Richard M. White

American electrical engineer
Died on Sunday August 23rd 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Richard M. White:

@craigjanisch: @01001101NO @EyaTathdias @calzone75 @CulturedPussy @David_Leavitt That has nothing to do with Trump supporters. I’m… - 4 years ago

@atoyebi_janet: @NiggaNutts @Richard__Aaron @Godivas_Best @jemelehill 👇🏾 We all know that white people as a whole aren’t a minority… - 5 years ago

@brian_schaler: @Dickieman8 @DanGoorevitch @NoKoolAidNow @purlclutcher It was literally all in the same speech, Richard. “Very fine… - 5 years ago

@TaylorHPhillip1: @FoxNews #CROOK-N-the White House...Richard Nixon Says 'I'm Not a Crook' Video - ABC News - 5 years ago


@TaylorHPhillip1: @JoeBiden #CROOK-n-the White House...@Richard Nixon Says 'I'm Not a Crook' Video - ABC News - 5 years ago

@TaylorHPhillip1: #Another 'CROOK-n-the White House'@Richard Nixon Says 'I'm Not a Crook' Video - ABC News - 5 years ago

@sheryl2805: @TJch9 I’m shocked that you call the MCG a white elephant - COVID is not sports fans fault. Isn’t a white elephant… - 5 years ago

@DixieFried1860: @DigitalSamIAm @realmichaeladam @EastHker @Politics_Polls @atlas_intel Wow you’re right. Trump is literally Hitler.… - 5 years ago

@EricFaceplant: @parsnips07 @scrowder Reading between the lines beats not reading at all. - 5 years ago

@Lexiand: "If you want to make beautiful music, you must play the black and the white notes together." - Richard M. Nixon - 5 years ago

@TechnologianDJF: @realDonaldTrump is really too stupid to grasp that even Richard Nixon knew when it was all over for him. I’m surpr… - 5 years ago

@ffoloR_bocaJ: Cornel West and Richard Wolff talk about Capitalism and White Supremacy - 5 years ago

@JMichaelHead: @ZubyMusic Black culture in America invented American blues, jazz, country, rock, hip-hip. Then there’s Richard Pri… - 5 years ago

@SMOOTH_37: I'm still haven't recovered from Richard Spencer saying the shark in jaws represents Hitler because it's a great white - 5 years ago

@Richard__Aaron: @Godivas_Best @jemelehill I’m going to let you in on a secret.... White people Do Not hate Black people. Around 20… - 5 years ago

@DougWalsh72: @richard_tater @CBSNews @BarackObama @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @DNC Demonize whites? I'm white dumb-ass. I just ha… - 5 years ago

@tony_schofield: @PharMag_Richard @NeilTrainis Was it a contest? Hmmmm. I enjoyed the podcast. But too many buzz words are being pic… - 5 years ago

@plzunperceiveme: joe biden represents the cleaned-up, "dapper," i'm-also-a-family-man-who-has-backyard-barbecues vision of white sup… - 5 years ago

@sapphoria666: me and my coworker browsing marek and richard: "i feel like i'm about to be made fun of." "this site feels like it'… - 5 years ago

@BigStrongGeek: @Weltenbrandt @SunnyDdLew You absolutely nailed it Bill Maher is being Richard Spencer-esque here. He's basically… - 5 years ago

@DP_Richard: RT @jonmorosi: What I’m watching today: The AL is wide open, with the #Yankees and #Astros the current 5 and 6 seeds and the #RedSox rebuil… - 5 years ago

@Sgtangua4: I'm a white rose, Richard III was framed by Henry Tudor. - 5 years ago

@richard_harben: ReallyCNN, Mary Anderson? Why? She turned off her TV and has focused on other things. Now she’s on national TV sayi… - 5 years ago

@26Charade: @MSMokan *sigh* I'm game, what "neo-nazis" did he retweet (bc apparently that counts as 'reading'). We are not head… - 5 years ago

@Justin_Richard_: Today I'm cooking my first ever Puerto Rican dish for cassie I just hope it doesn't come out too white and she roasts me - 5 years ago

@andrew_vargha: Rumor: The White Sox are aggressively shopping Clayton Richard, who is currently at their alternate site, to teams.… - 5 years ago

@M_Lipshutz: RT @jewishaction: "Ryan Balch, a 31-year-old Wisconsin man who joined Kyle Rittenhouse and a contingent of militia conducting armed patrols… - 5 years ago

@GoTogetherAndG1: @GreenGhostMan1 @j_kryptonian @theseer666 @girlsreallyrule @theseer66 People only read the news that confirms their… - 5 years ago

@equal__justice: I'm on team Higgins! Praying his work is working in our agencies and that barriers to his rehiring are removed. - 5 years ago

@equal__justice: @OffPompey @relicn0cer There is talk of rehiring Higgins, and he seems to be feared/hated by all the right people.… - 5 years ago

@DidiFrench: RT @chargrille: @TimothyDSnyder @Wellness4You13 DHS official "Ian M. Smith, had in the past been in contact with a group that included know… - 5 years ago

@DidiFrench: RT @chargrille: @kilonova_gold "The emails show that the [DHS] official, Ian M. Smith, had in the past been in contact with a group that in… - 5 years ago

@richard_beavis: @PrisonPlanet Well I’m white and proud of being so - no apologies whatsoever- if that makes me a racist - so be it ! Pathetic! 😡 - 5 years ago

@ceotri: I’m getting so tired of the never ending @joebiden lies about Charlottesville. If @realDonaldTrump is such a big ra… - 5 years ago

@247PraiseRadio: Bishop Richard "Mr. Clean" White - I'm Glad I Don't Look Like What I've Been Through (feat. Myron Williams) - 5 years ago

@VABillyVA: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@ReggieHammond14: @NutshellsGuy @ProudSocialist @ninaturner You are voting for the racist white nationalist supported by Richard Spen… - 5 years ago

@nycfactory: 5 star review from Richard M: - 5 years ago

@hoff210: @Fungusty @CounterPussy @peeweevermin Ok there's some movie from the 80s where Richard Pryor plays a blind man and… - 5 years ago

@BlkGospelRadio: .#NP I'm Glad I Don't Look Like What I Been Through - Bishop Richard 'Mr. Clean' White » Listen 24x7 to… - 5 years ago

@Lukarule: @Cypress6468 @Scoop36431703 @DrRamey @sarahmucha @jaketapper @JoeBiden I'm concerned about Bidens support of the le… - 5 years ago

@ShanonSinn: @DesmondCole @HilaryEastmure I'm particularly disturbed by the story of Richard Johnson in Victoria (as a black exa… - 5 years ago

@eileen6616: RT @AdaraCensored: .@Newsweek, Richard Spencer is a white supremacist, NOT a nationalist. I’m a nationalist. We don’t use adjectives; we’… - 5 years ago

@mitchsnyder45: RT @AdaraCensored: .@Newsweek, Richard Spencer is a white supremacist, NOT a nationalist. I’m a nationalist. We don’t use adjectives; we’… - 5 years ago

@Misty135: RT @DaveHolloway87: @jonbond1999 @Kristin01089866 @MiracleonIce112 @dpann1234 @edwards_russ @SheJokerLouise @RealNinjetta @TheRealFKQ @Nekr… - 5 years ago

@jonbond1999: @ethansdad17 @DaveHolloway87 @Kristin01089866 @MiracleonIce112 @dpann1234 @edwards_russ @SheJokerLouise… - 5 years ago

@DaveHolloway87: RT @dpann1234: @Kristin01089866 @DaveHolloway87 @jonbond1999 @MiracleonIce112 @edwards_russ @SheJokerLouise @RealNinjetta @TheRealFKQ @Nekr… - 5 years ago

@dpann1234: @Kristin01089866 @DaveHolloway87 @jonbond1999 @MiracleonIce112 @edwards_russ @SheJokerLouise @RealNinjetta… - 5 years ago

@JimmyPhoenix4: RT @prettykitties0_: @MarcusRobinson1 @Kristin01089866 @jonbond1999 @DaveHolloway87 @MiracleonIce112 @dpann1234 @edwards_russ @SheJokerLoui… - 5 years ago

@McevaWhatever: @JoseFSa55876365 @Timcast I condemn all Nazis. Also, white supremacists/neo-Nazis like Richard Spencer are supporti… - 5 years ago

@jonbond1999: @ethansdad17 @DaveHolloway87 @Kristin01089866 @MiracleonIce112 @dpann1234 @edwards_russ @SheJokerLouise… - 5 years ago

@prettykitties0_: @MarcusRobinson1 @Kristin01089866 @jonbond1999 @DaveHolloway87 @MiracleonIce112 @dpann1234 @edwards_russ… - 5 years ago

@RussGregory4: RT @DaveHolloway87: @jonbond1999 @Kristin01089866 @MiracleonIce112 @dpann1234 @edwards_russ @SheJokerLouise @RealNinjetta @TheRealFKQ @Nekr… - 5 years ago

@DaveHolloway87: @jonbond1999 @Kristin01089866 @MiracleonIce112 @dpann1234 @edwards_russ @SheJokerLouise @RealNinjetta @TheRealFKQ… - 5 years ago

@Mike31637333: RT @DaveHolloway87: @jonbond1999 @Kristin01089866 @MiracleonIce112 @dpann1234 @edwards_russ @SheJokerLouise @RealNinjetta @TheRealFKQ @Nekr… - 5 years ago

@chargrille: @kilonova_gold "The emails show that the [DHS] official, Ian M. Smith, had in the past been in contact with a group… - 5 years ago

@Mrgreenbuds: @LenfesteyMark @TheFrontzClub @tothelostmonth @PalmerReport Just curious how many KKK members you know. I'm a Trump… - 5 years ago

@LiberalSonota: @Richardafowler I'm surprised that a Black Supremacist such as yourself would admit to the shameful anti-white raci… - 5 years ago

@Soyvirus3: @tpham26863223 @realDonaldTrump I'm not taking bout which supremacists vote for whom , there are those who vote for… - 5 years ago

@RinoRooter: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@Buscusriot: @proudgrandpa00 @grateful4sun @ColonelDax1 @JoeBiden You’re so bad at this: - 5 years ago

@tannawj: @Tim43058883, sorry I got my white supremists mixed up! 😂 - 5 years ago

@Amina_PhD: @Deacon5W @PamBondi @mercedesschlapp @TeamTrump @ashleyhayek @mschlapp @BlowReal @FloridaGOP - 5 years ago

@sentientsea: @heresthepencil it’s so weird bc people i respect really love it??? but i trust u more so the only books with simi… - 5 years ago

@destovall176531: RT @AdaraCensored: .@Newsweek, Richard Spencer is a white supremacist, NOT a nationalist. I’m a nationalist. We don’t use adjectives; we’… - 5 years ago

@JerseyGirlBritt: Since Starz is free right now, I'm finally about to check out The White Queen! Mostly for Richard but I'm still loo… - 5 years ago

@davidjshort1: RT @AdaraCensored: .@Newsweek, Richard Spencer is a white supremacist, NOT a nationalist. I’m a nationalist. We don’t use adjectives; we’… - 5 years ago

@1jmontenegro: RT @AdaraCensored: .@Newsweek, Richard Spencer is a white supremacist, NOT a nationalist. I’m a nationalist. We don’t use adjectives; we’… - 5 years ago

@AmericanPostal: RT @AdaraCensored: .@Newsweek, Richard Spencer is a white supremacist, NOT a nationalist. I’m a nationalist. We don’t use adjectives; we’… - 5 years ago

@Adam_M_Ali: @Richard_Orange Fair enough. FYI: "The thobe is a long robe worn by Muslim men. The top is usually tailored like… - 5 years ago

@Cynthia63781403: @jbinga54 @YouTube Trump is a hate monger. People’s think Black Lives Marrer are fascist as under Trumps regime Naz… - 5 years ago

@ManOnDaNet: @m_lucc5 @peanuts_97 @USATODAY @TheDemocrats @GovernorVA @RalphNortham @TulsiGabbard And as for your… - 5 years ago

@myers_richard: RT @RepDeanPhillips: I’m authoring a bill to ban campaign events and political party conventions from ever being held on the grounds of The… - 5 years ago

@2old2rockanroll: @iowntheterf @Iris_Shult She’s an excellent comedian and has been for many years. I totally disagree with the state… - 5 years ago

@inacrist1: RT @YnacrisL: If you want to make beautiful music, you must play the black and the white notes together.” – Richard M. Nixon BREAKTHEICE w… - 5 years ago

@YnacrisL: If you want to make beautiful music, you must play the black and the white notes together.” – Richard M. Nixon BRE… - 5 years ago

@xenons4u: Thinking about buying Lumro W21/5W 580 7443 Super White DRL Bulbs? Read the latest review by Richard M. - 5 years ago

@m_lucc5: @glutenfreekiss The “Unite the right” rally was full of jew hating white supremacists. “The Right” being the GOP, l… - 5 years ago

@LadyPost1: RT @AdaraCensored: .@Newsweek, Richard Spencer is a white supremacist, NOT a nationalist. I’m a nationalist. We don’t use adjectives; we’… - 5 years ago

@ra_ra_roz: @Richard_Stanway 🤣🤣🤣 I’m still confused!!! 😩 painted some panelling grey but I’m adamant it looks lilac 😡 I’m gonna… - 5 years ago

@NormaJe99588115: RT @1776Stonewall: - 5 years ago

@NormaJe99588115: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@CarySimonds9: RT @AdaraCensored: .@Newsweek, Richard Spencer is a white supremacist, NOT a nationalist. I’m a nationalist. We don’t use adjectives; we’… - 5 years ago

@PatPatojson: RT @AdaraCensored: .@Newsweek, Richard Spencer is a white supremacist, NOT a nationalist. I’m a nationalist. We don’t use adjectives; we’… - 5 years ago

@MsMelanie: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@victoria_roark: RT @AdaraCensored: .@Newsweek, Richard Spencer is a white supremacist, NOT a nationalist. I’m a nationalist. We don’t use adjectives; we’… - 5 years ago

@blaze0497: RT @AdaraCensored: .@Newsweek, Richard Spencer is a white supremacist, NOT a nationalist. I’m a nationalist. We don’t use adjectives; we’… - 5 years ago

@Freedom_First_M: Infamous White Nationalist Richard Spencer Endorses Joe Biden - 5 years ago

@__vanie_: RT @ogie_xx: HBO’s attempt to make a “movie” out of Richard Wright’s NATIVE SON transforms Bigger Thomas into another character and complet… - 5 years ago

@Cajsa: RT @AfroBoPeep: @SheriFlanders @YNB I'm starting to think @Fundly is the fundraising platform for white supremacy since gofundme rejects bs… - 5 years ago

@myers_richard: RT @TheRickyDavila: Now correct me if I’m wrong, but if white supremacist terrorist Kyle Rittenhouse was driven by his own Mother to antago… - 5 years ago

@richard_burd: RT @RepDeanPhillips: I’m authoring a bill to ban campaign events and political party conventions from ever being held on the grounds of The… - 5 years ago

@RedSanc: RT @AdaraCensored: .@Newsweek, Richard Spencer is a white supremacist, NOT a nationalist. I’m a nationalist. We don’t use adjectives; we’… - 5 years ago

@drofdem: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@RedPillMaC: RT @AdaraCensored: .@Newsweek, Richard Spencer is a white supremacist, NOT a nationalist. I’m a nationalist. We don’t use adjectives; we’… - 5 years ago

@Richard_HSIII: RT @RepDeanPhillips: I’m authoring a bill to ban campaign events and political party conventions from ever being held on the grounds of The… - 5 years ago

@richard_veber: RT @BonniePashley: @DanRather Geez, watching Trump's "grand entrance" down the stairs of the White House was like watching something Kim Jo… - 5 years ago

@king_d_o_m_: @znorth3 @YoungTurtleGod @BillionaireWest I don’t think either side can really talk about white supremacists suppor… - 5 years ago

@Stephen16941692: @Pee84923951 @IrishVoice1 @YanMacNP Bullied in school, Richard? Looking for a purpose in life? On the periphery? Yo… - 5 years ago

@ogie_xx: HBO’s attempt to make a “movie” out of Richard Wright’s NATIVE SON transforms Bigger Thomas into another character… - 5 years ago

@nursefox1210: RT @AdaraCensored: .@Newsweek, Richard Spencer is a white supremacist, NOT a nationalist. I’m a nationalist. We don’t use adjectives; we’… - 5 years ago

@MichaelDadiego: RT @AdaraCensored: .@Newsweek, Richard Spencer is a white supremacist, NOT a nationalist. I’m a nationalist. We don’t use adjectives; we’… - 5 years ago

@WingTrending: RT @AdaraCensored: .@Newsweek, Richard Spencer is a white supremacist, NOT a nationalist. I’m a nationalist. We don’t use adjectives; we’… - 5 years ago

@StillhereChris: RT @AdaraCensored: .@Newsweek, Richard Spencer is a white supremacist, NOT a nationalist. I’m a nationalist. We don’t use adjectives; we’… - 5 years ago

@lechatinbag: RT @AdaraCensored: .@Newsweek, Richard Spencer is a white supremacist, NOT a nationalist. I’m a nationalist. We don’t use adjectives; we’… - 5 years ago

@Aceon6Aceon: RT @AdaraCensored: .@Newsweek, Richard Spencer is a white supremacist, NOT a nationalist. I’m a nationalist. We don’t use adjectives; we’… - 5 years ago

@pdpfacc: RT @AdaraCensored: .@Newsweek, Richard Spencer is a white supremacist, NOT a nationalist. I’m a nationalist. We don’t use adjectives; we’… - 5 years ago

@gd49er: RT @AdaraCensored: .@Newsweek, Richard Spencer is a white supremacist, NOT a nationalist. I’m a nationalist. We don’t use adjectives; we’… - 5 years ago

@FranDeMario2: RT @AdaraCensored: .@Newsweek, Richard Spencer is a white supremacist, NOT a nationalist. I’m a nationalist. We don’t use adjectives; we’… - 5 years ago

@phillyeaglesfa1: RT @AdaraCensored: .@Newsweek, Richard Spencer is a white supremacist, NOT a nationalist. I’m a nationalist. We don’t use adjectives; we’… - 5 years ago

@JoyaMia00: RT @AdaraCensored: .@Newsweek, Richard Spencer is a white supremacist, NOT a nationalist. I’m a nationalist. We don’t use adjectives; we’… - 5 years ago

@drgeeforce: @SueSupports @atrupar @CawthornforNC @GOP White Supremacist Richard Spencer backs Joe Biden.… - 5 years ago

@NanaLuvsShoes: RT @AdaraCensored: .@Newsweek, Richard Spencer is a white supremacist, NOT a nationalist. I’m a nationalist. We don’t use adjectives; we’… - 5 years ago

@Fortepiecat: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@StellyBrelly: RT @StellyBrelly: I'm not gonna lie, back when Richard Spencer got punched, and we said "they call all white people Nazis, so therefor they… - 5 years ago

@KingFrenly: RT @StellyBrelly: I'm not gonna lie, back when Richard Spencer got punched, and we said "they call all white people Nazis, so therefor they… - 5 years ago

@StellyBrelly: I'm not gonna lie, back when Richard Spencer got punched, and we said "they call all white people Nazis, so therefo… - 5 years ago

@bigrevs: RT @Michael_J_Matt: Hey, CNN fans, here’s one for you: white nationalist nut job endorses Joe Biden. I’m sure Anderson will lead with this… - 5 years ago

@judith5519: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@Truth_Quest30: @Divanista96 @AshaRangappa_ @FreeBeacon If I moved to France I would go by Richard, which they pronounce Ree-shar,… - 5 years ago

@abusufian_m: - 5 years ago

@richard_tallent: RT @C_3C_3: Invited to Obamas White House: Soros Weinstein Podesta BLM Jeremiah Wright Bill Ayers M. Moore Bob Creamer Does it all make… - 5 years ago

@boblohickasso: Feeling unbelievably hopeless rn goddamn. Between the horror of Jacob Blake's shooting by the state, the murders of… - 5 years ago

@Brensweets: @Patrick_Wyman I’m currently reading Richard White’s ‘The Republic for Which it Stands’ and the sections in there a… - 5 years ago

@MaybeXtine: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@mmrssub: RT @WahcaMia: I’m going to love having a president that categorically rejects the support of white nationalists. No both sides with Biden!… - 5 years ago

@paul_m_edwards: Richard Spencer Endorses Joe Biden, Democrats Have The White Nationalist Vote Locked Up - 5 years ago

@CuprillR: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@DesertDon760: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@11251Anon: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@smirkfaceman: @GeraltR28518265 @IHaveThePic bro shut up ur showing ur arse and ur names richard ur obvs white u don’t get a say a… - 5 years ago

@MarkDuncan250: RT @jwanyvette1: #IQ45 was endorsed by KKK grand wizard David Duke - pretended not to know who he was. @JoeBiden was endorsed by white na… - 5 years ago

@CrispinMirna: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@pinkbunnyr: @BradleyWhitford watching “In The Shadow of 2 Gunmen” and I’m awestruck not just by the talent of yours truly, John… - 5 years ago

@Mike_Q_point_oh: @RichardGrenell @kenvogel I'm having trouble finding your article about Richard Spencer, the neo-Nazi white supremacist, endorsing biden. - 5 years ago

@Revivian58: RT @1776Stonewall: - 5 years ago

@GrammyGC5: RT @WahcaMia: I’m going to love having a president that categorically rejects the support of white nationalists. No both sides with Biden!… - 5 years ago

@Frippin2: RT @MisterSmee: @JoeBiden Wait a minute...Aren't you the one being supported by White Supremacist, Richard Spencer?? I'm confused. - 5 years ago

@Lilpoo404: RT @1776Stonewall: - 5 years ago

@telephonedave: RT @1776Stonewall: - 5 years ago

@Schmeezle1: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@M_Starchild: RT @AprilDRyan: White nationalist Richard Spencer backs @JoeBiden & says “MAGA/Alt-Right Moment is Over.” @realDonaldTrump should have gre… - 5 years ago

@llidenn: RT @WahcaMia: I’m going to love having a president that categorically rejects the support of white nationalists. No both sides with Biden!… - 5 years ago

@HollyHold1: RT @WahcaMia: I’m going to love having a president that categorically rejects the support of white nationalists. No both sides with Biden!… - 5 years ago

@condor698: RT @WahcaMia: I’m going to love having a president that categorically rejects the support of white nationalists. No both sides with Biden!… - 5 years ago

@DDimmy89: RT @WahcaMia: I’m going to love having a president that categorically rejects the support of white nationalists. No both sides with Biden!… - 5 years ago

@Analisa_Swan: RT @WahcaMia: I’m going to love having a president that categorically rejects the support of white nationalists. No both sides with Biden!… - 5 years ago

@BornToBeMighty: RT @WahcaMia: I’m going to love having a president that categorically rejects the support of white nationalists. No both sides with Biden!… - 5 years ago

@Maltomash: RT @WahcaMia: I’m going to love having a president that categorically rejects the support of white nationalists. No both sides with Biden!… - 5 years ago

@WahcaMia: I’m going to love having a president that categorically rejects the support of white nationalists. No both sides wi… - 5 years ago

@Tim_m_johnson: RT @DineshDSouza: Biden said he decided to run for President because of Charlottesville. Now the leading figure of the so-called “alt-Right… - 5 years ago

@freezie42: RT @rgreader: @COsweda @Acosta @realDonaldTrump I'm convinced Richard Spencer & David Duke have always been team Democrat. Spencer's single… - 5 years ago

@jay_hines: RT @1776Stonewall: - 5 years ago

@Mytjany: RT @1776Stonewall: - 5 years ago

@AllanSKF: @JWakefield81 @SirStevenKJ @Yair_Rosenberg Lol, good one. sure you got the right one. I'm talking about this one "… - 5 years ago

@tomntempe: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@RichardWinfre15: Can you ask what have black American did to White America to make them hate us so bad please know you demand for th… - 5 years ago

@jennyjupite: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@GurgunMine: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@SIG87055785: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@DeeMcDaniel14: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@Sweet_Tea71: RT @rgreader: @COsweda @Acosta @realDonaldTrump I'm convinced Richard Spencer & David Duke have always been team Democrat. Spencer's single… - 5 years ago

@CCVW130: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@crazyaboutbook7: RT @Michael_J_Matt: Hey, CNN fans, here’s one for you: white nationalist nut job endorses Joe Biden. I’m sure Anderson will lead with this… - 5 years ago

@Susan69600565: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@coll84m: RT @LisaNicolai2: @D_M_S_T @MattHarringer @ShelbyTalcott @JimDeMint Igorant fool. BLMus doing this. And you have NOT REFUTED what so wrote:… - 5 years ago

@joli08: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@erix808: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@c4873_m: RT @pudding1616: Biden just got a great & appropriate endorsement! You go Joe! The left attracts & appeals to a true white supremacist neo… - 5 years ago

@c4873_m: RT @my3monkees: We know BLM & ANTIFA support Sleepy Joe, but now look this amazing endorsement: Richard Spencer, neo-Nazi, white supremac… - 5 years ago

@Kristen37497774: RT @1776Stonewall: - 5 years ago

@Elisahe50385624: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@DocLionel1: RT @1776Stonewall: - 5 years ago

@UlyssesSHoffman: RT @1776Stonewall: - 5 years ago

@Cjkelly35: I’m glad that Biden’s campaign came out and denounced Spencer immediately. It shouldn’t matter what party or factio… - 5 years ago

@battlegound97: I’m actually glad the media wasted its energy propping up Richard Spencer as the poster child for white supremacy a… - 5 years ago

@CAUSSA2: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@summerstorm243: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@AnnFraz24303094: RT @1776Stonewall: - 5 years ago

@RodgerDodger_17: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@sherrycash247: RT @1776Stonewall: - 5 years ago

@LindacoxCox: RT @1776Stonewall: - 5 years ago

@HonzayTroy: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@KindActs4Kids: RT @xBenJamminx: Richard Spencer (white supremacist): “I’m voting for Biden and a straight Democrat ticket” Democrats: “He’s just saying… - 5 years ago

@GSpalaEsq: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@LatterRain17: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@valpopo66: RT @1776Stonewall: - 5 years ago

@Deskprotestor: RT @xBenJamminx: Richard Spencer (white supremacist): “I’m voting for Biden and a straight Democrat ticket” Democrats: “He’s just saying… - 5 years ago

@kayebiggers: RT @1776Stonewall: - 5 years ago

@Deskprotestor: RT @1776Stonewall: - 5 years ago

@leche_lechon: RT @1776Stonewall: - 5 years ago

@raven7691: RT @1776Stonewall: - 5 years ago

@Wrileygirl1961: RT @1776Stonewall: - 5 years ago

@KLomiglio: RT @xBenJamminx: Richard Spencer (white supremacist): “I’m voting for Biden and a straight Democrat ticket” Democrats: “He’s just saying… - 5 years ago

@RebekahKirkla15: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@HeatherIsTaken: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@LisaNicolai2: @D_M_S_T @MattHarringer @ShelbyTalcott @JimDeMint Igorant fool. BLMus doing this. And you have NOT REFUTED what so… - 5 years ago

@TrumpCat04: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@souljahsingh: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@excalibur1151: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@thedamianwoods: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@SAMO_Basquiat: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@generator16: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@2222vj: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@pez1963: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@BillyTruelove: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@polarwhutx2: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@elavoie: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@shining54199628: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@heydave96: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@CoverlessRex3: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@pilkenton_m: RT @DineshDSouza: Biden said he decided to run for President because of Charlottesville. Now the leading figure of the so-called “alt-Right… - 5 years ago

@YouRKiddingMe5: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@1penelopeann: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@missyens: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@s_Bass2: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@Sob916: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@TabbyCa60735008: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@EclecticRadical: @FlexasaurusWrex I'm listening to Biden. He's the one making white supremacist promises that Richard Spencer likes.… - 5 years ago

@HagueforHenry: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@spngbobfeetpics: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@Arbara0728B: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@MaryCar06954945: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@Bob62927693: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@Alice68424227: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@_YvonneBurton: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@A_M_Washington: RT @DineshDSouza: The hilarious thing about white supremacist Richard Spencer’s embrace of Biden & the Democrats is that Spencer was always… - 5 years ago

@tweetypickler: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@FreeStateYank: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@ShareTruth3: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@Lilpoo404: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@AntonioSal23: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@msl500: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@tronbro1: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@sheepleunited: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@msm_isthe_virus: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@MorriLola: @bennyjohnson Ben I’m a Trump supporter and cause Richard spencer endorses Joe Biden it doesn’t mean Joe Biden wan… - 5 years ago

@LauraWilsonGal: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@OAmasan: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@sonosam8: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@nancywalzer: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@morrow314: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@RG_Hess: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@yoakumgirl923: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@BrownTawny: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@Jennja8: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@chemmosby: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@CBreen1996: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@TonyGFunderburk: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@Squire1701: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@CrazyCityGal: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@dave00104677: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@Donna95833461: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@JustLisa98: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@silvermanmarkj: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@RG_Hess: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@NattaliaNealls: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@VikingPolitical: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@NJChinese4Kim: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@nancygolliday: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@KariCares4U: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@AlamoPong: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@Juliohe39543251: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@edman33176662: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@m_keenum: RT @jrmkingston: Richard Spencer, David Duke & all the other White supremacists Democrats have been calling Trump supporters for the last 4… - 5 years ago

@MAGA4Patriots: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@jon7172: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@lisajo86019192: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@renovator1964: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@elevate_slay: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@SGTsaltbeef0430: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@MattieMason18: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@eyeluv2laff: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@MarceauSherry: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@analysis_sa: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@dj09876543: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@Vfigi1: RT @DineshDSouza: Why is the poster boy of white supremacy, Richard Spencer, a progressive Democrat? Because he’s for universal health care… - 5 years ago

@jax2harris: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@Tidewriters: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@StarWars4truth: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@RealPFC: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@TrumpMadeMeRich: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@Jaymus82: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@lisa_pretzel: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@OGormain: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@canguroenglish: Now 1870. Richard Grant White writing about the decline of the passival. I'm sure Tom still wanders around saying '… - 5 years ago

@AmericaFirstTV: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@AwesomeGodMAGA: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@yellowkats: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@CraigTh43222433: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@amyjjff: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@Gigi4Trump: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@CREECRE47973044: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@susynnita: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@TacticalXl: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@1AllHearingEar: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@nebbarton1: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@WestIndependent: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@American525: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@SaguaroHiker: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@bbobb47: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@noangel5663: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@KodaiOkuda: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@KellerPete1: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@Blynn1Lynn: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@Georgerovian: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@Jimbob42320802: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@GayleStorm74: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@DABIRDISDEAD: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@GeorgeEliseo: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@GodGetslastWord: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@denise_vandel: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@frizzledbeef: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@GSaldana60: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@TriggeredLiber7: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@TacitPatriot: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@ohmeowzer12: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@AReawakening: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@HiuNguy05675149: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@Veronicaboomcat: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@DisneyEcho: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@KalahD: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@TommyByrnes1: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@BraleyCathy: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@JJCrosstrainers: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@TheJester77: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@SimpleMacSmith: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@Contraryteacher: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@Babalugah: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@virgini40381427: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@teslat1: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@DrNealHouston: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@HappyoCatholic: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@2717PRODUCTIONS: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@rising_serpent: RT @DineshDSouza: If you’re wondering why America’s poster boy for white supremacy is voting for Joe Biden and a straight Democratic ticket… - 5 years ago

@GrzeBrzszcz: @HarveyWakato @proxyWitch @AbledPig @JoshuaPotash "no man was ever created free and no two men [were] ever created… - 5 years ago

@wouden_van: RT @deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Richard M. White has passed away - #RichardMWhite #Richard #M.White #rip - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Richard M. White has passed away - #RichardMWhite #Richard #M.White #rip - 5 years ago

@richard_turmer: RT @kaitlancollins: Tapper: "And the president accepts that Russia is trying to interfere in the election again?" Acting DHS Secretary Ch… - 5 years ago

@JustSomeBat: @raftthenash (1/3) A quote from John Ehrlichman, counsel and Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs under… - 5 years ago

@politicalawake: @96fps @TheTigoman @AndrewSalmieri @marwilliamson Because they have Orange Man content 24/7 and they support BLM an… - 5 years ago

@theminorchords: A friend - and former co-worker - of mine back in Portland has a buddy in Whitefish and claims the locals hate Rich… - 5 years ago

@TedHutt: @HoaxFine @brandon050505 @knox90 @yellowredsparks @culthead @ScottAdamsSays Please correct me if I’m wrong, Organi… - 5 years ago

@kcaliforniasv: RT @morten: In October 1934, a young Lyndon Baines Johnson, working as an aide to Texas Congressman Richard M. Kleberg in Washington, D.C.,… - 5 years ago

@karencollinsnyc: RT @morten: In October 1934, a young Lyndon Baines Johnson, working as an aide to Texas Congressman Richard M. Kleberg in Washington, D.C.,… - 5 years ago

@morten: In October 1934, a young Lyndon Baines Johnson, working as an aide to Texas Congressman Richard M. Kleberg in Washi… - 5 years ago

@baskins_richard: @OpenSorceress And white women came to Trump’s side after that. So how important was Roe to them in that moment? Th… - 5 years ago

@robertbenda: @tucsontwitchy @sourpatchlyds @AshberryOlivia @atrupar @Facebook The multiple groups there to see Nazi Richard Slen… - 5 years ago

@boibybie: @RealChrisLMoore @AllisonFarah1 @nnamdi889 @Richard_Spoor @baldricman white guilt? are you out of your white little… - 5 years ago

@BarnicoatPaul: @RichardS7370 Morning Richard, I'm going for Stereophonics... Performance and Cocktails The White Stripes and The C… - 5 years ago

@TheTruthFairy4: @AintParler @_White__Rabbit @KraigtheBunny @SpinneyJr @sisterjjd @hsbanik @MercerCreed @WelchUndead… - 5 years ago

@TopDucker: @salvageablecup @GregABedard I’m a White fan myself, he’s capable, beloved, and a winner.... but so weren’t Lawyer… - 5 years ago

@JBalsich: RT @bendynaa: @richardhine @GOP “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.” Tr… - 5 years ago

@bendynaa: @richardhine @GOP “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned tota… - 5 years ago

@_Richard_A_King: RT @abigailmarone: 🚨FACT CHECK: After Charlottesville, President Trump said, "I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists, b… - 5 years ago

@richard_pom: RT @tt3rb: Yes I’m a gay man. No I don’t own a pair of white converse. We exist. - 5 years ago

@wolverinemuneeb: @pewesta @HarrisRichard77 I think you meant Whites, not Christians & I'm all in favor of Whites Fing off from matte… - 5 years ago

@Richard_Milli: I’m so tired of the fake Vlone g why niggas feel like dey gotta be dressed in designer threads.. embarrassing ya se… - 5 years ago

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