Richard Portman

American sound engineer.
Died on Monday January 30th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Richard Portman:

@Onkyo: R.I.P. Richard Portman. Thank you for your great contribution in movie sound including "Star Wars" and many... - 8 years ago

@rexford37: RT @THR: Richard Portman, #StarWars, 'The Godfather' and 'Nashville' sound man, dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@MidwestSolarMom: RT @TheSnortherner: Ohio Call: Rob Portman (202) 224-3353 NC Call: Thom Tillis (202) 224-6342/Richard Burr (202) 224-3154 #NoDeVos - 8 years ago

@SimonsWsim2323: RT @12DAYSTARWARS: ANOTHER ONE OF THE #StarWars family passes... #RIPRichardPortman - 8 years ago


@shanehoughton: Richard Portman introduced me to Randy Newman and changed how I thought about sound. He was an incredible man. - 8 years ago

@DaveMetzger: RT @PGAfilm: I will forever cherish the time I spent learning from Richard. What a beautiful human being. A real legend. - 8 years ago

@CluckMort: @samsteinhp Orrin Hatch,Chuck Grassley,Mike Crapo,Pat Roberts,Mike Enzi,John Cornyn,John Thune,Richard Burr,Johnny… - 8 years ago

@aechjay: Richard Portman Dead: 'Star Wars,' 'The Godfather' and 'Nashville' Sound Man Was 82 | Hollywood Reporter - 8 years ago

@albumquest: Richard Portman Dead: 'Star Wars,' 'The Godfather' and 'Nashville' Sound Man Was 82 | Hollywood Reporter - 8 years ago

@christianebuddy: Richard Portman, ‘Star Wars’ Sound Engineer & Oscar nominee, Dies - 8 years ago

@RitaBelle7: Richard Portman, 'Star Wars,' 'The Godfather' and 'Nashville' Sound Man, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@changearabigb11: RT @FACTmag: Star Wars sound engineer Richard Portman dies at age 82: - 8 years ago

@Eduardo88891293: RT @StarWarsEs: Ha fallecido a los 82 años de edad Richard Portman, jefe de sonido de 'Star Wars' y 'El Padrino'. Que la fuerza te acompañe… - 8 years ago

@Radiohern: Décès de l'ingénieur du son Richard Portman - 8 years ago

@StarWarsFrance: Décès de l'ingénieur du son Richard Portman - 8 years ago

@thestarwars: Décès de l'ingénieur du son Richard Portman - 8 years ago

@RickBlaine83: RT @Deadline: RIP Richard Portman - 8 years ago

@jjrbs: @Fnac_Cine @ecartelera Mi más sincero pésame para su familia y amigos/as. Descanse en paz,señor Richard Portman. - 8 years ago

@jjrbs: RT @ecartelera: Richard Portman, legendario editor del sonido de películas como #ElPadrino, muere a los 82 años - 8 years ago

@FerCiclon86: RT @cementerio: Richard Portman, ingeniero de sonido de El Padrino, La Guerra de las Galaxias y 180 películas más (1934 - 2017) - 8 years ago

@EstrellaMonge1: Muere Richard Portman, responsable de sonido de 'El padrino' y 'Star Wars' - 8 years ago

@TryingToBeDJV: I had Richard Portman as a teacher for Intro to film at FSU. It was truly my intro into understanding films. #RIP - 8 years ago

@zirigozacom: Muere Richard Portman, responsable de sonido de 'El padrino' y 'Star Wars' - 8 years ago

@mitwersky: Richard Portman Dies: ‘Star Wars’ Sound Master & ‘Deer Hunter’ Oscar Winner Was 82 – Deadline - 8 years ago

@Sota_de_Picas: RT @Cinefilos2: Muere Richard Portman, responsable de sonido de El Padrino y Star Wars - 8 years ago

@middletonsweet: 📷 Peter Sarsgaard, Natalie Portman, Greta Gerwig, Pablo Larraín and Richard E. Grant on the set of... - 8 years ago

@skrvnmusic: Star Wars sound engineer Richard Portman dies at age 82 - 8 years ago

@lizkei: Muere #RichardPortman sonidista de #ElPadrino y #StarWars - 8 years ago

@StarWarsDeluxe: Richard Portman, ‘Star Wars’ Sound Engineer and 11-Time Oscar Nominee, Dies at 82 - - 8 years ago

@ChoochokamArts: Richard Portman, ‘Star Wars’ Sound Engineer and 11-Time Oscar Nominee, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@celiablack: Richard Portman, ‘Star Wars’ Sound Engineer and 11-Time Oscar Nominee, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@ElFiscalGodot: RT @StarWarsEs: Ha fallecido a los 82 años de edad Richard Portman, jefe de sonido de 'Star Wars' y 'El Padrino'. Que la fuerza te acompañe… - 8 years ago

@jscomunicadores: Muere Richard Portman, sonidista de Star Wars - 8 years ago

@yomellamo_PERU: Muere Richard Portman, responsable de sonido de “El Padrino” y “Star Wars” - 8 years ago

@vpgear: Richard Portman, - 8 years ago

@ks7000: RT @cementerio: Richard Portman, ingeniero de sonido de El Padrino, La Guerra de las Galaxias y 180 películas más (1934 - 2017) - 8 years ago

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