Rick Mitchell

Australian Olympic sprinter
Died on Tuesday June 1st 2021

View other recent people: Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn, Huey Williams

Tweets related to Rick Mitchell:

@SureJan_rmeol: RT @Phoenix08972389: @B52Malmet Wives don't have to work... Rick Scott $259M, Mark Warner $214M, Greg Gianforte $189M, Paul Mitchell $179M… - 4 years ago

@Keev4L: RT @JakeAndHoops: Kevin Durant is the greatest scorer ever. Bill Russell is not top ten all time. Bill Belichick is the most overrated co… - 4 years ago

@Rick_Budd: RT @MTFBiologics: June is Men's Health Month, which brings awareness to health issues men face - including common injuries from extreme spo… - 4 years ago

@A_Nasty1: RT @JakeAndHoops: Kevin Durant is the greatest scorer ever. Bill Russell is not top ten all time. Bill Belichick is the most overrated co… - 4 years ago


@JakeAndHoops: Kevin Durant is the greatest scorer ever. Bill Russell is not top ten all time. Bill Belichick is the most overra… - 4 years ago

@Brookshire_55: @BadManeBane Rick Spurling. Former Mitchell and Asheville Saints head coach. - 4 years ago

@MeldaWatson3: RT @Phoenix08972389: @B52Malmet Wives don't have to work... Rick Scott $259M, Mark Warner $214M, Greg Gianforte $189M, Paul Mitchell $179M… - 4 years ago

@LPFE1972: @KasparsPu @MLswish @townbrad @KSherringtonDMN Jazz has 2 stars with Gobert, Mitchell and a really good guy in Bogd… - 4 years ago

@HR8242: @SeasideRailroad -Rick Mitchell - 4 years ago

@Stok_Standard: @rickmittica Sam Mitchell ahead of Ross Lyon... C'mon Rick - please don't do this mate - 4 years ago

@Badlion40825776: RT @fabssdaf: Rick Mitchell Variations 🤖 - 4 years ago

@slurpyourgurt: RT @forbiddencups: Lil commission of Rick Mitchell hypnosis - 4 years ago

@Gansslon: I just liked “Paula Abdul - Rush Rush (Dub Mix) (DJ Rick Mitchell Video Edit)” on #Vimeo: - 4 years ago

@rodelayricardo: RT @CarlosNBAle: Jugadores más jóvenes en conseguir un partido de 45+ puntos y 5+ asistencias (en semifinales de conferencia o ronda superi… - 4 years ago

@redbuppy: @PolyesterUnis @MLB @Pirates @Athletics Doug Bair, Rick Langford and Mitchell Page all went on to have solid big le… - 4 years ago

@rick_hennig: @Out5p0ken Disagree with getting rid of Andrea Mitchell. She is an excellent journalist especially when it comes to… - 4 years ago

@lokibcooper: joel garcia rick mitchell moment - 4 years ago

@Hakka246: The Rick Mitchell special 😂😂😂 - 4 years ago

@LunaTDW200: RT @MattLobster: ‘The Mitchells vs The Machines’ is so good in too many ways to count. Laugh, cry, cheer! The Rick Mitchell Special!!! #Mit… - 4 years ago

@lyonlickers: sobbing and crying my final principles of animation assignment for the trimester is done and i feel like rick mitch… - 4 years ago

@LauriaRichie: @MitchellsMovie can we get a rick Mitchell appreciation post, objectively the best character in the movie. While ob… - 4 years ago

@OzRadioGOLD: Rick Aitchison - Where The Mitchell Grass Once Grew - 4 years ago

@atti_qu: feeling like drawing rick mitchell right about now. oh how i would do it if I WASN'T IN SCHOOL RIGHT NOW. - 4 years ago

@segasaturn_: entrando a grindr a ver si me encuentro a rick mitchell - 4 years ago

@As1Bryce: @netflix did you Rick Roll in the Mitchell’s vs the machines - 4 years ago

@semirose: I'm finally watching Mitchell and the Machines and a) absolutely you take away the wifi and people will gladly tu… - 4 years ago

@DraakonRhapsody: When you're in a lockdown and you're trying to fix a computer alone for the first time and all you got is your budd… - 4 years ago

@hearts4childe: now is not the time to be thinking abt my digital footprint i dont want my future employers looking at me call Anim… - 4 years ago

@dynasty_jake: Notable free agents available that could make an immediate impact: 🔸Richard Sherman 🔸Melvin Ingram 🔸Sheldon Richar… - 4 years ago

@Huntervoss97: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@JlioCsa95565893: @andalb_ Maravilhoso demais. Rapaz, lembrei de vc. O Rick Beato (YouTube) dedicou um programa para a Marta Argaeric… - 4 years ago

@NsfwNeon1: RT @fabssdaf: Rick Mitchell Variations 🤖 - 4 years ago

@SD_Ag_Labs: RT @agronomist_Evan: It’s a #soilhealth throwdown at Washington Co fairgrounds today! Piles of information and a good time to reconnect! Ri… - 4 years ago

@agronomist_Evan: It’s a #soilhealth throwdown at Washington Co fairgrounds today! Piles of information and a good time to reconnect!… - 4 years ago

@MarcoFoster_: @ThatEricAlper Rick James fled to Canada at 16 to avoid being drafted and met / became friends with then unknown Jo… - 4 years ago

@j0hnsolo3926: @SB_Game @VisitorBR there isn't an exact name to my knowledge but i just looked up "Rick Mitchell crying at computer meme" - 4 years ago

@balyas_ulis: @lapeacelazuIi Ok but we need to talk about Rick Mitchell lmao - 4 years ago

@malo_fx: RT @yumilbo: Rick Mitchell - 4 years ago

@malo_fx: RT @yumilbo: I drew Mitchell Rick's special video shoot. 이런 거 그려서 죄송합니다^^; (I'm sorry to draw this.) - 4 years ago

@Stephenjpeak: Jason, Rick Mitchell was a Champion - he held athletics together in that era of the 70s and 80s. Tough as nails and gutsy. - 4 years ago

@felweaver: RT @yumilbo: I drew Mitchell Rick's special video shoot. 이런 거 그려서 죄송합니다^^; (I'm sorry to draw this.) - 4 years ago

@felweaver: RT @yumilbo: Rick Mitchell - 4 years ago

@Dani3Rojo: 19 Reasons Why "The Mitchells Vs. The Machines" Is More Than Just A Kids Movie One Rick Mitchell Special coming up… - 4 years ago

@WeBloodyLoveTV: 19 Reasons Why "The Mitchells Vs. The Machines" Is More Than Just A Kids Movie: One Rick Mitchell Special coming up… - 4 years ago

@honeydewopal: @Oppossumshoe I just wanna look at Rick Mitchell art but I only get NSFW on here 💔 - 4 years ago

@Henders2011: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@Adam__Tube: @lindseyolivares I green screened the reindeer in the Rick Mitchell special did I do good lol - 4 years ago

@Vruqzz: @SB_Game @VisitorBR Just search Rick Mitchell panick - 4 years ago

@Juan63862391: RT @fabssdaf: Rick Mitchell Variations 🤖 - 4 years ago

@RufusTheSlut: RT @fabssdaf: Rick Mitchell Variations 🤖 - 4 years ago

@cupcakeFILTH: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@KumaVoladarskii: RT @fabssdaf: Rick Mitchell Variations 🤖 - 4 years ago

@DoggosGlass: RT @NetflixFilm: Rick Mitchell = Dad I'd Like to Film - 4 years ago

@kristina_luna: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@cr1terions: @ghostlyventi rick mitchell rabies - 4 years ago

@fabssdaf: RT @fabssdaf: Rick Mitchell Variations 🤖 - 4 years ago

@nsfwbearski: RT @fabssdaf: Rick Mitchell Variations 🤖 - 4 years ago

@_Ceejay24: RT @BruceBlitz: 1. Michael Jordan - 63 2. Elgin Baylor - 61 3. Donovan Mitchell - 57 4t. Charles Barkley - 56 4t. Michael Jordan - 56 4t. W… - 4 years ago

@JohnBea48021216: RT @fabssdaf: Rick Mitchell Variations 🤖 - 4 years ago

@MWHorny: RT @fabssdaf: Rick Mitchell Variations 🤖 - 4 years ago

@llnstr_: RT @yumilbo: Rick Mitchell - 4 years ago

@RicciDonae: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@Wickerfruit: RT @fabssdaf: Rick Mitchell Variations 🤖 - 4 years ago

@gainerator: RT @fabssdaf: Rick Mitchell Variations 🤖 - 4 years ago

@fabssdaf: RT @fabssdaf: Rick Mitchell Variations 🤖 - 4 years ago

@BassaSababa: RT @fabssdaf: Rick Mitchell Variations 🤖 - 4 years ago

@foureyed_spotty: RT @fabssdaf: Rick Mitchell Variations 🤖 - 4 years ago

@themutual_jose: RT @fabssdaf: Rick Mitchell Variations 🤖 - 4 years ago

@Sabur_love_mx: RT @fabssdaf: Rick Mitchell Variations 🤖 - 4 years ago

@Cyn18Art: RT @fabssdaf: Rick Mitchell Variations 🤖 - 4 years ago

@TheKittensMeow: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@smackbeef: RT @fabssdaf: Rick Mitchell Variations 🤖 - 4 years ago

@Nunes_MiniHorse: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@KenyaWrightBook: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@phuongmai: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@MylesEd33: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@noones_herelol: RT @fabssdaf: Rick Mitchell Variations 🤖 - 4 years ago

@careerfed: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@godsleastfav1: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@PretzelGremlin: RT @fabssdaf: Rick Mitchell Variations 🤖 - 4 years ago

@mattcinematic: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@pacofl0res: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@NaughtyFonzy: RT @fabssdaf: Rick Mitchell Variations 🤖 - 4 years ago

@neBoCoin: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@ZayTheTrillest_: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@SpottedCatMag: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@Co19Is: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@BrittTown4: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@aimn2please: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@MissLionHeart: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@Coach_Pettigrew: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@joon0u: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@schnidat: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@TheCarpenter79: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@adria_dawn: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@bob9plus: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@AndrewT51798573: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@AvacyninChains: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@ozyma2: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@SupheroWarrior: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@RemiBLANCO: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@FeistyPisces_XO: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@NME: He'll be joining John Cameron Mitchell, Kate McKinnon, Nat Wolff and more - 4 years ago

@blawrence11b: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@AdamskiJonDicky: RT @Variety: The upcoming #JoeExotic series is building out its cast: Kate McKinnon, John Cameron Mitchell, Dennis Quaid, Nat Wolff and mor… - 4 years ago

@GucciLange12: In the last 7 days these kids have said I look like Rick Mitchell from The Mitchell’s vs the Machines and Jack Harl… - 4 years ago

@FIamlng0: RT @NetflixFilm: Rick Mitchell = Dad I'd Like to Film - 4 years ago

@bensonplushie: RT @NetflixFilm: Rick Mitchell = Dad I'd Like to Film - 4 years ago

@lilstomachbug: RT @NetflixFilm: Rick Mitchell = Dad I'd Like to Film - 4 years ago

@Url4Ever: Donovan Mitchell Drops 30, Jazz Eliminate Ja Morant, Grizzlies in Dominant Game 5 Win AP Photo/Rick BowmerThe Utah… - 4 years ago

@AbelHiol: RT @BruceBlitz: 1. Michael Jordan - 63 2. Elgin Baylor - 61 3. Donovan Mitchell - 57 4t. Charles Barkley - 56 4t. Michael Jordan - 56 4t. W… - 4 years ago

@truviadaddie: @Didi___Bot @sunboyapollo They really like Rick Mitchell and couldn't find a fc until I tagged them in this one - 4 years ago

@004nino: RIP 22 285) #Australian #sprinter #Olympic #trailblazer #Rick #Mitchell #dies #prostate #cancer #May 31, 2… - 4 years ago



@_Ceejay24: RT @BruceBlitz: 1. Michael Jordan - 63 2. Elgin Baylor - 61 3. Donovan Mitchell - 57 4t. Charles Barkley - 56 4t. Michael Jordan - 56 4t. W… - 4 years ago

@Malcolm08248376: RT @theage: Rick Mitchell was the last Australian male runner to win an individual Olympic medal on the track. He passed away on Sunday nig… - 4 years ago

@IvAnJoRdAn1980: RT @BenGolliver: Blazers' Damian Lillard finishes w/ 55 points & NBA playoff-record 12 threes in 2OT loss to Nuggets. - Lillard becomes 8th… - 4 years ago

@ItBeRenee: RT @AUSOlympicTeam: Richard 'Rick' Charles Mitchell was a three-time Olympian, Olympic silver medallist, CEO and sports authority, who will… - 4 years ago

@alsouqi_omar: RT @BenGolliver: Blazers' Damian Lillard finishes w/ 55 points & NBA playoff-record 12 threes in 2OT loss to Nuggets. - Lillard becomes 8th… - 4 years ago

@dogboyjake: the reason why I can't agree with Apollo that Rick Mitchell is a dilf because he reminds me so much of my dad - 4 years ago

@Williams25Sarah: RT @AUSOlympicTeam: Richard 'Rick' Charles Mitchell was a three-time Olympian, Olympic silver medallist, CEO and sports authority, who will… - 4 years ago

@Pres_AthsAust: RT @AUSOlympicTeam: Richard 'Rick' Charles Mitchell was a three-time Olympian, Olympic silver medallist, CEO and sports authority, who will… - 4 years ago

@AUSOlympicTeam: Richard 'Rick' Charles Mitchell was a three-time Olympian, Olympic silver medallist, CEO and sports authority, who… - 4 years ago

@NIRVANwA: RT @BenGolliver: Blazers' Damian Lillard finishes w/ 55 points & NBA playoff-record 12 threes in 2OT loss to Nuggets. - Lillard becomes 8th… - 4 years ago

@vicleolions: RT @BruceBlitz: 1. Michael Jordan - 63 2. Elgin Baylor - 61 3. Donovan Mitchell - 57 4t. Charles Barkley - 56 4t. Michael Jordan - 56 4t. W… - 4 years ago

@BruceBlitz: 1. Michael Jordan - 63 2. Elgin Baylor - 61 3. Donovan Mitchell - 57 4t. Charles Barkley - 56 4t. Michael Jordan -… - 4 years ago

@AnthonyV07: RT @BenGolliver: Blazers' Damian Lillard finishes w/ 55 points & NBA playoff-record 12 threes in 2OT loss to Nuggets. - Lillard becomes 8th… - 4 years ago

@Molly1955_: RT @ScottUhlTX: @PamelaApostolo1 British Columbia, Yukon Territory (I’ve driven the Cassiar to AK, twice) Alberta, Ontario. I listen to a… - 4 years ago

@Bob_deegar: RT @BenGolliver: Blazers' Damian Lillard finishes w/ 55 points & NBA playoff-record 12 threes in 2OT loss to Nuggets. - Lillard becomes 8th… - 4 years ago

@bull50: RT @BenGolliver: Blazers' Damian Lillard finishes w/ 55 points & NBA playoff-record 12 threes in 2OT loss to Nuggets. - Lillard becomes 8th… - 4 years ago

@SloanImperative: RT @BenGolliver: Blazers' Damian Lillard finishes w/ 55 points & NBA playoff-record 12 threes in 2OT loss to Nuggets. - Lillard becomes 8th… - 4 years ago

@sportingview_27: RT @BenGolliver: Blazers' Damian Lillard finishes w/ 55 points & NBA playoff-record 12 threes in 2OT loss to Nuggets. - Lillard becomes 8th… - 4 years ago

@sandwichpick: RT @BenGolliver: Blazers' Damian Lillard finishes w/ 55 points & NBA playoff-record 12 threes in 2OT loss to Nuggets. - Lillard becomes 8th… - 4 years ago

@StuartBoudreau: RT @BenGolliver: Blazers' Damian Lillard finishes w/ 55 points & NBA playoff-record 12 threes in 2OT loss to Nuggets. - Lillard becomes 8th… - 4 years ago

@JOEcooLeD: RT @BenGolliver: Blazers' Damian Lillard finishes w/ 55 points & NBA playoff-record 12 threes in 2OT loss to Nuggets. - Lillard becomes 8th… - 4 years ago

@ryanwmcdonald: RT @BenGolliver: Blazers' Damian Lillard finishes w/ 55 points & NBA playoff-record 12 threes in 2OT loss to Nuggets. - Lillard becomes 8th… - 4 years ago

@JustinStuntin: RT @BenGolliver: Blazers' Damian Lillard finishes w/ 55 points & NBA playoff-record 12 threes in 2OT loss to Nuggets. - Lillard becomes 8th… - 4 years ago

@noobieluis: RT @BenGolliver: Blazers' Damian Lillard finishes w/ 55 points & NBA playoff-record 12 threes in 2OT loss to Nuggets. - Lillard becomes 8th… - 4 years ago

@EJLantigua: Más puntos encestados en un partido de Playoffs: Michael Jordan - 63 Elgin Baylor - 61 Donovan Mitchell - 57 Charl… - 4 years ago

@DieHard_Jazz: RT @BenGolliver: Blazers' Damian Lillard finishes w/ 55 points & NBA playoff-record 12 threes in 2OT loss to Nuggets. - Lillard becomes 8th… - 4 years ago

@BenGolliver: Blazers' Damian Lillard finishes w/ 55 points & NBA playoff-record 12 threes in 2OT loss to Nuggets. - Lillard beco… - 4 years ago

@TheMikeDonovan: Most points in an NBA playoff game- 63- Michael Jordan 61- Elgin Baylor 57- Donovan Mitchell 56- Charles Barkley, W… - 4 years ago

@clemteich: 55 points pour Lillard pour info il rejoint un cercle très fermé des 55 pts ou plus en Playoffs: MJ (5 fois), Charl… - 4 years ago

@YoKaiKingEnma: Katie Mitchell really said “I think this might be my masterpiece” and put on some fucking Nyan Cat… Rick had a point - 4 years ago

@nyligenavlidna: Vila i frid Rick Mitchell - 4 years ago

@sunboyapollo: too busy drawing rick mitchell when i gotta rick self mitcare - 4 years ago

@sunboyapollo: WIP //// dont rt drawing the dilf (rick mitchell) - 4 years ago

@JamesHistoryman: 1980 Olympic 400m silver medallist Mitchell dies - 4 years ago

@PCFA: Today we celebrate the life and mourn the loss of @Olympics silver-medal winner and four-time Commonwealth Games me… - 4 years ago

@attackonmatch: I've watched Mitchell's vs The Machines a couple times and I just can't not picture Daryll (@mattLarnold) being Rick Mitchell - 4 years ago

@TheXenderman: Rick Mitchell is pansexual - my headcanon - 4 years ago

@DavidMe73938129: RT @DavidMe73938129: @Crimson_Mayhem_ Mufasa, Tim Lockwood, Goofy, Splinter 2012, Rick Mitchell, Bill Green, Hugh Neutron, Bob Belcher, Mr.… - 4 years ago

@DavidMe73938129: @Crimson_Mayhem_ Mufasa, Tim Lockwood, Goofy, Splinter 2012, Rick Mitchell, Bill Green, Hugh Neutron, Bob Belcher,… - 4 years ago

@AlanOwo_: Rick Mitchell ❤️❤️ - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Rick Mitchell dies - #RickMitchell #Rick #Mitchell #rip - 4 years ago

@rick_the_slick1: RT @Deadspin: Donovan Mitchell is one playoff run away from being the best player on the planet - 4 years ago

@PhilBrown4x400: “1980 Olympic 400m silver medallist Rick Mitchell dies”. I’ve just learned of the passing of a dear friend & fellow… - 4 years ago

@ayumupyun: RT @yumilbo: I drew Mitchell Rick's special video shoot. 이런 거 그려서 죄송합니다^^; (I'm sorry to draw this.) - 4 years ago

@juiceboxriley: “A Rick Mitchell is something that can actually be so gender,” I repeatedly thought to myself yesterday, weeping as… - 4 years ago

@juiceboxriley: he,,,,,,,, [GIF: Rick Mitchell from The Mitchells vs the Machines thrusting alternating arms into the air in a dan… - 4 years ago

@JaidenVonFlate1: RT @BrendanPoepple5: Homer Simpson Richard Watterson Goofy Lynn Loud Sr. Howard and Harold McBride Carlos Casagrande Hector Casagrande Artu… - 4 years ago

@LeRealChatNoir: RT @BrendanPoepple5: Homer Simpson Richard Watterson Goofy Lynn Loud Sr. Howard and Harold McBride Carlos Casagrande Hector Casagrande Artu… - 4 years ago

@RootbeerFloaty: @Crimson_Mayhem_ Rick Mitchell from Mitchells vs Machine - 4 years ago

@Garferty: RT @TJonovan: After watching #MitchellsvsTheMachines I just hope that one day I get to be as lame a father as Rick Mitchell - 4 years ago

@KesScratch: RT @TJonovan: After watching #MitchellsvsTheMachines I just hope that one day I get to be as lame a father as Rick Mitchell - 4 years ago

@TJonovan: After watching #MitchellsvsTheMachines I just hope that one day I get to be as lame a father as Rick Mitchell - 4 years ago

@BrendanPoepple5: Homer Simpson Richard Watterson Goofy Lynn Loud Sr. Howard and Harold McBride Carlos Casagrande Hector Casagrande A… - 4 years ago

@DeKylerBaker: RT @SmartfootbalI: Available FAs...#NFLTwitter Mitchell Schwartz, OT Richard Sherman, CB Justin Houston, EDGE Geno Atkins, DL Le'Veon Bel… - 4 years ago

@gwnorbs: rick mitchell - 4 years ago

@DanielK361088: @Alberto9Herrera @Crimson_Mayhem_ Rick Mitchell! - 4 years ago

@TMvTMScript: Rick: Hey, Lin. [shows a CD to Linda called “the Mitchell talent show mix” then puts it in the car radio] - 4 years ago

@SmartfootbalI: Available FAs...#NFLTwitter Mitchell Schwartz, OT Richard Sherman, CB Justin Houston, EDGE Geno Atkins, DL Le'Veo… - 4 years ago

@rick_mayor: @McCosker_Maddie @ABCRural Drought, Floods & Fire are part & parcel of Australia’s landscape all need to be managed… - 4 years ago

@chas_lark: @Quartermain10 @MarkBeretta Just wondering if you are aware of the passing of Rick Mitchell. One of Australia’s greatest athletes. - 4 years ago

@J_Nenez: 1980 Olympic 400m silver medallist Mitchell dies | World Athletics - 4 years ago

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