Robert Boyd

American journalist and bureau chief
Died on Friday September 20th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Robert Boyd:

@robert_boyd7: @jonny868 @justine_boyd - 5 years ago

@jonny868: @robert_boyd7 @justine_boyd Bredda. I have two irritaional fears: lizards and frogs. BUN. IT. DONGGGGGGGGG - 5 years ago

@robert_boyd7: @jonny868 @justine_boyd Jonny you embarrassing me bro 😂😂😂 - 5 years ago

@jonny868: @robert_boyd7 @justine_boyd Nah boy Rob, a lizard cahhhhh work. Burn it downnnn - 5 years ago


@ldstemplesdaily: ~ Helsinki, Finland ~ “He that hath my commandments, and ​​​keepeth​ them, he it is that loveth me: and he that lov… - 5 years ago

@robert_boyd7: @jonny868 @justine_boyd So I will have to sleep on the road then? Lol - 5 years ago

@Eusebius64: @ZibaLady1 @JoeBiden Here's everything you need to know about t/ #Ukraine scandal/hoax. Barbara Boyd who is t/ aut… - 5 years ago

@JcMyers18: RT @kingofkingsport: Continental Birmingham,AL Fairgrounds Sept 28, 1987 Midnight Rockers b Boris Zuhkov & Soldat Ustinov @drtomprichard b… - 5 years ago

@kingofkingsport: Continental Birmingham,AL Fairgrounds Sept 28, 1987 Midnight Rockers b Boris Zuhkov & Soldat Ustinov @drtomprichard… - 5 years ago

@justine_boyd: @robert_boyd7 Being broke - 5 years ago

@robert_boyd7: @justine_boyd Buy it, wa u beating up about? - 5 years ago

@NickMcNeely2: @MatthewBerryTMR Tyler Boyd, Robert Woods, Sterling Shepard & Phillip Dorsett. Have to pick 2. - 5 years ago

@MerMusique: @justine_boyd @robert_boyd7 Let's see the shoe. 😂😂😂 - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Robert S. Boyd, who shared Pulitzer for his revelation that shifted an election, has died at 91:  - 5 years ago

@epassaro: RT @rvlcr: @retrochenta Detalle adicional es que ese hermoso doblaje de Carl Sagan estuvo a cargo del ya desaparecido mexicano Agustín Lópe… - 5 years ago

@justine_boyd: So buy a new shoe or not?🤔 Side note...I’m slowly becoming @robert_boyd7 - 5 years ago

@NickMcNeely2: @ESPNFantasy I have to pick 2 between: Tyler Boyd, Robert Woods, Phillip Dorsett & Sterling Shepard. - 5 years ago

@NickMcNeely2: @ESPNFFNow I have to pick 2 between: Tyler Boyd, Robert Woods, Phillip Dorsett & Sterling Shepard. - 5 years ago

@Boyd_2650: RT @DJThePeoplesGov: You really have to question the intelligence of anyone who supports this man. Honestly, his supporters must have enou… - 5 years ago

@Robert_White14: 4th and 2 coming. I would bet Rakeem Boyd run or a short pass for Arkansas? That would be the logical choice. Then… - 5 years ago

@Marion_I_Boyd: RT @jamesgreenthing: The horse chestnut / conker tree at risk of extinction. - 5 years ago

@TV03: @albert_aznavour @JeffKCollins Watch the rams ever? They run similar personel... Robert Woods = Tyler Boyd Brandin… - 5 years ago

@Eusebius64: @GWStopthebs Mrs. Barbara Boyd who is the author of the - 5 years ago

@BigRudd74: RT @FFQuickTakes: 🔥🏈🔥 WEEK 4 START VS SIT 👍🏼👍🏼 Marlon Mack 👍🏼 Jordan Howard Will Dissly Chris Thompson Sterling Shepard Tyler Boyd 😴… - 5 years ago

@robert_boyd7: @sneakersteal @justine_boyd - 5 years ago

@MC_BlairT: If you had to cut one of these before Sunday morning, who would you cut? - Tyler Boyd - Mecole Hardman - Stefon Dig… - 5 years ago

@Eusebius64: RT @Eusebius64: Here's everything you need to know about #Ukraine scandal/hoax. Barbara Boyd who is t/ author of👉 - 5 years ago

@Eusebius64: Here's everything you need to know about #Ukraine scandal/hoax. Barbara Boyd who is t/ author of👉… - 5 years ago

@PenultimateJoe: @smartereveryday Just listened to NDQ064 (I'm behind) and thought of "Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War" by Robert Coram. - 5 years ago

@ushamcfarling: I had the honor of working with Robert Boyd at KR Wash Buro. He was one of the most talented, decent + humble journ… - 5 years ago

@Boyd_2650: RT @Aramaithea: Thank You 👏🏼👏🏼 @RobertJohnDavi For Standing Up & Speaking the Truth about Shep Smith, the Media, and the Democrat Party i… - 5 years ago

@morcegaopampers: @NFLFantasyBR_ @GZamaral quem eh melhor pra flex essa rodada: ROBERT woods , tyler boyd ou metcalf? - 5 years ago

@johnrmatthews: Robert Boyd, Journalist Whose Reporting Shifted an Election, Dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@Kevincl01986679: RT @UNDPoliceDept: The Department of Public Safety is honored to have received the 2019 Robert H. Boyd Healthy UND Champion Award! We appre… - 5 years ago

@FantasyOfFootb1: RT @FFQuickTakes: 🔥🏈🔥 WEEK 4 START VS SIT 👍🏼👍🏼 Marlon Mack 👍🏼 Jordan Howard Will Dissly Chris Thompson Sterling Shepard Tyler Boyd 😴… - 5 years ago

@LatestComments: Robert Boyd, Journalist Whose Reporting Shifted an Election, Dies at 91 - - 5 years ago

@SportsbeanN: RT @FFQuickTakes: 🔥🏈🔥 WEEK 4 START VS SIT 👍🏼👍🏼 Marlon Mack 👍🏼 Jordan Howard Will Dissly Chris Thompson Sterling Shepard Tyler Boyd 😴… - 5 years ago

@TnfFtyrell: RT @FFQuickTakes: 🔥🏈🔥 WEEK 4 START VS SIT 👍🏼👍🏼 Marlon Mack 👍🏼 Jordan Howard Will Dissly Chris Thompson Sterling Shepard Tyler Boyd 😴… - 5 years ago

@FantasyFBStoner: RT @FFQuickTakes: 🔥🏈🔥 WEEK 4 START VS SIT 👍🏼👍🏼 Marlon Mack 👍🏼 Jordan Howard Will Dissly Chris Thompson Sterling Shepard Tyler Boyd 😴… - 5 years ago

@Noted_Lives: RT @NYTObits: Robert Boyd, Journalist Whose Reporting Shifted an Election, Dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@LFiellin: RT @NCSMHtweets: Some of our excellent team members from #NCSMH, @sbh4all, and the Maternal and Child Health Bureau! L to R Dr. Aite Aigbe,… - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Robert Boyd, Journalist Whose Reporting Shifted an Election, Dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@cfcpac: RT @cfcpac: Robert Boyd, Journalist Whose Reporting Shifted an Election, Dies at 91: He shared a Pulitzer for detailing how George McGovern… - 5 years ago

@CiriacoSolerFF: RT @FFQuickTakes: 🔥🏈🔥 WEEK 4 START VS SIT 👍🏼👍🏼 Marlon Mack 👍🏼 Jordan Howard Will Dissly Chris Thompson Sterling Shepard Tyler Boyd 😴… - 5 years ago

@MWelchSLM: Interception, Jesuit! Rangers pick off McBoyd on its first play of the half and the Rangers take over a the Boyd 30… - 5 years ago

@ProfessorDiggs: INTERCEPTION! Jesuit is back in business in Boyd territory! Sophomore Robert Fitzgerald reads the route and jumps the pass. - 5 years ago

@DP_NFL: RT @FFQuickTakes: 🔥🏈🔥 WEEK 4 START VS SIT 👍🏼👍🏼 Marlon Mack 👍🏼 Jordan Howard Will Dissly Chris Thompson Sterling Shepard Tyler Boyd 😴… - 5 years ago

@robert_boyd7: @justine_boyd 🤗 - 5 years ago

@justine_boyd: @robert_boyd7 Needed this tonight! Thank you brother ❤️ - 5 years ago

@NFL_Zack: RT @FFQuickTakes: 🔥🏈🔥 WEEK 4 START VS SIT 👍🏼👍🏼 Marlon Mack 👍🏼 Jordan Howard Will Dissly Chris Thompson Sterling Shepard Tyler Boyd 😴… - 5 years ago

@fftheathomedad: RT @FFQuickTakes: 🔥🏈🔥 WEEK 4 START VS SIT 👍🏼👍🏼 Marlon Mack 👍🏼 Jordan Howard Will Dissly Chris Thompson Sterling Shepard Tyler Boyd 😴… - 5 years ago

@rocco_mazz32: RT @FFQuickTakes: 🔥🏈🔥 WEEK 4 START VS SIT 👍🏼👍🏼 Marlon Mack 👍🏼 Jordan Howard Will Dissly Chris Thompson Sterling Shepard Tyler Boyd 😴… - 5 years ago

@robert_boyd7: Extremely proud of the woman my sister @justine_boyd is growing up to be. Head on and doing what she has to do. Keep it up sis. - 5 years ago

@DoubleHFantasy1: RT @FFQuickTakes: 🔥🏈🔥 WEEK 4 START VS SIT 👍🏼👍🏼 Marlon Mack 👍🏼 Jordan Howard Will Dissly Chris Thompson Sterling Shepard Tyler Boyd 😴… - 5 years ago

@FFQuickTakes: 🔥🏈🔥 WEEK 4 START VS SIT 👍🏼👍🏼 Marlon Mack 👍🏼 Jordan Howard Will Dissly Chris Thompson Sterling Shepard Tyler Bo… - 5 years ago

@Dennis_Boyd_PCP: Chief Robert opens the 2019 OAPC gala where we celebrate exemplary Paramedics from across Ontarios 52 services.… - 5 years ago

@thedeadoness: Robert Boyd, Journalist Whose Reporting Shifted an Election, Dies at 91 - - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Robert S. Boyd, who shared Pulitzer for his revelation that shifted an election, has died at 91:  - 5 years ago

@katystinchfield: RT @NCSMHtweets: Some of our excellent team members from #NCSMH, @sbh4all, and the Maternal and Child Health Bureau! L to R Dr. Aite Aigbe,… - 5 years ago

@DSMWcom: Robert Boyd, Journalist Whose Reporting Shifted an Election, Dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@KenG11020922: Who invented the pneumatic tyre, 98% would say, John Boyd Dunlop as he patented the tyre in 1888. However, a little… - 5 years ago

@NinianReid: NYTimes: Robert Boyd, Journalist Whose Reporting Shifted an Election, Dies at 91 Robert Boyd, Journalist Whose Repo… - 5 years ago

@gopreachboyd: Thursday September 26, 2019 THE MIND OF CHRIST 🤔PONDER THIS: “For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may… - 5 years ago

@MerMusique: @justine_boyd @robert_boyd7 LMAO Take meds and sleep. - 5 years ago

@DorothyBanks88: Robert Boyd, Journalist Whose Reporting Shifted an Election, Dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@EuroselectGolf: RT @SilvermereGC: We were honoured to host a unique male & female competition recently alongside @EuroselectGolf with Tour Pro's Christiaa… - 5 years ago

@LaurenHarris55: Robert Boyd, Journalist Whose Reporting Shifted an Election, Dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@nytmedia: Robert S. Boyd, who shared Pulitzer for his revelation that shifted an election, has died at 91:  - 5 years ago

@EBertolaccini: Robert Boyd, Journalist Whose Reporting Shifted an Election, Dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@gerardnerr: "Robert Boyd, Journalist Whose Reporting Shifted an Election, Dies at 91" by Sam Roberts via NYT - 5 years ago

@SeatSale: Robert Boyd, Journalist Whose Reporting Shifted an Election, Dies at 91: - 5 years ago

@DSMWcom: Robert Boyd, Journalist Whose Reporting Shifted an Election, Dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@foryoursociety: Robert Boyd, Journalist Whose Reporting Shifted an Election, Dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@quest4changeinc: RT @SBHAYAC: As we welcome the new President Robert Boyd, we want to say a massive thank you to @SchlittJohn for always supporting the Yout… - 5 years ago

@devarshimankad: - 5 years ago

@ProfDauber: Robert Boyd, Journalist Whose Reporting Shifted an Election, Dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@Tatiner: - 5 years ago

@Newsenm: Robert S. Boyd, a journalist who shared a Pulitzer Prize for uncovering evidence that Senator Thomas F. Eagleton ha… - 5 years ago

@HelloBellingham: Robert Boyd, Journalist Whose Reporting Shifted an Election, Dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@jimmyloader: @HilowFF I can’t decide between James white, boyd or scary terry for my flex this week. Is this the week I don’t pl… - 5 years ago

@SeldonEurope: Robert Boyd, Journalist Whose Reporting Shifted an Election, Dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@Ariadna_Orte: RT @nytimesbusiness: Robert S. Boyd, who shared Pulitzer for his revelation that shifted an election, has died at 91:  - 5 years ago

@nytimesbusiness: Robert S. Boyd, who shared Pulitzer for his revelation that shifted an election, has died at 91:  - 5 years ago

@twitbituaries: Robert Boyd, Journalist Whose Reporting Shifted an Election, Dies at 91 - - 5 years ago

@SEPEgr: Robert Boyd, Journalist Whose Reporting Shifted an Election, Dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@dmedialab: Robert Boyd, Journalist Whose Reporting Shifted an Election, Dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@somsirsa: Robert Boyd, Journalist Whose Reporting Shifted an Election, Dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@Briefingcom: $TOL: Toll Brothers announces appointment of James Boyd and Robert Parahus as co-COOs; President and Chief Operatin… - 5 years ago

@justine_boyd: @robert_boyd7 - 5 years ago

@robert_boyd7: @justine_boyd - 5 years ago

@CrweWorld: Toll Brothers Announces Appointment of James W. Boyd and Robert Parahus as co-COOs; President and Chief Operating O - 5 years ago

@NewsFromSPI: Toll Brothers Announces Appointment of James W. Boyd and Robert Parahus as co-COOs; President and Chief Operating O… - 5 years ago

@justine_boyd: @robert_boyd7 Men sooo dramatic 🙄🙄 - 5 years ago

@josh42646837: Week 4 PPR WR Ranks 1-16 1. Keenan Allen 2. Deandre Hopkins 3. Julio Jones 4. Amari Cooper 5. Davante Adams 6. Coop… - 5 years ago

@_ManieRobinson: He amplified the excellent writing on that show. My Justified villains list: Boyd Mags Limehouse Dickie Arlo Flet… - 5 years ago

@boyd_elroy: I can agree with Trump on ONE thing: Robert Mueller was incompetent. Having said that, the details of the Ukraine s… - 5 years ago

@Boyd_2650: RT @ZibaLady1: BOMBSHELL: Democrats Threatened Ukrainian Prosecutor General to get Dirt on Trump in 2018. Read for yourself America, the le… - 5 years ago

@askhutch: RT @SilvermereGC: We were honoured to host a unique male & female competition recently alongside @EuroselectGolf with Tour Pro's Christiaa… - 5 years ago

@gopreachboyd: Wednesday September 25, 2019 THE LIGHT THAT LEADS US 🤔PONDER THIS: “And the LORD went before them …to lead them th… - 5 years ago

@SilvermereGC: We were honoured to host a unique male & female competition recently alongside @EuroselectGolf with Tour Pro's Chr… - 5 years ago

@boyd_elroy: Food for thought:- Robert Mueller, after millions fo dollars, and two-years, couldn't get us to this position. In m… - 5 years ago

@trapxLA: Ask JM, Khye Burleson Robert Djrobbydinero Fuller (DJ Robby Dinero) DjCheezeburger Boyd Kameron K-Stone Walker was… - 5 years ago

@Goodfellas_FF: FLEECING SZN UPDATE: Impeach Magilligan (@AnCurr13)is no longer accepting mediocrity 👀 Moves have been made betwee… - 5 years ago

@maxdgerber: @TheFFBallers Sterling shepherd is available in my standard league. i would have to drop Robert Woods or Tyler Boy… - 5 years ago

@maxdgerber: Sterling shepherd is available in my standard league. i would have to drop Robert Woods or Tyler Boyd to get him t… - 5 years ago

@maxdgerber: Sterling shepherd is available in my standard league. i would have to drop Robert Woods or Tyler Boyd to get him t… - 5 years ago

@Boyd_2650: RT @Melski1: Robert Mueller charged Paul Manafort for actions that Mueller committed himself - 5 years ago

@MrRashad_2Cool: I don’t know what the Bengals will do at QB for next year (I like Andy Dalton btw) but they have the potential to b… - 5 years ago

@novaron1: @DownBeatMag In the new issue, there is a book review of a book on Chicago Soul with the assertion that rarely has… - 5 years ago

@ZeusisWicked: @MatthewBerryTMR scary terry or Robert woods in standard or both over Tyler Boyd? - 5 years ago

@MarlandZara: RT @StJohn724: Gordon B Hinckley Thomas S Monson James E Faust Boyd K Packer L Tom Perry David B Haight Neal A Maxwell Russell M Nelson Dal… - 5 years ago

@gopreachboyd: Tuesday September 23, 2019 THE FATHER IS ONE 🤔PONDER THIS: “Thou shall have no other gods beside me.” Exodus 20:1… - 5 years ago

@theanxietyfiles: Robert Boyd, journalist who shared Pulitzer for uncovering Eagleton’s shock therapy, dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@alexkoford: @by_JBH @NFLFantasy 12 man full PPR: Damien Williams and Tyler Boyd for Kerryon Johnson and Darren Waller? Had… - 5 years ago

@TCarter1194: RT @StJohn724: Gordon B Hinckley Thomas S Monson James E Faust Boyd K Packer L Tom Perry David B Haight Neal A Maxwell Russell M Nelson Dal… - 5 years ago

@genbunny94: RT @StJohn724: Gordon B Hinckley Thomas S Monson James E Faust Boyd K Packer L Tom Perry David B Haight Neal A Maxwell Russell M Nelson Dal… - 5 years ago

@J4YBERRY: RT @StJohn724: Gordon B Hinckley Thomas S Monson James E Faust Boyd K Packer L Tom Perry David B Haight Neal A Maxwell Russell M Nelson Dal… - 5 years ago

@TCUWhiteTrash: C’mon, Robert....weren’t you at the age of 16 qualified and ready to address the full UN Council??...I wasn’t quali… - 5 years ago

@NotYetMormon: RT @StJohn724: Gordon B Hinckley Thomas S Monson James E Faust Boyd K Packer L Tom Perry David B Haight Neal A Maxwell Russell M Nelson Dal… - 5 years ago

@ReluctantCivi: The Fallen: 23 September 1944 7013328 Staff Sergeant (SQMS) BOYD, James Frederick 'Paddy' - 22 6294891 Staff Serge… - 5 years ago

@jtenney24: RT @StJohn724: Gordon B Hinckley Thomas S Monson James E Faust Boyd K Packer L Tom Perry David B Haight Neal A Maxwell Russell M Nelson Dal… - 5 years ago

@calebbrown32: RT @StJohn724: Gordon B Hinckley Thomas S Monson James E Faust Boyd K Packer L Tom Perry David B Haight Neal A Maxwell Russell M Nelson Dal… - 5 years ago

@BackFromThat: RT @StJohn724: Gordon B Hinckley Thomas S Monson James E Faust Boyd K Packer L Tom Perry David B Haight Neal A Maxwell Russell M Nelson Dal… - 5 years ago

@troy_beals: RT @StJohn724: Gordon B Hinckley Thomas S Monson James E Faust Boyd K Packer L Tom Perry David B Haight Neal A Maxwell Russell M Nelson Dal… - 5 years ago

@hawkeye_1276: RT @StJohn724: Gordon B Hinckley Thomas S Monson James E Faust Boyd K Packer L Tom Perry David B Haight Neal A Maxwell Russell M Nelson Dal… - 5 years ago

@RTC___RTC: RT @StJohn724: Gordon B Hinckley Thomas S Monson James E Faust Boyd K Packer L Tom Perry David B Haight Neal A Maxwell Russell M Nelson Dal… - 5 years ago

@SBHAYAC: As we welcome the new President Robert Boyd, we want to say a massive thank you to @SchlittJohn for always supporti… - 5 years ago

@TrueBlueMage: RT @StJohn724: Gordon B Hinckley Thomas S Monson James E Faust Boyd K Packer L Tom Perry David B Haight Neal A Maxwell Russell M Nelson Dal… - 5 years ago

@SaintlyOpinion: RT @StJohn724: Gordon B Hinckley Thomas S Monson James E Faust Boyd K Packer L Tom Perry David B Haight Neal A Maxwell Russell M Nelson Dal… - 5 years ago

@sbh4all: RT @NCSMHtweets: Some of our excellent team members from #NCSMH, @sbh4all, and the Maternal and Child Health Bureau! L to R Dr. Aite Aigbe,… - 5 years ago

@StJohn724: Gordon B Hinckley Thomas S Monson James E Faust Boyd K Packer L Tom Perry David B Haight Neal A Maxwell Russell M N… - 5 years ago

@ConsumerFeed: Endurance Gold Director Robert T. Boyd Buys C$180.00 in $EDG - 5 years ago

@billmcmichael: RT @MarkThompson_DC: Bob Boyd was the prince of print in the Knight-Ridder D.C. bureau when I worked there. He was dogged, unpretentious an… - 5 years ago

@MarkThompson_DC: Bob Boyd was the prince of print in the Knight-Ridder D.C. bureau when I worked there. He was dogged, unpretentious… - 5 years ago

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