incredible, selfless man. I was truly blessed to have the op… - 5 years ago

@MxssLadyBxtch: RT @ddiamond: RIP, Robert Gnaizda. Quite an obit in the print Sunday NYT. - 5 years ago

@yoliesaysso: RT @ddiamond: RIP, Robert Gnaizda. Quite an obit in the print Sunday NYT. - 5 years ago

@SkatingTomato: RT @ddiamond: RIP, Robert Gnaizda. Quite an obit in the print Sunday NYT. - 5 years ago

@shbeetle: RT @ddiamond: RIP, Robert Gnaizda. Quite an obit in the print Sunday NYT. - 5 years ago

@sayerplayer: RT @ddiamond: RIP, Robert Gnaizda. Quite an obit in the print Sunday NYT. - 5 years ago

@lisakirbie: RT @ddiamond: RIP, Robert Gnaizda. Quite an obit in the print Sunday NYT. - 5 years ago

@monica_nyc: RT @ddiamond: RIP, Robert Gnaizda. Quite an obit in the print Sunday NYT. - 5 years ago

@nealkwatra: RT @ddiamond: RIP, Robert Gnaizda. Quite an obit in the print Sunday NYT. - 5 years ago

@CC_Specialists: RT @ddiamond: RIP, Robert Gnaizda. Quite an obit in the print Sunday NYT. - 5 years ago

@AngelosTzelepis: RT @ddiamond: RIP, Robert Gnaizda. Quite an obit in the print Sunday NYT. - 5 years ago

@JenOnTheBlock7: RT @ddiamond: RIP, Robert Gnaizda. Quite an obit in the print Sunday NYT. - 5 years ago

@mgb5000: RT @LadyReverbs: This was a truly _great_ man - there aren’t too many like him left. I want to make sure to acknowledge his passing. Robert… - 5 years ago

@beccanalia: RT @ddiamond: RIP, Robert Gnaizda. Quite an obit in the print Sunday NYT. - 5 years ago

@magicalbaby: RT @ddiamond: RIP, Robert Gnaizda. Quite an obit in the print Sunday NYT. - 5 years ago

@ddiamond: RIP, Robert Gnaizda. Quite an obit in the print Sunday NYT. - 5 years ago

@LadyReverbs: Robert Gnaizda’s passing was on July 11th, but I hadn’t heard about it until now, but it’s still important to honor… - 5 years ago

@RouncingTigger: RT @CatalystZone: Gnaizda founded @CRLAinc in '66, @publicadvocates in '71, helped found @Greenlining in '93 to discourage banks from discr… - 5 years ago

@CatalystZone: Gnaizda founded @CRLAinc in '66, @publicadvocates in '71, helped found @Greenlining in '93 to discourage banks from… - 5 years ago

@ekjulian1: RT @fwroisman: Robert Gnaizda, Lawyer Who Fought for Social Justice, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@fwroisman: Robert Gnaizda, Lawyer Who Fought for Social Justice, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@CityEconomist: Robert Gnaizda, Lawyer Who Fought for Social Justice, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@whynotelsewhere: RT @NYTObits: He challenged redlining banks, employers who discriminated in hiring and, early in his career, Southern counties that thwarte… - 5 years ago

@nmeyersohn: RT @NYTObits: He challenged redlining banks, employers who discriminated in hiring and, early in his career, Southern counties that thwarte… - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: He challenged redlining banks, employers who discriminated in hiring and, early in his career, Southern counties th… - 5 years ago

@joke2power: RT @NYTObits: Robert Gnaizda, Lawyer Who Fought for Social Justice, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Robert Gnaizda, Lawyer Who Fought for Social Justice, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@jfabogado: RT @NYTObits: He challenged redlining banks, employers who discriminated in hiring and, early in his career, Southern counties that thwarte… - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: He challenged redlining banks, employers who discriminated in hiring and, early in his career, Southern counties th… - 5 years ago

@Greenlining: RT @NYTNational: Robert Gnaizda, a lawyer celebrated for representing the underdog, has died at 83 - 5 years ago

@Greenlining: RT @NYTNational: He challenged redlining banks, employers who discriminated in hiring and, early in his career, Southern counties that thwa… - 5 years ago

@Greenlining: Thank you @NYTNational for honoring our co-founder Robert Gnaizda who passed away in July at the age of 83. Bob sp… - 5 years ago

@Greenlining: RT @marydudziak: Rest in peace Bob Gnaizda, innovative public interest lawyer. It was exciting to work with him briefly at Public Advocates… - 5 years ago

@Greenlining: RT @ourcoachingbiz: Robert Gnaizda, Lawyer Who Fought for Social Justice, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@BlackTzedek: - 5 years ago

@OHappyDay10: RT @MegsWorld8150: RIP #RobertGnaizda 🙏🌾 Thanks For All You've Done! #CivilRightsActivist👊 Robert Gnaizda, Lawyer Who Fought for Social… - 5 years ago

@MegsWorld8150: RIP #RobertGnaizda 🙏🌾 Thanks For All You've Done! #CivilRightsActivist👊 Robert Gnaizda, Lawyer Who Fought for S… - 5 years ago

@Luc_Pelletier7: RT @NYTObits: Robert Gnaizda, a lawyer celebrated for representing the underdog, has died at 83  - 5 years ago

@saffship: RT @NYTObits: Robert Gnaizda, a lawyer celebrated for representing the underdog, has died at 83  - 5 years ago

@scottburau: RT @NYTObits: Robert Gnaizda, a lawyer celebrated for representing the underdog, has died at 83  - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Robert Gnaizda, a lawyer celebrated for representing the underdog, has died at 83  - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Robert Gnaizda is no longer with us - #RobertGnaizda #Robert #Gnaizda #rip - 5 years ago

@marydudziak: Rest in peace Bob Gnaizda, innovative public interest lawyer. It was exciting to work with him briefly at Public Ad… - 5 years ago

@florentinobm: "Robert Gnaizda, Lawyer Who Fought for Social Justice, Dies at 83" by Sam Roberts via NYT - 5 years ago

@rebeccakee: RT @NYTNational: Robert Gnaizda, a lawyer celebrated for representing the underdog, has died at 83 - 5 years ago

@nixonron: RT @DashDeCosta: Robert Gnaizda (pronounced guh-NAYZ-duh) risked his life gathering evidence in the South in the 1960s to help fight the in… - 5 years ago

@allgringo: RT @NYTNational: He challenged redlining banks, employers who discriminated in hiring and, early in his career, Southern counties that thwa… - 5 years ago

@PhamDarwin: Sending all my love @rebeccakee @mattgnaizda! So lucky to have been able to call him a mentor/boss. Working w/ Bob… - 5 years ago

@ffferrara66: RT @NYTNational: Robert Gnaizda, a lawyer celebrated for representing the underdog, has died at 83 - 5 years ago

@bouncermom: RT @kitchen5203: THIS! Robert Gnaizda, Lawyer Who Fought for Social Justice, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@kitchen5203: THIS! Robert Gnaizda, Lawyer Who Fought for Social Justice, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@mixed_race: RT @DashDeCosta: Robert Gnaizda (pronounced guh-NAYZ-duh) risked his life gathering evidence in the South in the 1960s to help fight the in… - 5 years ago

@Sulli3000: RT @NYTNational: Robert Gnaizda, a lawyer celebrated for representing the underdog, has died at 83 - 5 years ago

@NYTNational: He challenged redlining banks, employers who discriminated in hiring and, early in his career, Southern counties th… - 5 years ago

@DashDeCosta: Robert Gnaizda (pronounced guh-NAYZ-duh) risked his life gathering evidence in the South in the 1960s to help fight… - 5 years ago

@GailHarper: via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@KBradyJD: RT @NYTNational: Robert Gnaizda, a lawyer celebrated for representing the underdog, has died at 83 - 5 years ago

@NYTNational: Robert Gnaizda, a lawyer celebrated for representing the underdog, has died at 83 - 5 years ago

@trevorw1953: Robert Gnaizda, Lawyer Who Fought for Social Justice, Dies at 83. He challenged redlining banks, employers who disc… - 5 years ago

@shelzhang: I think Bob would have enjoyed this, even the part where they mispronounced his name. - 5 years ago

@boygobong: RT @LeslieProll: A life well lived. “He founded CA Rural Legal Assistance & 5 years later, Public Advocates that defended underdogs. He hel… - 5 years ago

@LeslieProll: A life well lived. “He founded CA Rural Legal Assistance & 5 years later, Public Advocates that defended underdogs.… - 5 years ago

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