Robert Dean

American ufologist.
Died on Thursday October 18th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Robert Dean:

@ActorLondon: Fernanda Giron, Dean DeVito, and Robert, by Valentino - - 6 years ago

@the_tomlambert: RT @RockinKrueger: Available everywhere tomorrow 10/26 “Thanks for making music that still makes it worth reviewing records”- Robert Chris… - 6 years ago

@patrick_jonah: RT @UFOcommunity: We just learned of the passing of ufologist Robert Dean on October 11th. Our deepest condolence goes out to his family an… - 6 years ago

@SFBJNews: FIU recruits Sackstein from Harvard as medical dean - 6 years ago


@Gobi3_1: RT @Love_Metal_Ro: On October 26th 1999, American rock band Stone Temple Pilots released fourth album, No. 4, recorded by Scott Weiland (vo… - 6 years ago

@TDavis6093: @Robert_Dean At least neither of you are monkey cuddlers. Nothing worse than hot, dead weight smothering you while you try to sleep. - 6 years ago

@Robert_Dean: RT @ChrisCaesar: was just informed that the subreddit r/infowarsrides exists and hell yes - 6 years ago

@Robert_Dean: @TDavis6093 Plus, she has her baby blanket, which is basically a string of dust sticking together, a top sheet, and… - 6 years ago

@TDavis6093: @Robert_Dean Hell yeah-- one for the knees, one to spoon with and one for your head. - 6 years ago

@Robert_Dean: @TDavis6093 Sarah sleeps with like, 3! - 6 years ago

@PlayhouseWest: Former Student Friday! James Franco has 143 titles on IMDb. Our co-founder Robert Carnegie coached him on the role… - 6 years ago

@DowntownDonna69: @Robert_Dean @PamGrier @realDonaldTrump @MichelleObama @BarackObama @BetoORourke @mjhegar @BucyForTexas @BetoORourke for the win!! - 6 years ago

@Robert_Dean: RT @ajplus: Texas election officials confirmed that voting machines used in 30% of its counties (including its biggest) are switching peopl… - 6 years ago

@Robert_Dean: RT @rickyftw: Red Sox Pitcher - 6 years ago

@Robert_Dean: @DowntownDonna69 @PamGrier @realDonaldTrump @MichelleObama @BarackObama My vote went to @BetoORourke @mjhegar and @BucyForTexas this week! - 6 years ago

@DowntownDonna69: @Robert_Dean @PamGrier 😥 All I gotta say is VOTE!! Get these thugs outta office and replace with kindness, intellig… - 6 years ago

@Robert_Dean: @DowntownDonna69 @PamGrier Mad white dudes at it again. Republicans staying on brand, as always. - 6 years ago

@Robert_Dean: @SheaSerrano San Antonio Mexican is much superior to Austin - 6 years ago

@Robert_Dean: RT @claytoncubitt: Freelancer retirement plan - 6 years ago

@The_ACSP: RT @seemadiyer: UB Dean of Architecture and Planning, Robert G. Shibley "Buffalo is one of 5 best places to be in the face of climate chang… - 6 years ago

@MVCC_UticaRome: Dean and Professor Emeritus Dr. Robert B. Jubenville will be inducted into the MVCC Hall of Fame on Monday at 5:30… - 6 years ago

@Robert_Dean: RT @AHILBERT3000: I've always said it. Anyone with more bumper stickers than visible car paint is fucking crazy. - 6 years ago

@Dean_of_Games: RT @stargatecommand: Happy birthday to the commander who brought Atlantis home, Robert Picardo! - 6 years ago

@TaylorCaffery: RT @BrettEats: The Dean ladles out praise for Nola great Blu Lu Barker - and the under appreciated Maria Muldaur, whose collection of Dylan… - 6 years ago

@webissimo: Fallecen los investigadores de ovnis Robert Dean y Karl Wolfe - 6 years ago

@BrownResearchGT: @BrownResearchGT PhD student Victoria Dean awarded Robert Wood Johnson Foundation fellowship. Extremely grateful to… - 6 years ago

@saz_amin: I liked a @YouTube video - 6 years ago

@MDBellinger: @jmpalmieri what are your feelings and how clear is it to you about things which was said by Hillary Clinton, Eric… - 6 years ago

@jgalt666: RT @MensaMax2: Robert Dean (died on Oct 11) was active in UFO research for many years. In the 1960s he read a document called "UFO Assessme… - 6 years ago

@rufuspolk: RT @BrettEats: The Dean ladles out praise for Nola great Blu Lu Barker - and the under appreciated Maria Muldaur, whose collection of Dylan… - 6 years ago

@BrettEats: The Dean ladles out praise for Nola great Blu Lu Barker - and the under appreciated Maria Muldaur, whose collection… - 6 years ago

@usnews: RT @brieflyJCE: .@UAlbanyCEHC Dean Robert Griffin to @usnews on why emergency preparedness doesn't just mean working for the government any… - 6 years ago

@mikatnuotio2018: "In memory of a good friend Robert Dean at the ECETI 2011 Awakening & Transformation Conference"… - 6 years ago

@dashwortley: @Tony_Robinson Wonderful to watch Britain's Great Cathedrals Tony. I'm from York, and my 13 times Great-Grandfather… - 6 years ago

@LauraDurnell: @Robert_Dean @FilmStruck Didn't they buy all of Criterion from Hulu? - 6 years ago

@lakelady568: RT @MelFabregas: Robert (Bob) O. Dean with a message for humanity: - 6 years ago

@daviddowdy01: RT @NBCNews: Opinion | Dean Obeidallah: "The president's dangerous rhetoric has consequences. It's only a matter of time before someone get… - 6 years ago

@uvahealthnews: RT @Mrs_AimeeC: Congratulations to @uvahealthnews's Dr. Robert Carey, an @American_Heart volunteer, for his incredible work with the AHA's… - 6 years ago

@Mrs_AimeeC: Congratulations to @uvahealthnews's Dr. Robert Carey, an @American_Heart volunteer, for his incredible work with th… - 6 years ago

@Robert_Dean: RT @Gabino_Iglesias: Are you a fellow reviewer? Do you write for a venue that supports #diversebooks and writers of color? Drop me a line.… - 6 years ago

@JNashBuyWineNow: Opinion | Dean Obeidallah: Will Trump stop demonizing the media if a journalist gets killed? - 6 years ago

@SFBJNews: FIU recruits Sackstein from Harvard as medical dean - 6 years ago

@classichitradio: And you can listen too: Soft Cell Mink DeVille Hazell Dean Everything But The Girl Robert Palmer The Doors Elvis Co… - 6 years ago

@Natalia90165049: RT @eceti: - 6 years ago

@sisselauisk: @FlutterbyCM Oh, and also: the music. I mean LISTEN to those romantic strings starting a gentle swell when Cas and… - 6 years ago

@RobMorningstar: Robert Dean, in Memoriam In general UFO News, we are sad to note the passing of Robert Dean on October 11, an iconi… - 6 years ago

@GloriaGifford: RT @holdengraber: 🔳 Pablo Picasso Born on this day, in 1881 Picasso leaving his atelier in Paris, 1944 📷 Robert Capa thanks to @dean_frey… - 6 years ago

@holdengraber: RT @holdengraber: 🔳 Pablo Picasso Born on this day, in 1881 Picasso leaving his atelier in Paris, 1944 📷 Robert Capa thanks to @dean_frey… - 6 years ago

@holdengraber: 🔳 Pablo Picasso Born on this day, in 1881 Picasso leaving his atelier in Paris, 1944 📷 Robert Capa thanks to… - 6 years ago

@paulettebrown73: RT @ACERN_M_Rodwell: UFOs the Truth Robert Dean - 6 years ago

@debbi00762930: In memory of a good friend - Robert Dean at the ECETI 2011 Awakening & T... - 6 years ago

@geodarts: Robert Dean was one of those people who said that he had information he couldn't tell us. And what he could tell us… - 6 years ago

@ACERN_M_Rodwell: UFOs the Truth Robert Dean - 6 years ago

@Love_Metal_Ro: On October 26th 1999, American rock band Stone Temple Pilots released fourth album, No. 4, recorded by Scott Weilan… - 6 years ago

@terjewu: I liked a @YouTube video - 6 years ago

@bmcleister: Ret. Command Sgt. Major Robert Dean (01-17-01) The Next Millennium: An End or a Beginning - 6 years ago

@KBrancolini: RT @LMULibrary: Dean Brancolini reminds us of what was said of our library when we first opened almost 10 years ago: “What this library say… - 6 years ago

@Chris05313895: @rphilpot HI Robert are you going to do an article on the Saturday night special that jody dean is going to do on kluv? - 6 years ago

@ABKLawNYC: Our #ABKLaw Partner lectures on search & seizure at .@brooklynlaw + @RobAbruzzese @BklynEagle writes about it. "Bro… - 6 years ago

@Robert_J1: Okay so it’s the 2020 Royal Rumble. Braun is Universal Champ, Dean and Seth are the last two in the match. #30 co… - 6 years ago

@lerman_robert: RT @RosenforNevada: BREAKING: 538 said Nevada’s Senate race is the closest in the entire country. If we LOSE here to Trump-backed Dean Hell… - 6 years ago

@mcfadden_kati: Dean face when Sam said since Will Robert Anderson. Lol Dean being Dean. #TheScar - 6 years ago

@FernandoFiore: RT @g100tek: FIU recruits Sackstein from Harvard as medical dean - 6 years ago

@FIUMedicine: RT @FIU: Meet Dr. Robert Sackstein, our new @FIUMedicine Dean and senior vice president for health affairs. Get to know him: - 6 years ago

@FIU: Meet Dr. Robert Sackstein, our new @FIUMedicine Dean and senior vice president for health affairs. Get to know him:… - 6 years ago

@eceti: - 6 years ago

@m32sdaisy_1502: RT @NBCNews: Opinion | Dean Obeidallah: "The president's dangerous rhetoric has consequences. It's only a matter of time before someone get… - 6 years ago

@Real_Infinity95: RT @NBCNews: Opinion | Dean Obeidallah: "The president's dangerous rhetoric has consequences. It's only a matter of time before someone get… - 6 years ago

@pal8g2015: RT @gsulawadmission: #tbt. Timothy D. Lytton, associate dean for research and faculty development, Distinguished University Professor and p… - 6 years ago

@gsulawadmission: #tbt. Timothy D. Lytton, associate dean for research and faculty development, Distinguished University Professor an… - 6 years ago

@LMULibrary: Dean Brancolini reminds us of what was said of our library when we first opened almost 10 years ago: “What this lib… - 6 years ago

@SFBJFocus: .@FIUMedicine recruits Sackstein from Harvard as medical dean: - 6 years ago

@LMUBellarmine: RT @IrelandCon: Have you checked out the #IrelandCon agenda yet? Delighted to be kicking off our day with @LMUBellarmine Dean Robbin D. Cra… - 6 years ago

@BrianBandell: Florida International University @FIU recruits Dr. Robert Sackstein from Harvard as dean of Wertheim College of Med… - 6 years ago

@SFBJRealEstate: Florida International University @FIU recruits Dr. Robert Sackstein from Harvard as dean of Wertheim College of Med… - 6 years ago

@g100tek: FIU recruits Sackstein from Harvard as medical dean - 6 years ago

@SemaVanaev: See Joe Perry Play Fiery ‘Aye Aye Aye’ With Cheap Trick, Stone Temple Pilots Members: See Joe Perry Play Fiery ‘Aye… - 6 years ago

@rosheenamend: RT @IXLR82C: Celebrity Trump Supporters Clint Eastwood Jennifer Anniston Bruce Willis Jeff Bridges Jon Voight Roseanne Barr Dean… - 6 years ago

@MI2CA2: RT @IXLR82C: Celebrity Trump Supporters Clint Eastwood Jennifer Anniston Bruce Willis Jeff Bridges Jon Voight Roseanne Barr Dean… - 6 years ago

@adamselzer: RT @RockinKrueger: Robert Christgau, Dean of American Rock Critics, asked me 10/23 to call him. Among many compliments on my new CD #NOWTh… - 6 years ago

@SFBJNews: FIU recruits Sackstein from Harvard as medical dean - 6 years ago

@jregaladopa: Dr. Robert Sackstein appointed dean of Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine - Sout… - 6 years ago

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