Richard Huckle

British convicted sex offender
Died on Monday October 14th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Dulcinea Langfelder

Tweets related to Richard Huckle:

@SerenityFirth: Richard Huckel met his fate in prison the other day. I’m sure he’s burning in hell at this very moment. - 5 years ago

@SubliminallyOvA: Richard Huckle, the target of a complex investigation into a darkweb forum, was stabbed to death in his prison cell… - 5 years ago

@ZbyszekKrak: RT @sbalcerac: "Edukacja seksualna dzieci". Jeden z najgorszych brytyjskich pedofilów, Richard Huckle, został zamordowany w celi więzienia… - 5 years ago

@Jaodra1: RT @sbalcerac: "Edukacja seksualna dzieci". Jeden z najgorszych brytyjskich pedofilów, Richard Huckle, został zamordowany w celi więzienia… - 5 years ago


@twittalk2: @Zumber @AdkinsSuz Absolute rubbish. That was a claim made by Maajid Nawaz with no evidence to back it. Peadophilia… - 5 years ago

@Guraido6: RT @sbalcerac: "Edukacja seksualna dzieci". Jeden z najgorszych brytyjskich pedofilów, Richard Huckle, został zamordowany w celi więzienia… - 5 years ago

@BeaBettyK: RT @sbalcerac: "Edukacja seksualna dzieci". Jeden z najgorszych brytyjskich pedofilów, Richard Huckle, został zamordowany w celi więzienia… - 5 years ago

@FunkyKovaI: RT @sbalcerac: "Edukacja seksualna dzieci". Jeden z najgorszych brytyjskich pedofilów, Richard Huckle, został zamordowany w celi więzienia… - 5 years ago

@j_zienkiewicz: RT @sbalcerac: "Edukacja seksualna dzieci". Jeden z najgorszych brytyjskich pedofilów, Richard Huckle, został zamordowany w celi więzienia… - 5 years ago

@SERCEPOLAKA: RT @sbalcerac: "Edukacja seksualna dzieci". Jeden z najgorszych brytyjskich pedofilów, Richard Huckle, został zamordowany w celi więzienia… - 5 years ago

@sbalcerac: "Edukacja seksualna dzieci". Jeden z najgorszych brytyjskich pedofilów, Richard Huckle, został zamordowany w celi w… - 5 years ago

@sicfallacy: Last part dia ada bagi contoh pasal scumbag Richard Huckle Public Lecture - Forensic anthropology - Professor Dame… - 5 years ago

@Scicario2: No peace in HELL for this monster!!Paedophile Richard Huckle 'knifed to death with weapon made from toothbrush' - 5 years ago

@greenfishcake: It's completely unnecessary to make the race of the suspect explicit here. Let me tell you why. Here's a Malaysian… - 5 years ago

@ontheNthday: On the 2,187,387th day, God created Richard Huckle. - 5 years ago

@AlanWal84590655: RT @CLAN_AU: #RichardHuckle, prolific British #paedophile, stabbed to death in prison He got 22 life sentences but only had to serve 25yrs… - 5 years ago

@febxtdd: RT @h5LPyKL7TP6jjop: 英国臭名昭著的恋童癖、最残忍的罪犯Richard Huckle,在服刑近三年后在监狱里被人捅死了!这个伪装支教的罪犯在2016年被捕前在长达12年的时间里,性侵、强奸、虐待了200名马来西亚儿童。最终被判了22次无期徒刑。 可是今天在中… - 5 years ago

@Strangerrs: RT @SkyNews: Richard Huckle, one of Britain's worst paedophiles who abused 200 children, has been stabbed to death in prison, according to… - 5 years ago

@BoysAreNot4Sale: RT @JeromeElam: Paedophile Richard Huckle who abused Malaysian children found dead in UK prison - 5 years ago

@GregoryDEvans: #childmolestor | British paedophile Richard Huckle was ‘killed by sex offender’ – reports | UK News… - 5 years ago

@williamevans101: RT @LoriinUtah: Prolific British paedophile Richard Huckle who abused 200 children stabbed to death in prison This evil guy raped babies! K… - 5 years ago

@wesdag: @Cornishview @fultybhoy4 @cathynewman Yes it is possible for the police to prosecute for offences committed abroad.… - 5 years ago

@dj1of2: RT @JeromeElam: Paedophile Richard Huckle who abused Malaysian children found dead in UK prison - 5 years ago

@l_thornburgh: RT @JeromeElam: Paedophile Richard Huckle who abused Malaysian children found dead in UK prison - 5 years ago

@maribel_hill: 👇🏼 - 5 years ago

@JeromeElam: Paedophile Richard Huckle who abused Malaysian children found dead in UK prison - 5 years ago

@authorabbyknox: My kids are looking at me like I’m certifiable while I try to jog their memories of Richard Scarry and Busytown and… - 5 years ago

@MistyTanni: RT @BBCBreaking: One of the UK's most prolific paedophiles, Richard Huckle, has been found stabbed to death in prison - 5 years ago

@carrolla491: RT @Sunnyclaribel: Prolific British paedophile Richard Huckle who abused 200 children stabbed to death in prison - 5 years ago

@PaigeInABook96: RT @sammywoodhouse1: Rapist Richard Huckle has been stabbed to death in jail. I don’t give a shit about him or his death but of course I’… - 5 years ago

@Oatcake1967: RT @Sunnyclaribel: Prolific British paedophile Richard Huckle who abused 200 children stabbed to death in prison - 5 years ago

@jackaranian: RT @Sunnyclaribel: Prolific British paedophile Richard Huckle who abused 200 children stabbed to death in prison - 5 years ago

@IMchaffie: RT @Sunnyclaribel: Prolific British paedophile Richard Huckle who abused 200 children stabbed to death in prison - 5 years ago

@_7H3D3N: RT @JabBuddha01452: Justice from w/in the walls. I’ll see you in #H377 to torment the fuq out of your rotten core. #TH3D3N #ʝǟɮɮʊɖɖɦǟ h… - 5 years ago

@Sunnyclaribel: RT @Sunnyclaribel: Prolific British paedophile Richard Huckle who abused 200 children stabbed to death in prison - 5 years ago

@Sunnyclaribel: Prolific British paedophile Richard Huckle who abused 200 children stabbed to death in prison - 5 years ago

@su2012jin2: RT @colour_cloud: 다크웹에서 왕성하게 활동하던 범죄자 감방에서 살해당했음 - 5 years ago

@su8901: RT @colour_cloud: 다크웹에서 왕성하게 활동하던 범죄자 감방에서 살해당했음 - 5 years ago

@SNDYRIDE: - 5 years ago

@sashagladio: RT @Sunnyclaribel: Prolific British paedophile Richard Huckle who abused 200 children stabbed to death in prison - 5 years ago

@Sunnyclaribel: RT @Sunnyclaribel: Prolific British paedophile Richard Huckle who abused 200 children stabbed to death in prison - 5 years ago

@sjparis: RT @Sunnyclaribel: Prolific British paedophile Richard Huckle who abused 200 children stabbed to death in prison - 5 years ago

@Sunnyclaribel: Prolific British paedophile Richard Huckle who abused 200 children stabbed to death in prison… - 5 years ago

@hitamm_maniss: RT @nsftnblh: Kalau korang tengok dokumentari pasal penangkapan Richard Huckle, dekat situ diorang mention kenapa pedo tu datang Malaysia.… - 5 years ago

@WooBear5: RT @IPOT1776: The 33-year-old freelance photographer, from Ashford in Kent, was handed 22 life sentences with a minimum term of 25 years in… - 5 years ago

@DeonilaT: RT @CNN: Richard Huckle, 33, who claimed to have abused almost 200 Malaysian children, died at Full Sutton prison in Yorkshire, England on… - 5 years ago

@BarryCo15383229: RT @CLAN_AU: #RichardHuckle, prolific British #paedophile, stabbed to death in prison He got 22 life sentences but only had to serve 25yrs… - 5 years ago

@fxrsh_: RT @nsftnblh: Kalau korang tengok dokumentari pasal penangkapan Richard Huckle, dekat situ diorang mention kenapa pedo tu datang Malaysia.… - 5 years ago

@madamx12369: @Royal16240613 @BBC_dip @freethinking100 @ProfChronicles @shashigette @LaBeardGuy @The_DoctorJ… - 5 years ago

@KSmth2000: RT @Esther9982: Prolific British paedophile Richard Huckle who abused 200 children found dead in prison - 5 years ago

@GiovannaCampi3: RT @claudio_2022: RICHARD HUCKLE Il pedofilo dei record è stato ucciso a coltellate in carcere. Aveva abusato di circa duecento bambini tr… - 5 years ago

@Bouzoudeep: RT @le_Parisien: Le Britannique Richard Huckle, condamné à la prison à vie au Royaume-Uni pour avoir violé de nombreux enfants en Malaisie,… - 5 years ago

@eviematthews: RT @mwilliamsthomas: Convicted paedophile Richard Huckle (33)- who in 2016 was given 22 life sentences , for abusing in excess of 200. Has… - 5 years ago

@Vitalintegrity: RT @Vitalintegrity: - 5 years ago

@Akyn_AMalea: RT @santeira: Mungkin ada yang tak tahu siapa mamat ni, Takpe, I perkenalkan, Nama dia Richard Huckle. Dia seorang pedofil. Tahun 2016, dia… - 5 years ago

@muddypig6: RT @muddypig6: "Huckle, a Baptist churchgoer, posed as a philanthropist and English teacher and used his religion to prey on vulnerable chi… - 5 years ago

@SergioRxSergioL: RT @NyarlathReturns: 597: Richard Huckle es uno de los mayores pedófilos de toda Inglaterra, violador de más de cincuenta niños a lo largo… - 5 years ago

@Dlmaybee: RT @Vitalintegrity: - 5 years ago

@kerrboyd69: RT @mwilliamsthomas: Convicted paedophile Richard Huckle (33)- who in 2016 was given 22 life sentences , for abusing in excess of 200. Has… - 5 years ago

@macon_peek: RT @IPOT1776: The 33-year-old freelance photographer, from Ashford in Kent, was handed 22 life sentences with a minimum term of 25 years in… - 5 years ago

@lalobernal1: RT @plumasatomicas: Tras ser arrestado, sus padres lo interrogaron sobre las acusaciones y les confesó que era un pedófilo. - 5 years ago

@RandThompson16: RT @Vitalintegrity: - 5 years ago

@plumasatomicas: Tras ser arrestado, sus padres lo interrogaron sobre las acusaciones y les confesó que era un pedófilo. - 5 years ago

@antarctixj2: RT @Vitalintegrity: - 5 years ago

@Vitalintegrity: - 5 years ago

@alphaque: @NerwinNair3 @amirhimself In Richard Huckle's case, police are investigating his fellow cellmate who's also incarce… - 5 years ago

@SamYoung841: British paedophile Richard Huckle was 'killed by sex offender' - reports - Sky News - 5 years ago

@AimModegard: "Britain's Worst Pedophile" Stabbed To Death In Prison - 5 years ago

@Tapiocapolis1: @campbellclaret According to reports Levi Bellfield attempted suicide on Friday. Following the recent demise of Ric… - 5 years ago

@AgpMartin: RT @DiarioSUR: 🇬🇧 El pedófilo británico Richard Huckle, condenado por abusar de 191 bebés y menores de edad malasios, asesinado en prisión… - 5 years ago

@SiegfriedSchall: [email protected] - 5 years ago

@Lifezindgi: RT @BBCBreaking: One of the UK's most prolific paedophiles, Richard Huckle, has been found stabbed to death in prison - 5 years ago

@RobertS94525971: RT @Thomas1774Paine: British pedophile Richard Huckle, who may have raped 200 kids, stabbed to death in prison: report - 5 years ago

@AmyRose77253769: RT @LoriinUtah: Prolific British paedophile Richard Huckle who abused 200 children stabbed to death in prison This evil guy raped babies! K… - 5 years ago

@Soxfan1918: RT @LoriinUtah: Prolific British paedophile Richard Huckle who abused 200 children stabbed to death in prison This evil guy raped babies! K… - 5 years ago

@tigerlily5252: RT @LoriinUtah: Prolific British paedophile Richard Huckle who abused 200 children stabbed to death in prison This evil guy raped babies! K… - 5 years ago

@JKyncayde: RT @LoriinUtah: Prolific British paedophile Richard Huckle who abused 200 children stabbed to death in prison This evil guy raped babies! K… - 5 years ago

@MAGA4Patriots: RT @LoriinUtah: Prolific British paedophile Richard Huckle who abused 200 children stabbed to death in prison This evil guy raped babies! K… - 5 years ago

@BonnieGranny: RT @LoriinUtah: Prolific British paedophile Richard Huckle who abused 200 children stabbed to death in prison This evil guy raped babies! K… - 5 years ago

@Lavingjf: Le pédophile qui a abusé de 200 enfants et bébés a été poignardé à mort en prison - 5 years ago

@11fennecfox: RT @colour_cloud: 다크웹에서 왕성하게 활동하던 범죄자 감방에서 살해당했음 - 5 years ago

@0_mine_1: RT @colour_cloud: 다크웹에서 왕성하게 활동하던 범죄자 감방에서 살해당했음 - 5 years ago

@rnd1622: RT @TheRobertHatton: I guess he wasn't popular in prison. - 5 years ago

@svagdis: RT @Thomas1774Paine: British pedophile Richard Huckle, who may have raped 200 kids, stabbed to death in prison: report - 5 years ago

@AliciaDede: British pedophile Richard Huckle, who may have raped 200 kids, stabbed to death in prison: report - 5 years ago

@giuliagambino: RT @IgEnd_: Richard Huckle, uno dei più noti e spietati #pedofili della storia della #GranBretagna, è stato ucciso a coltellate in un carce… - 5 years ago

@Mameitor95: RT @CCNews__: Richard Huckle murió en su celda tras recibir varias puñaladas. - 5 years ago

@fstoneherald: The prison has housed numerous violent inmates in the past. - 5 years ago

@kentlivenews: The prison has housed numerous violent inmates in the past. - 5 years ago

@fstoneherald: The prison has housed numerous violent inmates in the past. - 5 years ago

@CecileZizzo: 🍾🍾👍💖💖💖 - 5 years ago

@Theresa46216204: BBC News - Paedophile Richard Huckle stabbed to death at Full Sutton Prison - 5 years ago

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