Rita Walter

American actress (As the World Turns
Died on Wednesday December 28th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Rita Walter:

@AllsopMayola: Rita Kellogg Carter Walter Vito Flynn Vito Ricardo #西安 - 2 years ago

@Adele00212514: Rita Kellogg Carter Walter Vito Flynn Vito Ricardo #西安 - 2 years ago

@Lovella97023068: Frederic Walter Rita Pearson Annabelle Mac- Kim Eleanor - 2 years ago

@renato10__: cada situação, um nome 1° rita 2° walter 3° sla 4° daniela 5° zuka 6° miguel 7° duda 8° giovana 9° filipa (?) 10°… - 2 years ago


@norbert_walter: @Rita_Arinaitwe Alrighty 😊 - 2 years ago

@Rita_Arinaitwe: @norbert_walter Keep them closer - 2 years ago

@norbert_walter: @Rita_Arinaitwe I was ready with my uncle shoes. - 2 years ago

@SenKimHendren: Read Rita Walter’s (Mrs. Jim Waters) obituary this morning: Rita and Jim Walters were great friends and supporters… - 2 years ago

@Tisa38576247: Frederica Walter Georgia Arthur Wendell Watt Rita Raman - 2 years ago

@KesharRatan: Rita Bruno Gale Gill Rita Bruno Walter Wallace - 2 years ago

@omarhfaiedh: Rita Bruno Gale Gill Rita Bruno Walter Wallace - 2 years ago

@vdasari007: Moira Robbins Rita Peter Marcia Bertram 车档查询 Clement Walter Upton Frances #社保查询 #聊天记录 #微信查手机 - 2 years ago

@tdh5jeesydptpns: Rita Bruno Gale Gill Rita Bruno Walter Wallace - 2 years ago

@JeanBizoza: Rita Bruno Gale Gill Rita Bruno Walter Wallace - 2 years ago

@XsF5GYdW7zOIBXz: Moira Robbins Rita Peter Marcia Bertram 车档查询 Clement Walter Upton Frances #社保查询 #聊天记录 #微信查手机 - 2 years ago

@Rita_Mrtnz: RT @Rafael_Narbona: EL LEGADO DE BENEDICTO XVI 1. Fue un brillante ensayista, pero su labor teológica carece de la altura de Karl Rahner o… - 2 years ago

@KevinNiango: Keith Louise Chad Walter Rita Grey #PG电子 #双赢彩票 #世界杯下注平台 - 2 years ago

@JavierR21323373: Keith Louise Chad Walter Rita Grey #PG电子 #双赢彩票 #世界杯下注平台 - 2 years ago

@gabrielramones2: Walter Dorothea Atwood Partridge Betty Bruce Rita Julius #上海 #上海线下 - 2 years ago

@rita_gbarbosa: Wálter Maierovitch - Ratzinger, a renúncia que modernizou a Igreja - 2 years ago

@soapsdotcom: It was the bluest of blue Christmases for the fans and loved ones of a frontburner mainstay: She passed away at age… - 2 years ago

@Vegosta_Abhi: Doris Walter Judy Julius #兼职 Daisy Babbitt Rita Jeremy #黑U Bartholomew Quiller Lionel Gunter - 2 years ago

@danivishwa009: Gale Gill Walter Wallace #竞彩篮球 #世界杯买球 Rita Bruno - 2 years ago

@jraw1xexxcewxr3: Doris Walter Judy Julius #兼职 Daisy Babbitt Rita Jeremy #黑U Bartholomew Quiller Lionel Gunter - 2 years ago

@yerawar011: Gale Gill Walter Wallace #竞彩篮球 #世界杯买球 Rita Bruno - 2 years ago

@jeremiahsalas7: Doris Walter Judy Julius #兼职 Daisy Babbitt Rita Jeremy #黑U Bartholomew Quiller Lionel Gunter - 2 years ago

@Rita_Really6: Who y’all think Barbara Walter’s is in Heaven interviewing first? - 2 years ago

@Showsight: GCHG MEET ME IN MARGARITAVILLE MS Good evening, Rita 💙 Owned & Bred by: Walter Cunningham & Cliff Ramos Owner Han… - 2 years ago

@Crusher58: RT @MichaelFairman: As the World Turns Alum Rita Walter Dead at 71 - #RitaWalter #AstheWorldTurns #RIP - 2 years ago

@Cashprize: RT @MichaelFairman: As the World Turns Alum Rita Walter Dead at 71 - #RitaWalter #AstheWorldTurns #RIP - 2 years ago

@MichaelFairman: As the World Turns Alum Rita Walter Dead at 71 - #RitaWalter #AstheWorldTurns #RIP - 2 years ago

@FrancoCNac: RT @soapsdotcom: It was the bluest of blue Christmases for the fans and loved ones of a frontburner mainstay: She passed away at age 71, on… - 2 years ago

@PatriciaKellogg: RT @Karaoke_God: As the World Turns Vet Dies at 71 On the Anniversary of Her Soap Exit - 2 years ago

@Karaoke_God: As the World Turns Vet Dies at 71 On the Anniversary of Her Soap Exit - 2 years ago

@004nino: RIP 28 763) #Soap #Star #Dies #December 25, 2022 : #American #actress #Rita #McLaughlin #Walter 71 ,… - 2 years ago

@soapsdotcom: It was the bluest of blue Christmases for the fans and loved ones of a frontburner mainstay: She passed away at age… - 2 years ago

@AnkitaJ89415535: Doris Walter Judy Julius #兼职 Daisy Babbitt Rita Jeremy #黑U Bartholomew Quiller Lionel Gunter - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rita Walter is no longer with us - #RitaWalter #Rita #Walter #rip - 2 years ago

@walter_cerutti: RT @JaviGarcia_Ok: Teresa Parodi, Ricardo Forster, Alejandro Apo, Roberto Salvarezza, Cristina Banegas, Liliana Herrero y Rita Cortese firm… - 2 years ago

@eaGVG6nihYCDzU5: Corey Milne Miranda Gunter Walter Kathleen Rita Gibbon #珠海 #珠海线下 - 2 years ago

@asisbasak5: Gale Gill Walter Wallace #竞彩篮球 #世界杯买球 Rita Bruno - 2 years ago

@divyanshu_inani: Doris Walter Judy Julius #兼职 Daisy Babbitt Rita Jeremy #黑U Bartholomew Quiller Lionel Gunter - 2 years ago

@IshKumarBatra1: Doris Walter Judy Julius #兼职 Daisy Babbitt Rita Jeremy #黑U Bartholomew Quiller Lionel Gunter - 2 years ago

@SHAM17NOV: Doris Walter Judy Julius #兼职 Daisy Babbitt Rita Jeremy #黑U Bartholomew Quiller Lionel Gunter - 2 years ago

@zencolefansbb: RT @SoapOperaNewss: RIP - #RitaWalter, actress best known for her run on #AsTheWorldTurns has passed away... #ATWT - 2 years ago

@Ethan_Theresaps: RT @SoapOperaNewss: RIP - #RitaWalter, actress best known for her run on #AsTheWorldTurns has passed away... #ATWT - 2 years ago

@officialmjt1: RT @SoapOperaNewss: RIP - #RitaWalter, actress best known for her run on #AsTheWorldTurns has passed away... #ATWT - 2 years ago

@SoapOperaNewss: RT @SoapOperaNewss: RIP - #RitaWalter, actress best known for her run on #AsTheWorldTurns has passed away... #ATWT - 2 years ago

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