Richard Oldenburg

Swedish museum curator
Died on Tuesday April 24th 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Claus Roxin

Tweets related to Richard Oldenburg:

@ShON25486781: RT @NYTObits: Richard Oldenburg, who as the longtime director of the Museum of Modern Art in New York City oversaw blockbuster exhibitions… - 7 years ago

@ShowbizMMA: Art News Now: Chris Ofili's Controversial Painting Gifted to MoMA, Richard Oldenburg Die... - 7 years ago

@HamptonsArtHub: Art News Now: Chris Ofili’s Controversial Painting Gifted to @MuseumModernArt, Richard Oldenburg Dies, First Palest… - 7 years ago

@olmanrvr: RT @NYTObits: Richard Oldenburg, who as the longtime director of the Museum of Modern Art in New York City oversaw blockbuster exhibitions… - 7 years ago


@NYTObits: Richard Oldenburg, who as the longtime director of the Museum of Modern Art in New York City oversaw blockbuster ex… - 7 years ago

@DApfelbacher: RT @NYTObits: “He had the free spirit which I longed for,” Mr. Oldenburg said of his brother, the artist Claes Oldenburg, “but I was born w… - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: “He had the free spirit which I longed for,” Mr. Oldenburg said of his brother, the artist Claes Oldenburg, “but I… - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: As director, Mr. Oldenburg dealt with strikes by members of the museum staff and established ties in the Soviet Uni… - 7 years ago

@leonardoinvests: NEWS: Richard Oldenburg (1933–2018) - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: Richard Oldenburg, who as the longtime director of the Museum of Modern Art in New York City oversaw blockbuster ex… - 7 years ago

@ohiobird: RT @NYTObits: As director, Mr. Oldenburg dealt with strikes by members of the museum staff and established ties in the Soviet Union to help… - 7 years ago

@NoahMallin: RT @NYTObits: As director, Mr. Oldenburg dealt with strikes by members of the museum staff and established ties in the Soviet Union to help… - 7 years ago

@tiggerblack: RT @NYTObits: As director, Mr. Oldenburg dealt with strikes by members of the museum staff and established ties in the Soviet Union to help… - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: As director, Mr. Oldenburg dealt with strikes by members of the museum staff and established ties in the Soviet Uni… - 7 years ago

@jaquetruth123: Retweeted THE DUDE (@BROCKYmarciano): - 7 years ago

@jaquetruth123: RT @BROCKYmarciano: - 7 years ago

@shyduroff: RT @NYTObits: “He had the free spirit which I longed for,” Mr. Oldenburg said of his brother, the artist Claes Oldenburg, “but I was born w… - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: “He had the free spirit which I longed for,” Mr. Oldenburg said of his brother, the artist Claes Oldenburg, “but I… - 7 years ago

@Art_khaliil: "News | Richard Oldenburg (1933–2018) - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: Mr. Oldenburg shepherded a $55 million expansion that doubled MoMA's exhibition space, relieving it of a longstandi… - 7 years ago

@analytik_flash: Stichworte aus der ESR-Spektroskopie - 7 years ago

@see_venice: RT @NYTObits: Richard Oldenburg, who as the longtime director of the Museum of Modern Art in New York City oversaw blockbuster exhibitions… - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: Richard Oldenburg, who as the longtime director of the Museum of Modern Art in New York City oversaw blockbuster ex… - 7 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Richard Oldenburg - 7 years ago

@Secretarial_AP: Richard Oldenburg, Who Led MoMA’s Expansion and Drew Crowds, Dies at 84 - 7 years ago

@MusicYankee: ‘The museum’s annual budget during his tenure grew to $50 million from $7 million; its endowment had soared to $180… - 7 years ago

@MusicYankee: Richard Oldenburg, Who Led MoMA’s Expansion and Drew Crowds, Dies at 84 via @NYTimes #artsmanager - 7 years ago

@Lace9HandDrawn: Richard Oldenburg, Who Led MoMA’s Expansion and Drew Crowds, Dies at 84 - 7 years ago

@elena_escolar: RT @Artforum: News | Richard Oldenburg (1933–2018) - 7 years ago

@clubcritica: #Arte ⒸⒸ↪ Richard Oldenburg (1933–2018) - 7 years ago

@MiguelAngelRego: RT @Artforum: News | Richard Oldenburg (1933–2018) - 7 years ago

@_ART247: NEWS: Richard Oldenburg (1933–2018), The Boston Globe - 7 years ago

@arttrustmasters: NEWS: Richard Oldenburg (1933–2018) - 7 years ago

@Artforum: News | Richard Oldenburg (1933–2018) - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: “He had the free spirit which I longed for,” Mr. Oldenburg said of his brother, the artist Claes Oldenburg, “but I… - 7 years ago

@hieros: Richard Oldenburg, Who Led MoMA’s Expansion and Drew Crowds, Dies at 84 - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: Mr. Oldenburg shepherded a $55 million expansion that doubled MoMA's exhibition space, relieving it of a longstandi… - 7 years ago

@SPSalisbury: Former MoMA director Richard Oldenburg has died - 7 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: R.I.P Richard Oldenburg - #RichardOldenburg #Richard #Oldenburg #rip - 7 years ago

@JBhattacharji: RT @NYTObits: As director, Mr. Oldenburg dealt with strikes by members of the museum staff and established ties in the Soviet Union to help… - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: As director, Mr. Oldenburg dealt with strikes by members of the museum staff and established ties in the Soviet Uni… - 7 years ago

@art_conclave: RT @Quotidiendelart: Aujourd'hui à la Une du Quotidien de l'Art : Le reliquaire d'Anne de Bretagne retrouvé, deux suspects arrêtés ; Décès… - 7 years ago

@Catherineholog2: RT @Quotidiendelart: Aujourd'hui à la Une du Quotidien de l'Art : Le reliquaire d'Anne de Bretagne retrouvé, deux suspects arrêtés ; Décès… - 7 years ago

@newsgirl123456: Richard Oldenburg, Who Led MoMA’s Expansion and Drew Crowds, Dies at 84 via @NYTimes - 7 years ago

@Quotidiendelart: Aujourd'hui à la Une du Quotidien de l'Art : Le reliquaire d'Anne de Bretagne retrouvé, deux suspects arrêtés ; Déc… - 7 years ago

@pomflora: Richard Oldenburg, Who Led MoMA’s Expansion and Drew Crowds, Dies at 84 - 7 years ago

@Apollo_magazine: Richard Oldenburg, who was the director of MoMA for more than 20 years, has died at the age of 84 - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: Richard Oldenburg, who as the longtime director of the Museum of Modern Art in New York City oversaw blockbuster ex… - 7 years ago

@theradiantbaby: Richard Oldenburg, Who Led MoMA’s Expansion and Drew Crowds, Dies at 84 - 7 years ago

@BROCKYmarciano: - 7 years ago

@RichSandomir: Richard Oldenberg -- Claes's brother -- helped make the Museum of Modern Art what it is today. - 7 years ago

@halfgallery: RT @KellyCrowWSJ: Richard Oldenburg, Claes’s BroWho Led MoMA’s Expansion and Drew Crowds, Dies at 84 - 7 years ago

@poppymasselos: Richard Oldenburg, Who Led MoMA’s Expansion and Drew Crowds, Dies at 84 via @NYTimes - 7 years ago

@CultureGrrl: Some of the artworld's preeminent curators, including Kirk Varnedoe & William Rubin, did great work under the late… - 7 years ago

@CultureGrrl: I remember the late Richard Oldenburg as a truly nice guy who wanted to do the right thing and was always cordial i… - 7 years ago

@ArtRiposte: Richard Oldenburg, 84; led expansion of Museum of Modern Art - 7 years ago

@mceg1965: RT @BostonGlobe: Richard Oldenburg, 84; led expansion of Museum of Modern Art - 7 years ago

@BostonGlobe: Richard Oldenburg, 84; led expansion of Museum of Modern Art - 7 years ago

@paulsongbonhams: Richard Oldenburg, Who Led MoMA’s Expansion and Drew Crowds, Dies at 84 via @NYTimes - 7 years ago

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