Rick Bognar

Canadian wrestler.
Died on Saturday September 28th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Rick Bognar:

@AaronColt89: RT @DBSmithjr: Sad to hear the news about Rick Bognar aka Rick Titan, Big Titan, Razor Ramon 2 passing away. 🙏🙏 this photo was taken while… - 5 years ago

@VincethePrince5: RT @KaneWWE: Sorry to hear about the passing of Rick "Titan" Bognar. After his wrestling career, best known for his runs in Japan, Rick bec… - 5 years ago

@calgaryjournal: #StoryoftheWeek goes to a story about Rick 'Titan' Bognar. Weeks ago, we learned he past away at a very young age o… - 5 years ago

@cmheidelberger: Damn, Rick Bognar died. Wrestling has NOT been kind to its entertainers this year. - 5 years ago


@adamsgroove: (6) SNOOCH to the NOOCH (7) MUCHAS GRACIAS FAKE RAZOR (rip Rick Bognar) - 5 years ago

@GoodOl_JM: #TalkingWithJM #TheJMReport #WednesdayNightWars #WWE #WWENXT #AEW #AEWDynamite #RAW #SmackDown - NXT vs. AEW, who… - 5 years ago

@payofftom: RT @PayoffPod: During our interview, Rick Bognar shared this great story about his time working with @GlennJacobsTN / @KaneWWE when they we… - 5 years ago

@TheLapsedFan: RT @PoptopHolly: @TheLapsedFan Rick Bognar, no more juice to squeeze, pal. RIP. - 5 years ago

@PoptopHolly: @TheLapsedFan Rick Bognar, no more juice to squeeze, pal. RIP. - 5 years ago

@MOONSAULTde: - 5 years ago

@RajpalGautam786: RT @KaneWWE: Sorry to hear about the passing of Rick "Titan" Bognar. After his wrestling career, best known for his runs in Japan, Rick bec… - 5 years ago

@PayoffPod: During our interview, Rick Bognar shared this great story about his time working with @GlennJacobsTN / @KaneWWE whe… - 5 years ago

@BrandonAshwor14: RT @WestFame: RIP Rick Bognar. - 5 years ago

@BrandonAshwor14: RT @xmcw: RIP Rick Bognar. - 5 years ago

@WestFame: RIP Rick Bognar. - 5 years ago

@xmcw: RIP Rick Bognar. - 5 years ago

@BrandonAshwor14: RIP Rick Bognar. - 5 years ago

@theman9909: WWE's Fake Razor Ramon, Former Wrestler Rick Bognar Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@AlexTheGreatzz: What a nice tribute/Nod to Rick Bognar. 🙏🏼🙏🏼 #AEWDynamite - 5 years ago

@USAOaks: tacky of @WWE NOT to mention the passing of Rick Bognar on #MondayNightRAW - 5 years ago

@Psychogrotesque: @SCOTTHALLNWO Did you ever do one of Rick Bognar’s personas as a rib? - 5 years ago

@vka_raj: WWE: Can't believe the great iconic wrestler of WWE Rick Bognar aka Razor Ramon aged 49, is no more. One of the g… - 5 years ago

@themoe85: Rip to Rick Bognar aka fake Razor Ramon. He died at 49. So sad. #fakerazorramon #razorramon #wwe #rip - 5 years ago

@elvesrus: RIP imitation @SCOTTHALLNWO ☹️ - 5 years ago

@30276220e06f4a1: RT @CACReunion: The CAC would like to pass our condolences to the family and friends of Rick Bognar aka Big Titan from FMW and “Fake Razor… - 5 years ago

@Lady_Oyanka: RT @CACReunion: The CAC would like to pass our condolences to the family and friends of Rick Bognar aka Big Titan from FMW and “Fake Razor… - 5 years ago

@Mike78480678: Former WWF superstar Rick Bognar ('fake' Razor Ramon) passed away at the age of 49. - 5 years ago

@AndrewMichaelD5: RT @CACReunion: The CAC would like to pass our condolences to the family and friends of Rick Bognar aka Big Titan from FMW and “Fake Razor… - 5 years ago

@KarlBFitzgerald: @PayoffPod @payofftom @payoffjeff I Have Dug The Show From Day One ( My Favorite Was The 1st Show Because Eddie Gu… - 5 years ago

@judy4960: WWE's Fake Razor Ramon, Rick Bognar, Dies at 49 - 5 years ago

@nywrestring: RT @CACReunion: The CAC would like to pass our condolences to the family and friends of Rick Bognar aka Big Titan from FMW and “Fake Razor… - 5 years ago

@_BumWine: RT @FaIseCountRadio: Classic episode alert! The recently passed Rich Bognar, aka Rick Titan aka "Fake" Razor Ramon was on our show on 11/10… - 5 years ago

@EddieBenoit: - 5 years ago

@black_eye2: RT @CACReunion: The CAC would like to pass our condolences to the family and friends of Rick Bognar aka Big Titan from FMW and “Fake Razor… - 5 years ago

@Tweet_Wrestling: RT @grapplearcade: Didn’t know whether to post this or not. We had it planned for Nov, but after the tragic Rick Bognar news this weekend,… - 5 years ago

@9jabusco: Rick Bognar: WWE legend dies at age of 49. - 5 years ago

@FM_358: RT @roylucier: Sadly I just heard that Rick Bognar aka Rick Titan aka Big Titan aka “Fake Razor Ramon” passed away per his brother back on… - 5 years ago

@JillTomchon: RT @KaneWWE: Sorry to hear about the passing of Rick "Titan" Bognar. After his wrestling career, best known for his runs in Japan, Rick bec… - 5 years ago

@RichardWiley10: @HeyHeyItsConrad You probably heard about the passing away of Rick Bognar. - 5 years ago

@SaiyaMan797: R.I.P. Rick Bognar A.K.A. The Fake Razor Ramon - 5 years ago

@christi65277563: RT @JPDUBpodcast: R.I.P. Razor Ramon....aka Rick Bognar. Was just listening to @IAmJericho talk about him on @TalkIsJericho the other day.… - 5 years ago

@dirt_tweets: Of Famers To 'SmackDown' Naomi Reveals Why Rick Bognar Fake Frustrated Superstar Passes Away at Age - 5 years ago

@FaIseCountRadio: Classic episode alert! The recently passed Rich Bognar, aka Rick Titan aka "Fake" Razor Ramon was on our show on 11… - 5 years ago

@TGCTS: RT @POSTwrestling: POST INTERVIEW John Pollock speaks with Paul Lazenby (@MaulerMMA) on the passing of Rick Bognar a.k.a. Big Titan. http… - 5 years ago

@MaulerMMA: RT @POSTwrestling: POST INTERVIEW John Pollock speaks with Paul Lazenby (@MaulerMMA) on the passing of Rick Bognar a.k.a. Big Titan. http… - 5 years ago

@blackache25: I loved when I got to watch a @SCOTTHALLNWO as a kid, I remember renting WWE VHSs to watch him too. RIP Razor Ramon! - 5 years ago

@BohnsenVD: Fake Razor ist gestorben. - 5 years ago

@officialwalexy: RT @legitngnews: “It is with great sadness that I share some news with Rick’s Facebook friends. On September 20th Rick passed away suddenly… - 5 years ago

@SAUD__W10: RT @Ruthl1ess: وفاة المصارع Rick Bognar المعروف بتقمّسه شخصية Razor Ramon المزيفة عن عمر يناهز ٤٩ عاماً - 5 years ago

@cksmith08: My thoughts on the passing of Rick Bognar - 5 years ago

@grapplearcade: RT @grapplearcade: Didn’t know whether to post this or not. We had it planned for Nov, but after the tragic Rick Bognar news this weekend,… - 5 years ago

@primetimemooney: RT @bloodmarkhenry: RIP Rick Bognar Sean Mooney did a pretty great interview with him a few months ago. I recommend giving it a listen...… - 5 years ago

@kayzautonation: RT @FreeBizAd: WWE legend Rick Bognar is dead - 5 years ago

@Boneheadpicks: RT @_Hulser: Rick "Big Titan" Bognar passed away at the age of 49 on September 20th. He was best known for portraying the fake Razor Ramon… - 5 years ago

@_Hulser: Rick "Big Titan" Bognar passed away at the age of 49 on September 20th. He was best known for portraying the fake R… - 5 years ago

@Nekrologium: Rick Bognar, kanadischer Wrestler, am 20.09.2019 im Alter von 49 Jahren. - 5 years ago

@FreeBizAd: WWE legend Rick Bognar is dead - 5 years ago

@bloodmarkhenry: RIP Rick Bognar Sean Mooney did a pretty great interview with him a few months ago. I recommend giving it a listen… - 5 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Rick Bognar (49) Canadian professional wrestler - 5 years ago

@DubCityRoller: RT @ten_bell_salute: R.I.P. Rick Bognar, who passed earlier this month at age 49. Bognar had a notable run in Japan after portraying the 'f… - 5 years ago

@calgaryjournal: Former WWF fighter Rick Bognar “Fake Razor Ramon” passed away on September 20th. We’re remembering his legacy by hi… - 5 years ago

@Evilution_6_6_6: RT @roylucier: Sadly I just heard that Rick Bognar aka Rick Titan aka Big Titan aka “Fake Razor Ramon” passed away per his brother back on… - 5 years ago

@goobertbob1: RIP #FakeRazorRamon a.k.a. Rick “Titan” Bognar. - 5 years ago

@goobertbob1: RT @KaneWWE: Sorry to hear about the passing of Rick "Titan" Bognar. After his wrestling career, best known for his runs in Japan, Rick bec… - 5 years ago

@kenyan_digest: Rick Bognar: Ex-WWE star passes on aged 49 ▷ Kenya News - - 5 years ago

@werdman24: RT @Cultaholic: Rick Bognar, FMW Star And The Second Razor Ramon, Passes Away - - 5 years ago

@TheBroKast: RT @PayoffPod: We were saddened to hear of Rick Bognar death, but #THEPAYOFF is honored that we get to share our conversation with him. He… - 5 years ago

@ImpactoEstelar: Rick Bognar, mejor conocido como Big Tytan y ‘Fake Razor’ ha fallecido. ~AB Morales - 5 years ago

@ImpactoEstelar: Fallece Rick Bognar; Alias Fake Razor ~AB Morales - 5 years ago

@kiararamirez201: RT @SliceWrestling: FYI: Rick Bognar, who WWE fans would remember as the fake Razor Ramon passed away on Sept, 20th. Bognar was the fake… - 5 years ago

@joeyabennett: @SCOTTHALLNWO - 5 years ago

@rasslinpal: RT @KaneWWE: Sorry to hear about the passing of Rick "Titan" Bognar. After his wrestling career, best known for his runs in Japan, Rick bec… - 5 years ago

@stolzerKoelner: @Silentpfluecker - 5 years ago

@RichardWiley10: RIP, Rick Bognar. Condolences go out to his family and friends for their loss #RIPRickBognar - 5 years ago

@utv4ever: Tragischer Tod von Rick Bognar - 5 years ago

@oss365: Former WWE star Ric Bognar, who played the ‘fake’ Razor Ramone character, has died suddenly aged 49. The cause of d… - 5 years ago

@payofftom: RT @PayoffPod: We were saddened to hear of Rick Bognar death, but #THEPAYOFF is honored that we get to share our conversation with him. He… - 5 years ago

@thetimeposts: WWE cult legend ‘Fake’ Razor Ramon dead aged 49: Wrestling legends Kane and Chris Jericho leads tributes as Rick Bo… - 5 years ago

@DreamStreet21: RT @SliceWrestling: FYI: Rick Bognar, who WWE fans would remember as the fake Razor Ramon passed away on Sept, 20th. Bognar was the fake… - 5 years ago

@springsteenstra: RIP Rick Bognar. You were the best fake Razor Ramon I’ve ever seen. - 5 years ago

@Howe95tiltCj: RT @DBSmithjr: Sad to hear the news about Rick Bognar aka Rick Titan, Big Titan, Razor Ramon 2 passing away. 🙏🙏 this photo was taken while… - 5 years ago

@speakz: RIP Rick Bognar aka Fake Razor Ramon true legend of pirateria and bootleg culture - 5 years ago

@JaimeSo61767119: RT @KaneWWE: Sorry to hear about the passing of Rick "Titan" Bognar. After his wrestling career, best known for his runs in Japan, Rick bec… - 5 years ago

@WWEWrap: RT @KaneWWE: Sorry to hear about the passing of Rick "Titan" Bognar. After his wrestling career, best known for his runs in Japan, Rick bec… - 5 years ago

@HighRoller2795: RT @SliceWrestling: FYI: Rick Bognar, who WWE fans would remember as the fake Razor Ramon passed away on Sept, 20th. Bognar was the fake… - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Rick Bognar - 5 years ago

@JVerosky: RT @CyrusOverHuge: Sad to hear of the passing of Rick Bognar, he and I worked together in Winnipeg in 94. Good dude . RIP - 5 years ago

@CyrusOverHuge: Sad to hear of the passing of Rick Bognar, he and I worked together in Winnipeg in 94. Good dude . RIP - 5 years ago

@ViletsVarieties: #wrestling #rip 😿 - 5 years ago

@realdealruss: RT @iamjohnpollock: Earlier tonight, I got to chance to speak with @MaulerMMA about the passing of Rick Bognar. Paul got to know Rick early… - 5 years ago

@iamjohnpollock: Earlier tonight, I got to chance to speak with @MaulerMMA about the passing of Rick Bognar. Paul got to know Rick e… - 5 years ago

@Hey_Derek: RT @KaneWWE: Sorry to hear about the passing of Rick "Titan" Bognar. After his wrestling career, best known for his runs in Japan, Rick bec… - 5 years ago

@mjs121272: Rick Bognar, aka ‘Fake Razor Ramon’ / Big Titan Passes Away - 5 years ago

@mrnormal123: RT @KaneWWE: Sorry to hear about the passing of Rick "Titan" Bognar. After his wrestling career, best known for his runs in Japan, Rick bec… - 5 years ago

@rendowgird: RT @KaneWWE: Sorry to hear about the passing of Rick "Titan" Bognar. After his wrestling career, best known for his runs in Japan, Rick bec… - 5 years ago

@dantetia: So shocked to hear that Rick Bognar - Rick Titan #ricktitan passed away! #RIP Another one gone way to soon...🙏🙏 - 5 years ago

@calimike1: RT @KaneWWE: Sorry to hear about the passing of Rick "Titan" Bognar. After his wrestling career, best known for his runs in Japan, Rick bec… - 5 years ago

@JobberNationTV: RT @KaneWWE: Sorry to hear about the passing of Rick "Titan" Bognar. After his wrestling career, best known for his runs in Japan, Rick bec… - 5 years ago

@hbkd1973: RT @KaneWWE: Sorry to hear about the passing of Rick "Titan" Bognar. After his wrestling career, best known for his runs in Japan, Rick bec… - 5 years ago

@jendaviesuk: RT @CACReunion: The CAC would like to pass our condolences to the family and friends of Rick Bognar aka Big Titan from FMW and “Fake Razor… - 5 years ago

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