Richard Pipes

American historian.
Died on Thursday May 17th 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Richard Pipes:

@deathendless: RT @CatoInstitute: Richard Pipes has died at 94. Best known for his clear-eyed work on Russia and its Bolshevik Revolution, Pipes also wrot… - 7 years ago

@ilkand: RT @CatoInstitute: Richard Pipes has died at 94. Best known for his clear-eyed work on Russia and its Bolshevik Revolution, Pipes also wrot… - 7 years ago

@jacquescohen9: - 7 years ago

@Castruccio64: RT @Capezzone: Oggi su @AtlanticoMag uno @stefanomagni76 DA NON PERDERE su #RichardPipes e #BernardLewis, capaci di svelare il vero volto d… - 7 years ago


@jimmomo: RT @Capezzone: Oggi su @AtlanticoMag uno @stefanomagni76 DA NON PERDERE su #RichardPipes e #BernardLewis, capaci di svelare il vero volto d… - 7 years ago

@Capezzone: Oggi su @AtlanticoMag uno @stefanomagni76 DA NON PERDERE su #RichardPipes e #BernardLewis, capaci di svelare il ver… - 7 years ago

@Lajouz1: @ozymandias_____ Mitterand, la gauche française, le PC, tous lui riaient au nez. Comme au politologue Richard Pipes! On a vu le résultat! - 7 years ago

@thusiast: RT @anders_aslund: Sad to hear that my good friend Richard Pipes passed away yesterday. He was the greatest historian of Russia. No history… - 7 years ago

@SusanneMaddox18: RT @seanmaddox1: "I felt...that I have been spared (from death in the Holocaust) not to waste my life on self-indulgence or self-aggrandize… - 7 years ago

@StallmanFacts: Richard Stallman pipes the Emacs binaries to /dev/dsp before he goes to sleep. - 7 years ago

@seanmaddox1: "I felt...that I have been spared (from death in the Holocaust) not to waste my life on self-indulgence or self-agg… - 7 years ago

@kostasul: RT @carlbildt: Richard Pipes’ book “Russia under the Old Regime” remains a must for everyone trying to understand that important country. A… - 7 years ago

@swingindiction: RT @DanielPipes: Richard Pipes, Historian of Russia and Reagan Aide, Dies at 94 May 17, 2018 - 7 years ago

@JShade73: @Paola_Dec1231 Cultural Marxism /political correctness and its attack on western civilization:… - 7 years ago

@CuntTheRedeemer: RT @nfergus: RIP, Richard Pipes, one of the greats of Harvard History: - 7 years ago

@armandgosu: Richard Pipes și bătălia pe istoria Rusiei - 7 years ago

@MHNorthAmerica: Deaths of Richard Pipes and Bernard Lewis Remind of Great Role Of American Academia - 7 years ago

@GrandelftheGrey: @CatholicHerald Why quote Richard Pipes?; a hawkish Reagan advisor, one of those who almost brought about nuclear w… - 7 years ago

@albertmohler: Remembering the lives of Richard Pipes and Bernard Lewis, two titanic figures in the world of foreign policy.… - 7 years ago

@wesowdiscontent: Farewell to Cold War scholar Richard Pipes, author of single best resource on communism, “Communism: A History” (th… - 7 years ago

@Econlib: Richard Pipes on why he left Washington - 7 years ago

@ituna4011: RT @Cat_Lliures: Ahir ens va deixar als 94 anys l'historiador nordamericà d'origen polac Richard Pipes, una de les màximes autoritats sobre… - 7 years ago

@Brasili37024308: RT @nfergus: RIP, Richard Pipes, one of the greats of Harvard History: - 7 years ago

@Gormogons: ‘I Have Been Spared Not to Waste My Life’ - 7 years ago

@jolidort: RT @DanielPipes: #RogerKaplan in the @AmSpectator: "Bernard Lewis & Richard Pipes are the greatest historians of the 20th century. Of cours… - 7 years ago

@PatriotPost: With God and Richard Pipes - 7 years ago

@libertopolis: RT @luisficarpediem: La primera vez que oí del trabajo de Richard Pipes fue por su participación documental "El cielo en la tierra", auge y… - 7 years ago

@HrtlandLibrary: We remember Richard Pipes, Cold Warrior and professor of Russian history, who died May 17th. Pipes wrote Property… - 7 years ago

@mcconnell_paul: RT @benshapiro: Man, terrible two weeks for great literature: Tom Wolfe, Richard Pipes, Bernard Lewis, and now Philip Roth. - 7 years ago

@swcarlson1: RT @CathyYoung63: Tom Wolfe, Richard Pipes, Bernard Lewis, now #PhilipRoth... Thinking of the lines at the end of "Hamlet": O proud death,… - 7 years ago

@invcondemnation: RT @Doug_Bandow: Richard Pipes was most known for his work on the Soviet Union, aka, the Evil Empire. But as my colleague @walterolson obse… - 7 years ago

@erickdonald2g: RT @luisficarpediem: La primera vez que oí del trabajo de Richard Pipes fue por su participación documental "El cielo en la tierra", auge y… - 7 years ago

@MonBoysHistory: RT @nfergus: RIP, Richard Pipes, one of the greats of Harvard History: - 7 years ago

@luisficarpediem: La primera vez que oí del trabajo de Richard Pipes fue por su participación documental "El cielo en la tierra", aug… - 7 years ago

@lydiahr: Richard Pipes, Alona Markava, and Belarusian activism: - 7 years ago

@walterolson: RT @Doug_Bandow: Richard Pipes was most known for his work on the Soviet Union, aka, the Evil Empire. But as my colleague @walterolson obse… - 7 years ago

@isabelleelise: RIP Richard Pipes, the Great Scholar of Private Property | Walter Olson - 7 years ago

@Patriot_Tribune: 'He would spend the remainder of his long and scholarly life exposing godless ideologies and the totalitarian tyran… - 7 years ago

@Conservative_50: 'He would spend the remainder of his long and scholarly life exposing godless ideologies and the totalitarian tyran… - 7 years ago

@Doug_Bandow: Richard Pipes was most known for his work on the Soviet Union, aka, the Evil Empire. But as my colleague… - 7 years ago

@stegian67: "The idea that rights were something prior to government soon made England the most property-oriented country on ea… - 7 years ago

@ituna4011: RT @DanielPipes: #RogerKaplan in the @AmSpectator: "Bernard Lewis & Richard Pipes are the greatest historians of the 20th century. Of cours… - 7 years ago

@ituna4011: RT @Martin_Kramer: Bernard Lewis And Richard Pipes And Us by Michael Ledeen - 7 years ago

@nesrev1917: @benshapiro You didn't get around to recommending any of Richard Pipes books? - 7 years ago

@Criticastery: @DanielPipes Eminently sound reason to vet varsity visas from the "wilderness of tigers". In praise of great, late… - 7 years ago

@michaelcardo: Richard Pipes, Historian of Russia and Reagan Aide, Dies at 94 - 7 years ago

@Criticastery: RT @DanielPipes: Richard Pipes, Historian of Russia and Reagan Aide, Dies at 94 May 17, 2018 - 7 years ago

@Criticastery: RT @DanielPipes: "Richard Pipes: The Russia scholar helped America win the Cold War" By The @WSJ Editorial Board The Wall Street Journal,… - 7 years ago

@Criticastery: RT @DanielPipes: "#RichardPipes, Historian of Totalitarianism" By Marion Smith @NRO May 21, 2018 "The free world can only hope to be infor… - 7 years ago

@Giovannynnx: Mayo ha sido un mes terrible para la literatura: Tom Wolfe, Richard Pipes, Bernard Lewis, y ahora Philip Roth. - 7 years ago

@rvrbreeze: RT @CatoInstitute: Richard Pipes has died at 94. Best known for his clear-eyed work on Russia and its Bolshevik Revolution, Pipes also wrot… - 7 years ago

@omen_syria: "It is my considered judgment that, had it not been for the Russian Revolution, there would very likely have been n… - 7 years ago

@mburm201: RT @JonahNRO: The freshman table in Heaven is gonna be lit. Bernard Lewis, Richard Pipes, Tom Wolfe and Philip Roth having a cocktail, with… - 7 years ago

@BobHamilton_IT: RT @VoCommunism: It is with deep sorrow that our foundation marks the passing of Dr. Richard Pipes, the eminent scholar of Soviet Russia an… - 7 years ago

@AnneRPierce: RT @smithmarion: Dr. Pipes lived long enough to see the Berlin Wall fall, but also to see a KGB officer rule Russia, the annexation of Crim… - 7 years ago

@AnneRPierce: RT @VoCommunism: Pipes’s career was dedicated to uncovering the criminal history of the Soviet Union. His legacy lives on in the work of th… - 7 years ago

@HugeCoach: RT @NYTObits: Richard Pipes, the author of a monumental series of historical works on Russia, the Russian Revolution, and the Bolshevik reg… - 7 years ago

@Mamdhata: RT @CatoInstitute: Richard Pipes has died at 94. Best known for his clear-eyed work on Russia and its Bolshevik Revolution, Pipes also wrot… - 7 years ago

@RSIT_Richard: @JohnBaremans @brayracing @Cackling_Pipes @WillowbankDrags @400Thunder @DragIllustrated @dragnewsaus… - 7 years ago

@Focus_Defence: RT @Martin_Kramer: Bernard Lewis And Richard Pipes And Us by Michael Ledeen - 7 years ago

@frspi: RT @nfergus: RIP, Richard Pipes, one of the greats of Harvard History: - 7 years ago

@DavidAdamsEK: RT @benshapiro: Man, terrible two weeks for great literature: Tom Wolfe, Richard Pipes, Bernard Lewis, and now Philip Roth. - 7 years ago

@WestJournalism: 'He would spend the remainder of his long and scholarly life exposing godless ideologies and the totalitarian tyran… - 7 years ago

@AARONDUB: RT @benshapiro: Man, terrible two weeks for great literature: Tom Wolfe, Richard Pipes, Bernard Lewis, and now Philip Roth. - 7 years ago

@scorpiotiger77: RT @nfergus: RIP, Richard Pipes, one of the greats of Harvard History: - 7 years ago

@mason_frierson: RT @benshapiro: Man, terrible two weeks for great literature: Tom Wolfe, Richard Pipes, Bernard Lewis, and now Philip Roth. - 7 years ago

@mnshzz: RT @KanchanGupta: 'Property and Freedom' by Prof Richard Pipes remains an outstanding work and a primer for the enlightened #Right. El Mal… - 7 years ago

@JohnsonRussiaLi: Gilbert Doctorow: “From a chance meeting in Widener to today [re: Richard Pipes]” - 7 years ago

@chilljat: RT @JonahNRO: The freshman table in Heaven is gonna be lit. Bernard Lewis, Richard Pipes, Tom Wolfe and Philip Roth having a cocktail, with… - 7 years ago

@SeanDurns: RT @Martin_Kramer: Bernard Lewis And Richard Pipes And Us by Michael Ledeen - 7 years ago

@Martin_Kramer: Bernard Lewis And Richard Pipes And Us by Michael Ledeen - 7 years ago

@Optimus_Inc: RT @benshapiro: Man, terrible two weeks for great literature: Tom Wolfe, Richard Pipes, Bernard Lewis, and now Philip Roth. - 7 years ago

@nop4n1c: RT @benshapiro: Man, terrible two weeks for great literature: Tom Wolfe, Richard Pipes, Bernard Lewis, and now Philip Roth. - 7 years ago

@bluejeansradio: RT @benshapiro: Man, terrible two weeks for great literature: Tom Wolfe, Richard Pipes, Bernard Lewis, and now Philip Roth. - 7 years ago

@allenmendenhall: RIP Richard Pipes, the Great Scholar of Private Property | Walter Olson - 7 years ago

@FredricDelmais: RT @benshapiro: Man, terrible two weeks for great literature: Tom Wolfe, Richard Pipes, Bernard Lewis, and now Philip Roth. - 7 years ago

@BobELee7: RT @benshapiro: Man, terrible two weeks for great literature: Tom Wolfe, Richard Pipes, Bernard Lewis, and now Philip Roth. - 7 years ago

@realkitchenzink: RT @benshapiro: Man, terrible two weeks for great literature: Tom Wolfe, Richard Pipes, Bernard Lewis, and now Philip Roth. - 7 years ago

@RaymondRyan3: RT @nfergus: RIP, Richard Pipes, one of the greats of Harvard History: - 7 years ago

@ludditeblogger: RT @benshapiro: Man, terrible two weeks for great literature: Tom Wolfe, Richard Pipes, Bernard Lewis, and now Philip Roth. - 7 years ago

@StallmanFacts: When Richard Stallman pipes to more, he gets less - 7 years ago

@DavidHartmann: RT @JonahNRO: The freshman table in Heaven is gonna be lit. Bernard Lewis, Richard Pipes, Tom Wolfe and Philip Roth having a cocktail, with… - 7 years ago

@w_thornes: RT @benshapiro: Man, terrible two weeks for great literature: Tom Wolfe, Richard Pipes, Bernard Lewis, and now Philip Roth. - 7 years ago

@TheNightbob: RT @benshapiro: Man, terrible two weeks for great literature: Tom Wolfe, Richard Pipes, Bernard Lewis, and now Philip Roth. - 7 years ago

@CedarTreeAdvice: RT @SlawomirDebski: Richard Pipes dies (1923-2018). R.I.P. He was one of the greatest historians writing on Russia. Many of his books woul… - 7 years ago

@delcastillop: RT @SlawomirDebski: Richard Pipes dies (1923-2018). R.I.P. He was one of the greatest historians writing on Russia. Many of his books woul… - 7 years ago

@PatrickHeren: RT @nfergus: RIP, Richard Pipes, one of the greats of Harvard History: - 7 years ago

@onthemohawk: RT @JonahNRO: The freshman table in Heaven is gonna be lit. Bernard Lewis, Richard Pipes, Tom Wolfe and Philip Roth having a cocktail, with… - 7 years ago

@Ceejby: Richard Pipes on Property as an Institution - 7 years ago

@AndrewSErickson: RIP: Richard Pipes, Historian of Totalitarianism - 7 years ago

@pallaron12: RT @hermanntertsch: ¡Bonita anécdota en el adiós a Richard Pipes! Pipes fue un gran maestro para generaciones de jóvenes izquierdistas a lo… - 7 years ago

@StallmanFacts: Richard Stallman pipes the Emacs binaries to /dev/dsp before he goes to sleep. - 7 years ago


@aynrandadvocate: RT @DanielPipes: For close to 50 years, I have seen Bernard Lewis & my father, Richard Pipes, as parallel figures in MidEast and Russian hi… - 7 years ago

@tuesdayreviews: Go back in time and kill Baby Lenin and maybe you don't need to kill Baby Hitler. - 7 years ago

@BarcoGalvan: RT @hermanntertsch: ¡Bonita anécdota en el adiós a Richard Pipes! Pipes fue un gran maestro para generaciones de jóvenes izquierdistas a lo… - 7 years ago

@HT107642: RT @DanielPipes: "In Memoriam: With God and #RichardPipes" @DrPaulKengor May 22, 2018 The American Spectator (@AmSpectator) "The most resp… - 7 years ago

@BullCityPub: Richard Pipes, Historian of Russia and Reagan Aide, Dies at 94 - 7 years ago

@Bettyan66167775: RT @DragonShadowLV: RIP Richard Pipes, the Great Scholar of Private Property | Walter Olson - 7 years ago

@DragonShadowLV: RIP Richard Pipes, the Great Scholar of Private Property | Walter Olson - 7 years ago

@LoloyPalo: RT @hermanntertsch: ¡Bonita anécdota en el adiós a Richard Pipes! Pipes fue un gran maestro para generaciones de jóvenes izquierdistas a lo… - 7 years ago

@OccuWorld: RIP Richard Pipes, the Great Scholar of Private Property - 7 years ago

@FernandezZicavo: Ha muerto el gran experto de "La Revolución Rusa", Richard Pipes. Explicó como nadie la compleja "cuestión de la ti… - 7 years ago

@CarolKing561: RT @ModAgeJournal: .@ISI author Paul Kengor remembers Richard Pipes. - 7 years ago

@CatoPress: RIP Richard Pipes, a great scholar of private property - 7 years ago

@Letbayse: RT @hermanntertsch: ¡Bonita anécdota en el adiós a Richard Pipes! Pipes fue un gran maestro para generaciones de jóvenes izquierdistas a lo… - 7 years ago

@joseaportero1: RT @hermanntertsch: ¡Bonita anécdota en el adiós a Richard Pipes! Pipes fue un gran maestro para generaciones de jóvenes izquierdistas a lo… - 7 years ago

@FernandezZicavo: Muere Richard Pipes, tal vez el más erudito e incisivo historiador de la Revolución Rusa - 7 years ago

@CarmenSanCarlos: RT @hermanntertsch: ¡Bonita anécdota en el adiós a Richard Pipes! Pipes fue un gran maestro para generaciones de jóvenes izquierdistas a lo… - 7 years ago

@Annoula64: RT @BenWeinthal: Richard Pipes, Historian of Totalitarianism - 7 years ago

@MHNorthAmerica: Professor Richard Pipes, Noted Russian Historian and Reagan Adviser, Dies at 94 - 7 years ago

@brucknerillo: @jose_valentin1 @Miguel_Pizarro Por cierto, Richard Pipes falleció la semana pasada, el jueves 17 de mayo. - 7 years ago

@USSANews: Professor Richard Pipes, Noted Russian Historian and Reagan Adviser, Dies at 94 - - 7 years ago

@pierremercer: Richard Pipes, historian who helped shape Reagan-era Soviet policy, dies at 94 - 7 years ago

@Austro_Liberty: RT @IlanaMercer: Condolences to @DanielPipes, whose father, historian #RichardPipes, has passed away. Prof. Pipes' work on private property… - 7 years ago

@IsraelNewsLinks: Professor Richard Pipes, Noted Russian Historian and Reagan Adviser, Dies at 94 - 7 years ago

@ccwriter: Richard Pipes, Historian of Totalitarianism - 7 years ago

@zuzazarbuza: "Głównym zmartwieniem Sowietów jest to, że 'Solidarność' mogłaby przetrwać. Boją się 'zarazy', boją się, że ruch ro… - 7 years ago

@NmJIb2GS9jldCAT: RT @KARATAYZafer: Rusya tarihi bilhassa Sovyetler Birliği konusunda uzman ve çok önemli kitaplar yazan Harvard ünv profesörlerinden, Polony… - 7 years ago

@TheNickMancari: Just found out that Richard Pipes died a few days ago. He was one of the words leading sovietologist. I read a few… - 7 years ago

@TheJNetworks: Russian Historian, Reagan Adviser Richard Pipes Dies at 94 - - See More @ - 7 years ago

@SMUMustangAlum: RT @SMUMustangAlum: “[H]ad it not been for the Russian Revolution, there would very likely have been no National Socialism; probably no Sec… - 7 years ago

@FlaggTaylor4: This is a terrific tribute to Richard Pipes. - 7 years ago

@Earthian17: "...the system Lenin built from 1918 to 1924 was not misused by Stalin, but rather wielded exactly as Lenin had int… - 7 years ago

@yeyemen: RT @VoCommunism: Through his many books, Richard Pipes helped define the worldwide debate about the origins, effects, meaning, and legacy o… - 7 years ago

@vladvorobev: In Memoriam of Richard Pipes 1923-17.05.2018 - Russia under the Old Regime (1974), The Russian Revolution (1990), a… - 7 years ago

@PedroRodriguezW: Harvard mourns the loss of Richard Pipes - 7 years ago

@THussman: RT @VoCommunism: Pipes’s career was dedicated to uncovering the criminal history of the Soviet Union. His legacy lives on in the work of th… - 7 years ago

@TeviTroy: “The #SovietUnion long considered Dr. Pipes to be persona non grata ... the #Kremlin authorized a book called “Rich… - 7 years ago

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