Robert Farrar Capon

American Episcopal priest and author.
Died on Thursday September 5th 2013

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Robert Farrar Capon:

@pbdolleman: "If the world could have been saved by good bookkeeping, it would have been saved by Moses, not Jesus." —Robert Farrar Capon

@Kirstenspeak: Am re-reading Robert Farrar Capon "Food for Thought". Would give quote, but am only at p17 and already want to share whole book. #recommend

@joey_shook: RT @alissamarie: I show up around 36:30, and talk Robert Farrar Capon and @ahc mostly.

@alissamarie: RT @gideonstrauss: How amateur home cooking matters: @alissamarie gives a shoutout to Robert Farrar Capon | @iamfujimura @trinityforum htt…


@gideonstrauss: How amateur home cooking matters: @alissamarie gives a shoutout to Robert Farrar Capon | @iamfujimura @trinityforum

@alissamarie: I show up around 36:30, and talk Robert Farrar Capon and @ahc mostly.

@farsonpratt: 4 of 5 stars to Kingdom, Grace, Judgment by Robert Farrar Capon

@noriegaclodoveo: The Supper of the Lamb : A Culinary Reflection by Robert Farrar Capon 1989 HCDJ

@thedawncoates: "Grace cannot prevail until our lifelong certainty that someone is keeping score has run out of steam and collapsed." Robert Farrar Capon

@lukeroland: RT @markroedel: "Jesus came to raise the dead. Not to repair the repairable, correct the correctable, or improve the improvable." -- Robert…

@TruthGoodBeauty: “One real thing is closer to God than all the diagrams in the world.” Robert Farrar Capon #Whatsfordinner #Dignity

@JeffCagwin: The road to Heaven does not run from the world but through it. — Robert Farrar Capon @TheRabbitRoom

@markroedel: "Jesus came to raise the dead. Not to repair the repairable, correct the correctable, or improve the improvable." -- Robert Farrar Capon

@JeffCagwin: The road to Heaven does not run from the world through it. — Robert Farrar Capon

@shingimushipe: #RobertFarrarCapon is on Web9 -

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