Richard Smith

British painter.
Died on Saturday April 16th 2016

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Richard Smith:

@ultragooddeals5: You Know You're Fifty When, Richard Smith, Good Book - 9 years ago

@PodcastTop: United Kingdom 38. Unexplained - Richard MacLean Smith - 9 years ago

@2twotimes: RT @PoppyLegion: @Rich_Smith_UK Top effort Richard! Please keep us updated with loads of photos tomorrow! We'd love to see how you get on!… - 9 years ago

@lucadf: RT @Richard56: The things that medical journals do best are to make money and provide enjoyable employment. - 9 years ago


@LaurenceNoga: RT @FlowersGallery: Fresh flowers & a small memorial plaque have been placed next to Richard Smith's piece Early Reply at @Tate Modern http… - 9 years ago

@flashton2003: RT @Richard56: The things that medical journals do best are to make money and provide enjoyable employment. - 9 years ago

@drserajim: RT @Richard56: The things that medical journals do best are to make money and provide enjoyable employment. - 9 years ago

@MiedemaF: RT @Richard56: The things that medical journals do best are to make money and provide enjoyable employment. - 9 years ago

@drol007: Richard Smith: What are medical journals for and how well do they fulfil those functions? - - 9 years ago

@DrNaeemAhmed: RT @Richard56: The things that medical journals do best are to make money and provide enjoyable employment. - 9 years ago

@Richard56: The things that medical journals do best are to make money and provide enjoyable employment. - 9 years ago

@SarahWhateverrr: dann fehlen ja jetzt nur noch paul treacy, richard meek, duncan leighton, matthew goodgame, matthew mckenna und daniel smith 😊😊😊 - 9 years ago

@musicalbumsusa: The L A. Chillharmonic Featuring Richard Smith #ArtistryMusic #JazzFusion #SmoothJazz Artistry Music - 9 years ago

@radiopapillonfr: #EnDirect #papillon Richard Jon Smith - Stay With Me Tonight (Pomo Edit) - 9 years ago

@richard_milward: RT @TheCraigAustin: I spoke w/ @Brixsmithstart about The Rise #TheFall & The Rise - 9 years ago

@c_c_smith: Run James Run! @richard_wearne @Jos_Jewels - 9 years ago

@aceggleton: Good Luck Richard Smith running today for @FootstepsCandC #oneinamillion - 9 years ago

@Jazzbeatsradio: Richard Smith - Tango, Fire and Sea - 9 years ago

@BizarroMoMA: Arnold Crane. Chicago Sol LeWitt, Richard Smith Woodcut from a portfolio of nine etching - 9 years ago

@danks_richard: Bulldog Tactical Gun Thigh Holster For Smith & Wesson Shield - 9 years ago

@albertow7: Me gustó un video de @YouTube - 9 years ago

@mrmcdaniel: @Filius_Imperii @RegularRon Richard Hell & the Voidoids, Patty Smith- an interesting time. - 9 years ago

@danks_richard: Durable Tactical holster For Smith & Wesson SD9VE,SD40VE with Built-in Magazine - 9 years ago

@lavienrosexxxx: RT @911_Memorial: American Airlines Flight 11: Richard Barry Ross, Jessica Leigh Sachs, Rahma Salie, Heather Lee Smith, Dianne Bullis Snyde… - 9 years ago



@SRQConcierge: RT @FSTSarasota: Kate Alexander and Georgia Court with poets Richard Blanco and Tracy K. Smith #poetrymonth #fst #PoetryLife2016 - 9 years ago

@SmoothJazzMX: Ahora transmitimos la melodia Flow interpretada por Richard Smith - 9 years ago

@Basslands: So this white dude called the beginning of #Lemonade "Ghetto". Then said this" "Richard Cameron G Devan Smith my... - 9 years ago

@MDestructioENnT: British artist Richard Smith, best-known as a painter and print-maker of the 1960s avant-garde movement, dies aged 84. - 9 years ago

@RICHARD_Osorno: RT @papisxleon: León Smith recibe un rotundo NO del @GobiernodeChile y no recibe ayuda por estar en Isapre. @ministeriosalud y @SuperDeSal… - 9 years ago

@danks_richard: Smith & Wesson SD9VE,SD40VE/Nylon OWB Belt Holster with Built-in Magazine Pouch - 9 years ago

@LiveRaceResults: RT @MtrsprtsCntrlNY: .@RidintheCushion Five Mile Point Mod Heat 3 Top 5: Danny Creeden, PJ Goodwin, Richard Smith, Chris Wood, Travis Smith - 9 years ago

@FSTSarasota: FST welcoming to the stage tonight poet Richard Blanco and Pulitzer Prize winner Tracy K. Smith #poetrylife2016 #NationalPoetryMonth - 9 years ago

@domroselli16: RT @ShortTrackDgst: .@RidintheCushion Five Mile Point Mod Heat 3 Top 5: Danny Creeden, PJ Goodwin, Richard Smith, Chris Wood, Travis Smith - 9 years ago

@neildrewitt: Richard Smith, the British painter and illustrator, who has died aged 84, had huge early success in the Pop Art era. - 9 years ago

@BeaLast: RT @After_Nyne: RIP Richard Smith CBE, who has died in New York at the age of 84. Painter, printmaker and abstract art pioneer. #art https:… - 9 years ago

@RoRoRoD: (カメラオブスクラ(オブスキュラ)、日本だと佐藤時啓さん、宮本隆司さん、ホンマタカシさんとか…世界的にはキューバ出身のA.モレルさんがやはり第一人者的な感じなのかな。ほかカナダの Colin Smithさん、最近だと英 Richard Learoydさんの展示が話題になってた。) - 9 years ago

@McgKarin: RT @BennettsTroy: @Rich_Smith_UK @TotalPhysioAM Good luck for today Richard, will see you later. Troy at Total Physio, Amersham. - 9 years ago

@LGCtownwarden: RT @Letchworth_TIC: Learn about the life & works of artist Richard Smith. With our free Curator's Tour at 3.30pm today at Broadway Studio &… - 9 years ago

@ketaminh: RT @bengoldacre: What is the point of medical academic journals? Good stuff from @Richard56 - 9 years ago

@Letchworth_TIC: Learn about the life & works of artist Richard Smith. With our free Curator's Tour at 3.30pm today at Broadway Studio & Gallery @letchworth - 9 years ago

@DrMel_T: RT @bengoldacre: What is the point of medical academic journals? Good stuff from @Richard56 - 9 years ago

@SameiHuda: RT @bengoldacre: What is the point of medical academic journals? Good stuff from @Richard56 - 9 years ago

@richard_bulava: #RIP Will Smith. So sad😫 - 9 years ago

@alancorbett8: RT @bengoldacre: What is the point of medical academic journals? Good stuff from @Richard56 - 9 years ago

@integrativpsych: RT @bengoldacre: What is the point of medical academic journals? Good stuff from @Richard56 - 9 years ago

@zettel_: RT @bengoldacre: What is the point of medical academic journals? Good stuff from @Richard56 - 9 years ago

@sjriches: RT @bengoldacre: What is the point of medical academic journals? Good stuff from @Richard56 - 9 years ago

@in_psych: RT @bengoldacre: What is the point of medical academic journals? Good stuff from @Richard56 - 9 years ago

@Matthew_Flowers: RT @telegraphobits: Richard Smith, artist – obituary - 9 years ago

@wouterhavinga: @trishgreenhalgh coaching is the essential skill that health professionals miss - 9 years ago

@RSmithGuitar: - 9 years ago

@areyouprincec: Richard Smith Welcome! - 9 years ago

@tellezmanolote1: Construction Contracts: Law and Practice, Wilmot-Smith QC, Richard 0199579598 - 9 years ago

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